
Auction - Filtered for Quality...

Spaceship Spaceship


Secret SantaTop Member
Perhaps we need a new definition of quality - to me its a combination of the domain quality and price.

I don't understand how a two users have 1 (ONE) forum post and has submitted at least 20names of which ZERO has a chance of selling. We're talking $10 names listed for $3500?!

or $0 names for random $X,XXX

Or do I misunderstand filtered for quality?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Filtering hasn't occurred yet. The list will be paired down before the newsletter mailing on the 16th.

Our filtering process is quite unscientific for this auction. We will be voting on which names to remove. (well, I guess this part can be quite scientific based on the judge.) Three judges, two votes and it's gone, if prebidding hasn't saved it. Our auction team is a man down at the moment. maybe du, you could volunteer to be our third judge? :tu:
So I jumped the gun.. thought it would filter the list/queue for ease of review.

I would volunteer but I don't think I'd let my names in - if you're desperate I could cast a tie-break vote :)

I would remove any .TV that's reserve is over $1K. That cuts the list by about 15+ right there. There may be one or two in there that deserve that reserve but most don't.

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