Spaceship Spaceship

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  • lll = who?
    this has been my name here forever. I use to mod here back in the day :)
    lol on the white text
    I just had to see who was on my friends list as "lll+" lol
    Very welcome :)
    Thanks! Would be nice if people commented on the blog sometime though, cheers!
    Have a happy Day :hearts:
    Hi BD,
    I forgot about the 2 listing limit for free accounts... I just posted 4.
    I don't see a way to delete listings. How should I proceed?


    Wanted to come over and say:

    CONGRATS on becoming a Moderator!!! :tu:

    Now there's trouble :hearts:
    Thanks for the bday wish man :D
    Thanks!! Have a great day as well BD!
    hey King what's up! Are you trying to compete with my profile page? HAHAHA Tacky :D
    Thanks for birthday wish.
    Right now still looking.
    I hv regd at Godaddy
    Now i only notice u drop me a msg. 7 animal abuse ribbons =) Keep it up !
    Now that is one very cute pic .....
    Now there is a heartbreaker, just look at that smile! :hearts:
    lol, what happen? you wanted to grab some domain?
    Thanks! Grabbed it, wasn't even tracking it, lol. :)
    I just saw the pic...OMGosh what a sweetie pie
    What did you guys decide for a name?
    Looking forward to them...
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