
domains Adam Dicker sells Six Figure .CA Domain

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RobbiesBlog.comTop Member
Hey everyone, I hope your year is going well? I was browsing Twitter and came across this thread shared yesterday by ARIYAS, that shared that Adam Dicker has sold a Two Letter Canadian ccTld for six figures.

Now I know Adam can be seen as a bit of a controversial figure due to some past history relating to his web development business which are well documented on various blogs and forums in the past.

I don’t personally know Adam or the situation on getting every made good on monies owed but maybe this is a turning point for those domain investors in getting any monies owed returned, which looks like it could still be the case in the old thread on NamePros from 2015 – I still personally believe that people can change and hopefully this is the moment for all of those parties involved.
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Perfect. Will he use the money to compensate people?
Perfect. Will he use the money to compensate people?
I highly doubt it. I'm sure he's made other sales since then. Even if he paid everyone back that doesn't redeem him.

I'm a firm believer of no second chances when it comes to calculated wrongdoings.
Perfect. Will he use the money to compensate people?

Well, there is this Epik/Masterbucks precedence where you just tell people there is a queue, pay few bucks here and there and make everyone wait indefinitely.

If he is looking for a CEO to manage all this, Royce might become available soon.
Its a good sale for sure. .CA names and also most popular ccTLDs has a clear future ahead apart from legacy TLDs and also some popular new GTLDs.. Just an humble opinion

Congrats to Adam.
Its a good sale for sure. .CA names and also most popular ccTLDs has a clear future ahead apart from legacy TLDs and also some popular new GTLDs.. Just an humble opinion

Congrats to Adam.


.ca has huge upside. If they were to ever to remove the residency requirement, it could go up even further, as it is also the code for California, also makes for a good domain hack in various languages.
I'm a firm believer of no second chances when it comes to calculated wrongdoings.
It depends what it is. I don’t believe in completely destroying someone’s name/identify on the web for a mistake they made many years ago for something they never served any time for, trying to destroy someone like that becomes too much of a witch hunt and people playing judge and jury.

Going by threads on here Epik are screwing a lot more people over than what Adam did, but what happens if Epik ever go under? Would the people who made these decisions forever have their names tarnished on the web? Highly doubt they would, the company would go under and that would be that.
It is crazy that a sale gets reported and articles get written prior to transaction changing hands based on someone’s word alone. The word of a guy that means absolutely nothing.

Let’s hope it goes through…for the sake of the size of the transaction and potentially the attention it will get for .CA domains.
It depends what it is. I don’t believe in completely destroying someone’s name/identify on the web for a mistake they made many years ago for something they never served any time for, trying to destroy someone like that becomes too much of a witch hunt and people playing judge and jury.

Going by threads on here Epik are screwing a lot more people over than what Adam did, but what happens if Epik ever go under? Would the people who made these decisions forever have their names tarnished on the web? Highly doubt they would, the company would go under and that would be that.
I think there should be consequence for wrong doing. Should his/their (Epik decision makers) names be tarnished for ever? Absolutely they should.
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Hey everyone, I hope your year is going well? I was browsing Twitter and came across this thread shared yesterday by ARIYAS, that shared that Adam Dicker has sold a Two Letter Canadian ccTld for six figures.

Now I know Adam can be seen as a bit of a controversial figure due to some past history relating to his web development business which are well documented on various blogs and forums in the past.

I don’t personally know Adam or the situation on getting every made good on monies owed but maybe this is a turning point for those domain investors in getting any monies owed returned, which looks like it could still be the case in the old thread on NamePros from 2015 – I still personally believe that people can change and hopefully this is the moment for all of those parties involved.
How comes that you post it as if the domain has been sold, then when you go to the domain url, it goes to the page saying:

