
Customize and monetize?

Spaceship Spaceship
Hello all, Which, if any, domain parking companies, would you recommend, where you monetize and they allow you to customize i.e. add your own text and/or link, to landing page?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
hi, you cannot customize a lot, sometimes a link to your sales page.
You can also change template and propose keywords, but that's it.
That's cool....I'm not looking to customize a lot; so a link to my sales page, would be very helpful.
Voodoo is a good shout. It is about as customisable as you will get for a parked domain. They have a few templates, let you change pictures, colour schemes, capitalise letters, suggest keywords, add a sale banner/corner ribbon link and let you add some meta description/tags (for what it's worth). If you get stuck their support is very fast and no nonsense.

ParkingCrew will also let you do some of the above, with more emphasis on keywords/related searches and less on presentation.

They are 2 of the better parking companies generally.
Just do it yourself if you want to go this direction.
Voodoo is a good shout. It is about as customisable as you will get for a parked domain. They have a few templates, let you change pictures, colour schemes, capitalise letters, suggest keywords, add a sale banner/corner ribbon link and let you add some meta description/tags (for what it's worth). If you get stuck their support is very fast and no nonsense.

ParkingCrew will also let you do some of the above, with more emphasis on keywords/related searches and less on presentation.

They are 2 of the better parking companies generally.
Do the parking companies get a commission, from domains sold through your added sales banner/corner ribbon link?
Voodoo and ParkingCrew do not charge you to use their system, voodoo might even still have integrated escrow. Obviously any aftermarket or escrow service you use may have charges...
Voodoo and ParkingCrew do not charge you to use their system, voodoo might even still have integrated escrow. Obviously any aftermarket or escrow service you use may have charges...

voodoo integrates
@NachoGalactico, @davidc1
Added VooDoo to the short list. FWIW, my search has found Bodis is also integrated with but ParkingCrew is not, yet. When asked, ParkingCrew rep replied: "...We don't offer Escrow yet, but it is already in the works and will be available soon.". That said, anyone have experience to share with using Above dot com?
Hello all, Which, if any, domain parking companies, would you recommend, where you monetize and they allow you to customize i.e. add your own text and/or link, to landing page?

In my opinion and experience...
Your Best bet is to create your own Landing Page/Parking Page.
I call it "True Parking"
I named it this after the constant success myself and others I recommended this too have had throughout the years.

It may sound little but complicated, but it is actually very simple.

Pick out 4 Brandable domain names.
Not a company domain name.
You can always promote your company and direct link it off of these pages.
The Brandable domain names allow you to expand and not limit you on what you want to do.
It also allows you to sell the blogs later on down the line if you wanted to.

The set up is simple, you can avoid any commissions, customize it AND monetize it to your liking.

I'm personally not doing this right now, because I'm using my domain forwarding for different reasons.
But I used to do this all the time. Earned amazing from it via monetization methods; affiliate links, adsense, ad sales, domain sales and blog sales.

I would make 1 official Page, and then clone it 3 times, hence 4 sites total.
All sites would be promoting eachother, look exactly the same, all intertwined but be of different niches, which you will understand below.
The only difference hopping from page to page would be the URL and Niche.

Basically, I would forward whatever inventory I was looking to sell, park or had high traffic to the landing main branding page I made.
That would usually get me x,xxx uvs a month just from the forwarding.
Then I would go to expired domains,
Grab around 5-10 domains. Mixed with either Niche specific Typo Traffic or Niche Traffic in general.
This would up my Landing and Parking Page to mid xx,xxx uvs/month.
Since all sites are "as one" each page would get this amount of traffic.
So below, when I talk about the landing/parking page, I am talking about all 4, so please keep that in mind.

On the landing page.
I would make it a customized contact form, to gain from any of the forwarding domains that would actually sell via the landing page.
At the end of the day, if a buyer wants your domain.
They will contact you about it.
The placement of the contact form is very important.
Because when someone is interested in purchasing a domain name from you...
They will scroll, or click whatever... to get in touch with you.
Use a flyout option, a bottom "always showing" flyout option and basically always have it available and "right there" no matter if another page is clicked, the page is scrolled ect...
But make it neat and out of the way of the "site" i guess you would say.

So the goal here... is to place the inquiry form in the correct spot in order to reduce the bounce rate and increase the stay time for the other traffic. Domain Buyers will ignore the rest of the site and dill that out right away.
The other traffic will ignore that contact flyout and only pay attention to the site.


The main goal... is to be monetizing via the traffic that came that way.
This is the Key part.
Because you earn VERY good doing this. Muchhhhhh more than I ever earned parking a name.

