People who reg names probably do so because they see some potential in the names (for sale or otherwise-maybe development) and they would be less inclined to see their reg's as being "bad" after only one month of registration even though it may actually be the case. They're hoping that the 11 months left until renewal will hopefully bring something for them.
The same question can also be asked for renewals... Those "bad" registrations of previous years... how much is being spent on these a month?
I hardly reg these days, and I follow my own path as I have always done which does not include following the "niche discussions" that pop up every so often on NP. The "niche" threads as I can tell, have members handreg'ing in bulk. This is can be detrimental to the registrant. Even though I don't follow these "trends", sometimes I may have many names which covers those "niches".