There is a pending sale agreement for the domain​

In my understanding, the domain has not been sold yet, right? I mean, if there is a pending sale agreement.... the domain still has not been paid. How can you report it as a domain sale?
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.ca has huge upside. If they were to ever to remove the residency requirement, it could go up even further, as it is also the code for California, also makes for a good domain hack in various languages.
Agree. CIRA to transform themselves and accept Openness. In the year of 2023 , someone trying to guard the internet borders is not leads to the positive results , specially to the positive growth of the specific extension ecosystem. In our opinion, More open registration policy is in the right direction. Nominet has made a good move to open up .UK name space to all. Lets hope other ccTLDs will learn on this part , We wish , .ca , .de , .eu ,..etc kind of extensions to made open for all.
Wouldnt be the first time he reported a non sale
I do hope it goes through

.ca Domains registered​

I think there should be consequence for wrong doing. Should his/their (Epik decision makers) names be tarnished for ever? Absolutely they should.
I agree, but people shouldn't be judge and jury, that’s why we have courts to decide consequences if someone have done wrong.

The issue I have with the today’s internet is it’s too easy to call someone out, call them a criminal, blacken their name if they upset you and everyone plays judge.
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I still need my money from my 2016 NFL football pool win.🏈
stuck w' free np after the other forum started charging money
I agree, but people shouldn't be judge and jury, that’s why we have courts to decide consequences if someone have done wrong.

The issue I have with the today’s internet is it’s too easy to call someone out, call them a criminal, blacken their name if they upset you and everyone plays judge.
I completely agree the Internet can be a witch hunt but sometimes you have to be the judge. Epik are clearly ripping people off but should I keep using them because they haven't been held to account yet?
CIRA to transform themselves and accept Openness. In the year of 2023 , someone trying to guard the internet borders is not leads to the positive results , specially to the positive growth of the specific extension ecosystem. In our opinion, More open registration policy is in the right direction.
I think this is unlikely to happen, and I believe CIRA is probably following the right policy by keeping it a national extension, even though it would open up opportunities for domain investors if open.

For those unfamiliar, CIRA operates sort of like a strata/condominium corporation, in that anyone who is the owner of a .ca domain name is theoretically able to join CIRA, and take part in their meetings, vote in the board of directors, etc. So essentially CIRA is controlled by the holders of .ca domain names. I think the majority of that group will always want to keep it a restricted national country code.

Why is keeping it national good? Surveys have repeatedly shown that Canadians trust .ca websites more than even the large legacy TLDs like .com and .org. A part of that trust is knowing that any .ca website is subject to Canadian law and court processes. Also, Canada has strict anti-spam legislation. Spamhaus shows that .ca is among the least abused domain extensions in all of the world.

There are more than 1000 TLD choices for those seeking a domain name. Do we really need every national country code to become unrestricted? For countries that want their extension to be used internationally, and get rewards as a cut from the proceeds, that is absolutely fine. But not every country should be forced on this road, in my opinion.


(PS this has nothing directly to do with the exact sale, or pending sale, but since the market and price is influenced by who could be potential buyer, it has an indirect influence, I wanted to respond to suggestions .ca should become unrestricted. By the way, I agree that sales should not be reported until the transaction is closed.)
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I'm sure it sold as an LL domain, but it's also a domain hack.
owca = sheep in Polish ;)
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I see is back on Dan listed for 249,000$
Can you confirm that what you posted in your original post is true?
i’ll buy you a coffee if you do πŸ™„
Word on the street is the deal will still go through. Just switched it from a this domain sold back to a for sale lander for unknown reason.
Its off the board again at Dan.
Pretty much a sure thing then.
Word on the street is the deal will still go through..... Pretty much a sure thing then.
So, it will still go through... pretty much a sure thing... but the question is: it has been already sold, yes or not?
Because it looks like someone is reporting a sale before it happens.
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Just a question, because I am not into the .ca domain registration market...

The WHOIS is a serious thing? Because there it looks like that domain still hasn't changed hands.

It may change hands in future? sure. It has already changed hands? NO.

So, the question is: Why to report a sale before it happens?
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Because it looks like someone is reporting a sale before it has happened.

Not the first time, nor will it be the last...
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