On the landing/your park page the idea is to go the other direction actually... and provide "interest" to the "general population" aka the majority of your traffic...
So make it a Blog.
Not a messy looking blog. A very Clean Blog. Because this is still a Landing page/park page.
The odds kind of lean to the majority of your traffic being interested in something broad.
So make your blog/lander/park page revolve around a couple niches.
Celebrities, News, Politics, Technology ect...
These would be your 4 Brand pages. Again... all intertwined, and in the users eyes... one website.

Make sure you add social media share buttons.
You will be veryyyyy surprised on the traffic growth and how natural-organic it becomes.

This also starts to gain rankings via google ect... for many kw's organically throughout the months.
Each of the 4 sites start ranking one another, each site helps the other grow via the niche...
Which equals more traffic and more revenue.

On your blog/lander/parking page, monetize correctly.
Be sure to have an "Advertise with us" page.
Selling banner space and ad space to random individuals/other blogs/companies WILL happen eventually.
There is good money to be made doing that.

Make sure you add unique content frequently, and within that content, hyperlink the "Must Click" sections that users want to click on to read more, via adfly.
You can earn a few hundred a month from adfly doing this.

Make sure you sign up with a couple good affiliate programs promoting banners and revolve your blog posts around the hot items they recommend. You will earn a few hundred from this a month as well.

Then be sure to sign up for the right affiliate programs that promote only via a referal id, such as .com/745673
Link these, integrate these into your blog/lander/park page correctly. You will earn a couple hundred/month from this as well.

Then from there, be sure to sign up with reputable PPC companies. (Pay Per Call).
This is because the right PPC Companies pay out VERYYYY well, and the percentage of the forwarded traffic that decided to call whatever promotion you are doing, will convert into great revenue.
They stay on the phone X amount of time, you get paid X amount of dollars. There is no harm in adding this as many people underestimate the power of PPC.

In addition, sign up for the correct PPV company. (Pay Per View).
This will be promoting Videos which you embed on your site or redirect.
You make amazinggggg money from this.
The majority of people do not want to "read".
They either "Look" or "Watch". So this will earn you a lottt monthly.

Next, obviously add adsense in the correct spots to your pages.
You will earn great with this on each page if you do all of this correctly.

Keep adding content weekly to your sites in order to continue gaining rankings and earning the most you can from all monetization methods.

After a couple months, I'd say about 3 maybe 4.
Your blogs/landers/parking pages will be ranking all over the place for random keywords, getting a lot more traffic than they were originally getting, earning you much more revenue, plus domain sales and ad sales.

This is when you want to contact companies such as outbrain, taboola ect...
And then place something on buy sell ads.
This just ups the amount of money you will earn monthly on each site big time.

Let this run for a few more months like this.
You now have a Blog network that is:
Selling Domain Names
Earning from Multiple Affiliate Programs
Earning from Direct Banner/Ad Sales
Earning from ad networks such as Outbrain, Taboola ect...
Earning from Adsense
Earning from PPC networks, PPV networks ect...
Earning from buy sell ads
And more.

You can easily sell 1 or 2 of the blogs after this, with amazing traffic, good rankings via keywords, great earning revenue ect... for great money.
From there, add 2 more True Parking Pages in other niches, with 2 other brand names and the process speeds itself up remarkably and basically becomes never ending.

I still have 10+ random true parking pages earning me residual income to this day because of this, I just took off the contact form to inquire about domain names, and I can always add that right back on and forward my names whenever.

Sorry for the long post... but earning a couple K a month with a True Parking Page and it's methods blows a parking company out of the water any day of the week in my book.
In my opinion and experience...
Your Best bet is to create your own Landing Page/Parking Page.
I call it "True Parking"
I named it this after the constant success myself and others I recommended this too have had throughout the years.

It may sound little but complicated, but it is actually very simple.

Pick out 4 Brandable domain names.
Not a company domain name.
You can always promote your company and direct link it off of these pages.
The Brandable domain names allow you to expand and not limit you on what you want to do.
It also allows you to sell the blogs later on down the line if you wanted to.

The set up is simple, you can avoid any commissions, customize it AND monetize it to your liking.

I'm personally not doing this right now, because I'm using my domain forwarding for different reasons.
But I used to do this all the time. Earned amazing from it via monetization methods; affiliate links, adsense, ad sales, domain sales and blog sales.

I would make 1 official Page, and then clone it 3 times, hence 4 sites total.
All sites would be promoting eachother, look exactly the same, all intertwined but be of different niches, which you will understand below.
The only difference hopping from page to page would be the URL and Niche.

Basically, I would forward whatever inventory I was looking to sell, park or had high traffic to the landing main branding page I made.
That would usually get me x,xxx uvs a month just from the forwarding.
Then I would go to expired domains,
Grab around 5-10 domains. Mixed with either Niche specific Typo Traffic or Niche Traffic in general.
This would up my Landing and Parking Page to mid xx,xxx uvs/month.
Since all sites are "as one" each page would get this amount of traffic.
So below, when I talk about the landing/parking page, I am talking about all 4, so please keep that in mind.

