
discuss Joe Biden - NOW USA President

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Top Member
Joe Biden - 284
Donald Trump - 214

Congratulations on victory.
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CNN is fake news. I find it interesting that there are peeps so different from us that they believe the country would be better off under Biden then Trump and that state things as "facts" that are opinions.. You are one of the smarter people here samer.
Extension granted to recall Gruesome Newsom
In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.
In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.


Your logic suggests it isn't so doom and gloom for California after all? :wideyed::snaphappy:

< 19,000
Puffed Corona deaths and a bunch of asymptomatic tests isn't so scary after all?!!!! :sneaky::ROFL::smuggrin::shy::wideyed:
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In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.

Masks are primarily intended to reduce the emission of virus-laden droplets (“source control”), which is especially relevant for asymptomatic or presymptomatic infected wearers who feel well and may be unaware of their infectiousness to others, and who are estimated to account for more than 50% of transmissions


Your logic suggests it isn't so doom and gloom for California after all? :wideyed::snaphappy:

< 19,000
Puffed Corona deaths and a bunch of asymptomatic tests isn't so scary after all?!!!! :sneaky::ROFL::smuggrin::shy::wideyed:

the only thing that is doom and gloom for California are the politicians within the state IMO.... the Plandemic is BS
the only thing that is doom and gloom for California are the politicians within the state IMO.... the Plandemic is BS

Lots of Californians living purely in a hypnotic trance doing as the TV says to do . . . .
Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit

Not only was it dismissed by Judge Matthew Brann, a longtime and well-known Republican in Pennsylvania, their lawyers were also ripped a new asshole. Way to go Rudy!

"Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated," US District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote Saturday.

Brann went on to admonish the Trump campaign lawyers for not presenting factual proof for seeking to invalidate so many votes in the key battleground state.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

“Denied as moot and with prejudice.” Judge Matthew Brann
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Lots of Californians living purely in a hypnotic trance doing as the TV says to do . . . .

All people would have to do is either get pissed off or over their fear and go to the biggest hospital they can find...comb it as best as they can.... they would see what i have seen ... all the people in California would go directly to Gavin Newsome house and run him outta California
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All people would have to do is either get pissed off or over their fear and go to the biggest hospital they can find...comb it as best as they can.... they would see what i have seen ... all the people in California would go directly to Gavin Newsome house and run him outta California

Is this you?



Going to a hospital for no legit reason, during a pandemic, to randomly roam around is ridiculous advice.

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Is this you?



Going to a hospital for no legit reason, during a pandemic, to randomly roam around is ridiculous advice.


That's him. He was running around Texas with his video camera harassing front line workers looking for Covid patients in the waiting room. They had to get security for him.


I love you, maybe we will find something we can agree on. You are good guy.

LOL. I love JB too but if you want him to agree, copy a story from MSNBC.

Take that love and use it for your fellow Americans, save some lives:

By March 1 in America alone:
Universal Masks - about 406,000 deaths
Current Projection - about 471,000 deaths
Mandates Easing - about 658,000 deaths

Trumpers - MSNBC, CNN, bad, proceed to post from conspiracy sites, Epoch Times, OAN, random dudes making videos for YouTube from their kitchen.
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Extension granted to recall Gruesome Newsom
California is liberal enough that if they did do a recall of Gov. Newsom it would either fail (as they'd vote him back in in recall election), or it would result in a different democrat replacing him. IMHO Biden is better PREz then Newsom would be but neither is good.
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That's him. He was running around Texas with his video camera harassing front line workers looking for Covid patients in the waiting room. They had to get security for him.
Take that love and use it for your fellow Americans, save some lives:

By March 1 in America alone:
Universal Masks - about 406,000 deaths
Current Projection - about 471,000 deaths
Mandates Easing - about 658,000 deaths

Ignoring science when it doesn't confirm your silly propaganda is the 2020 democrat party in a nutshell.

Trumpers - MSNBC, CNN, bad, proceed to post from conspiracy sites, Epoch Times, OAN, random dudes making videos for YouTube from their kitchen.
Guy who believed Trump won first election by colluding with Russia. Benghazi attacked caused by muslims angry about an obscure video wants to talk about conspiracies.
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Trumpers - MSNBC, CNN, bad, proceed to post from conspiracy sites, Epoch Times, OAN, random dudes making videos for YouTube from their kitchen.

