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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: Epik Founder
This post provides an update on near-term hiring plans at Epik Holdings Inc.

What are we about at Epik?

Epik is helping to accelerate the transition of the Internet to a more decentralized and resilient architecture that empowers humanity to achieve their potential. Through breakthrough initiatives like Toki, we believe we can play a useful role in bringing another one billion people online in the next 5 years.

We are open 24/7/365, united by a shared passion for building a better digital world. We celebrate our wins, improve continuously, and adapt quickly. We partner with demanding customers to deliver superior value for money while passing along savings from process efficiencies and supply chain improvements.

We believe domains are a high potential asset class and that there is still opportunity for anyone. For the domain community, we are committed to co-creating abundance, making the pie BIGGER by helping the industry to achieve higher prices, higher sell-through rates, while providing maximum capital efficiency.

At Epik, we place emphasis on having the best team with the strongest players. We believe everyone on the team brings unique gifts and talents. The shared task of management and staff is to match those unique attributes with opportunities that create value while also having fun doing it. As part of a planned international expansion, Epik is now looking for four types of staff:

  • Brand Ambassadors
  • County or Region Managers
  • Product Managers

The below overview provides context on each category with details on how to apply.

Brand Ambassador

Brand Ambassadors will typically be organized by geography or language, but can also be organized by vertical or specialty or shared community interest that the brand ambassador knows well.

Brand ambassadors engage niche and local communities to leverage tools and services from Epik to increase digital empowerment, for example:

  • Social Media
  • Message board engagement
  • Seminars and Training events
  • Organize street teams
  • Channel Partnerships

We bring cutting edge technology that empowers, and do it at price points that anyone can afford. As we do this, we seek to be truly local: immersed in local culture, language and respecting local traditions.

The role can be part-time or full-time, and is well-suited to persons who are early in their career or want to be part of a high energy organization where they can learn and grow.

Compensation is locally competitive, and can be paid out daily, weekly or monthly. In the true spirit of meritocracy, compensation growth and performance bonuses are tied to impact.

Although brand ambassadors are not eligible to participate in the affiliate program, they can own domains for their own account and are encouraged to shoot the moon!

High performing brand ambassadors have the opportunity to become County or Region Managers

To apply, send a letter of introduction to Spencer Iacobelli: [email protected].

Country Manager or Region Manager

Once a country has at least 500 registered Epik.com users, we seek to appoint a country manager who will work with the management team to develop and execute the overall strategy for local market leadership. The country manager is developing local best practices, while leveraging global core competencies.

The country managers are empowered to build thriving local communities that can leverage the fast-growing set of tools available from Epik. Country managers actively learn from each other, quickly reapplying locally executed success models that are piloted in lead countries.

Country managers are the local feet on the ground. Their local presence also entails working with the ccTLD registry and local regulatory authorities. Country managers are also responsible for the development of local talent, and work with senior management to explore strategic opportunities.

To apply, send letter of introduction to Frank Meester, [email protected].

Product Manager

Epik.com is incubating a number of innovative products that are designed to be interoperable while improving lives through clearly defined value propositions that are tied to specific brand promises. Product Management opportunities exist for the following products:

- Anonymize.com: Privacy solutions, e.g. VPN (live)

- Armored.net: Secure Cloud storage (live)

- CloudChase.com: Resilient OpenStack Hosting (Dec 2019)

- BitMitigate.com: CDN and DDoS Mitigation (live)

- DNEncrypt.com: Free SSL certificates (Jan 2020)

- DNProtect.com: Domain Insurance (Jan 2020)

- DomainGraduate: Online training course (relaunching Nov 2019)

- DropElf.com: Tools for online expiry stream discovery (live)

- Epik Registrar: Our flagship product! (live)

- Epik Escrow: Our fast-growing service for domain transaction processing (live)

- Epik Marketplace: Domain name marketplace (live)

- FullVenue.com: Online event booking (beta)

- NameBrokers.com: Online broker network (Jan 2020)

- Masterbucks.com: Cloud Wallet (live - relaunching Jan 2020)

- Sibyl Systems: Resilient cloud hosting (live)

- Toki.com: Decentralized smart search engine (Jan 2020)

- TrustRatings.com: Online trust score (beta)

- Us.Tv: Online video publishing (live)

- Watchmask.com: Online video privacy (live)

- WhoQ.com: Universal WHOIS/RDAP/Blockchain name search (Q4 2019)

To apply, send letter of introduction to Rob Monster, [email protected] or Prathmesh Tokekar, [email protected].

What types of people succeed at Epik?

We develop courageous leaders who master productivity hacks, as a way to increase impact while enhancing quality of life and unleashing creative and inventive capacity. We place an emphasis on personal productivity helping staff to realize their true capacity.

While we warmly embrace diversity in our organization, there are some attributes that tend to appear early on among the staff who are most likely to succeed and grow. For example:

  • Self-starter
  • Problem solver
  • Adaptable
  • High integrity
  • Impact-focused
  • Tech-curious
  • Team player

As most of our back-office systems are in English, English fluency is strongly preferred. However, if someone is still learning English and is committed to achieve eventual fluency, we'll work with that person and get by with online translation tools where needed.

