NameSilo is taking way too long processing payments.

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
5,060 is really taking too long processing payments.The last few deals I have done have taking too long to process and approve payments. This can be nail biting when trying to complete a deal fast. As we know deals fall apart at times and the time frame by escrow can really ruin things. I'm not happy with the new the old got things done.
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Have you reached out to them to see what the dealeo is?
I agree. They're taking up to 2 weeks to disburse secured funds.
I agree. They're taking up to 2 weeks to disburse secured funds.
not good for me I just sold something for next to nothing because I needed money right away. This sucks
not good for me I just sold something for next to nothing because I needed money right away. This sucks
They secured a wire last month. I had to call after 10 days to get funds. Now again they just secured a wire 2-3 days ago. Nothing so far...
Last year I had one that took almost 2 months to get paid. I am not using them anymore (and for the reason for all the IDs needed by buyer and seller which will kill many deals.)
// not sure what's happening with them!
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They need to take a long look at their ethos and the way they do things.
they used to do things efficiently and it worked! The service is not the same now
Chat agent is not friendly sometimes at
Disclaimer: I'm not stating Escrow are in trouble financially. I'd just like to point out that slow payments is rarely a positive sign. I've seen this a thousand times in many niches. They'd want to get their act together.

I recently got transactions handled very fast with them, but I'm reading too many stories about delays, now ID is required. I won't be using them for any further transactions that I need closed fast.
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Disclaimer: I'm not stating Escrow are in trouble financially. I'd just like to point out that slow payments is rarely a positive sign. I've seen this a thousand times in many niches. They'd want to get their act together.

I recently got transactions handled very fast with them, but I'm reading too many stories about delays, now ID is required. I won't be using them for any further transactions that I need closed fast.
You Make A Good Point This Is Very scary. I might not use them again either
Hmmm just asked me to mail them back a cheque they said they sent me! lol

They said they would pay me an extra $5 lol This transaction has been going on for like five or six months now, including negotiating.

*scratches head* *rolls eyes*
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Hmmm just asked me to mail them back a cheque they said they sent me! lol

They said they would pay me an extra $5 lol This transaction has been going on for like five or six months now, including negotiating.

*scratches head* *rolls eyes*

lol what?
Hmmm just asked me to mail them back a cheque they said they sent me! lol

They said they would pay me an extra $5 lol This transaction has been going on for like five or six months now, including negotiating.

*scratches head* *rolls eyes*

Yeah, that's definitely not a good sign. lol
I wrote in the other threads about how I'm going to try to avoid in the future because of the excessive ID requirements.

But to be fair, I have to say that I have found them just as fast in the past year as previously... after the buyer confirms they got the domain, sent out payments usually within a day, or sometimes 2 days.

I just mention that to add a "datapoint" that they are fast at least in some cases.
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That is not surprising and expected after was acquired by, which does not have impeccable reputation.
Maybe After updating the site the servers got slow. None the less u can contact their support team
Maybe After updating the site the servers got slow. None the less u can contact their support team
Support spins things anymore nothing is getting done in a timely fashion. We need things to be executed pomptly. The only that gets done fast is them getting paid buy us. @Jackson Elsegood we need better service from your company. A lot of us are loyal customers. We are starting to feel like we need to business else where. Please have a meeting with your staff and provide us better service.
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Well there has got to be a reason for them to start using PayPal. This fits the PayPal pattern imho.
Your thread tempted me to gather some data from here and write this

Is Dying Slow Corporate Death?

You twisted my words.

I have no clue if Escrow are having solvency issues and I made this abundantly clear. I pointed out that slow payments can in many cases be a red flag for solvency issues. Please edit the article, it's not fair on me or

I would have thought transaction funds must be ringfenced from operation costs as part of their license agreement.

They're audited on a yearly basis so if there's trouble on the horizon we'll know about it soon.

Escrow have to realise that when service declines and payments begin to slow down, these are red flags from their customer's perspective. They need to address these matters urgently to avoid haemorrhaging business.

Word spreads fast on the internet.
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How can you ring fence a PayPal transaction, unless you use your own funds of course?
I'm rather keen to give Payoneer's Escrow service a try... haven't tried it yet but will definitely give them a try,
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