
I believe I bought bitcoins in 2000

Spaceship Spaceship


Restricted (15-30%)
As far as I remember I deposted 100$ to a bitcoin company from 1999-2001. Some years ago I tried to find the company and I believed I found it but couldnt login and I change passwords often. I forgot the company name now but there werent so many bitcoin companies that time so should be easy to remember. Such $100 is worth a lot now. Do you know what companies offered to buy bitcoins in that year area? How can I find back my login info? As far as I know the company wont release passwords so you cant use the forgotten password.

If I get help and it works and I have money in my balance a reward of 5% of my balance is there for you.
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The Bitcoin Whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto was published in 2008.
Ah ok so I might be totally wrong :(
Haha, you have interesting memories. You might have bought some virtual coins all the way back then, but they are likely worthless or even more likely don't exist any more. Maybe this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigiCash
Hmm yeah.. I searched also for e gold.. But sadly cant remember well.. I was wrong with that it was bitcoin company but I remember well the 100$ transaction..
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Was it around that time when you were abducted by aliens and played ping-pong with Elvis Presley on the far side of the moon?
I now believe I have found the company, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Bullion were I deposited 100$. So there is no way of getting back money from that company? Heard the boss killed his wife and so company got closed. Bad luck
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"US Attorney's Office seized all of the assets of the Goldfinger companies, including the bullion backing e-Bullion.com from the Perth Mint and the Fayed's ranch in California. e-Bullion account holders have not been compensated by the U.S. Government for the confiscation of the bullion backing their accounts."

good luck with that... but at least you know your virtual gold is in the safe hands :xf.rolleyes:
Hmm.. I dont know if e bullion was about real gold but if so I checked this graph https://www.macrotrends.net/1333/historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart and it shows gold has increased much from 600$ to 2.500$ around from 2000 til today. Maybe I could start a signing paper stuff to bring old e bullion clients to sign to get their money back.. Surely Id believe the company would be given to one of the family members as the killing had nothing to do with the company. Family is family, business is business.
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No this was before E Bullion got closed, it was the reason it got closed.
I bought btc in 2011 for $50.

Unfortunatley. sold it two years after it. :tightlyclosedeyes:
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