1 of the Fastest selling domains of all time .so?

Launched only 2 days ago and almost all generic product related names registered. This extension the next big thing? godaddy is scrambling apparently to get a piece of the action since they initially stayed clear of this suffix :) how many of you have registered any? if so how many?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
ICANN approves all these useless and pointless extensions, thereby giving the registrars the avenue to rip off gullible domainers.

I edited my post above for you. :)

I thought only IANA could approve ccTLDS, then I visited ICANN's site and realised that IANA is still part of ICANN. IANA delegate the extension, ICANN still gets final approval on whether it lives.
A dense moment for me. I'll stick my N00b badge back on for the next week.

Neither are to blame though, it's whatever company is now pushing .so on behalf of whomever it was delegated to really. Somalia have the right to their own extension just like every other nation. Even if hardly any Somali citizens or companies use it.

Pryda said:
imo, .so is a nice TLD. i only bought 3. but compared to other tlds its much more unique. the hype of .co is surely overrated and now ppl think cause of its bad political situation .SO won't succeed. but let me tell u something, what's going on in Libya right now? does that bother the internet? no! no_url_shorteners and other .LY sites still opperate...

The .ly registry has already changed the rules once since re-delegation (reserving the short names for Libyan citizens) and has taken back domains that do not meet their standards for adult material (vb.ly). If the new government is more Islamic or more insular, who's to say what will happen?
Perhaps, when the Somali government gets its act together, it'll start policing the namespace?
(I don't actually think this will happen- but would consider if I was to 'invest' in .so names and steer clear from 'controversial' ones).
godaddy is scrambling apparently to get a piece of the action since they initially stayed clear of this suffix

Where did you hear/read this?
Before I respond to the comments above. This thread is number 1 on Google when these keywords are typed "fastest selling domain" Thanks for your comments guys. Let me clarify my background. Began with Internet marketing over 15 years ago and also began buying domains around that time but back then I still knew the value of investing in domains but for Internet marketing purposes. In recent years been shifting my entire focus on domains so yes I consider myself to be new I have my own small private business and also invest through a company. Right that aside.
You guys are seriously over thinking this. which three big companies are investing in this? why do you need to know never the less I will give you all many.co the investors in that sphere are heavily investing, 2. fma.com and three the company I am involved with . I understand is you are sceptical, is unlikely for us to agree . There have been numerous african extensions which have launched and the sales do not event come close to .so again I am not forcing you to buy but there is a reason the sales are high. Yes .com's are great investments hell I have one name aside set for my pension.lol But all I am saying is if you are successful domain investors why will you not spend even i.e $50 dollars just to test the waters this wait and see strategy is silly plus even if is looks like a dud we do not have magical powers to predict whats going to happen a few years from now right? You make a good point about somalia but you need to look at the bigger picture. Anyway time will tell. If you have been disappointed with other TLDS then thats Business! you cannot expect every TLDS to be great. Business is unpredictable the fact that other TLDS were hyped and never successful does not mean nothing else will. But I appreciate your comments. Keep your money safe with the banks. Many thanks
^ Confused enough about all the ccTLD's coming out and what their value is
but now your comment about the thread being number 1 and "your marketing background"
history has me even more confused...what does one have to do with the other?
How it's hyped?
godaddy is scrambling apparently to get a piece of the action

Where did you hear/read this?

I just checked GoDaddy for a dot so domain and they do not sell dot so domains.

Your search contained a domain extension that is unavailable.

Opening day, I grabbed a few myself for pure speculation and for a fast roi but your initial satatement of GD wanting to play with these dot so domains interests me.

So... where did you read this?
So please dont be so negative and boycott a nice TLD cause its Somalia.. uhh how bad.. what does that have to do with anything?

Public perception has everything to do with it, I am still waiting on my $250,000,000 from an African Prince to be cleared before I ever set foot in this extension and so is everyone else.

Unless you have a KILLER keyword like Poker.so or travel.so you are just someone hoping that it is going to be of worth.