On the landing page.
I would make it a customized contact form, to gain from any of the forwarding domains that would actually sell via the landing page.
At the end of the day, if a buyer wants your domain.
They will contact you about it.
The placement of the contact form is very important.
Because when someone is interested in purchasing a domain name from you...
They will scroll, or click whatever... to get in touch with you.
Use a flyout option, a bottom "always showing" flyout option and basically always have it available and "right there" no matter if another page is clicked, the page is scrolled ect...
But make it neat and out of the way of the "site" i guess you would say.

So the goal here... is to place the inquiry form in the correct spot in order to reduce the bounce rate and increase the stay time for the other traffic. Domain Buyers will ignore the rest of the site and dill that out right away.
The other traffic will ignore that contact flyout and only pay attention to the site.


The main goal... is to be monetizing via the traffic that came that way.
This is the Key part.
Because you earn VERY good doing this. Muchhhhhh more than I ever earned parking a name.

On the landing/your park page the idea is to go the other direction actually... and provide "interest" to the "general population" aka the majority of your traffic...
So make it a Blog.
Not a messy looking blog. A very Clean Blog. Because this is still a Landing page/park page.
The odds kind of lean to the majority of your traffic being interested in something broad.
So make your blog/lander/park page revolve around a couple niches.
Celebrities, News, Politics, Technology ect...
These would be your 4 Brand pages. Again... all intertwined, and in the users eyes... one website.

Make sure you add social media share buttons.
You will be veryyyyy surprised on the traffic growth and how natural-organic it becomes.

This also starts to gain rankings via google ect... for many kw's organically throughout the months.
Each of the 4 sites start ranking one another, each site helps the other grow via the niche...
Which equals more traffic and more revenue.

On your blog/lander/parking page, monetize correctly.
Be sure to have an "Advertise with us" page.
Selling banner space and ad space to random individuals/other blogs/companies WILL happen eventually.
There is good money to be made doing that.

Make sure you add unique content frequently, and within that content, hyperlink the "Must Click" sections that users want to click on to read more, via adfly.
You can earn a few hundred a month from adfly doing this.

Make sure you sign up with a couple good affiliate programs promoting banners and revolve your blog posts around the hot items they recommend. You will earn a few hundred from this a month as well.

Then be sure to sign up for the right affiliate programs that promote only via a referal id, such as .com/745673
Link these, integrate these into your blog/lander/park page correctly. You will earn a couple hundred/month from this as well.

Then from there, be sure to sign up with reputable PPC companies. (Pay Per Call).
This is because the right PPC Companies pay out VERYYYY well, and the percentage of the forwarded traffic that decided to call whatever promotion you are doing, will convert into great revenue.
They stay on the phone X amount of time, you get paid X amount of dollars. There is no harm in adding this as many people underestimate the power of PPC.

In addition, sign up for the correct PPV company. (Pay Per View).
This will be promoting Videos which you embed on your site or redirect.
You make amazinggggg money from this.
The majority of people do not want to "read".
They either "Look" or "Watch". So this will earn you a lottt monthly.

Next, obviously add adsense in the correct spots to your pages.
You will earn great with this on each page if you do all of this correctly.

Keep adding content weekly to your sites in order to continue gaining rankings and earning the most you can from all monetization methods.

After a couple months, I'd say about 3 maybe 4.
Your blogs/landers/parking pages will be ranking all over the place for random keywords, getting a lot more traffic than they were originally getting, earning you much more revenue, plus domain sales and ad sales.

This is when you want to contact companies such as outbrain, taboola ect...
And then place something on buy sell ads.
This just ups the amount of money you will earn monthly on each site big time.

Let this run for a few more months like this.
You now have a Blog network that is:
Selling Domain Names
Earning from Multiple Affiliate Programs
Earning from Direct Banner/Ad Sales
Earning from ad networks such as Outbrain, Taboola ect...
Earning from Adsense
Earning from PPC networks, PPV networks ect...
Earning from buy sell ads
And more.

You can easily sell 1 or 2 of the blogs after this, with amazing traffic, good rankings via keywords, great earning revenue ect... for great money.
From there, add 2 more True Parking Pages in other niches, with 2 other brand names and the process speeds itself up remarkably and basically becomes never ending.

I still have 10+ random true parking pages earning me residual income to this day because of this, I just took off the contact form to inquire about domain names, and I can always add that right back on and forward my names whenever.

Sorry for the long post... but earning a couple K a month with a True Parking Page and it's methods blows a parking company out of the water any day of the week in my book.
Thanks but no, thanks!
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