
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The next wave of the virus and those to follow in future (including nanowarfare) are going to obscure the current 'race war' narrative. The emperor has no clothes.

Are viruses inside our DNA our friends or our enemies?

“I call them our ‘frenemies’, because when you look at their role in one human lifespan, most likely if they are mobilised there are going to be negative effects,” Paolo Mita, a postdoctoral fellow researching transposons at NYU School of Medicine in New York explains. “In the short term, they are our enemies. On the other hand, if you are looking across time, these elements are a powerful force of evolution and they are still active in our species today."

Over many millions of years, this could have been a powerful motor for creating new species. For example, if a virus randomly goes on the hop in one ancestral creature and not another and is then tamed over time, it will create new control switches that could have a big impact on an animal’s appearance or behaviour.

What’s more, these jumping elements become more active during times of environmental change. As times get tough, species need to find new ways to adapt or they will die out.
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Researchers retract study that found big risks in using hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19

Three of the authors of a study that found the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was dangerous for hospitalized covid-19 patients retracted it Thursday, saying they could “no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

The retraction notice was posted by the medical journal Lancet, which had published the study on May 22.

The study, purportedly based on the health records of almost 100,000 patients around the world, found that hospitalized covid-19 patients treated with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine — a drug repeatedly touted by President Trump — had a sharply higher risk of death and heart problems compared to those who did not receive the drug. It also showed the drug didn’t provide a benefit. The study was “observational,” which is less rigorous than a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

I wonder how many people died because of the CNN campaign against using hydroxychloroquine
which they only did because Donald Trump said it could save lives.
At 20.4 seconds in Tucker Carlson interviews the writer of Undercover Epicenter Nurse.
This should put an end to the cheering for our hero nurses and doctors.

Posted in this thread exactly 2 months ago...

Wonders if everything will be shut down in a couple months time?

Public events, amusement parks, universities, galleries, restaurants, hotels...the list is endless.
Why children avoid the worst coronavirus complications might lie in their arteries

Several theories have been proposed to explain why children aren’t getting so ill. These include the possibility that they have a stronger and more effective initial immune response to the virus than adults do, and that they might have some immunity from recent exposure to similar viruses. But a growing number of researchers think that the difference between adults and children might be the condition of their blood vessels.

Many adults with serious COVID-19 experience clotting in their blood vessels, which leads to heart attacks or strokes. The clotting seems to be linked to a malfunctioning endothelium, the smooth tissue that lines blood vessels and normally prevents clotting, says Frank Ruschitzka, a cardiologist at the University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland. Normally, blood clots form only to stop bleeding from an injury, but if the endothelium is damaged, clots can also form.

Ruschitzka and colleagues have found that SARS-CoV-2 can infect endothelial cells, which are found throughout the body. In a study of three people with COVID-19, two of whom died, Ruschitzka’s team found that SARS-CoV-2 had infected the patient’s endothelium and caused inflammation and signs of clotting 1. The study was small so such complications will need to be investigated further, but problems with the endothelium seem to be involved in most cases of COVID-19 that progress to severe or fatal disease in adults, he says.

This theory could also explain why people with conditions that compromise the endothelium, such as diabetes and hypertension, are at a greater risk of serious COVID-19, says Marcel Levi, a haematologist at University College Hospital in London.


A Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Postexposure Prophylaxis for Covid-19


We enrolled 821 asymptomatic participants. Overall, 87.6% of the participants (719 of 821) reported a high-risk exposure to a confirmed Covid-19 contact. The incidence of new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine and those receiving placebo.


After high-risk or moderate-risk exposure to Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine did not prevent illness compatible with Covid-19 or confirmed infection when used as postexposure prophylaxis within 4 days after exposure.
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This should put an end to the cheering for our hero nurses and doctors.

You should learn how to think things through better before negatively broad brushing an entire group like them.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 424,472
United States: 116,063
United Kingdom: 41,279
Canada: 7,994
Mexico: 15,944
Brazil: 41,058
Russia: 6,715
India: 8,512
Japan : 920
Indonesia: 2,048
Italy: 34,167
Spain: 27,136
Belgium: 9,646
France: 29,346
Netherlands: 6,053
Not being on a ventilator likely saved her life.

OK, so you are going on record here to say that your understanding of causality (cause and effect) is pretty much nonexistent.