Until Somalia is a stable country like Germany with its own .de or England with its .uk, both of which are the two most powerful country extensions in the world it is going to be nothing.

If I offer GOLD.co.uk to someone they are going to be instantly interested, they know that it is a serious domain and they are going to want to have it, if I went with GOLD.so people would laugh in my face and offer £200 maximum; when Somalia is stable the price may increase but I do not see that happening anyday soon.

The examples I give are strong because people believe in the viability of the countries, the know that short of absolute extinction level events they will be there next week, with .so there are no guarantees.

I am from England and know for a fact that .uk is strong even before I came to the domain game, people know and trust the extension and what it means to the wider community, that is why they pay the big money for it.

I would not even give £20 for the 99.999% of domains registered until the country is stable.

Before I respond to the comments above. This thread is number 1 on Google when these keywords are typed "fastest selling domain"

Im famous!!

(By the way, your lack of spelling prowess harms you immeasurably, but I guess since we are supposed to simply accept what someone tells us without question that is fine?)
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which three big companies are investing in this? why do you need to know

I don't need to know. You've already lied and I was just interested in what you came back with.

never the less I will give you all many.co the investors in that sphere are heavily investing, 2. fma.com and three the company I am involved with

Out of interest, what is the name of the "huge domainer investor company" you're involved in? You've only given us two. I might want to investigate their domain investments, out of curiosity.
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Look any strategic thinker will buy a few
Why ? Instead of buying a .so domain I can buy 2 reg fee .com that I will be able to use if they don't sell

I know a few people who made serious money from .me and they do not even know where Serbia and Montenegro is.
The difference is that .me is branded and brandable.
.so stands for what other than Somalia ?

If is easy to remember take a punt I was told to keep my money under the sofa when .de came out..
Germany, like other European extensions, has a local market that is mature and affluent. Where and who are the end users for the .so TLD ?

you need to think outside the box instead of using obvious facts to base judgements
That's the problem with every TLD launch: domainers try to think outside the box :D
Because it's another domainer TLD, strictly.

Look Sony, ebay, fox, google activated .so, pepsi all acquired trademark reg's during sunrise. unlike other extensions i.e .IM sony and more did not even bother to register its trademark.
Hmm maybe I should go for defensive registrations of my brands in .so after all :laugh:
Before I respond to the comments above. This thread is number 1 on Google when these keywords are typed "fastest selling domain"
Just because it is in Google doesn't mean that it is right. Other TLDs have sold quicker and grown faster.

You guys are seriously over thinking this.
So that's like using the word "smart" as an insult? :) Some people here really do think about domain markets in a strategic manner.

many.co the investors in that sphere are heavily investing,
So what! That's just moving with the herd and the only thing you will get from following the herd is a trail of bull***.

2. fma.com and three the company I am involved with .
Just looking at fma.com's registrations shows an overwhelming number of TLD (as opposed to ccTLD) registrations. In 2006 it moved a pile of its domains to proredirect.com.

even if is looks like a dud we do not have magical powers to predict whats going to happen a few years from now right?
Well I don't rely on magical powers to pick domain names or determine which TLDs will be successful or otherwise.

Business is unpredictable the fact that other TLDS were hyped and never successful does not mean nothing else will.
Actually there are some very important indicators that appear very early in the lifetime of a newly launched or repurposed TLD that point to the success or otherwise of that TLD. Most domainers will never see those indicators because of what is involved in detecting them.

What I see a lot of is .com rules being applied to other TLDs on the basis of if it is valuable in .com it is therefore valuable in other TLDs (such as .so). (Part of my work involves comparing domain registrations across TLDs.) However it is the magnitude of difference between .com (approx 94 million domains) and these newly launched TLDs that is filled by unknowing optimism. Some of us here have seen it all before.

And I thought I pontificated on the meaningless!

Have a somewhat intelligent discussion on the merits, or lack thereof, of .so is borderline insanity...and a waste of time....

It's like NASCAR.

