
discuss 10x Your Money In Domains Or Crypto Currency?

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Domains88.comTop Member
A lot of domain investors also invest in crypto currency it seems as of late. I usually feel pretty confident that a domain I carefully acquire today will be a 10x+ my investment including holding time. If say, I were to buy bitcoin today, is it feasible that i would get 10x my money?
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Litecoin 58 million coins - very easy to manipulate

Iota 2.7 billion coins - need big shark for manipulation . it was 0.5$ so only needs 1.3 billion to buy them all!

Xrp 99 billion coins - very difficult manipulation

Bitcoin 21 million coins - but at 16,000$ , it is very very difficult to manipulate

Bitcoin buying frenzy shows real demand of mainstream

But when the game is over , all coins will be fireballs , everyone will threw them away to each other until settle in garbage
I have not posted here probably in 8 years or more. I was huge in poker and as poker affiliate before. Many years ago I bought bitcoin to pay a programmer in another country. Only bought 300 of them at 1 buck each. Then the programmer wanted Western Union. I finally recovered the hard drive with the key after looking in a warehouse of storage. I gave the computer to my mother who somehow stored it. Mother said she threw the computer out years ago. When I was cleaning out her storage I found it... like finding a lottery ticket.
I made fortune as a online poker affiliate and lost it all when it crashed in April 2011. I cant tell you want is like to have income from 20K/month go to $80/month overnight. I lost my home, my health, and even had to sleep in my van for a while. The lord works in mysterious ways.
I have not posted here probably in 8 years or more. I was huge in poker and as poker affiliate before. Many years ago I bought bitcoin to pay a programmer in another country. Only bought 300 of them at 1 buck each. Then the programmer wanted Western Union. I finally recovered the hard drive with the key after looking in a warehouse of storage. I gave the computer to my mother who somehow stored it. Mother said she threw the computer out years ago. When I was cleaning out her storage I found it... like finding a lottery ticket.
I made fortune as a online poker affiliate and lost it all when it crashed in April 2011. I cant tell you want is like to have income from 20K/month go to $80/month overnight. I lost my home, my health, and even had to sleep in my van for a while. The lord works in mysterious ways.
Man good for you and, yes, God does pick you up when you need help the most! That's really awesome suddenly having 300 bitcoins right now! Best story I've read about crypto :D. Most people who try to recover their bitcoins usually end up with a fried HD or some kind of computer that they can't locate. Or their ex's ex's ex's son's dog has it and they can't track them down.

If you wait right before 12/18 to cash out, you could be getting $20,000 per 1 bitcoin. So just hodl for a bit longer. Congrats on being a millionaire tho!!!!!! Wish I had even 1 BTC right now :sob:
Litecoin 58 million coins - very easy to manipulate

Iota 2.7 billion coins - need big shark for manipulation . it was 0.5$ so only needs 1.3 billion to buy them all!

Xrp 99 billion coins - very difficult manipulation

Bitcoin 21 million coins - but at 16,000$ , it is very very difficult to manipulate

Bitcoin buying frenzy shows real demand of mainstream

But when the game is over , all coins will be fireballs , everyone will threw them away to each other until settle in garbage

if something is easy to manipulate has nothing to do with the price or the number of coins but with the marketcap

A coin with a marketcap of 100 million and a price of 1 and 100 million coins is as difficult to manipulate as a coin with a marketcap of 100 million and a price of 0.1 and 1 billion coins.
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100 X in crypto is daily / weekly profit.

1000 X in domain is yearly profit.

For me both is good investment but pick wisely (y)
100 X in crypto is daily / weekly profit.

1000 X in domain is yearly profit.

For me both is good investment but pick wisely (y)
I think crypto is great for short-term, but requires a lot more NOW investment. $100 in crypto could become $1,000 in a short time.

Domains only cost $1 or $8 and they sell for between xxx to x,xxx. But that's long term. $100 in very good reggae can get you $xx,xxx to $xxx,xxx if you spend that on renewals.
I hope everyone knows that 40% of the bitcoins are held in 1000 wallets
<<I hope everyone knows that 40% of the bitcoins are held in 1000 wallets>>

That's something that has been repeated in different ways, so many times that people assume it is true.

There is no way to know whether a given bitcoin holder has multiple wallets. So, looking at ten different wallets that contain small amounts of bitcoin one might assume that each one of these wallets falls into the "small fry - don't have much bitcoin category" when in reality, combined, they might fit into the category of one who has a good amount of bitcoin.

As far as large holders of anything - this may always affect markets, but only temporarily. Carl Icahn dumped so many shares of NFLX at once in June 2015, when he decided to sell everything he had, that the stock, which was just getting over 700, crashed as much as 80 points in an instant, to settle down about 50, around 650.

