
150+ Homepage Backlinks - New Private Network Launched - Unique Content & More!

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LinkMink.com invites you to Join the Future of Private High PR Networks

We are very happy to announce the launch of our first Network (Viral Mink #1) a new approach to Private Backlink Networks in so many ways. We love creating High PR Networks with do-follow anchor text backlinks that grow monthly! Your Links will be on 150 different C-Class IP’s dripped over 1 year and for this Network there will be the option to continue after the first year with another 50 PR4 Backlinks every year.


So how does this work and what will I get?

The First Month (Starter Package):

Your links on 100 great looking and footprint-free websites (HomePage PR: 33x PR1 – 58x PR2 – 9x PR3 plus plenty inner PR’s and growing!)

Major Improvement - August 13, 2011: Now you can choose how you want your starter package links placed at no extra charge! (existing subscribers will receive an email from me later today asking about their preference, we are cool with the extra work load because we want you to rank!)

After hearing some concerns about the effectiveness of sitewide links, we did some thinking and decided to give you the choice if you want the Starter Package to be:

A.) All contextual links
B.) All sitewide links
C.) A custom mix (you choose how many sitewide links and how many contextual links you want in the starter package).

If you choose A.) or C.): We will write "growing articles" at no extra charge which means each of your 100 links in the starter package will be surrounded by initially 50 words of unique handwritten and keyword relevant content. By the end of the first year each of your links in the starter package will be surrounded by +250 words (we believe Google will like the constant changes around your link)

If you choose B.): Your starter package links will be on over 10,000 unique posts across these 100 sites (the actual number depends on how many people choose contextual links, max. 12,000 unique posts plus tags and categories)

Do you have trouble deciding which plan for the first month to choose? We have to admit that A.) is by far the best choice, even though it means a lot of extra work for us to write 25,000 words of additional content for each of our subscribers.

If you have a fairly new website and/or not many backlinks pointing to your website yet we recommend slowing down the drip feed over a duration of 2 months or more instead of 30 days to not make this link growth seem too unnatural in the eyes of Google.

Every Month after the first Month:

* 4 Contextual Homepage Backlinks surrounded by 100% unique content are added every month (in total: 44 x PR4 Homepage Backlinks after the first year plus we are adding another 6 x PR5 to round up the number to 150 websites in the last months of the first year!)

* Your monthly Backlinks will be surrounded on average by 400 words of unique handwritten content by our article writer team that is niche relevant to your keyword (No spun rubbish content! – Real Content for each and every subscriber and each and every link in the monthly add-ons). We strongly believe Google knows exactly what a spun article is or is well on it’s way to working it out.

After 12 months you will have:

150 Homepage Backlinks from 150 different C-Class IPs (33 x PR158 x PR29 x PR344 x PR46 x PR5… MINIMUM… as we are actively building backlinks to this network and expect our PageRank to rise but should our PR drop your link will be moved to a site of equivalent value as advertised)

45,000 words of unique content surrounding your links (if you choose option A.) in the starter package - we do recommend this option!)

Your link on 12,000 unique posts (if you choose option B.) in the starter package)

Plus there will be occasionally nice bonuses for our ongoing subscribers, trust me you’ll like the extras.

The Technical Details:

• After submitting your URLs/KWs no further work is needed from your end, we handle it all

• All Websites are hosted on different C-Class IP’s (plus some A-Classes)

• All Domains have private Nameservers

• All Domains have either Whois privacy enabled or have 100% unique Whois entries!

• All Websites will be actively backlinked (no interlinking of course), we have 2 SEO’s working full-time only for this Network (plus some outsourcing is done) with the goal of increasing the link juice for you on your existing backlinks in our network.

• The 100 Starter-Domains grow on average by 1 unique article per month

• 30 day manual drip feed for the 100 links in the Starter Package

• We check every single article with copyscape premium before publishing

• We use 6 different Domain Registrars

• Manual Link-Neighbor Rotation to make sure Google doesn’t see the same cluster of links all the time

• Whatever we do on-page (like publishing articles) is done manually, we don’t use any softwares for that, and our off-page SEO is done mostly manual as well

• This Network is capped at 100 members

• All of our templates are 100% uniquely developed for this Network! There is no-one using these templates and we will never share or sell them. And we use each template only once in our network and many of these sites have real nice custom logos.

No Footprints! (If you happen to find an obvious footprint or a site not passing CS anywhere just let us know and we will fix this immediately!)

• Some sites use Affiliate Products to make them look more like real websites made by webmasters that care, but even our affiliate ID’s are 100% unique across the Network and of course we don’t use Adsense or any other Google scripts

• We don’t hyperlink images on our sites, we buy stock images or use license free images

• The starter package contains real websites that will survive every manual human review not like the usual obvious High PR Network sites that even my grandma could identify by looking at them once

• All Support Emails will be answered within 24 hours

24/7 Toll Free Support Number for Members with urgent support issues

• All links are Do-Follow of course!

