
discuss Future of LLLL .com

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Nikhil Jain

Top Member
Hello everyone. I was wondering where do we all see the future of 4L .com in short term as well as long term.

Of course, the prices have gone down considerably in the past 3 months, a direct consequence of the same is that the number of 4L .com auctions at NP have also gone down.

What does everyone else think about it ?
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I have a handful of pronounable 4 letter names which used to regular get offers.. recently none.. im not to concerned though as i feel pronounceable, brandable 4 letter names or decent acronyms will always have value and are worth holding.. I have a few 4 letters that are just random letters, these types of names are the ones that i do not see a great future for, but who knows...
I am no future predictor but i have common sense, last time i had seen similar situation with 5L Chips, i know many will say its completely different category but its not because how the domaning game is played for last 2 years.

Of course 4L has a base value, but its not what we see right now, thats what happens when some wealthy people finds a loop whole in a system. They through some money and get X ( Big X ) return but we as small investors fall behind as we dont have a clue what is going on, yet we play with the only thing we have less than rich people $$$ and sit and wait in hope that everything will be positive.

Domaing is an awesome business, i made good steady income for 7 years straight but lost a big chunk last year just because i shifted from knowing what i am doing to don't have a clue category.

Again 4L is a good investment i am saving my money to come back to 4L but not at this moment. The price may go higher but remember it will go higher not because the market has demand for it just because some big pockets want them to go higher.

If you want to gamble there are other places where people only gamble :)

Let me know what you guys think.

Look at this forum, I see a lot threads already where guys try to get rid of 150-200 4 And no takers. only "bump" "bump". The fall will be hard, once they start seeing, that there are no real takers at all.

As I mentioned earlier this week in the other 4L thread, I experienced the same on NamePros for several months. I was unable to sell a domain. I decided to send them 25 of them on Namejet this week and my current status is 8 sold (or will sell because the reserve is met) out of the 25. Some are still in Pre-Release. And they sold at prices higher then what I am asking for here. I ask $450 on NP for my Western Premium, they sold for $500 (my reserve) on Namejet this week.

So the problem is not the so much the value going down. Its only that the buyers are not on NamePros anymore.

People trying to sell their names for $180 here should send them to Namejet with a reserve at $200 and they will increase their chances of success.
Look at this forum, I see a lot threads already where guys try to get rid of 150-200 4 And no takers. only "bump" "bump". The fall will be hard, once they start seeing, that there are no real takers at all.
I think that is what is known an opportunity.
As I mentioned earlier this week in the other 4L thread, I experienced the same on NamePros for several months. I was unable to sell a domain. I decided to send them 25 of them on Namejet this week and my current status is 8 sold (or will sell because the reserve is met) out of the 25. Some are still in Pre-Release. And they sold at prices higher then what I am asking for here. I ask $450 on NP for my Western Premium, they sold for $500 (my reserve) on Namejet this week.

So the problem is not the so much the value going down. Its only that the buyers are not on NamePros anymore.

People trying to sell their names for $180 here should send them to Namejet with a reserve at $200 and they will increase their chances of success.

Namejet fee is like 15%, or even 20%.
for what?
For buying up the inventory that will be sold for a profit later. But honestly, even though I have made money on LLLLs, I have made more on bitcoin.
Namejet fee is like 15%, or even 20%.

Yes, fees are 15% at Namejet.

So selling for $500 on NJ is the same as selling for $445 on NP.
hmm..... wouldn't a $500 sale on NJ, after the 15% fees, actually be the same as selling for $425 on NP, assuming that it was cash/friends&family (ie no fees come out)? or did you come up with $445 via np as a number that, after pp fees, would come out to about the same net of $425 (give or take, based on countries of buyer and seller etc)?

Yes, fees are 15% at Namejet. So selling for $500 on NJ is the same as selling for $445 on NP.
hmm..... wouldn't a $500 sale on NJ, after the 15% fees, actually be the same as selling for $425 on NP, assuming that it was cash/friends&family (ie no fees come out)? or did you come up with $445 via np as a number that, after pp fees, would come out to about the same net of $425 (give or take, based on countries of buyer and seller etc)?
Well, if you are going to calculate all expenses, you should add your account upgrades too.
hmm..... wouldn't a $500 sale on NJ, after the 15% fees, actually be the same as selling for $425 on NP, assuming that it was cash/friends&family (ie no fees come out)? or did you come up with $445 via np as a number that, after pp fees, would come out to about the same net of $425 (give or take, based on countries of buyer and seller etc)?

Yes I assumed using PP standard payment. It nets between 425-430 depending of the buyers country.
Not a lot of people accept F&F unless the transaction is between two reputable members.
But if the buyer accepts, then yes its a $425 sale comparison then.

Still .. I never even get a $400 offer on my 4L here .. I sold 9 out of 25 on NJ so far this week at much higher prices (to absorb fees). Right now, I have DGOT having a high bid of $620 ending this PM. Never had a $400 offer here. I have IXAO having a high bid of $720 ending this PM. It was priced at $325 here. Never had an offer.

So its shows the buyers are not here at the moment even for lower prices.
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If I had the money, I could have bought UXEW the other night for 190 on here, but I wanted to wait a week, and someone took it. The offer was 110. It was a steal because you could flip it on NJ so quick...
If I had the money, I could have bought UXEW the other night for 190 on here, but I wanted to wait a week, and someone took it. The offer was 110. It was a steal because you could flip it on NJ so quick...

hmmm.. I don't have much experience.. only own a few..

but how do you guys now ahead of time like this.. with so much certitutude it seems.. and for seemingly random like uxew etc.. that they'll be flipping for profit on NJ?

Just follow the NJ newsletter and see the sales on there.
Here is an example
it has a 350 high bid. If you go to the website at the domain name, it shows for sale at 9999 USD, and the guy's reserve is not met yet, but while it is pronounceable like my Xtah, I do not like it as well. So I could probably put a high reserve on mine, and get it.
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XOPU sold on NJ for $1500 last year. It will go in the $1xxx range but I doubt it will reach the reserve.
Nice thing about xtah was that I got it for 99 dollars, and got half that back in amazon earnings selling a hair product by that name.
zogf just sold on Sedo for 400.
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