Huh! Well, that's pretty brave of you.

On behalf of all those that do actually understand the concept, we thank you for your honesty and putting yourself out there. As the saying goes, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to bettering yourself.
In New York City, 90% plus of the people put on ventilators will die. This woman wasn't put on a ventilator and she lived. The nurses and doctors must of liked her. They know better than anyone that the ventilator is a death sentence. We have all probably seen on TV, nurses and doctors cheering people who are released from the hospital after surviving the ventilator. That is because surviving the ventilator is so rare. They have survived the hospitals best attempts to kill them.

So why do hospitals put patients on a ventilator that will most likely kill them. One reason is money. Ventilator treatment is expensive. Another reason is that Governor Cuomo has given hospitals immunity from being sued for the deaths of Covid-19 patients. And since people on ventilators are given drugs that
paralize them, they are way less trouble than someone who is still struggling to breath and survive. Patients on ventilators just quietly die without complaint.

I agree that there are good nurses who really care about their patients. At Elmhurst in Queens, the nurses who complained about abuse of patients were told to shut up, and then told to go home. One of the nurses who was sent home wrote "Undercover Epicenter Nurse." You can find more information on
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In New York City, 90% plus of the people put on ventilators will die. This woman wasn't put on a ventilator and she lived. The nurses and doctors must of liked her. They know better than anyone that the ventilator is a death sentence. We have all probably seen on TV, nurses and doctors cheering people who are released from the hospital after surviving the ventilator. That is because surviving the ventilator is so rare. They have survived the hospitals best attempts to kill them.

So why do hospitals put patients on a ventilator that will most likely kill them. One reason is money. Ventilator treatment is expensive. Another reason is that Governor Cuomo has given hospitals immunity from being sued for the deaths of Covid-19 patients. And since people on ventilators are given drugs that paralize them, they are way less trouble than someone who is still struggling to breath and survive. Patients on ventilators just quietly die without complaint.

I agree that there are good nurses who really care about their patients. At Elmhurst in Queens, the nurses who complained about abuse of patients were told to shut up, and then told to go home. One of the nurses who was sent home wrote "Undercover Epicenter Nurse." You can find more information on
So your understanding of how cause and effect works hasn't changed in the last 24 hours?!?!?

Well, hopefully you can study up on it over the weekend and actually come up with the correct response by Monday. (Hint: The correct answer does NOT include a conspiracy theory that doctors and nurses are intentionally killing people willy-nilly AND that ventilators aren't the root cause of patient deaths when used correctly )
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 428,753
United States: 116,831
United Kingdom: 41,481
Canada: 8,049
Mexico: 16,448
Brazil: 41,901
Russia: 6,829
India: 8,895
Japan : 922
Indonesia: 2,091
Italy: 34,223
Spain: 27,136
Belgium: 9,650
France: 29,374
Netherlands: 6,053
Again I many people died because of the CNN campaign against oxychloroquine?

American Journal of Epidemiology
Published: 27 May 2020

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk
Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately
as Key to the Pandemic Crisis

More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that
prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed:
remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin
in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient
disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.
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Again I many people died because of the CNN campaign against oxychloroquine?

American Journal of Epidemiology
Published: 27 May 2020

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk
Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately
as Key to the Pandemic Crisis

These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.


+ this:

In China, it became MANDATORY to use Chinese herbal formulas to treat Covid-19. Check out the results from the hospital that lost one patient out out of close to 1300.

You won't hear about herbal formulas in the lamestream media or much else besides the narrative of the script being played out.

You will be bombarded by info about the barbarous practice of shoving ventilators down peoples throats before exhausting numerous less invasive modalities as if it is some sort of amazing medical achievement.
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Several states are going to delay rolling out their phase 3 (or whatever they call it) openings. I spent a couple hours yesterday looking at live feeds from areas/cities/resorts from all over the US...only about 15% were wearing face coverings.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 432,957
United States: 117,533
United Kingdom: 41,662
Canada: 8,107
Mexico: 16,872
Brazil: 42,791
Russia: 6,948
India: 9,206
Japan : 924
Indonesia: 2,134
Italy: 34,301
Spain: 27,136
Belgium: 9,655
France: 29,398
Netherlands: 6,059
Add China coronavirus cases (true count?)


