While writing my last post, I was inspired to bring this forward. My last post was about brandables, and particularly those that switch a letter from the real word or doubles a letter but keeping the sounding the same. Example: Lift to lyft.
what's your opinion? Do your think passing the radio test is a must?
- IMO, passing the radio test is a huge plus but it is in no way a end it all... If someone gave me Kuba.com right now, I would be following the bandwagon by saying, well it doesn't start with "C" so I'll pass. Or I'll have to explain it starts with a "K'?? Really people. Just say Kuba with a K. That actually makesit sound cooler and more memorable to them. 99% of sites I visit were not from hearing it over the radio. And I know, it's not literally just over a radio alone. Yes, word of mouth too. Someone once told me to go to fiverr and even spelling it fiver, that didn't stop me from finding it through google in 5 seconds. Even if someone said go to lyft.com. It takes one percent common sense to figure out the spelling. Even if I first skipped google and enter lift in the url.. I would realize something is off and do a 5 second search and boom. obviously the word has to be related to a car service which would be known from the word of mouth. And lyft even becomes more memorable.
- Also, Logos(branding) and marketing plays a huge role! The moment I see a logo, or ad, I naturally relate whatever the spelling is to the service offered. Houzz.com is a horriffic spelling but they are doing fine and honestly i saw it once in some article and haven't forgotten it since. Actually i havent forgotten it because it is spelled so bad!!!! I probably would have forgotten housemaking.com, not because it isnt a clear and good name, but its not very memorable. Please I'm not saying brandables are better.. than a real word like Cuba. But I am saying we have to stop with that radio test thing being the Sheriff..
- That leads me to service/product: If you really offer something people want, or need or love,, they will find your website even it is fiverr, or obadaga(free to reg) or skool.com. The service offered is understood and people will connect it in a simple search... if I can make screenshots and paste it at Snag.gy.. ohh you better believe I'll remember that name...I'll remember it over takescreenshots.com.
- Now, the only situation left is meeting someone new on the go and you want to quickly share the name of your website business. Honesty in my experience, I forget real names easier than made up names. If your name is Jeff I'll forget it 30 seconds after you tell me. Be honest here people???? If your name is bananahead, i'll remember you. That's why i remember everyone on namepros.
what's your opinion? Do your think passing the radio test is a must?