
DomainEquity Logo input needed

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
I am looking for some input on logo selection.

We have been working to finish a project called Domain Equity for peer to peer lending -- empowering domainers to access liquidity outside of the conventional banking pool. For those not aware, DomainEquity was a project long before COVID-related shutdowns, but has taken added urgency as a result of pressure on the banking system.

The site is scheduled to go live sometime in April. Here is a preview of the homepage:


And here is a walk-through:

We have some logo concepts -- here is the short list of final candidates:


For the long run, I tend to prefer a logo that can ultimately be branded in a way that can be logowear, e.g. you could put it on a baseball cap, etc.

Welcome any feedback.
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I originally liked #8, but on second thought, I think it (the avatar) looks too much like something from the early 00’s. Almost like something Godaddy would do.

I’m settling for #4 because, for one, it’s simpler. It incorporates the avatar into the domain itself and would look much more professional on hats and t-shirts.
they all look like a fivr $5 USD job
why don't you pay a designer?
#7 and #8 but leaning toward #7
#4 by far

At a first Wee glance #8 could easily and does (IMO) look like "D DomainEquity" Icon hinders it looks to much a like a "D". no good! ( same with 5)

#4 pops out and is CLear!

7 would be my 2nd choice
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they all look like a fivr $5 USD job
why don't you pay a designer?

Haha I thought the same thing!!

or at least show some NamePros support, sense you love this community so much and do a design contest here @Rob Monster
I originally liked #8, but on second thought, I think it (the avatar) looks too much like something from the early 00’s. Almost like something Godaddy would do.

Perfectly pt to words what I was thinking. Sorry Tib fir the GD comparison but I agree, it gives me that same huh feeling GDs new logo did.
Something like this would be best as it shows the movement of getting it done plus the money sign so you know what it's about.
7 is my pick, no question. It's friendly & inviting while remaining professional. It also visually flows/tracks your eye the correct way, while 4 has that stylistic Q totally dominating, which you don't want.

There are aspects of 8 that I like, but I would a slight rework if you go with that one.

Also, have you spit-balled 5 using the same D and E from the logo in the brand name?
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It easily would fit on a ball cap and it is symbolic of an exchange of monetary value for an asset,
Just don't use 5, looks like something you create with a template
I would say 4 looks like a long lasting logo
7 is the least bad, but it makes me think of RPMs, or golfing, more than money. Great concept. I hope you can settle on the right logo.
numero siete for me. The way the two i's connect both equity and domain. Gives it a bit more of a longevity edge over the arrow usage in #8 logo. Using the arrow asks "where is it going", using the dots to tie-in the two words says "we're here to stay".

Both great though, baseball-cap-wise.
They're all too busy/distracting to me .. far and away the current simple White and orange one is the one I'd go with. Maybe add a simple $ as @DigitalRoar suggested above.
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