
question Is it possible for a domain broker to get you a lower price in Afternic..

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hi all

Is it possible for a domain broker to get you a lower price and sell it for more with out you knowledge?

-Assume i have domain with make offer.
-Buyer offered 5000$, but afternic asked me to set floor and bin without telling me about the offer amount received.
- now i go and set 3000$bin and 1000$ floor.

now my question is, can broker sells it for 5000$ or more and only pay me just 1000$ and tell domain sold at floor price?
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Oh Absolutely. You bet. I think this is how the majority of brokers work, especially if talking about GD/Afternic brokers.
There is no way to tell whether they do that or not because of lack of transparency but it doesn't seem right so hopefully not. The floor is the bare minimum you are willing to accept but from what I understand they will negotiate and try to sell it for more than that for you. But again, no way to really prove what really happens behind the scenes or not other than being both buyer/seller which doesn't seem right doing or talking to a buyer afterwards. Maybe its in their TOS?
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Hi all

Is it possible for a domain broker to get you a lower price and sell it for more with out you knowledge?

-Assume i have domain with make offer.
-Buyer offered 5000$, but afternic asked me to set floor and bin without telling me about the offer amount received.
- now i go and set 3000$bin and 1000$ floor.

now my question is, can broker sells it for 5000$ or more and only pay me just 1000$ and tell domain sold at floor price?

Categorically no.
I agree that it's not possible as GoDaddy brokers are trained on ethical principles of engagement and GoDaddy records their every function.

That being said, I've received the occasional email that questions my choice of a higher price; the buyer isn't doing me a favor to buy my domain - I am doing them a service.
Buyer offered 5000$,

how did you know what amount buyer offered and when did you know it?

I am doing them a service.

by holding the domain for them (the right buyer) all this time, i have kept some other clown from using it.


how did you know what amount buyer offered and when did you know it?



by holding the domain for them (the right buyer) all this time, i have kept some other clown from using it.



how did you know what amount buyer offered and when did you know it?



by holding the domain for them (the right buyer) all this time, i have kept some other clown from using it.

Hi mate

The sale lander is 'make offer'. Min offer is the default 20$. Assume buyer came via godaddy domain lookup and made an offer. Now afternic do not tell u how much he offered. 100? 500? 5000? 10000? . Instead they ask you to set bin and floor price.
Hi mate

The sale lander is 'make offer'. Min offer is the default 20$. Assume buyer came via godaddy domain lookup and made an offer. Now afternic do not tell u how much he offered. 100? 500? 5000? 10000? . Instead they ask you to set bin and floor price.
They do tell you the offers when they know... The request price form doesn't include an offer amount thus many potential buyers just inquire as "interested" to find out price.
You should be able to see any buyer offer (that is over your stated minimum) in the Dashboard under Lead Center. Anything under your minimum bid will be $0.

I also don't recommend responding to price requests for "leads" that have a low or $0 offer as they're just tire kickers.
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The request price form doesn't include an offer amount thus many potential buyers just inquire as "interested" to find out price.

That's why you never respond to these hobos, as anyone looking to actually buy the domain will put up some kind of offer. These tire kickers are a waste of time and I never respond to price inquiries without a firm and serious offer.
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Assume buyer came via godaddy domain lookup and made an offer. Now afternic do not tell u how much he offered.

that scenario cannot happen because the buyer has to "enter" an offer amount in the system, before a broker can respond to it.
and if an amount is entered, then it will show in lead center for that domain.

a price request inquiry is not an offer, and it's only sent if you don't have a price listed for a name.


that scenario cannot happen because the buyer has to "enter" an offer amount in the system, before a broker can respond to it.
and if an amount is entered, then it will show in lead center for that domain.

a price request inquiry is not an offer, and it's only sent if you don't have a price listed for a name.

Thanks 👍 bigge. Pretty clear.

Thanks 👍 bigge. Pretty clear.
Btw, even if we select 'request price' as lander, afternic still force us to keep that 20$ minimum bid option as well. Then Lander shows request price form while Godaddy lookup shows an option for 'make an offer. Min 20$'.
even if we select 'request price' as lander,

doesn't make sense to use that lander,
because it has more steps or hoops for potential buyer to jump thru, than if you use "make offer", where they can just enter an amount.

you have to make decisions and be done with it.


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