analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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I was thinking last night about the older generations hold on the world still. I turned 40 this year, so I guess I’m coming up to middle aged now and whilst I was pro-Brexit, many of the younger generation wanted the UK to remain the EU, it was the older generations votes that took us out and the older generation got blamed for screwing the young because of that, it was a similar story in America back in 2016, the younger generation wanted Hilary and the older generation made Trump president.

When I look at Trump/Xi Jinping/Lukashenko/Saddam/Gadafi and Putin (ie boomers) and in Putin’s case, a guy who’s never seen war himself sending young Russians to their deaths, aswell as Ukrainians and leaving behind an unstable/divided world, because of that I can’t help but think of the boomers legacy on the world, right now we are seeing the last of the boomers grip on the world i.e. people who grew up after WW2/lived through the cold war from beginning to the end and truth be told it’s been a horrible last few years with Trump and now Putin.

I’m a millennial was born the 80’s, can't remember the cold war and other than last year I never had any animosity towards Russia or even Germany, whereas boomers I guess you was always taught to hate Germany after the war or hate America or Russia depending which side you was on during the cold war – I think it’s a similar story with Russians, I don’t think any millennial/gen Z Russians (ie those who don’t remember or wasn't alive during the cold war) had any problem with the west this time last year.

I think Putin is trying to teach the new generation to hate the west, but I honestly think if it wasn’t for Russia invading Ukraine, the younger generation of Russians (ie people who grew up with the web/TikTok/YouTube) would have created a better Russia with less hate.

Bit of a long post and longer than i intended, but to sum it all up, when I think of the boomers legacy in the world (what I’ve talked about above) and how they’ve totally side stepped climate change and left that to the next generation to worry about, I don’t think it’s something they can be proud of.
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I was thinking last night about the older generations hold on the world still...
IMO what we are witnessing is the death of the old system and those in power exerting every effort to keep their grip on it. Death is often ugly.

...when I think of the boomers legacy in the world (what I’ve talked about above) and how they’ve totally side stepped climate change and left that to the next generation to worry about, I don’t think it’s something they can be proud of.
I applaud your out-of-the-box thinking, that's what it will take to help save this planet.

I was a 60's flower-child growing up during the Vietnam War. The Cold War never really ended IMO, just look who's steering the ship (US/SR). The old paradigms don't work anymore, it's up to the next gen to step up to the plate besides playin' the next new gadget.
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Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery​

Forensic doctors discover fléchettes – rarely used in modern warfare – in bodies found in mass graves.

Fléchettes, typically between 3cm and 4cm in length, release from the shell and disperse in a conical arch about 300m wide and 100m long. On impact with a victim’s body, the dart can lose rigidity, bending into a hook, while the arrow’s rear, made of four fins, often breaks away causing a second wound.


“You don’t have to be an arms expert to understand that Russia ignored the rules of war in Bucha,” Bucha’s mayor, Anatoliy Fedoruk, said. “Bucha was turned into a Chechen safari, where they used landmines against civilians.”
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I look forward to visiting the Ukraine once the demons have been repelled. The people seem to have a deep rooted strength...I think I would feel at home even though I can not speak the language.

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Do you feel guilty? 100 Russians.

Looks to be some good videos on this channel, currently watching one titled 'Do you think Ukraine is full of nazis?'
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‘It was killing me’: Mother accuses Russia of forcibly deporting her son from Ukraine​

"Natalia Demish escaped the horrors of besieged Mariupol last month.

...But while she is now in relative safety in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro, she was cut off from her 21-year-old son, Yuri, by the ongoing fighting when she fled.

Demish, 40, says Yuri has now been forcibly deported to Russia, and she worries that he will be forced to fight against his own country.

...Then on April 4, Yuri sent her a message (seen by NBC News) via the Viber messaging app, which is widely used in Ukraine, in which he said: “We are forcibly going to Russia today.”

When she finally reached her son on the phone the same day, Demish said, he told her that they were put on a train and told they would be taken to Russia, but were not given the final destination.

After going silent again for more than a week, Yuri finally called his mother on April 15 to say that after three days on the train, they made it to the village of Semyonovka in Russia’s Nizhegorodsky Oblast or district, some 675 miles northeast of Mariupol.

Demish said that the last contact she had with Yuri was on Monday, when he told her on the phone that he was doing OK, but that they had been shown propaganda videos alleging that Ukraine as a nation was an “artificial concept”.

“He said they told them that Ukraine never existed as a country, and that it’s part of Russia,” Demish said. “When he objected and said history can’t be rewritten, he said two men approached him and he was questioned for two hours.”
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Per GDP, Estonia has donated far more to Ukraine than any other nation​

Estonia has donated €220 million; considering the country’s population, it is the largest donor per capita.

“It is striking that the US committed almost four times as much military aid as all other 30 Western countries combined (€4.366 billion US v. €1.216 billion for all others, not accounting for the €1 billion European Peace Facility). It is equally striking that the small country of Estonia offered more military aid to Ukraine than all of the large EU economies, according to our data,” the institute said.
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