
discuss 10x Your Money In Domains Or Crypto Currency?

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Domains88.comTop Member
A lot of domain investors also invest in crypto currency it seems as of late. I usually feel pretty confident that a domain I carefully acquire today will be a 10x+ my investment including holding time. If say, I were to buy bitcoin today, is it feasible that i would get 10x my money?
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Lol I love this. All the domainers are turning in to crypto people omggg haha. Even JudgeMind got in on it
Jv1999 you must stop your revionist history. Btc hit 19k that Thursday Dec. 7th before the launch of Cboe futures then sold off including on Saturday but by Sunday morning it was already 15-16k and rising, and has been stable and rising since.

It was just a fearful sell off by people who didn’t understand that expert predictions are rarely right.

If you do believe that it is going to crash then it would mean that you’ve already sold. Or do you just say things without even following your own beliefs?
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Jv1999 you must stop your revionist history. Btc hit 19k that Thursday before the launch of Cboe futures then sold off including on Saturday but by Sunday morning it was already 15-16k and rising, and has been stable and rising since.

It was just a fearful sell off by people who didn’t understand that expert predictions are rarely right.

If you do believe that it is going to crash then it would mean that you’ve already sold. Or do you just say things without even following your own beliefs?
I sold into alts during the dip last night. Yeah.

I have no idea why you're so fierce and emotional about data. I thought you had so much btc from years ago that accumulated. You should be relaxed, but for some reason you're fearful or something.

I know btc will go up again, but why would I stay in during the crash? I was confident that BTC would go up. . . but from your paranoia. . . it's making me scared lol, maybe Wall Street really is going to short btc af like Larry and everyone else said and it's going to crash hard.
I don’t understand anyone posting something for no reason. Why post if you don’t believe in your own advice.

Ah, so now you admit that you sold last night. Changed your story. If I were interviewing you as a suspect I’d say, so are you lying now or were you lying when you implied you were still holding and acted offended when I said that you must not be holding any longer.

I post that btc is rising and will continue to rise which is consistent with my long term holding. You may find posts of mine all over the Internet going back almost five years now where I’ve stated “I’m in for the long haul” and I continue to say so. I’m constant with my advice - like the Northern Star.
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then I left for BTC because i'm not going to get stuck on the Sunday crash.

Here you state that you left FOR btc last night - saying that you sold the alts to enter into holding btc.

And then saying I don't have btc :). Now I know why the other guy was mad at you...

Then you say that you’re upset that I implied that you have no btc.

I sold into alts during the dip last night. Yeah.
why would I stay in during the crash?

Finally you completely contradict yourself and say that you sold your btc to buy INTO alts and are out of btc.

Listen, obviously you’re just here to sell memberships to your pay-to-get-advice trading forum (those who can’t do - teach) and can’t even keep your story straight about what you’re holding or selling.
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Here you state that you left FOR btc last night - saying that you sold the alts to enter into holding btc.

Then you say that you’re upset that I implied that you have no btc.

Finally you completely contradict yourself and say that you sold your btc to buy INTO alts and are out of btc.

Listen, obviously you’re just here to sell memberships to your pay-to-get-advice trading forum (those who can’t do - teach) and can’t even keep your story straight about what you’re holding or selling.
. . .
I'm here to sell domains?
It's not my group, I sub to that group. I shill it the same way I shill Epik for escrow. It's because I believe in both. I don't get any monetary compensation for shilling either Epik or the group I sub to.

I have no idea why you're attacking me. All I said was that BTC was going to dump. And it already has, hasn't it? It's now closing back down to 18.8k when it was almost 20k yesterday.

I'm not in btc, I'm in an alt that I was swinging all weekend. So I'm both in and out of btc. Ever since last night I was in my alt.

I think you're just paranoid about btc, I don't know why. But I mean, if btc goes down tomorrow, will you look like a fool? :) and the bigger question is: Will you be a man and admit you were acting like a child who is wrong? Cuz dang bro, u just attack people for saying btc is temporarily going down wow.
It’s okay. You jumped into this thread out of nowhere touting a paid group and posting contradictory statements is all I am pointing out.
This was a great thread, nothing like a heated debate to change that.
I dont want to let this very informative intelligent comment to get lost in your bickering
When Bitcoin approaced 17K, I sold quite a bit and bought LiteCoin at $100/coin.
What makes LiteCoin such a good investment now... It is offered on CoinBase and many people do not even have PC and want in on the action.

Finally there is a crypto exchange that makes it very easy for somebody with just a $30 dollar android and debit card with only $100 in their account. LiteCoin is much more affordable to a newbie who just signs up on CoinBase.

