
discuss Future of LLLL .com

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Nikhil Jain

Top Member
Hello everyone. I was wondering where do we all see the future of 4L .com in short term as well as long term.

Of course, the prices have gone down considerably in the past 3 months, a direct consequence of the same is that the number of 4L .com auctions at NP have also gone down.

What does everyone else think about it ?
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I'm still holding a small handful of 4 letters, which I'll probably hang on to or not sell cheap. Of course if the right person/offer comes along I'll sell up to about 6 of them and hang on to the few semi pronounceable ones. Surprisingly I sold 1 of them for 1200.00 and it was a - with a q in it. :woot:

So don't automatically rule out the obscure looking 4 letters. I think they are valuable enough to hang on to for a while yet, considering I hand registered them about 10 years ago. A "while yet" for me could end up being another 10 years. :happy:
4L without vowels and without the letter V are worth more.
A year ago they were sold for $2000-$2500. Now its more in the $800-$1200 range.
Never understood why people don't like V. It is a great letter for an acronym.
V - Venture(s), Video, Vision, Valley, Value, Voice, Vacation, Virtual, Visit, Vehicle etc.
There might not be too many words, but they are very V-aluable ones )
I think we'll see a 25-30% increase in prices, across the board, within six months and more than a 50% increase in prices by this time next year.
Available inventory is finally beginning to shrink and it's a positive sign that prices are on the rise.
Never understood why people don't like V. It is a great letter for an acronym.
V - Venture(s), Video, Vision, Valley, Value, Voice, Vacation, Virtual, Visit, Vehicle etc.
There might not be too many words, but they are very V-aluable ones )
I never understood that chinese market either.
I never understood that chinese market either.

For Chinese it is understandable: they don't have words starting with V.

For Western, it shouldn't be treated the way it is. To me, it is a better letter than H, for example.
Not sure on the future of 4L.coms, I have 213 left, that i hand regged between 2005 to 2007, I have sold off 35 of em. I have 3 of mine highly developed, I regged most of em with GD coupon codes , any where from $1.99 to $4.99 for the most part. with my renewal fees i have paid on mine through the years, I have a little invested in them.

I hope they keep on rising in value, It has been pretty cool to watch the do it's thing. Back when all the hype started, I really didn't think 4L.coms would prosper into what they have.
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In short pronounceable or good acronym is key. The price of random letters will remain around $ 200, neither they will fall nor rise . IMO
As others have suggested, I feel the decent exact pronounceable ones would not be affected by this market dip much.

Random 4Ls must see a slight more correction. Overall picture might be clear only by this year end.
If those us who own 4 L dot com domains would stop selling out cheaply and hold out for more the price would rise..It's simple supply and demand .
I put my floor at 5K for five of mine, and 100K for the other one. I just had a 1000 dollar offer on the one that I paid 350 or so for. Still holding out.

I find it interesting though when I get a 10,000 dollar offer for a I had a 500 dollar floor price set for it.
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I had my lessons with 5L Trend Good Luck guys. Thank god this time i am on the other side :)

I was watching on Ebay - it sold for 285.00 today which I thought was a pretty good deal for the buyer. imho, if you can get them at good prices, buy a few and sit on them for a while. :)
I had my lessons with 5L Trend Good Luck guys. Thank god this time i am on the other side :)


I would be interested to know what you learned DNtools, but this is probably not the right thread for that.
I think they'll keep dropping then go back up... not sure when. Testing now with a VR LL lol.
I had my lessons with 5L Trend Good Luck guys. Thank god this time i am on the other side :)


that's not even the same ballpark.
Theres always going to be value in Prices may fluctuate but theres too many buyers out there that belive in them and they will never go to 0 ever.
Theres always going to be value in Prices may fluctuate but theres too many buyers out there that belive in them and they will never go to 0 ever.
Of course. A short URL like that can be a huge advantage for a brand.
The prices are the lowest since May 2015, I am not getting any offer for a auction at $210
Just to put it out there. I will buy all for $25 if anyone wants to sell them. I buy in volume. I might pay a couple of bucks extra if I like the name.
Just to put it out there. I will buy all for $25 if anyone wants to sell them. I buy in volume. I might pay a couple of bucks extra if I like the name.

lol. I'll double it by buying it at $50 a pop. :-D
A year or so ago I bought one for 50+8(reg fee) and had it sold in 24 hours for 200. One of the best flips I have had percentage wise.
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I am not that optimistic. Don´t get me wrong, I think in $100-$200 range they are ok investment. But guys bought random so called CHIPS for $2500 each. I mean thats just plain stupid.
Look how many 3 letters still are traded between resellers...
Look at this forum, I see a lot threads already where guys try to get rid of 150-200 4 And no takers. only "bump" "bump". The fall will be hard, once they start seeing, that there are no real takers at all.
I have a handful of pronounable 4 letter names which used to regular get offers.. recently none.. im not to concerned though as i feel pronounceable, brandable 4 letter names or decent acronyms will always have value and are worth holding.. I have a few 4 letters that are just random letters, these types of names are the ones that i do not see a great future for, but who knows...
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