• The sites in the first year are spread across 4 different SEO-Hosts (we will add even more different hosts in the second year)

• We ping new articles that contain your links to speed up indexing

Geographical distribution of our C-Classes

• You can use up to 4 Keywords/URLs (we recommend using at least 2 keywords even though it’s more work for us, unless you have a lot of diversified links pointing to your site already then it should be ok just targeting one big keyword)

• We have 4 writers producing content for this network full time, plus some outsourced articles for niche specific content

• More then 500 articles with an average word count of 400 each are written every month for this network

• A bunch of real premium domains are part of the starter package

• We have more then double the budget then market value for our monthly add-on domains so we can pick the best domains that give the most link juice to our customers (we are very picky for our monthly add-ons!)

We track all your rankings and backlink growth, so in case you have no backlink tracking software yourself we can send you the reports upon request free of charge every month

• Domains have expiry dates up to 4 years into the future

• The average domain age of the starter package is more then 3 years & the monthly add-ons will be on average more then 5 years old

What will it cost?

Price per Month

Being a member will cost only $129 a month, the longer you stay in this network the stronger the network will grow, this is a promise! I can assure you that if you would buy this amount and type of links from other site owners individually you would have to spend way more than $1000 a month and we are definitely one of the cheapest High PR Networks out there even though we offer so much more than the average Network and every month the price per link is getting lower and lower.

Still wondering what a single link is worth to other site owners? I sell about 30 text links a year on my other sites (not included in this network to keep the OBL as low as possible) and I am averaging $200 per single link/per annum on these sites (I don't even accept gambling links that can pay easily double that amount) and I am frequently selling articles with 1 text link for minimum $150 a piece and you are getting 4 articles with your link every month as part of our growth program, trust me you are getting a great deal here.

After the first year you can decide to either keeping the subscription active as is and keep ALL the existing backlinks plus get a couple extra sitewide links every month or continue the full blown growth program with another 50 contextual PR4 backlinks dripped per year (bare minimum, our SEO Team is aiming to transform these PR4′s into PR5′s and hopefully also PR6′s, the price remains the same even if our PR’s grow, if the overall PR decrease we will of course replace these sites asap).

Once you are in you are in! This Network will increase in value every month making it most likely the best long term value network ever to be released.

Increasing Value and Decreasing Price (without the extras!)

1st Month: 100 Websites = $1,29 per Homepage Link

6th Month: 120 Websites = $1,08 per Homepage Link

12th Month: 150 Websites = $0,86 per Homepage Link

After the first year we will see if enough members want a continued growth or just keep the existing links plus getting a couple sitewide links every month. The price will increase by $25/month every year assuming all 100 members want continued growth , the extra cost is just to cover the extra SEO, Risk and Hosting costs for us.

End of second year = 200 Websites = $0,77 per Homepage Link

End of third year = 250 Websites = $0,72 per Homepage Link

And so on, as long as enough members want to keep going with full blown growth we will keep going!

In case the slot-sales will be slower then expected (we do expect to sell out very fast btw), we will have to wait up for more monthly subscribers to start with the first month add-on since the SEO-Team is going to start it's work at the beginning of the second month (these guys cost a lot). So if that is the case we will send you back $70 for every month you are waiting for the full monthly growth to start.


What about Guarantees?

You can request a full refund before the second billing circle (first 30 days) and within 24 hours it will be processed (no questions asked!), but please remember a network like this needs time to unleash it’s real power, so if you are looking for an overnight #1 ranking success then this is not for you.

If after 4 months you haven’t seen any significant/satisfying movements in rankings, just email us and we will sit down with you (1 on 1) and make a custom plan for your ranking success and even let our own SEO Team handle parts of this free of charge (within reason). We want you to rank and make money and we will help you as much as we can to achieve this.

Can I trust that I really receive all these Links on an ongoing basis?

My name is Toni Hoffmann, I live in germany and my reputation means everything to my business so I will deliver what I promise and if you are unsatisfied or have an urgent network related issue just call me toll-free 24/7, yes wake me up, the toll free number forwards to my mobile phone because customer satisfaction is more important than sleep for me.

In total I have accumulated around 300 positive Itraders across a few forums and also I have many happy/recurring customers in domaining and article writing and needless to say but I have never ever received a negative feedback (If you want to see my Itraders just email me). Of course if you still don’t believe me that we’ll deliver, you can always check the progress in SEO Spyglass/Majestic SEO etc.

Is my competitor with the same Keyword allowed in?

No, your keyword will have exclusivity in this network, your competitor for the same keyword will not be allowed in. Your keyword will be unique across this network.

Can I change my Keywords?

Yes we allow you to change your keywords in the same niche every 2 months if you really have to and a major niche change is also possible on request but we might have to charge extra for this since depending how far you are into the growth program it could mean writing a lot of articles new.

Can I submit any Keyword/URL?

No, since we want to keep this network “clean”. We can not allow Adult, Viagra, Torrent and Gambling type of links! We reserve the right to refuse any link after manual review. Also we will try to avoid “over-spammed” keywords as much as possible like “make money online” and we will stick to english keywords only.

Can I see a list of the domains in this Network?

