
domains Inherited a lot of domains (2500), looking for guidance

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Established Member
These domains bankrupt my uncle who recently passed. It is a lot of weight for me to juggle during my PhD.

I made an email for inquiries:

[email protected]

Thank you for your help,
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hello and welcome to nps.

I am sorry for your loss. Do you have a link to the domains or do you plan to list them here?

It is possible you could sell some/many/all here. Are you looking to sell all in bulk or perhaps get advice on which to sell individually?
You have basically just dumped a ton of fish in shark invested waters, jumped in along with them saying 'I have no idea how to swim' and seemingly unaware where you are.

Summary – You are going to get a lot of e-mails from opportunist investors (sharks) asking what you have, but expecting to pay peanuts.

May advice would be to e-mail a respectable broker, let them have a look through what you have to see if any are potentially valuable so you can get top $ for those, but some brokers are opportunist investors too, so beware selling directly to them.

Check dotdb.com to see how many are regisitered in multiple extensions, if some are and you have the .com, that is a good indication the domain might have value.

Don't be afraid to get a 2nd opinion before you agree to sell anything.
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Post the domain list here, we can help you price each of them for free.
that's a min of 25k per year in renew fees. I assume u knew nobody really owns any domains we all just basically rent them. ps if they bankrupt your uncle maybe they aren't worth renewing. either way post a list and 5mins later u know if u got useless crap or gold.
@Kingslayer @alcy great advice.

@matthewpataki sorry for the loss. if u do expose the list i would advice not to copy paste text as these forums are heavily indexed by google. Not good for a future buyer to stumble upon .... as they may sense desperation that would hamper negotiations.

May be embed screenshots. Also ask commenters not to quote the domain names. I know, its gonna be tricky. I see rough ride of a few weeks but you will be alright.

Godaddy has a domain appraisal tool that might help filter out crap. Anything above 1800 should be decent. You may find it difficult to liquidate anything below that mark. Anything above 3500 should be considered for auto renewal. Anything above 5000 should be ideally a great name. Anyways, its a personal domain valuation strategy and no two names are the same as there are too many parameters to consider. But this should give you good start

Good luck.
You are going to get a lot of e-mails from opportunist investors
I sent him a DM right after he posted thread suggesting he remove his email due to indexing. I got no response.

At this point, I'm not sure what the intent of the thread is/was. If Matt is legitimate in seeking help and/or offers on the names, simply posting a link to giggle docs or something similar would get him TONS of responses if some of the names have value.
I made an email for inquiries:

[email protected]

Sorry for your loss @matthewpataki ... Is this your uncle?

If you're looking for offers or advice, It might help if we knew what domains you inherited. A quick search looks like you may have inherited the PugDog.com domain collection?

If so, attached is a list of 1100 domains connected to that domain. Some on the list expired and available to register again. I haven't sorted through the entire 1100 list yet, some notable ones are:


But imo there's a lot in the list of 1100 not worth renewing; many of which weren't renewed. Hopefully the full, updated, and official list of 2,500 domains are of better quality.

The list I attached is certainly out of date, but sometimes a ledger of ones previously owned domains can be a window into the mind of said domainer (your uncle). Some of domaining can be based the randomness of expired/auction inventory, other times it can be an original thought. For instance BreastBoxing.com (currently available for hand reg) was previously connected to the pugDog.com email, one has to wonder what your uncle may have been thinking when he registered that domain... boxing with no hands? Oh what a sport that could have been =]


  • pugdog.txt
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Email Sent. Look forward to hearing back from you Matthew.
Hi all,

Thank you to those of you who've reached out or shared advice directly on this thread.

I'm not comfortable sharing the list directly on this website, but I've shared my email, and do not plan to remove it for now.

Yes, @ Chris, those are some of the domains I inherited. Also, yes, that was his obituary. May he RIP.

There are currently 2500 active domains that I am working with, and on a few different platforms. I believe he had close to 6000 domains back in 2018.

He never had plans of selling any. Always wanted to develop them.

It looks like this website was a good find.

- Thank you
well many of.us have been here long enuff to know that sometimes new users have some domain lists of crap they want evaluated and find clever ways to get it done. igot nothing against new users ... I was one too with nothing but crap when I started.. most of us did. not saying it's him just saying I've seen it dozen times.
I'm not comfortable sharing the list directly on this website, but I've shared my email, and do not plan to remove it for now.
Vibing Red Alert GIF by Vibeheads

Don't send any money to this guy hoping to receive a premium domain!
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Vibing Red Alert GIF by Vibeheads

Don't send any money to this guy hoping to receive a premium domain!

Why so cynical? If you did even a minute of research, you could tell this thread is highly likely to be legit.

It would be a pretty elaborate scam, which would include creating a fake obituary, just to try and market some domains.

Come On Biden GIF by GIPHY News
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Aside from the discussion about whoever can help the thread poster. Isn't the whole story one that sends shivers down your back. "deceased held up to 6,000 domains at one time" / "domain investing sent him bankrupt" / "never intended on selling any" These are not exact quotes but just so we all have the picture.

