
short .com domains

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  1. marillion9

    discuss YouTube video about 4-Letter .com domains

    Thoughts, impressions, and feedback regarding this video:
  2. marillion9

    discuss YouTube video about 4-Letter .com domains

    Thoughts, impressions, and feedback regarding this video:
  3. italiandragon

    domain - Please rate how pronunciable these domains are

    Hi guys, I have the following 2 domains and need to decide which one is more suitable for a new business. I would appreciate if you could rate how pronunciable in English they are for you. Please reply only if you are native English speaker, thank you.
  4. italiandragon

    domain - Please rate how pronunciable these domains are

    Hi guys, I have the following 2 domains and need to decide which one is more suitable for a new business. I would appreciate if you could rate how pronunciable in English they are for you. Please reply only if you are native English speaker, thank you.
  5. lodown - The Awesome New Tool for Brandable Domain Investors

    Greetings DN community Are you a brandable domain name investor? Do you spend hours searching for brandable domains for your portfolio, for your development project or to list at BrandBucket and SquadHelp? Did you answer yes to any of the above? Then go check out BRANDERIO.COM! What the...
  6. lodown - The Awesome New Tool for Brandable Domain Investors

    Greetings DN community Are you a brandable domain name investor? Do you spend hours searching for brandable domains for your portfolio, for your development project or to list at BrandBucket and SquadHelp? Did you answer yes to any of the above? Then go check out BRANDERIO.COM! What the...
  7. rkbdomain

    news 4.5 Million .com Domains Drop

    "Someone dropped a ridiculous number of .com domains this past week...."
  8. rkbdomain

    news 4.5 Million .com Domains Drop

    "Someone dropped a ridiculous number of .com domains this past week...."
  9. Faisal Mahmud

    branding Benefits of Buying a Brandable Domain Name

    While it is true that one of the biggest advantages of buying brandable domain names is that you can use them again, another great reason why people get these is that they're very easy to obtain. In fact, most people don't even know they have such a great asset lying within their grasp until...
  10. Faisal Mahmud

    branding Benefits of Buying a Brandable Domain Name

    While it is true that one of the biggest advantages of buying brandable domain names is that you can use them again, another great reason why people get these is that they're very easy to obtain. In fact, most people don't even know they have such a great asset lying within their grasp until...
  11. Kemal G

    question 2-Letter .COM Domains - What Do You Want to Know About Them?

    Hello NP! I'm writing a blog post about 2-letter .com domain names. I'll include statistics and analysis on them. I also wonder what the domain community wants to know about them. Please share your questions, and I'll include the answers in my blog post if I can. Thank you. :glasses:
  12. Kemal G

    question 2-Letter .COM Domains - What Do You Want to Know About Them?

    Hello NP! I'm writing a blog post about 2-letter .com domain names. I'll include statistics and analysis on them. I also wonder what the domain community wants to know about them. Please share your questions, and I'll include the answers in my blog post if I can. Thank you. :glasses:

    domain Bitcoin domains -

    I own and am thinking about if I want to renew it. Do you think it is worth renewing these?

    domain Bitcoin domains -

    I own and am thinking about if I want to renew it. Do you think it is worth renewing these?
  15. nononsense123

    discuss How have most of your 5L/4L sales been made?

    Does inbound work for 5L or Godaddy auctions is pretty much the only way?
  16. nononsense123

    discuss How have most of your 5L/4L sales been made?

    Does inbound work for 5L or Godaddy auctions is pretty much the only way?
  17. NickB

    guide Newbie guide - 2 short domain name articles + bonus article

    When I started looking at this industry in more depth at the beginning of the year one of my first questions was what the hell are premium letters all about? A quick Google search (and a bit of reading) solved the mystery The below article is a little old but has a lot of useful...
  18. NickB

    guide Newbie guide - 2 short domain name articles + bonus article

    When I started looking at this industry in more depth at the beginning of the year one of my first questions was what the hell are premium letters all about? A quick Google search (and a bit of reading) solved the mystery The below article is a little old but has a lot of useful...
  19. Tshombe

    interviews Investing in short domain names

    This interview by @Joe Styler featuring @Giuseppe Graziano is well worth every minute of your time. Thanks guys for a wonderful piece: I am often asked about how to get started investing in domain names. Those without a foundation of industry experience can learn a lot from the mistakes and...
  20. Tshombe

    interviews Investing in short domain names

    This interview by @Joe Styler featuring @Giuseppe Graziano is well worth every minute of your time. Thanks guys for a wonderful piece: I am often asked about how to get started investing in domain names. Those without a foundation of industry experience can learn a lot from the mistakes and...
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