
question Has anyone sold a domain name to THE MANN ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Mike Mann owns lakhs of domains and is one of the most successful domain investor . I have read that he buys a lot of domains from the expired domain auctions or hand regsiters many domains . Does he buy domains in bulk from investors? Does he buy single domain name from any person ?
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I'm connected to him on LinkedIn and I post my domain auctions in my updates. So who knows he might bid if you have a no reserve auction.
Mike Mann owns lakhs of domains and is one of the most successful domain investor . I have read that he buys a lot of domains from the expired domain auctions or hand regsiters many domains . Does he buy domains in bulk from investors? Does he buy single domain name from any person ?

He will only buy names if you have good quality names :xf.smile:
Hand registered EnergyTrail.com witch once was owned by his marketplace DomainMarket.
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