- Impact
- 62
is it just me or is domaining becoming more kindergarten like? there isnt a day that goes by that i read a post, a blog or a comment, and wonder what the heck is going on anymore ;-(
what happened to the domainers? now you are a commer, or a mobite or an info lover, or whatever.
it is equally disturbing when you see someone post in a thread and knock an extension, all the while trying to show their smarts and knowledge- and in their sig file they have for sale CheapoHotels4uFast.com and 100Ways2WashYourDog.com.
why is all this happening? people who have nothing better to do, simply knocking other extensions, for what- the fun of it? i mean, who cares? if you dont like an extension, so what? what exactly is the point? i like lasagna, you like ziti- big deal, eh?
and if you do like an extension ouside of .com- you come across like its the next best thing to sliced bread and .com is on the verge of a takeover. what in the world???
people saying things like- they ONLY way to go is to invest in a solid generic .com word, like i dont know- maybe Fun.com or Grass.com. maybe shoot for California.com. THESE are the names you want in your portfolio.
hmmmmmmm. would be nice, wouldnt it? 98% of the people who frequent these boards do not have that kind of cash flow. names like that dont drop, and if they did, they still reach unreachable prices. there are no solid generic .com names sitting around available. and a good portion arent even for sale. soooo, why is advice being given that is nearly impossible to attain?
there are very few people who teach anymore. domaining isnt all about .com. even though .com is the backbone of domaining, there is more to the pie than that. thats just a pure fact. other extensions are not as popular as .com, they dont pull the same sales as .com- and we all know this. but the fact remains, there is more to domaining.
why knock the fact that for example- Fruit.com sold for $800,000.00 and Fruit.cc sold for $5000.00. (those are made up). who cares? only ONE person can own fruit.com- and if the rest of us can make money with fruit.whatever- than what is wrong there? i mean, i am really taken back when someone says- "big deal- see, the .com was where the real money was at." ok, so, NONE of us can afford the .com, so why even go that road?
every day there are sales being made in all sorts of extensions. if someone sells a .asia for $5000.00 and people post congrats and are enthusiastic, then someone comes in and says- fanatics, look at you all patting yourselves on the back for a .asia sale. but when someone posts a 5000.00 .com sale, the same thing happens, no?
it takes you 8 months to sell that awesome .com generic for $25,000, while someone else in the same time sold 10 "substandard" cctld's and ended up with the same amount- same thing, no?
you joke about sites and groups set up dedicated to a certain extension, on your site dedicated to .com- same thing, no?
if someone posts a negative about an extension, those who love it rise up in an awry way to defend it, and those who knock it rise up in an equally awry way and yell fanatic. same thing, no?
there are some brilliant minds here on namepros. there is so much to learn, so much to share in a positive way to help make everyone a bit more profitable. i am calling on the true domainers to come back out in full force to teach and talk domaining- not .COMming or .NETting or .USing- but domaining.
so many other boards and blogs and sites are posting things that are posted to cause quite the stir- just read the comments- its like a war of the words. its crazy and just so shallow. there is no depth to these things anymore. my opinion this and my opinion that. bleh. domaining needs more opinions like it needs more non-paying sedo buyers.
teach. research. think outside the box. get off the "extension" pedestals and on the "domaining" pedestal. namepros doesnt have a lot of the crap other places have- but it can easily be the forum that climbs even higher above the rest because of the quality of the content here- which has to rise above any sort of ridiculous extension wars and put out the info needed for domainers to work with what they have- because we dont have candy.com, we cant have candy.com- but we can make money despite that
what happened to the domainers? now you are a commer, or a mobite or an info lover, or whatever.
it is equally disturbing when you see someone post in a thread and knock an extension, all the while trying to show their smarts and knowledge- and in their sig file they have for sale CheapoHotels4uFast.com and 100Ways2WashYourDog.com.
why is all this happening? people who have nothing better to do, simply knocking other extensions, for what- the fun of it? i mean, who cares? if you dont like an extension, so what? what exactly is the point? i like lasagna, you like ziti- big deal, eh?
and if you do like an extension ouside of .com- you come across like its the next best thing to sliced bread and .com is on the verge of a takeover. what in the world???
people saying things like- they ONLY way to go is to invest in a solid generic .com word, like i dont know- maybe Fun.com or Grass.com. maybe shoot for California.com. THESE are the names you want in your portfolio.
hmmmmmmm. would be nice, wouldnt it? 98% of the people who frequent these boards do not have that kind of cash flow. names like that dont drop, and if they did, they still reach unreachable prices. there are no solid generic .com names sitting around available. and a good portion arent even for sale. soooo, why is advice being given that is nearly impossible to attain?
there are very few people who teach anymore. domaining isnt all about .com. even though .com is the backbone of domaining, there is more to the pie than that. thats just a pure fact. other extensions are not as popular as .com, they dont pull the same sales as .com- and we all know this. but the fact remains, there is more to domaining.
why knock the fact that for example- Fruit.com sold for $800,000.00 and Fruit.cc sold for $5000.00. (those are made up). who cares? only ONE person can own fruit.com- and if the rest of us can make money with fruit.whatever- than what is wrong there? i mean, i am really taken back when someone says- "big deal- see, the .com was where the real money was at." ok, so, NONE of us can afford the .com, so why even go that road?
every day there are sales being made in all sorts of extensions. if someone sells a .asia for $5000.00 and people post congrats and are enthusiastic, then someone comes in and says- fanatics, look at you all patting yourselves on the back for a .asia sale. but when someone posts a 5000.00 .com sale, the same thing happens, no?
it takes you 8 months to sell that awesome .com generic for $25,000, while someone else in the same time sold 10 "substandard" cctld's and ended up with the same amount- same thing, no?
you joke about sites and groups set up dedicated to a certain extension, on your site dedicated to .com- same thing, no?
if someone posts a negative about an extension, those who love it rise up in an awry way to defend it, and those who knock it rise up in an equally awry way and yell fanatic. same thing, no?
there are some brilliant minds here on namepros. there is so much to learn, so much to share in a positive way to help make everyone a bit more profitable. i am calling on the true domainers to come back out in full force to teach and talk domaining- not .COMming or .NETting or .USing- but domaining.
so many other boards and blogs and sites are posting things that are posted to cause quite the stir- just read the comments- its like a war of the words. its crazy and just so shallow. there is no depth to these things anymore. my opinion this and my opinion that. bleh. domaining needs more opinions like it needs more non-paying sedo buyers.
teach. research. think outside the box. get off the "extension" pedestals and on the "domaining" pedestal. namepros doesnt have a lot of the crap other places have- but it can easily be the forum that climbs even higher above the rest because of the quality of the content here- which has to rise above any sort of ridiculous extension wars and put out the info needed for domainers to work with what they have- because we dont have candy.com, we cant have candy.com- but we can make money despite that