No sorry, to protect this network we can not share the list of sites ever. But of course you will be able to see the sites and ongoing link growth using SEO Spyglass etc. If you don’t know how to do this we can certainly assist you with this.

What domain extensions are in the network?

The starter package consists of .com, .net, .org, .in, .ws, .biz, .co.in, .info, .sh and .me and the monthly network growth will focus on aged .com, .net and .org with an above average backlink profile unless we see a great juicy domain in a different extension. After the first year about 75% of the domains will be .com, .net, .org. All domains are hosted on US Servers, so if you are planning to rank in Google.com this package is for you, and even if you are looking to rank in Google.co.uk, com.au etc it’s probably still worth a go.

Is joining this Network enough to rank my site?

This entirely depends on what kind of keywords you are targeting and how tough your competition is. Generally you should see very good results using this network alone but we highly recommend combining this package with other common and proven link building techniques.

This sounds great, how do I order?

If you want to secure a spot, the only way is to send us an email using our contact form at LinkMink.com with your Keywords/URLs (up to 4) so we can manually review them first. If your Keywords/URLs are approved we will send you to the checkout page and start building your links within 12 hours. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diner’s Club, JCB and of course PayPal.

Is this something for me?

You should ask yourself: Can your targeted Keywords make you good money on page 1 of Google? If so you can not miss out on this network. Space in this network is very limited and expected to fill up fast, don’t miss this great opportunity so send us an email and join us today!

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
A couple slots sold already.

Don't miss out on this great offer :)
Any Review Copies?

Sorry but there are no review copies available, the first customer reviews are expected to come in within the next 2 months, however I expect this network to be full by then. :)

On another note:

Major Improvement - August 13, 2011: Now you can choose how you want your starter package links placed at no extra charge! (existing subscribers will receive an email from me later today asking about their preference, we are cool with the extra work load because we want you to rank!)

After hearing some concerns about the effectiveness of sitewide links, we did some thinking and decided to give you the choice if you want the Starter Package to be:

A.) All contextual links
B.) All sitewide links
C.) A custom mix (you choose how many sitewide links and how many contextual links you want in the starter package).

If you choose A.) or C.): We will write "growing articles" at no extra charge which means each of your 100 links in the starter package will be surrounded by initially 50 words of unique handwritten and keyword relevant content. By the end of the first year each of your links in the starter package will be surrounded by +250 words (we believe Google will like the constant changes around your link)

If you choose B.): Your starter package links will be on over 10,000 unique posts across these 100 sites (the actual number depends on how many people choose contextual links, max. 12,000 unique posts plus tags and categories)

Do you have trouble deciding which plan for the first month to choose? We have to admit that A.) is by far the best choice, even though it means a lot of extra work for us to write 25,000 words of additional content for each of our subscribers.
I hope there's review copy..
Long time no bump :)

We had to slow down with promoting this offer in order to build the links for our exisiting subscribers first (our work load increased by a lot since we are offering now the option to have all starter package links contextual as well at no extra cost)

Now we are ready for 5 more subscribers so send us an email with your URL's/Keywords for approval if you are interested.

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Time for an update on how our very first subscribers are doing

In short: They are doing very good already!!

The complete Ranking Details in Google for our first 5 subscribers are here:

Member 1

* He chose 4 Keywords on 2 Domains

* First link placed on August 10th 2011

* 90% Contextual Links and 10% Sitewide Links

Keyword 1:


Keyword 2:


Keyword 3:


Keyword 4:


Member 2

* She chose 2 Keywords on 1 Domain

* First link placed on August 11th 2011

* 100% Contextual Links

Keyword 1:


Keyword 2:


Member 3

* She chose 4 Keywords on 1 Domain

* First link placed on August 11th 2011

* 100% Contextual Links

Keyword 1:


Keyword 2:


Keyword 3:


Keyword 4:


PART 2 (had to split this post due to image limitations per post):

Member 4

* He chose 2 Keywords on 1 Domain

* First link placed on August 12th 2011

* 50% Contextual Links and 50% Sitewide Links

* Note: This is a very fresh domain that was only developed on the 20th of August but the member wanted me to build links beforehand already (that's also why I started rank tracking only on the 20th)

* Another Note: He is targeting 2 of the toughest keywords to rank for and I told him beforehand not to expect a miracle with his fresh site but he seems to know exactly what he is doing. We'll see when we enter the top 100, it's a very interesting case study for me as well.

Keyword 1:


Keyword 2:


Member 5

* He chose 2 Keywords on 1 Domain

* First link placed on August 14th 2011

* 100% Contextual Links

Keyword 1:


Keyword 2:


We are very confident that we can help your sites rank quickly as well. You should be seeing positive results with only the starter package already unless you have a very fresh site like member 4.

BTW our other members have quite a few ranking improvements as well but I wanted to limit this 2nd update to our very first subscribers only. And please note I left out Bing/Yahoo but the picture is very similar to the Google ranking screenshots above.

If you are interested in securing a slot as well, please send me an email with your Keywords/URLs for approval using our contact form.

Toni :)
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