Thankfully the inheritor seems to be an intelligent guy, who seems to have at least an intention to extract himself from this fools-gold inheritance as soon as possible. My guess is the entire collection will be next to worthless yet managed to draw-in hundreds of thousands of Dollars from this naïve investor. This sort of story seems to raise it's head far more often now and in the future as those who lacked a bit of common-sense pass away with intact portfolios.
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A lot of you guys are bitter and cynical

My account is quite literally my personal name, and my uncles obituary has been shared in this thread.

You can look me up on linkedin, instagram, etc.

I am not hiding my identity.

I am getting a PhD in food science from cornell university & have a lot of other projects on my plate.

At this point, I feel that a phone call would be the quickest way to find someone that I can work with and trust. Please share a contact phone number in a direct message or an email, and I will call/text you at my earliest convenience.
Aside from the discussion about whoever can help the thread poster. Isn't the whole story one that sends shivers down your back. "deceased held up to 6,000 domains at one time" / "domain investing sent him bankrupt" / "never intended on selling any" These are not exact quotes but just so we all have the picture.

Thankfully the inheritor seems to be an intelligent guy, who seems to have at least an intention to extract himself from this fools-gold inheritance as soon as possible. My guess is the entire collection will be next to worthless yet managed to draw-in hundreds of thousands of Dollars from this naïve investor. This sort of story seems to raise it's head far more often now and in the future as those who lacked a bit of common-sense pass away with intact portfolios.
He was domaining i think even in the late 90's. most domains have been registered since 2001. He owned a store called PugDog Rock and Bead Shop.

I've only used escrow so far -- and the first transaction since inheriting the portfolio was selling safesitters for 2.2k

I have given exclusive brokerage rights for girlfriends and bodyart to grit brokerage

Please note, I cannot include the actual URL because I am not a premium namepros user -- but these are all ending in (period "C0M")
You have basically just dumped a ton of fish in shark invested waters, jumped in along with them saying 'I have no idea how to swim' and seemingly unaware where you are.

Summary – You are going to get a lot of e-mails from opportunist investors (sharks) asking what you have, but expecting to pay peanuts.

May advice would be to e-mail a respectable broker, let them have a look through what you have to see if any are potentially valuable so you can get top $ for those, but some brokers are opportunist investors too, so beware selling directly to them.

Check dotdb.com to see how many are regisitered in multiple extensions, if some are and you have the .com, that is a good indication the domain might have value.

Don't be afraid to get a 2nd opinion before you agree to sell anything.
Thank you for the advice. I have no intentions of just throwing these domains away.

I've already received a few ridiculous offers from "sharks", including:

hreq : 50$
pgg : 50$ (org)
Clientsafety : 50$
101e : 50-100$
itscute : 60$
tutorworks : $180
giftkeepers : $100

Please note, if you sent this offer, I am not saying you did anything wrong. I am just hoping to receive some guidance of whether or not these would be conceivably reasonable offers.
Last message for now!! Sorry for blowing up this thread.

Please give me some time to respond to emails. I will respond to everything. Like I previously mentioned, I would much rather handle correspondence via phone call initially.

I will prioritize those who are willing to speak briefly at the beginning.

All the best,
Without doing any research, it's obvious these two are lowballs given wholesale base prices for 3L.orgs and 4L.coms.

hreq : 50$

(minimum) Base wholesale price for all 4 letter .com's is around $100. Q is not a desirable letter is most cases.

pgg : 50$ (org)

(minimum) Base wholesale price for all 3 letter .org's is a couple hundred bucks. These are strong letters, expect more.
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OK Matt, thanks for opening-up with a bit more detail, it's beginning to read like your late uncle enjoyed collecting domains but didn't like the sales market aspect, it happens. Don't worry about the cynics here, there aren't many and they are go quiet when supporting evidence is provided. The best policy is not to bite-back. As a new member keep as many others on your side as possible. Do keep us all UpToDate as the sales progress.

I'd imagine you've got your hands full for now dealing with the renewals. Worth sounding out the members here if your in two minds about renewing or indeed any aspect of the sales process
Last message for now!! Sorry for blowing up this thread.

Please give me some time to respond to emails. I will respond to everything. Like I previously mentioned, I would much rather handle correspondence via phone call initially.

I will prioritize those who are willing to speak briefly at the beginning.

All the best,
Really sorry to hear about your loss.

I really hope you get good value for your domains.

Good luck.

Aside from the discussion about whoever can help the thread poster. Isn't the whole story one that sends shivers down your back. "deceased held up to 6,000 domains at one time" / "domain investing sent him bankrupt" / "never intended on selling any" These are not exact quotes but just so we all have the picture.

Thankfully the inheritor seems to be an intelligent guy, who seems to have at least an intention to extract himself from this fools-gold inheritance as soon as possible. My guess is the entire collection will be next to worthless yet managed to draw-in hundreds of thousands of Dollars from this naïve investor. This sort of story seems to raise it's head far more often now and in the future as those who lacked a bit of common-sense pass away with intact portfolios.

Interesting points.

In dealing with domains in probate, is it required to have the values of the domains formally assessed as part of the estate inventory? So perhaps already there is a formal valuation available of the portfolio?

And has anyone dealt with a similar issue like this in the past?

And, BTW Matthew, my condolences for your loss. And please understand that the forum rightfully has some skeptics. This thread admittedy is an unusual one.
Depends on who was doing the probate and how experienced they are at domain pricing - may have just chucked it into estibot etc
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