No one admits it but we're waiting for crash.
Looks like I got here too late - the top keywords for the main industry are bought up.

pirate.so, pirates.so and piracy.so are all taken.

pirateship.so and piratebay.so are still free.

And if you want to take your chances on risky hosting, freehosting.so is free.

Good luck, I'm so glad I don't own any of these names.
Public perception has everything to do with it, I am still waiting on my $250,000,000 from an African Prince to be cleared before I ever set foot in this extension and so is everyone else.

You are no gentleman that was a silly joke. Look you keep saying .co.uk England England I am English myself live in West Sussex ".co.uk" is behind .de sales so you can keep your Gold.co.uk since is parked and sell it to Northern Rock.

Out of interest, what is the name of the "huge domainer investor company" you're involved in? You've only given us two. I might want to investigate their domain investments, out of curiosity.

hmm don't you have work to do but investigate my past and why should I tell you about my domain hedge fund company? when I meant to keep it "private". ???? You need to go back to basic business philosophy :)

In any event, Look again no one is forcing you to buy, you say is rubbish, stupid, fine lets just be professional and disagree. Obviously thinking outside the box is not your niche. You base your thinking on TV, media, current events, Geopolitical Etiquette, an African prince and .co.uk and basic logical thinking.

Since the philosophy of business is often treated as a subset of logic,
and considerations of fundamental principles I am not at all surprised of your limited scope.

Intelligent risk taking is obviously something you are familiar with BUT!
You need to also base decisions on unforeseeable Business events.
. Have you even been to Africa before?. Because there is a whole other side to somalia and Africa you need to see with your own eyes but anyway this thread has gone on too far. I will leave it and say Good Luck to all.
We are all in this to make money, hey maybe you are right, maybe I am right,maybe I am nuts, but sometimes business is not as clear cut as you think .

Good Luck!
Many Thanks for your comments.
I'll start by quoting myself...lol
Oh and please don't say this will be different...they all do.

So lets recap:

Look Sony, ebay, fox, google activated .so, pepsi all acquired trademark reg's during sunrise.

Heard it before. It's called a defensive registration to protect their brand from silly domain squatters (in the majority of cases). Doesn't matter that Sony forgot to register their name in dot im. More than likely an oversight on their part.

Like I said...heard it before.

Now I bet you are thinking what's all the fuss about .so why are people throwing their money away.

Heard it before and no...I don't wonder why; I just wonder why so many people are gullible despite everything that should tell them otherwise.

Heard it before...numerous times.

.so could be marketing as a universal extension for the AF continent since is SO easy to remember.

So was .co .mobi .cm and numerous others.

Heard it before. (almost sorry started this reply already)

You guys are seriously over thinking this.

No...not really. Took one look at it and knew it was pointless. You on the other hand, even though you are simply rehashing previous arguments for previous extensions, are over thinking it imo.

Heard it before.

There have been numerous african extensions which have launched and the sales do not event come close to .so again I am not forcing you to buy but there is a reason the sales are high.

Yeah..they are high (according to you) because people will almost buy anything these days apparently.

Once again...heard it before.

But all I am saying is if you are successful domain investors why will you not spend even i.e $50 dollars just to test the waters this wait and see strategy is silly

Because it could be $50 better spent elsewhere in something that has a proven track record and is recognized by more than a few domain investors.

Heard it before...wow..

plus even if is looks like a dud we do not have magical powers to predict whats going to happen a few years from now right?

LOL...those who fail to understand history are doomed to relive it. I would be retired if I had a dollar every time someone has tried to justify a new extension with this rubbish.

Heard it before.

Anyway time will tell.

Usually does.

Business is unpredictable the fact that other TLDS were hyped and never successful does not mean nothing else will.

Want to strangle myself hearing this one again..seriously!??

Obviously thinking outside the box is not your niche.

Lmao at this one too. Wow, this could be the new extension cliche post for future reference.

Heard it before.

Since the philosophy of business is often treated as a subset of logic,
and considerations of fundamental principles I am not at all surprised of your limited scope.

