
Help on Squadhelp please

Spaceship Spaceship
Hey folks,

I am new to Squadhelp. I have uploaded some domains to Squadhelp and changed my DNS to Squadhelp's nameservers.

All my domains are on standard listings so far with prices. Why is it when I do a search for my domain name on Squadhelp's homepage, my domain does not appear in results?

ALSO, how can I change the installment terms on flexible financing? I do not see a link anywhere that shows me how to change the number of months on the payment plan. I don't want to for 3 or 4 year payment plans. I do payments for anything over 12 months, unless I have a super high prices

Please let me know why my names are not showing up when I do a search and also how I can change the months for the installment plants.

Thank you!
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SH takes time to display a domain on marketplace.
There is a option of Instalment's when you check the checkbox
Hey, I forgot to answer this. I click the checkbox and the installment option says that squadhelp automatically chooses the length of the payment plan so there is no place for me to choose the length of the payment plan.

Can anyone else verify this and maybe post screen shots?

Hi @colenot

The installment settings are a bit hidden, but can be found when you start this process,

You will be able to change installment options for all your domains in one of the screens.

Good luck.
Hi, thanks for your help. I went to the market setting and tried the Automatic settings then went back and tried the manual settings and after I turn on Flexible Financing switch, no installment options came up. I still can’t find it anywhere.

This is what I see. Same in my laptop as on my phone.


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I am trying out SH and just listed 1 standard domain to try out the process, and like I see in a thread 2-3 years ago here, names don't show up in the search.

In this thread the person had the same issue but someone replied that the standard listings will appear in search but they take time.

Is this confirmed now? Standard listings will show in the search? If so how long does it take, a few hours, a few days?
>> All my domains are on standard listings so far with prices. Why is it when I do a search for my domain name on Squadhelp's homepage, my domain does not appear in results?

This has been an issue that we've tried to get them to fix. I don't think they've properly fixed it yet.

You also need to consider setting up a WLM, as you can get those pages crawled and indexed in the search engine results to get more traffic to your domains.

I also recommend NOT using the standard AI descriptions. Go to ChatGPT or Bard or Claude and use a prompt to ask the AI to write an article about the domain name, and why someone would want to but the domain. That will give you a much longer description that you can use.
I do see some domains coming up in the search that don't have logo's, so I am guessing those are standard listings.

This is a known unfixed issue since they launched almost 3 years ago? lol

And ty for your comment on WLM, I was greatly considering doing that, as I currently have my domain pointed to my dan listings, which is cool but WLM should show up in google search like you say, plus can write descriptions, etc.
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I do see some domains coming up in the search that don't have logo's, so I am guessing those are standard listings.

This is a known unfixed issue since they launched almost 3 years ago? lol

And ty for your comment on WLM, I was greatly considering doing that, as I currently have my domain pointed to my dan listings, which is cool but WLM should show up in google search like you say, plus can write descriptions, etc.
Yes, I've actually been working with Squadhelp on a bunch of issues related to WLMs. For example, I was able to get them to fix the XML Sitemaps on the WLMs so that they properly show the URLs in the WLM. Previously, the WLM was showing the SH XML sitemaps even if it was on your own domain/marketplace.

Also, don't forget that you can add Statcounter, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Clarity on your WLM.,
First I want to see this 1 domain name showing in the search, then I will be busy listing them all and probably WLM also. lol
First I want to see this 1 domain name showing in the search, then I will be busy listing them all and probably WLM also. lol
What's the domain? I'll give it a test on my end.
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I have like 20 on there now, they show up in the search later the same day most of the time.
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