So many think BitCoin/Cryptos is a bubble and will totally crash and probably not a good investment. But I believe BitCoin is only a solution to reckless monetary policy by central banks around the world. They have printed so many trillion dollars ever since President Nixon took the USA off the Gold Standard. Every currency in history, that is fiat (not backed by gold/silver) has failed. All fiat currencies from the begging of time have been printed to oblivion. Just about every currency in this world is tied to the US Dollar, thus they are fiat currencies as well.

Another reason why crypto's are doing so well is because Interest Rates have been artificially suppressed by central banks to stimulate economic growth and inflation... and it is NOT working. Ever since the 2008/2009 Great Recession, There is no such thing as Interest on your savings. Just go ask anyone over 30 years old... Do you remember a time when you could get 6 percent interest on your savings or money market account? And they will respond 'YES". Then ask them why is there no more interest on savings... and most of them will say.. "I dont know". But the fact is they should know and understand why. I remember back in 2006 i had some great moneymarket/Certificate Deposits (CD) domains and would get $10/click on domain parking.

Central Banks use Interest Rates to control inflation/deflation. They called it money expansion or money tightening. When prices start to rise fast, like in the late 1970's... The central banks raised interest rates so people start saving and not spending. This slows the velocity of money and gets control of rapid inflation. When nobody is spending prices go down and that is called deflation. The only problem with high interest rates will crash the economy and stock market. Nobody can afford a loan and so many people lose their jobs. So lets just keep interest rates near zero forever. Not such a good idea because it creates inflation.

In 1980, Paul Volker the head of the US Federal Reserve, raised interest rates to 24 percent. to control inflation. Back then the USA was only 300 billion in debt and could afford to pay the 24 percent interest. Now, the combined bank derivatives of the US Fed/ECB/BOJ/ is over 200 trillion. It is unsustainable.

Today the US government is over 21 trillion dollars in debt. No way in hell will Central Banks be able to control inflation when it gets a grip on the economy. They would never be able to pay the interest on such a huge debt (if raised to control inflation) and would cause hyperinflation like Venezuela. When inflation starts and rises fast it is not like you can put the Genie back in the bottle.

Gold and Silver should have been rising like Crypto's over last few years but the Central Banks have found a way to suppress them by naked shorting GLD/SLV Exhange Traded Funds on the Chicago Mercantile Commodities Exchange. The Federal Reserve gives the Bullion Banks unlimited funds to sell the paper stock of Gold/Silver to drive the price down and they they cover their short contracts on the futures market. It is a rigged market and the CFTC (who governs fair trading or ETF's) just looks the other way to keep the US dollar propped up.

The CME is now trading Future Contracts on Bitcoin (for last week) and has not affected the price. Uut until they can start at ETF, it would be impossible to suppress the price of BitCoin. The Federal Reserve would have to own millions of bitcoins to be able to suppress the price and even if they did... it would be to expensive. I often thought maybe this is why price of BitCoin keeps going up so fast because Central Banks are trying to get a large position to manipulate it later... .which makes me like liteCoin ever more.

My advice to all domainers... your better off just buying LiteCoin that just investing in crypto domains. It is much more affordable. Will probably get 10 X your investment in next year.
It was a good post but narrowed into a simple tout of “buy litecoin” which is why I didn’t comment on it.

When I advise people to buy it’s more guarded:

I hate to advise anyone to get into a stock or something like btc when it is at an all time high. However, as contradictory as it may sound, often the time to buy a stock or investment is on its way up not down.

I expect btc to go up over all over time long term including from here but there will be intermediate ups and down. I had a vision that it would reach 11,500 then drop back to 9500 and eventually go to 13,000. We shall see. I am not selling, been accumulating and holding since 2013, and I will accumulate more btc even at these levels.

I posted that when btc was below $10k. My vision for exactly what would happen next was fulfilled precisely but still coming in here and telling people to buy btc is something they must decide for themselves.
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It was a good post but narrowed into a simple tout of “buy litecoin” which is why I didn’t comment on it.

When I advise people to buy it’s more guarded:

I posted that when btc was below $10k. My vision for exactly what would happen next was fulfilled precisely but still coming in here and telling people to buy btc is something they must decide for themselves.

Pls, friend, stop attacking random people. His post was amazingly insightful, which is why I liked it and had shared it with a few friends and crypto non-believers a few hours ago.

His post DOES NOT simply boil down to "buy litecoin." Again, if you didn't understand someone's post, don't just randomly attack them because they didn't say bitcoin would go up or to buy bitcoin.

Did you only read the first and last paragraphs and saw "litecoin" then assumed he was shilling litecoin?

His post gave one very insightful theory for why crypto won't crash in the long run by providing that analogy with bank savings interest versus crypto savings interest. He gives a theory to why older generations would find crypto appealing (30+ aged). This is big, because the mainstream belief is that crypto is only popular amongst "new, young people" who don't know shit about investing.

He also explains how bank/gov manipulation can be problematic and cause an economy crash, which makes crypto appealing to people who want to avoid that.