Heard it before in different variations.

We are all in this to make money

Yes we are for the most part.

hey maybe you are right

Collectively, we are.
maybe I am right

No...but you are convinced that you are and that is all that should matter to you. :)

maybe I am nuts

Not my place to say but I am guessing that the majority would suggest that the jury is out on that one.

but sometimes business is not as clear cut as you think .

And sometimes it simply is.

Look...I'm not trying to pi$$ on your parade and I hope you find (some) success with this extension but the honest truth of it all is that you will more than likely not; simple as that.

You are convinced otherwise and obviously no one here will change your mind, so be happy with your decision and stop trying to justify it with people that are not like minded. Like most before you with other extensions, it seems like you are trying to justify it in your own mind with some well worn rhetoric and some rubbish arguments.

Good luck with your investments and I sincerely mean that, but to say that I am way over new extension fan boys is an understatement.

The day someone starts a thread about a new extension that doesn't rely on worn out rhetoric, stale arguments, and nonsense rubbish will be the day I tell my wife to sell the house because we can't miss out on this can't miss opportunity. This extension is sooooooooooooo far from being can't miss that it can't even be considered a gamble; It is simply another pointless extension and another pointless waste of money.


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hmm don't you have work to do but investigate my past and why should I tell you about my domain hedge fund company? when I meant to keep it "private". ???? You need to go back to basic business philosophy :)

No, I don't have much work to do. It's great.

If your company was one that could show a history of shrewd domain investments, then your argument would have a lot more weight, I might have even considered investing in .so myself, causing more to be registered so possibly even helping your investments increase in value.

I'm just going to assume your comapny is the "L & E Domestic Cleaning" registered to your WHOIS (home? girlfriend's parents'?) address and the only thing you've heavily invested in is dusters.

.so what?
You need to go back to basic business philosophy :)

You keep suggesting that you are a bigshot in the industry and that is okay..we all big ourselves up from time to time and that is showmanship and can help sell our wares, if we don't give an enthusiastic performance no one will buy however I would suggest you take your own advice and go back to school if this is the standard of domain you register without any kind of monetary value.


I have been around long enough to know that the ONLY reason a domain is valuable is if it can bring in money, what does yours do and why in the world would you think it is so valuable for someone so supposedly experienced?

To that end I will ask again, for this extension where are your end users? Why should they be convinced to buy into .so?
I'm just going to assume your comapny is the "L & E Domestic Cleaning" registered to your WHOIS (home? girlfriend's parents'?) address and the only thing you've heavily invested in is dusters.

.so what?

lol wow you actually took the time to check the business's registered against my home address haha naa its a very successful business actually I wish I owned it but my gf got into it first damm her what cleaning business's do not make money? wait did TV tell you this? just like the guy on TV also told you somalia is pointless,do you own anything yourself? what's your business? do you know how much Chinese and
European investments directed into Africa presently and even Somalia? oh wait the news guy did not tell you right?
haha so funny. Nope you will not find my business registered against my home address gave you a clue "private " If its about money lets all list our domain portfolio and see who has the bigger investment? or will that be childish? I have nothing to lose, In fact I don't wish to convince you if we all think the same like sheep the world be boring. I love different opinion if you think my business move is rubbish so be it
if you also think by having a different opinion I am some how deluded then
you are ignorant.
i only spent a few thousand USD in fact only around $2500 not going to lose my home over it or sleep if it goes wrong .lol. Lets just wait a couple of months and see who's right. And I am not the only company who has invested in this so I take it we are all silly right? And wait all these domain investors buying up .so domains must be all silly right? You know what lets just say you are right and end this thread. where are my end users? huh? lol not even going to answer that because the answer is obvious. Just out of curiosity which one of you has even been to Africa?
I bet apart from seeing requests for aid and animals in the jungle, pirates and rebels fighting on TV you know diddly squat about enterprise in that sphere.


