
How much do you spend on bad hand regs each month?

Spaceship Spaceship

How much do you spend on bad hand regs each month?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • $0

  • $1 to $100

  • $100 to $500

  • $500 to $1000

  • $1000+

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----Top Member
I'd guess most domains on namepros are recent hand regs, so I was wondering how much money we collectively give to the registrars each month.

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I don't have any budget for monthly hand regs. I did register some till 'bout a year ago. Spent around $1000 till date with 0 return. Looking to actively involve myself at least few hrs a week in this domain. :laugh::-D:xf.grin::xf.wink:
People who reg names probably do so because they see some potential in the names (for sale or otherwise-maybe development) and they would be less inclined to see their reg's as being "bad" after only one month of registration even though it may actually be the case. They're hoping that the 11 months left until renewal will hopefully bring something for them.

The same question can also be asked for renewals... Those "bad" registrations of previous years... how much is being spent on these a month?

I hardly reg these days, and I follow my own path as I have always done which does not include following the "niche discussions" that pop up every so often on NP. The "niche" threads as I can tell, have members handreg'ing in bulk. This is can be detrimental to the registrant. Even though I don't follow these "trends", sometimes I may have many names which covers those "niches".
How do we know that they are bad domains? Only the time will tell :)
I hardly hand reg any more. Unless I have development plans. Avoids the dilemma :)
I spend 0 on bad regs, good regs about 3 a month on average, which includes renewals
Joe T
As has been asked - what is bad? Another interesting question is how many names are dropped by people who think they are bad, but haven't looked at the server stats for the name.
i spend approx. 100-200$ each month + much more when it comes to renewing some of the perspective domains.
my old and stable strategies give me much more $ monthly, but there are always "bad" domains that just do not want to monetize or sell themselves
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People who reg names probably do so because they see some potential in the names (for sale or otherwise-maybe development) and they would be less inclined to see their reg's as being "bad" after only one month of registration even though it may actually be the case. They're hoping that the 11 months left until renewal will hopefully bring something for them.

The same question can also be asked for renewals... Those "bad" registrations of previous years... how much is being spent on these a month?

I hardly reg these days, and I follow my own path as I have always done which does not include following the "niche discussions" that pop up every so often on NP. The "niche" threads as I can tell, have members handreg'ing in bulk. This is can be detrimental to the registrant. Even though I don't follow these "trends", sometimes I may have many names which covers those "niches".
I hand reg usually having in mind some end users, but in the same time I'm thinking for how much I could sell it to a reseller, at least I have a safe exit door. Around 20% of my handreg's are bad and I will not renew them anymore, but I have sold enough to double my investment, I have around 700 names, around 300 accepted at one of the big brandable marketplaces( so at least some reseller value) and some xxx pending offers for some, which I can sell them if I want to. These are some example of my handreg's from the last year or so:

izzi/lool/ahha/simba/ .co
adopte/cubus and others acronyms org
tdm/tpr/gey/rca/mci/npi and others .me
motorkite and other 300 (accepted BB BR or NR brandables) com
rev/medic club
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No real monthly figure, depends on what's in the news or what's trending, lately driverless or Vr/holo stuff.
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