
After Almost 4 Years of Waiting Have Sold My Second Domain!

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Finally i can start such a topic and return something to NP community.
I have begin domaining at the end of 2019 Year in december, that is when I started handregistering domains as a domainer, but as a end user i regged my first domain somwhere in 2013 year, maybe will post it one day for laugh.
At the end of August I sold my first domain and recently I have sold another one, this happened after I lowered the prices for my domains, possible because the prices were more proper.
This is what I can say for sure now.
  1. most sales are real.
  2. Afternic/Dan are the best marketplaces to sell your domains.
  3. Parking is dead for me.
  4. patience is a must.
  5. some luck.
Some advices.
  • Don't waste time with Bodis, Above etc, I can buy only topilet paper with that PPC.
  • List your domains at the most popular marketplaces, even if they are under Godaddy umbrella, not forget that Social Medias can add additional exposure, I plan to do that soon eg. on Twitter, Facebook etc.
  • Price your domains corectly, still must learn how to do that proper.
If you want to see what I sold check my website, they are marked as sold and with the prices, the domains have sold through Dan marketplace, if you find which are they don't publish their names here. Yes, I feel I sold them cheap, but that's fine for me, must learn on my own.
Thanks for attention and hope there will be more sales soon.

P.s. this domains are not related to a secret that I try to sell, see one of my latest topic here, those are hidden domains, I hope to sell such simple domains to grab the remaining secret related ones! :D
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So we need to browse every page of your website to find a domain you sold? (2) :)
Please man. Why do you do this?

We didn't do this to you when you went on nP to learn about domaining

So why give us this attitude?

I also went on your site and couldn't find any article on the sales. U have 3 blogs.

But I can jive with your feeling that "WHOAH SALEZ R REAL!!!1" because I too felt that way when I made a four and figure deal... suddenly I realized everyone posting was right and namebio makes sense and yadda yadda
Because NP now hides this topic I will never post again any sales, I think they are together with Masonic Google, Godaddy, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to hide my presence everywhere.

They moved the topic and hide in personal website promotion category, pfff, do you realize that I own the most important domains in the world and only one such domain, will be enough to bypass the popularity of this Masonic websites? No they don't!
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Because NP now hides this topic I will never post again any sales, I think they are together with Masonic Google, Godaddy, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to hide my presence everywhere.

They moved the topic and hide in personal website promotion category, pfff, do you realize that I own the most important domains in the world and only one such domain, will be enough to bypass the popularity of this Masonic websites? No they don't!

I think it's time to see a therapist, yo ^_^ somethings not quite rite
I can't see your website url, please could you share here?

Not a bad sale at all. Keep grinding and more will come!
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