He also explains why gold and silver are not rising as fast, and how these two seemingly safe investments are being manipulated.

He even talks about your favorite subject -- bitcoin, and how its price can't really be suppressed after futures trading is fully released.

You’ve contradicted yourself repeatedly as to what you’re holding or not holding and touted a paid forum.

You don’t need to write now a whole book telling me or anyone else what to do. It’s not necessary.

And I didn’t attack his post (in fact I said it was good) I merely mentioned in passing why I didn’t comment on it.
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You’ve contradicted yourself repeatedly as to what you’re holding or not holding and touted a paid forum.

You don’t need to write now a whole book telling me or anyone else what to do. It’s not necessary.

And I didn’t attack his post I merely mentioned in passing why I didn’t comment on it.
Really? Because you're the one randomly attacking people. Of course someone needs to tell you you're out of line.

Great, I touted a paid crypto group I subscribe to. I really did. So what?

You attacked me for saying bitcoin would fall short-term today. Guess what? It's now $18,538 versus the ~$20,000 it was yesterday.

But of course my prediction doesn't matter. Do you know why? Because. I. Touted. A. Paid. Group. And. I'm. Apparently. Not. Hodling. Bitcoin. So. Therefore. Anything. I. Say. Is. Not. Right.
I pointed out the truth - that you contradicted yourself first saying you had sold all the alts FOR btc then getting upset that I pointed out that you probably were holding no btc and finally admitting that yes, you do hold no btc, and had sold it all for alts. At that point, with all those contradictions, who knows what you're holding or what your agenda is.

Typing thousands of words does not change that you lost this credibility.

It's actually quite bad, your getting indignant for being accused of being inconsistent and contradictory, and then later admitting that yes, you did lie.

Now all you're doing is trying to muddy the waters with irrelevant posting.

No one attacked you for your opinions. Just for your contradictions.

Actually not sure why you speak in military terms. Not like any missiles were aimed at you, I merely pointed out the inconsistency in your posts.
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I pointed out the truth - that you contradicted yourself first saying you had sold all the alts FOR btc then getting upset that I pointed out that you probably were holding no btc and finally admitting that yes, you do hold no btc, and had sold it all for alts.

Typing thousands of words does not change that you lost this credibility.

It's actually quite bad, your getting indignant for being accused of lying, and then later admitting that yes, you did lie.

Now all you're doing is trying to muddy the waters with irrelevant posting.

No one attacked you for your opinions. Just for your lies.
Hmm. I think you need to relax. I am swinging which means I sell alts for btc and vice versa multiple times during the day, and sometimes I hodl for a certain period.

Whether or not that makes me a liar. . . Is something that is funny to consider. I do know that my prediction realized. Then even if I am a liar, it doesn't change what happened in real life.

You're very fiery. And I'm not going to throw more fire. I do hope the next person you fight with does the same.

Too many angry people in the world. Love and peace is what we need.

Anger feeds fear, fear feeds hate, and hate turns you into Darth Vader or something.

On another note, BTC is recovering woot :)
I'm not angry. lol

There will be btc inevitable ups and downs but the overall trend remains up.

I haven't seen much of anything happen yesterday or today with btc, just seems to be consolidating then moving gradually upwards.
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This topic seems hot, but as today bitcoin is about 20k USD. so we will say that BTC is more fastest and profitable these days. Risk is always in every business but if you want quick and fast profit, crypto business. specially BTC and Bitcoin Cash.
This topic seems hot, but as today bitcoin is about 20k USD. so we will say that BTC is more fastest and profitable these days. Risk is always in every business but if you want quick and fast profit, crypto business. specially BTC and Bitcoin Cash.
True. yeah hodling bitcoin is profitable right now.

Dude you're so awesome lol. You made 2 posts in 10 years and this is one of them. It's like you only speak when big things happen. And crypto is one of them XD
In my opinion it's too late to invest in bitcoin. There are other coins that are technologically better and still at a low rate, such as Nav coin or Vertcoin.
That kind of thinking keeps people out of stocks like amzn, googl, fb, nflx, aapl, etc.

The time to buy is often at all time high breakouts not on the way down.
just the risk of doing business with the crypto currency, since its easy to move and hide - makes it a huge target by thieves.
Can't say it enough.. Keep your coins on a offline Hardware/Hardwire wallet.
read the story of the guy who found the drive.. nice!

i love it how btc will make many new millionaires.. out of people who'd never become that otherwise... it's like making things a bit more fair.. for a few more people!

but at same time, we gotta remember many people will also loose a lot of money.. maybe go broke.. so it always works both ways with all investments really... but definitely the quicket easiest way to become millionaires.. for some.. who bought early!
Where I have almost all of my coins is online but so secure it’s almost too secure.

Did those with offline wallets get the free bitcoin cash? That alone is worth more than I’d imagined by now. I’m not storing anything offline - where I have my btc and bch is fine.
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