
advice My Domain got assigned to a new broker on Afternic

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hey guys,

I checked my lead center and I saw a new lead for my domain on Afternic. The thing is, this lead was initiated in October 2021 and now it has been assigned to a new broker. (I had the domain in my Godaddy account, but I had not properly configured nameservers for it).

1. Does this mean that the previous intending buyer is showing interest in the domain? Or does GoDaddy regularly re-assign domain names to new brokers even when there is no new interest?

2. If there is actually genuine interest in this domain, I feel that I priced the domain too low. Can I update the price before the broker gets back to the buyer with feedback on the name?

3. I have now configured the nameservers for the domain, is there a chance that the buyer might check the landing page and click on the buy now instead of going through the negotiation route?

Thanks for your help guys,

I anticipate your insightful feedback




  • screenshot-www.afternic.com-2023.12.02-15_24_48.png
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You can change the pricing anytime you want, but it would be a good idea to give the broker a heads up that you want to raise the price, before you do it.
In my experience so far this means absolutely nothing
In my experience so far this means absolutely nothing
So, do domains get re-assigned to new brokers all the time? Even after two years of inactivity?
You can change the pricing anytime you want, but it would be a good idea to give the broker a heads up that you want to raise the price, before you do it.
Sounds good. Thank you!
Means absolute fat zero. I think all these brokers don't do shit, except maybe for some very high quality and top-notch premium domains (or maybe in same cases when good floor indicated - but this one I doubt too)
My last sale with the Afternic domain - it was sold for mid XXX (only BIN indicated, no floor, no minimum). Someone hit it, sale was done superfast, payment too. The next thing you see in leads - there was some broker appointed to it. I don't think there was any action from his side whatsoever (but thanks for sale, Afternic, obviously!).
Just had the same thing happen to me. Got the following message via a 'new' lead:

"Original Lead Created Prior to Lead Center Launch
The original lead was created prior to the Lead Center, as a result previous activities are not recorded here."

This was from an email I received about a year and a half ago from an Afternic broker, about a domain inquiry. The inquiry went nowhere as the inquirer did not answer their emails.

In other words, it looks like the Afternic people have decided sales are slow and they're reviving any old inquiries they can find and starting them as 'new' leads...

As an interesting aside: when I first saw the thread here earlier this year about Afternic's new leads tool, I checked my account... and there was a lead/offer that had come in 6 days prior to that! The lead agent had not replied to that offer (I had domain listed at 2K and the offer was for 1.4K). So I messaged the agent to try get a little more but that I would accept the 1.4K as a floor price if the buyer would not increase their offer at all.

Lead agent got back to me later that day, buyer had put in a new offer of $1,575. I told the agent to accept. Domain was sold.

Just found it strange that the lead agent had not responded to the original offer in 6 days... possibly the delay was due to them training agents on the new system, etc...

Anyway, after that, I check for new leads each day, and the moment I see one, I message the agent. Just to keep them on their toes :)
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I suspect some brokers have left and the domains they were responsible for were reassigned to the their replacement brokers. Nothing more IMO. Looks to be just administrative in nature.
It happens a lot most probably because the broker left after getting fed up trying to contact the thousands of bot accounts.
LOL, you guys are assuming that there is some kind of logical system in place. I got an offer last week and interacted with the broker about the price to give the buyer, then I got 2 price requests for the same name on the same day from 2 other brokers from Afternic. To top it all off, the brokers don't even pay any attention to the fact that other brokers in their platform have already been assigned the same name and have been trying to communicate with potential buyers.
LOL, you guys are assuming that there is some kind of logical system in place. I got an offer last week and interacted with the broker about the price to give the buyer, then I got 2 price requests for the same name on the same day from 2 other brokers from Afternic. To top it all off, the brokers don't even pay any attention to the fact that other brokers in their platform have already been assigned the same name and have been trying to communicate with potential buyers.
So what was the outcome did the domain sell ? And did you have the domain listed with a BIN price ?
I've had numerous reassigned to another broker and there has been zero action from the new broker.
The inquiry went nowhere as the inquirer did not answer their emails.
That's pretty much the outcome 99% of times :ROFL:

Sometimes, I think that the old system that you just receive a sale email and that's it was better.
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Hey guys,

I checked my lead center and I saw a new lead for my domain on Afternic. The thing is, this lead was initiated in October 2021 and now it has been assigned to a new broker. (I had the domain in my Godaddy account, but I had not properly configured nameservers for it).

1. Does this mean that the previous intending buyer is showing interest in the domain? Or does GoDaddy regularly re-assign domain names to new brokers even when there is no new interest?

2. If there is actually genuine interest in this domain, I feel that I priced the domain too low. Can I update the price before the broker gets back to the buyer with feedback on the name?

3. I have now configured the nameservers for the domain, is there a chance that the buyer might check the landing page and click on the buy now instead of going through the negotiation route?

Thanks for your help guys,

I anticipate your insightful feedback


Hi @jokems
Leads can occasionally be reassigned, but they're always assigned to one of our expert brokers with the same training and resources.

To answer your other questions, you are always in control of pricing for your domain, but if the status of a lead is "Negotiation," then we are using your current pricing to negotiate with the buyer, and we'd recommend not changing it then.

It's definitely wise to use a landing page - buyers often visit a domain name before making an offer or purchasing it, so it's helpful to have your bases covered.

In other words, it looks like the Afternic people have decided sales are slow and they're reviving any old inquiries they can find and starting them as 'new' leads...
Our brokers routinely follow up with existing leads. If we follow up with a lead that was created before the Lead Center was launched earlier this year, then it will show up in the Lead Center for the first time.
If you have many names on afternic you would see a ton of these reassignments in the past few weeks, who is your new broker? Probably Hannah, Matt or Jordan. Pretty standard if people leave a company to assign their work to someone else.

I hope you make some sales
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