We trust our people to make wise choices, but also recognize that with speed, come mistakes. Our HR handbook is relatively simple: Do the right thing, even when nobody's looking. We may stretch people beyond their comfort zone, but also value life balance and time away from work.

What role is best for me?

Most people will typically identify a primary role where they believe and, we believe, they can succeed. Once onboarded, and after initial training, we'll also be on the lookout for opportunities to give you a project that plays to your unique strengths or passions.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
@Rob Monster

It should come as no surprise that I am empahtically passionate about, and expressing high interest as the Product Manager for DNEncrypt.com; seeing that I am already well-versed and greatly vested. My resume and all other pertinent supporting documents to show I am the best candidate for this position/role, including relevant I.T. certifiations can be promtly furnished upon your requet.


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@Rob Monster

It should come as no surprise that I am empahtically passionate about, and expressing high interest as the Product Manager for DNProtect.com; seeing that I am already well-versed and greatly vested. My resume and all other pertinent supporting documents to show I am the best candidate for this position/role, including relevant I.T. certifiations can be promtly furnished upon your requet.



Tin - I think it is safe to say you are the front runner. Thanks for helping us pick a great domain, and for your helpful advice to date. If we can solve the supply chain issue for securing a trusted SSL that we can issue at unlimited scale, I think you are a natural evangelist and advocate. If anything we would have to slow you down there, and for me to say that, is saying something!
Lol @Rob Monster...did you really expect any less!? SSL/TLS cert. negotiations underway and in-progress with the hopes to make significant progress sometime Jan. 2020.

Seems like everyday there's something new, exciting and achieved at Epik; but I certainly never expected any less. ;)
@Rob Monster , in addition to domain brokers it might be a good idea to also have a few Brand Consultants at Epik so that they can help end users find the right domain for their business or brand, kind of like the way some people have been helping you find a good domain name for the different branches and services of Epik ( just a suggestion).

PS: Perhaps the brand consultants at Epik can brainstorm together to find the right domain for the clients, kind of like people have been doing here on your domain wanted threads.

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@Rob Monster , in addition to domain brokers it might be a good idea to also have a few Brand Consultants at Epik so that they can help end users find the right domain for their business or brand, kind of like the way some people have been helping you find a good domain name for the different branches and services of Epik ( just a suggestion).

PS: Perhaps the brand consultants at Epik can brainstorm together to find the right domain for the clients, kind of like people have been doing here on your domain wanted threads.


As you know, we are in a bunch of lanes right now. Our focus is on scalable tech -- enabling platforms that connect stakeholders in the domain economy in the most efficient way.

The creative process of connecting supply and demand through consultative selling and advisory is harder to scale but is ideal for the pro domainers who are getting to know Epik.

You will see us do something clever with NameBrokers.com (relaunch coming). @Pat8 is leading that project along with something else that I think will blow some folks away when it ships in a couple of weeks.
Very impressive. I have great respect for such forward-thinking, and ambition. I hope all goals are reached for the projects. Wishing you great energy.
Very impressive. I have great respect for such forward-thinking, and ambition. I hope all goals are reached for the projects. Wishing you great energy.

Thanks for the kind words.

We have been blessed with some pretty talented folks during 2019 who are getting the chance to work on some interesting projects where they are also learning how to build businesses and strengthen economies.

With a bit of pluck and providence, we'll crankk out a bunch of interesting businesses in the next few years that will improve the prospects of the domain industry, among others.
As you know, we are in a bunch of lanes right now. Our focus is on scalable tech -- enabling platforms that connect stakeholders in the domain economy in the most efficient way.

The creative process of connecting supply and demand through consultative selling and advisory is harder to scale but is ideal for the pro domainers who are getting to know Epik.

You will see us do something clever with NameBrokers.com (relaunch coming). @Pat8 is leading that project along with something else that I think will blow some folks away when it ships in a couple of weeks.

Looking forward to see the final results for all these projects,

Can we still call on you to help us personally when Epik grows to become a huge global company, I hope you won't forget about your old friends here on NamePros. ;)
Looking forward to see the final results for all these projects,

Can we still call on you to help us personally when Epik grows to become a huge global company, I hope you won't forget about your old friends here on NamePros. ;)

Absolutely. I am having a ton of fun. No secretary. Eliminating, automating and delegating what I can so I can have spare bandwidth to engage the dialog. Travel might ramp up in 2020. We'll see.
Absolutely. I am having a ton of fun. No secretary. Eliminating, automating and delegating what I can so I can have spare bandwidth to engage the dialog. Travel might ramp up in 2020. We'll see.

Rob, you mentioned automation, what role is AI going to play in the future of Epik and what are your plans in implementing AI into Epik's services and how is AI going to complement the staff that you are hiring now.
Rob, you mentioned automation, what role is AI going to play in the future of Epik and what are your plans in implementing AI into Epik's services and how is AI going to complement the staff that you are hiring now.