/unsubscibes from thread
But all I am saying is if you are successful domain investors why will you not spend even i.e $50 dollars just to test the waters this wait and see strategy is silly plus even if is looks like a dud we do not have magical powers to predict whats going to happen a few years from now right?

perhaps you ought to heed your own advice from a couple of months ago. Good luck.

no one is responding because the .co extension has been heavily overrated. The only value I can give is compilations $5 the rest $0 maybe you need to wait until .co extension is more popular? my opinion. I have myself registered a few of these domains and back ordered 70 before launch but regretting it now i have a few on auction on sedo middle of the month premium auction. i think only very generic .co names will sell save your money for now buy .com's .biz and .net I have been having great luck with catching expiring domains. Goodluck
do you know how much Chinese and European investments directed into Africa presently and even Somalia? oh wait the news guy did not tell you right?
I've watched the .cn ccTLD go from over 14 million registrations to 3 million. The "news guy" did not tell me that either. But then it probably wasn't news to him.

If its about money lets all list our domain portfolio and see who has the bigger investment?
According to domaintools, there are 143 possible domains registered associated with some of the details from one of the appraisal domains.

Lets just wait a couple of months and see who's right. And I am not the only company who has invested in this so I take it we are all silly right?
One of two things will happen. The first possibility is that six months later, the ccTLD will have effectively been sidelined with registration volume collapsing and people trying hard to sell their .so registrations. The second is that the ccTLD will have some marketing applied in Asian markets and it might see some uptake.

However in TLD terms, the Landrush phase is always followed a few months later by the post-Landrush where the registration volume settles down. Most of the first year's domains are registered in the Landrush. However on the Landrush anniversary, a lot of the domains that could not be quickly flipped or monetised are dropped (the Junk Dump). The Junk Dump is repeated for the first few years of a TLD's existence though the numbers of domains dropped in successive years falls.

You appear to be going through the TLD Fanboy phase with .so ccTLD.


no one is responding because the .co extension has been heavily overrated. The only value I can give is compilations $5 the rest $0 maybe you need to wait until .co extension is more popular? my opinion. I have myself registered a few of these domains and back ordered 70 before launch but regretting it now i have a few on auction on sedo middle of the month premium auction. i think only very generic .co names will sell save your money for now buy .com's .biz and .net I have been having great luck with catching expiring domains. Goodluck

Thanks for quoting me the sales went better than I expected.lol But anyway Thank you very much for your comments I will be the first to say "I was told SO" if it goes down the drain.

Good Luck to all
i only spent a few thousand USD in fact only around $2500 not going to lose my home over it or sleep if it goes wrong .lol. Lets just wait a couple of months and see who's right.
You certainly have skills in certain areas, but you don't know what makes an extension valuable.
In fact, there is no need to 'test the waters' and wait. Just do your research. Or if you prefer to rely on sheer luck, try lottery tickets.

Right now Somalia is a failed state and there are virtually no end users. An extension with no end users is worthless... as simple as that.
Hardly anybody outside Somalia is going to use .so either, because it cannot be branded like .me, .co or .so.

Maybe in 20 years Somalia will have stabilized and become a normal country. Yet it will probably not be very prosperous... it's not going to rise from the ashes overnight. Therefore the .so extension will not be valued much in the years and decades ahead.

End of the story.
What did you not understand in this exposé ?

And wait all these domain investors buying up .so domains must be all silly right?
Who are you talking about ?

With every TLD launch there are plenty of domainers thinking they are 'investing' but the reality is that few are making money at all.
Seriously I would not base my business decisions on the mistakes of others.
From the worse tlds, even .cc and .co looks better than .so
From the worse tlds, even .cc and .co looks better than .so

.cc and .co are Choice NY Strip and make .so look like low end chuck.

Can't wait until Norway opens up .no because that's an English word and it's short and it only has 500K registrations so far and most are in norwegish.

(I know that's not a real word, read my sig)
1 of the Fastest selling domains of all time .so??

1 of the Fastest selling domains of all time .so?
Compared to??? wheres the stats.

Best of Luck with your investments.
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