
Can my business name and the domain name be the same?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I own a taxi fleet management software that has three separate apps. I am planning to launch a website for future business advancements. Shall my business name and site name be the same? If yes will it help for my branding? If no, how can I choose the apt domain for my business?
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Your domain should be your business name so the answer is yes.
In an ideal world, yes

Example: If your business is called "Power Panda", then this in COM, NET or ORG would be ideal

If for some reason you fail in getting your ideal, and forced to compromise, the following may be a fair replacement:

Power Panda Software (COM)
PP Software (COM)

Power Panda Management (COM)
PP Management (COM)

From past experience, a business of mine selling cars, called "Ignition"...couldn't get this in a COM, NET or ORG, so I compromised on the full "Ignition Cars" (it did the job)
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I own a taxi fleet management software that has three separate apps. I am planning to launch a website for future business advancements. Shall my business name and site name be the same? If yes will it help for my branding? If no, how can I choose the apt domain for my business?
An exact match in .COM is normally ideal, but if that is not attainable I would personally just add a relevant word like @jhm outlined.

You should have had registered TaxiFleetManagement in .com but apparently someone already snatched it after seeing your post...
You should have had registered TaxiFleetManagement in .com but apparently someone already snatched it after seeing your post...
Lol, funny. Well...chances are his business ain't literally called "Taxi Fleet Management", nor will he want to pay over a grand for the hand reg that someone cheekily registered
If you were buying country code domains you would be required to register a business in the same name as your domain.
You should have had registered TaxiFleetManagement in .com but apparently someone already snatched it after seeing your post...
Thank you people for taking out your time and writing out for me. I have decided to get my domain as zemcra.
Can anybody suggest to me some cool names? just to get an idea. The people from SpotnRides suggested me to go with taxioncall, taxitoyou... but I feel the branding is more easy with Zimcra.

Edit: SpotnRides is where I work as a Developer. These guys are going to help me out in launching my business.
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Someone scalped ya and stole your 3 word .com 😂
Go with TaxiFleet in xyz
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