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2 provides fully managed web hosting. I plan to become their reseller and I wonder which reseller plans it's better to choose - Windows or Linux and why?
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Well, which have you worked with/do you know better?
In majority cases Linux is prefered.
moonlight77 said: provides fully managed web hosting. I plan to become their reseller and I wonder which reseller plans it's better to choose - Windows or Linux and why?
I'd start with investigating the niche: comparing the supply-and-demand thing, you may even make apoll on the forum to see how many people need Windows and Linux hosting. It may be good to contact and ask them for recommendations about that.
Overall Linux is cheaper than Windows. I wonder if Windows needs any licenses or something like that.
Linux is not cheaper than Windows,most of the companies provide hosting for windows and linux at equal rates.Choosing one among these two is depend on your requirements.
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If you are simply becoming a webhosting reseller, their is no "huge" reason know linux, as you will not have access to most of the desirable commands. However, Linux is often looked upon as being more stable, and therefor linux would be my choice.
Linux servers are more cheaper and control panels like cpanel works with it, which is very user friendly and easy to administrate.
But the sites like and others are providing both the servers at the equal rates.I don't think Linux is cheaper.
In the case on linux servers it is easy to learn and master the administration if you have basic command line knowledge. Also we will get free softwares easily from the internet.
Yes,it is easy to use.But could you please tell me what kind of softwares?.
You can install control panel like cpanel, which allows easy administration of the server through web interface. Install software such as nagios to monitor the services. Install MRTG to monitor bandwidth etc..
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Hi, which option from have you gone with?
iHubNet-Matt said:
You can install control panel like cpanel, which allows easy administration of the server through web interface. Install software such as nagios to monitor the services. Install MRTG to monitor bandwidth etc..
Are there any other services for monitoring site?
Well if you're running cPanel, you have chkserv that checks the services and restarts them automatically in many cases. However, if you need additional monitoring, you might want to look to a third party monitoring solution such as hyperspin. (If that's the type of monitoring you're talking about?)

Otherwise, take a look at these for monitoring on your end:
I think Linux hostings are much more common and easy to control. Because cPanel is very famous, user-friendly interface. There are many more features as well.

Windows hosting is not common as much as Linux. Linux servers are generally more succesful than Win Servers.

Windows has been always better for last users but Unix and Unix-origin servers, such as Linux, have been much better for server Operating Systems.
I would say the most important factor you need to consider is "what are your requirements". If you are looking for something like ASP, it is better to go for a Windows plan. Also another factor is which one is more comfortable for you. As you get your business expanded you will need knowledge in what you are doing. So go for one which you know.
There are many nice hosting company who provide resseler account, but do find thouse provide live chat service and more benefits when sign up with them :)
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