
How is Dynadot profitable with some of the "features" they offer?

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DN.ioUpgraded Member
First of all, I was looking through Dynadot's features and linked in the site footer is "Grace Deletion". Apparently, you can just make a request to return any domain for a small fee and get a refund. They encourage you to register domains, try them out for an extended period, and then just return them. Insane or genius marketing ploy?

Next, their email hosting pricing is extremely affordable. For example, every single domain registered with Dynadot gets an email account for FREE!?!?! And it's not even severely hampered, you can use IMAP and POP with it.

How do they profit with these very pro-consumer features?
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Grace deletion is a registry feature. You can see on the list that for many TLDs, particularly ccTLDs, it's not available.
From what I hear their email is pretty poor. I recommended them to a friend as a registrar but they ended up moving their business domain as the email was unusable.
free email is not good
thet take $3 for .com in grace delete
thet take $3 for .com in grace delete
Thanks for sharing that. There are differences also with the various TLDs, discussed in their page on Dynadot Grace Delete.

Their profitability is likely enhanced due to customers starting with the free webhosting and email, th later upgrading. I just started working with their free website templates, and love the fact that you can work on your free website and leave it unpublished until you are ready to launch it.
Grace deletion is a registry feature. You can see on the list that for many TLDs, particularly ccTLDs, it's not available.
Even so, Dynadot is literally the only large registrar that even offers it. Do you know of another large registrar that let's you do that? If so, which one?
Even so, Dynadot is literally the only large registrar that even offers it. Do you know of another large registrar that let's you do that? If so, which one?

No. It's just their way to stand out for domainers. They're not taking any financial hit and they have one more feature, win-win. Big registrars like godaddy or namecheap just can't be bothered to offer it since ICANN enforced very strict limits on "domain tasting".
Another @Dynadot hitjob?
This is 2023 NP Registrar of the year, folks. Would not be surprised if Dyna won 2024, too.!

It is a private company, which i value, over public
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You should be asking how is NameSilo profitable, with their stock trading 17 cents. (OTC: URLOF)
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This is 2023 NP Registrar of the year, folks. Would not be surprised if Dyna won 2024, too.!
Good reminder. Dynadot's profitability may be related to overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The free email and websites that come with their domains is a nice perk. Likewise, the "grace period" is a thoughtful feature. And add to that the bulk discount pricing, without having to pay for a club membership! All that likely adds to customer loyalty and profitability
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You should be asking how is NameSilo profitable, with their stock trading 17 cents. (OTC: URLOF)
It looks like when they started in 2021, the stock was at 18 cents. So it's only down a penny. In between then and now, the stock has hit 9 cents.

I am thinking the next time it drops that low maybe we can all buy 1 million shares and recommend they massively overhaul their domain manager. That site it terrible for doing stuff to more than one domain. Maybe fixing the wording on the listing page for when you are listing domains on their marketplace.
It looks like when they started in 2021, the stock was at 18 cents. So it's only down a penny. In between then and now, the stock has hit 9 cents.

I am thinking the next time it drops that low maybe we can all buy 1 million shares and recommend they massively overhaul their domain manager. That site it terrible for doing stuff to more than one domain. Maybe fixing the wording on the listing page for when you are listing domains on their marketplace.

Maybe if Dynadot bought them out, you'd see some radical improvements?!
That would be awesome. I bought a few decent names from Namesilo's expiring domains over the last few years and then a while back they decided to upgrade their marketplace and I felt like it was much less usable at least for the methods I was using for search.
free email is not good
thet take $3 for .com in grace delete

I didn't know that. Was considering a grace delete, but only paid $7.99 for the name. With a $3 hit, I'd only be getting back $4.99... may as well keep it, price it cheap, and see if it sells and just drop next year if it doesn't
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free email is not good
thet take $3 for .com in grace delete

Bummer this - I was going to move a domain I need email for from GoDaddy to Dynadot (although I was going to upgrade to their paid version). Any feedback on their paid version? Have to believe it works fine or they'd have no one using and paying for it
free email is not good
What was not good about email? And was their customer support contacted about it, to try to fix the issues?
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