
Are most "domainers" out of touch with reality?

Spaceship Spaceship

Are most "domainers" out of touch with reality?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes. People need to get a grip!

  • No. Driverless domains will take off, and we'll be laughing our way to the bank.

  • Nothing is real, and I'm officially a philosopher because I chose this answer.

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Results are only viewable after voting.


----Top Member
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Hey the world needs laughter's how we survive
While the Mods allow such threads to exist (exhibit A) you can't really blame newbies for thinking this is a legitimate category ......many domainers do follow "trends" whether a good idea or not
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The Internet is a vitual world - it isn't reality.

or is it the other way round now. :)
We can't rule out the aspect of gambling in domaining. No one knows tomorrow. The same thing happen to those who dropped/deleted 4L, 3L some years back, now live to regret it
no they are not. Wtf is reality even?
People like taking shots at domainers...because they cant get their good names for their desired cheapo price.
Q: Are most "domainers" out of touch with reality ?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
A: Why bother with reality when you can make up your own ?
A large portion of this is due the the influx of false prophets in this industry and the people who actually listen to them....
Thread title is generic..poll is specific!

To answer the title..yes sometimes as a domainer, I been known to "step into the twilight zone" especially with some of the niches that I got involved in

no valid comment about driverless domains..not my niche.
I'm not out of touch, I'm just ahead of my time! :)
Namepros is reality
Keep in touch :laugh:
Reality exists on varying degree's, each persons perception of reality is unique to themselves. Their perception of reality is based on their knowledge and own individual experiences, my reality will not be your reality. Whilst there will always be some common threads between everyone's perception of reality, no two realities can ever be exactly the same.

Trying to achieve a common perception of reality is what leads to conflict often when one person tries to impose their reality on someone else.

Daaaamn!.... that was some strong sh*t I just smoked! :) (vaped actually)
[QUOTE="deez007, post: 5821673, member: 179104"
Daaaamn!.... that was some strong sh*t I just smoked! :) (vaped actually)[/QUOTE]
Vaping . ..another niche!
[QUOTE="deez007, post: 5821673, member: 179104"
Daaaamn!.... that was some strong sh*t I just smoked! :) (vaped actually)
Vaping . ..another niche![/QUOTE]

I'm actually sampling different vaporizers I bought from a supplier... so I can see which one I like the most and then create my own brand :)
  1. a thing that is indisputably the case.
    synonyms: reality, actuality, certainty;
    "it is a fact that the water is polluted"

Are these facts or not?
1. Most of those driverless domains are terrible and a huge waste of money opinion
1. People are likely overestimating the worth of domains with the words "driverless" and "selfdriving" in them.
2. .mobi is dead

If we don't have any common perception of reality (a set of facts backed up by evidence), how can we discuss things rationally? Nothing would ever be resolved.
"That domain will most likely never ever sell." "But in my reality it's worth 50k!" (
"If you work hard and save money, you will be able to buy that car." "I deserve the car right now, for free!"

The second statements are called (ridiculous) opinions, not facts. Some opinions have no good evidence.
And sometimes the majority of people have a common perception of reality that has no good evidence, which is the point of the thread.
In other words, they take facts and substitute them with opinions that they would like to be true.
I guess it helps the forum to have all these sub-threads of new tech domains, I would just have one thread titled "New Tech" and keep it to domains, not news about every little new development in each category, over time some of these names will sell. But the majority will not. However the guy who sold robotwelders all those years ago may disagree
internet asset is real......
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