
status-monitor Fast spammers ban

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Top Member
There exist some new members who only joined NP to spam the threads with affiliate links (pharma, seo etc)

If enough reputable NP members would report these posts / members, there would be less need for NP stuff to police the forum.

So, here is a proposal :

When 3 reputable NP members report the same new member over a short period of time, there will be an automatic ban on this member.

Definitions :
- Reputable : 5+ years NP age, 1000+posts, 500+ likes
- New : Less than 2 months NP age
- Short : Less than 7 days

The numbers given can be fine-tuned of course.

Thoughts ?
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Just my thoughts..not sure a automatic ban should be the first and only solution. Especially when not 100% sure, the intention is to spam.

Also believe that moderators/admin should always be involved in any banning decisions

Just my opinion
Our system automatically catches the vast majority of spam, but unfortunately, some still slips through the cracks. Members can help us a lot by Reporting those in case we miss them.

Your suggestion to allow members to police it is a great one. We have a similar thread on the topic here:

I'm closing this thread so that the conversation can take place in the thread above.

Thanks for the suggestion. :)
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