I think AI will play a significant role.

For starters, we'll add some AI in managing responses to inquiries. For folks with large portfolios who get 50+ inquiries per day at all hours of the day/night, I believe this will improve their lives.

Other obvious areas:

- Payment processing
- Domain lending
- Domain pricing
- Expiry stream auctions
- Smart parking landers that adapt to the user

However, wait until you see is coming with Toki. There is tremendous scope for AI there in terms of disseminating applied knowledge.

For some context about AI on the Decentralized Internet, watch this guy's talk. I met him last year in Tokyo.

AI has tremendous implications for the Decentralized Internet built around smart contracts. The crypto hype came and went but the meaty substance is now coming into view.
I think AI will play a significant role.

For starters, we'll add some AI in managing responses to inquiries. For folks with large portfolios who get 50+ inquiries per day at all hours of the day/night, I believe this will improve their lives.

Other obvious areas:

- Payment processing
- Domain lending
- Domain pricing
- Expiry stream auctions
- Smart parking landers that adapt to the user

However, wait until you see is coming with Toki. There is tremendous scope for AI there in terms of disseminating applied knowledge.

For some context about AI on the Decentralized Internet, watch this guy's talk. I met him last year in Tokyo.

AI has tremendous implications for the Decentralized Internet built around smart contracts. The crypto hype came and went but the meaty substance is now coming into view.

Rob, that's great, as long you design all the systems so that they can adapt to new technologies easily without having to redesign the whole thing again I think that you'll be okay with AI.

Right now it takes almost a decade for new innovative ideas to become implemented from the time that they are conceived, but in the near future when AI takes hold things are going to happen very fast. Things that took almost a decade in the past to evolve to their optimum state are going to be introduced at their full potential and capabilities in a span of a few months (perhaps a few weeks or even days in some cases), a good example is the smartphone that took over ten years to get to where it is now, I predict that in the future new products and services will evolve to their optimum level in a very short span of time once AI becomes fully integrated into our lives. Those companies that are versatile enough that can keep up with AI's lighting speed of innovation and production in the future will be the winners.

@Rob Monster, do you have any Software Engineer open roles?
what an awesome lineup of products! I have tinkered with Dropelf , pretty awesome!

Toki sounds extremely innovative and smart, It is exactly what is needed world wide.

Here is to your success Rob!

God bless - Godspeed to Epik!
what an awesome lineup of products! I have tinkered with Dropelf , pretty awesome!

Toki sounds extremely innovative and smart, It is exactly what is needed world wide.

Here is to your success Rob!

God bless - Godspeed to Epik!

Much more to come there. Some critical experiments are being run right now so stay tuned.
@Rob Monster , does everyone have to be an expert in their field or are you willing to train new employees who might not be very familiar with domain names or related technical aspects of running a registrar.
@Rob Monster , does everyone have to be an expert in their field or are you willing to train new employees who might not be very familiar with domain names or related technical aspects of running a registrar.

Brand Ambassadors can come from other disciplines, though see the criteria in the opening post. All that said, we can teach a man/woman to fish, but they need to know what a fish is and think fish are cool. The general pattern is that people who feel called to work on these things are showing up. The result is that while there is tremendous diversity in background and skill set, there is a fairly immediate sense of shared purpose and shared values that works well in a decentralized enterprise.
Is there any vacancy in india specially for country/regional managers?
Is there any vacancy in india specially for country/regional managers?

Yes, check with @Spencer Iacobelli or @Pat8. We finally got our .IN accreditation activated after a very long accreditation process and are excited to scale up in India where we see tremendous potential.
Some quick introduction of the Country Managers (CMs) appointed to date.

- Balkans: John @Domain1031
- India: Prathmesh @Pat8
- Indonesia: Avif @Chairul avif
- Italy: Spencer @spencer
- Nigeria: Saheed @domainexpert77
- Romania: Petru @CreativeMedia.us
- Vietnam: Nhi @Nhi Doan

The "Countries" are being divided up into regions with local brand ambassadors (BA). The Balkans obviously is a collection of countries, e.g. Montenengro will start with BA.

The country managers pick their own BAs. I will typically do a final interview for any candidate but only after the CMs get at least one other CM to sign off on a hiring recommendation.

As of today, there is no regional leadership so the country managers report directly to me. Eventually that won't scale, so there will be eventually be Territory Directors, promoted from within.

The local brand ambassadors recruit "Mayors" for hosting Toki servers. The first 100 Toki servers are coming online in Nigeria, hopefully before year-end. @Joshua Mayowa is the first and moving fast.

So, eventually, at scale, it looks like this:

- Territory VP (e.g. Africa)
- Country Manager (e.g. Nigeria)
- Regional Brand Ambassador (e.g. 6 for all of Nigeria)
- Toki Mayor (e.g. could be thousands per region)

Just 4 layers to get to the smallest village run by a "Mayor".
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