OAN is totally legit. Their electoral map showed Trump with 400+ electoral votes including winning California. :)

That is totally not fake news...

OAN is totally legit. Their electoral map showed Trump with 400+ electoral votes including winning California. :)

That is totally not fake news...
NBC, CNN, NYT, WAPO, VOX, BUZZFEED are totally legit and Chris Cuomo is the smartest man on TV.

When you dismiss scientific research because you don't like the results it's not a conspiracy.
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NBC, CNN, NYT, WAPO, VOX, BUZZFEED are totally legit and Chris Cuomo is the smartest man on TV.

Actually Rachel Maddow is the smartest man on TV.
Biden promoted wearing masks to prevent the spread of Covid, and that's a good thing. People who deny that masks don't help, aren't very considerate of others IMO. For example, would you have workers in food processing plants, meat packing etc. not wear masks? They aren't going to catch Covid from the food they package, but what if someone who is sick coughs germs on the meat? It's the same with doctors. Do you go see a doctor because he's sick? Masks are designed to prevent spread, not 100% effective in preventing the wearer. It's that simple. This is the message that has not been widely promoted nor accepted.
Ignoring science when it doesn't confirm your silly propaganda is the 2020 democrat party in a nutshell.

Guy who believed Trump won first election by colluding with Russia. Benghazi attacked caused by muslims angry about an obscure video wants to talk about conspiracies.

mr-x pretends he's pro-science :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: You've been posting nonsense from conspiracy sites for months. Even that witch doctor from the Tea Party who believed in Satan, Alien DNA and all kinds of other crazy stuff. She's legit JB. Should I bump that post?

Day 18 of the mr-x Cry Fest
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Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA): “President Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania. ... I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory.”
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA): “President Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania. ... I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory.”

The GOP knew where this was heading weeks ago, but have humored Trump's temper tantrum and clown coup for long enough. It is time to accept reality.

The states are certifying. Trump is providing no credible evidence and getting laughed out of court.

The only question now is are we going to have (2) months of Trump doing damaging stuff to the whole country out of spite, or is he going to turn his fire on the GOP itself. Who he has no allegiance to. That could be disastrous to them.

I saw this earlier today...Good luck with that.

A viral video of protesters, as well as posts on social media platform Parler, indicate that Trump supporters are looking to boycott the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections.
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Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA): “President Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania. ... I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory.”

Here is his full statement -

The GOP knew where this was heading weeks ago, but have humored Trump's temper tantrum and clown coup for long enough. It is time to accept reality.

The states are certifying. Trump is providing no credible evidence and getting laughed out of court.

The only question now is are we going to have (2) months of Trump doing damaging stuff to the whole country out of spite, or is he going to turn his fire on the GOP itself. Who he has no allegiance to. That could be disastrous to them.


He'll probably hold out until the bitter end, make deals with speculators, developers, foreign investors etc., then attempt to negotiate a plea bargain (to vacate) that is in his own best interest.
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JB ullshit
mr-x pretends he's pro-science :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: You've been posting nonsense from conspiracy sites for months. Even that witch doctor from the Tea Party who believed in Satan, Alien DNA and all kinds of other crazy stuff. She's legit JB. Should I bump that post?

Day 18 of the mr-x Cry Fest
He'll probably hold out until the bitter end, make deals with speculators, developers, foreign investors etc., then attempt to negotiate a plea bargain (to vacate) that is in his own best interest.

I have no doubt. It is not like he isn't going to use the position of President to grift until the last second possible.

Maybe he can move to a 3rd world banana republic and become the dictator he so badly wants to be.

JB ullshit

When mr-x wants to learn about Covid, he goes to the world renowned Dr. Stella, a pediatrician paid off by the Tea Party.

There are lots of eccentric people who are also very smart.

With winners like:

"She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches."

"She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious."

"she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by “reptilians” and other aliens."

"There are those that are called astral sex,” Immanuel said in the sermon. “That means this person is not really a demon being or a nephilim. It’s just a human being that’s a witch, and they astral project and sleep with people.”

"Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if her videos weren’t restored to the platform."

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