Today NFLX is at an adjusted post-split 1319, and Icahn never bought back in either.

The number of BTC users is expected to reach 200 million by 2024
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i had around 0.283265 in my wallet from 2016 .. i actually forgot it ..

But the news made me check to see if i have any ..and voila 0.283265 in my account :)
i had around 0.283265 in my wallet from 2016 .. i actually forgot it ..

But the news made me check to see if i have any ..and voila 0.283265 in my account :)

i had around 0.283265 in my wallet from 2016 .. i actually forgot it ..

But the news made me check to see if i have any ..and voila 0.283265 in my account :)
Almost $5K, who would have figured decimals could be worth so much.

In case you're feeling generous I'll accept one of these..

lol while all of you are amazed at bitcoin. Look at litecoin. It was $400 like a few days ago. Last spring litecoin was only $4. But of course everyone just cares about big numbers, so the $17,000 btc is a biiiig deal.
lol while all of you are amazed at bitcoin. Look at litecoin. It was $400 like a few days ago. Last spring litecoin was only $4. But of course everyone just cares about big numbers, so the $17,000 btc is a biiiig deal.

That's a big assumption your making there..
Almost $5K, who would have figured decimals could be worth so much.

Yes that was a wow to make ... i was like screaming ....
Should have transferred it into XRP yesterday, and it would be $10K today

I dont know much about it

i even dont know much about bitcoins .. it was sent to me by a client long back as he was unable to use paypal to send me money

i left it and i forgot it .. luckily it came as a surprise to me

santas gift may be :)
Are you still going long on IOTA? long term hold?
100% Long on this one.
Mind you I got in early, just over a buck and their tech behind it is second to none.
100% Long on this one.
Mind you I got in early, just over a buck and their tech behind it is second to none.
Reading more about it, interesting concept for sure, it has the potential to be something good.
So happy I but my first XRP on the 7th last week (0.20950) about timing :) ....the last 24hrs have been Insane.... I'll still be adding too it.

right now I want to mix crypto and domains I enjoy both , and think both are a great investment...I think crypto is the modern day version of the invention of electricity, the steam Engine, the computer, the DOT com boom.........and now for ONCE I'm not chasing the damn train miles down the track.....

but feel more like a passenger whom just got on board and the Conductor is blowing the whistle, the horn is is sounding off with the smoke blown, engine starting, ready for take off and it's about to start rolling on down and Im so happy to have seat on board the next big thing and not be reading in the history books thinking .."man I wish" :)

10% BTC
I have not posted here probably in 8 years or more. I was huge in poker and as poker affiliate before. Many years ago I bought bitcoin to pay a programmer in another country. Only bought 300 of them at 1 buck each. Then the programmer wanted Western Union. I finally recovered the hard drive with the key after looking in a warehouse of storage. I gave the computer to my mother who somehow stored it. Mother said she threw the computer out years ago. When I was cleaning out her storage I found it... like finding a lottery ticket.
I made fortune as a online poker affiliate and lost it all when it crashed in April 2011. I cant tell you want is like to have income from 20K/month go to $80/month overnight. I lost my home, my health, and even had to sleep in my van for a while. The lord works in mysterious ways.
and now you have 4.8 million?
So happy I but my first XRP on the 7th last week (0.20950) about timing :) ....the last 24hrs have been Insane.... I'll still be adding too it.

right now I want to mix crypto and domains I enjoy both , and think both are a great investment...I think crypto is the modern day version of the invention of electricity, the steam Engine, the computer, the DOT com boom.........and now for ONCE I'm not chasing the damn train miles down the track.....

but feel more like a passenger whom just got on board and the Conductor is blowing the whistle, the horn is is sounding off with the smoke blown, engine starting, ready for take off and it's about to start rolling on down and Im so happy to have seat on board the next big thing and not be reading in the history books thinking .."man I wish" :)

10% BTC
I always thought XRP was easier to pile on by smaller investors who are entering the space, just based ont he penny price, you have to really watch it's market cap based on the float, as it is doubling daily, I don't know if it can sustain that much more. The value in most cryptocurrencies is the more people use them to transact trade they more they are valued, the trading will come, and go, but doesn't designate use. That is where bitcoin has a huge advantage, and ETH has many developing technologies integrating within it so people want to use it. Majority of people signing up now, really couldn't care less, they just want to pile on the money train. I am sure governments will not be happy about their currencies getting devalued either, I am not sure where the fork in the road is, but there is sure to be one eventually.
@wwwweb If I'm reading in between the lines correctly all I have to say is "I hope you didn't short XRP" by a wide margin.
They're predicting $3 by year end.
I play safely

Just purchased
Cost 1.17$ :D
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