I've never included communist China due to their culpability in this crisis along with severely under-reporting cases and deaths in that country. The spike in Beijing (a city that celebrated 0 cases recently) is evidence of their ongoing cover-up and misinformation campaign. I am saddened by the death of any human due to this pandemic regardless of race, creed, belief system; but to include false numbers would be a waste of time.
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OK, so you are going on record here to say that your understanding of causality (cause and effect) is pretty much nonexistent.

Huh! Well, that's pretty brave of you.

On behalf of all those that do actually understand the concept, we thank you for your honesty and putting yourself out there. As the saying goes, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to bettering yourself.

I believe that I understand cause and effect quite well.

Put patients on a ventilator and they die.

Put patients on a ventilator and the hospital makes a lot of money.

Put non covid-19 patients in with covid-19 patients and they get covid-19, they get put on ventilators, and they die

Treat all covid-19 patients as if they have "Do Not Resuscitate" orders and they die.

Send nurses home that protest the treatment of covid-19 patients and their patients die.

Refuse to give proven therapies during the early stages of illness and the patients die.

Perhaps you can tell me what it is that I don't understand about cause and effect.
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In the JAMA study, the mortality rate for 18 to 65-year-olds on ventilators was more than 76%, while more than 97% of patients older than 65 on ventilators died. That's where the combined death rate of 88% came from. Death rates for those in these age categories who weren't intubated and placed on ventilators were nearly 20% and nearly 27% respectively.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 436,164
United States: 117,859
United Kingdom: 41,698
Canada: 8,146
Mexico: 17,141
Brazil: 43,389
Russia: 7,091
India: 9,524
Japan : 925
Indonesia: 2,198
Italy: 34,345
Spain: 27,136
Belgium: 9,661
France: 29,407
Netherlands: 6,065
Again I many people died because of the CNN campaign against oxychloroquine?

American Journal of Epidemiology
Published: 27 May 2020

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk
Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately
as Key to the Pandemic Crisis

More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that
prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed:
remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin
in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient
disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.


Someone must have not received Dr T-man's thoroughly vetted research paper on the bigly -- like no one has ever seen before -- effectiveness of this drug in treating Covid-19. Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr, Howard...

FDA REVOKES emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients after Trump touted its benefits

  • On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration said hydroxychloroquine no longer has emergency use authorization for treating COVID-19
  • The results of several large clinical trials of the drug touted by Trump suggest it is 'unlikely' to have antiviral effects
  • It comes after the retraction of a study that suggested that the malaria and lupus drug might raise the risks of death for coronavirus patients
  • WHO resumed its international trials of the controversial drug, but a more recent large clinical trial suggests no benefit to the drug
  • Hydroxychloroquine is known to cause dangerous heart arrhythmias as a side effect
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Someone must have not received Dr T-man's thoroughly vetted research paper on the bigly -- like no one has ever seen before -- effectiveness of this drug in treating Covid-19. Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr, Howard...

FDA REVOKES emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients after Trump touted its benefits

  • On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration said hydroxychloroquine no longer has emergency use authorization for treating COVID-19
  • The results of several large clinical trials of the drug touted by Trump suggest it is 'unlikely' to have antiviral effects
  • It comes after the retraction of a study that suggested that the malaria and lupus drug might raise the risks of death for coronavirus patients
  • WHO resumed its international trials of the controversial drug, but a more recent large clinical trial suggests no benefit to the drug
  • Hydroxychloroquine is known to cause dangerous heart arrhythmias as a side effect

Man, the FDA calls Trump's beliefs unreasonable. That is rough.

"FDA has concluded that, based on this new information and other information discussed in the attached memorandum, it is no longer reasonable to believe that oral formulations of HCQ and CQ may be effective in treating COVID-19, nor is it reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits of these products outweigh their known and potential risks," FDA chief scientist Denise Hinton wrote in a letter to Gary Disbrow of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) on Monday.
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FDA chief scientist Denise Hinton is neither a scientist nor a doctor. She was trained as a nurse.

FDA chief scientist Denise Hinton is neither a scientist nor a doctor. She was trained as a nurse.

And T-man is just some guy off the street with ABSOLUTELY NO MEDICAL OR SCIENTIFIC TRAINING -- but we should listen to him?!?!?

Got it!
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