
analysis World War III

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oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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Yes they have. If you're in western Europe... Maybe... Last big European war was in the 90's - '00. That not that long ago. Then we tend to forget there's been trouble (read war) in Ukraine for almost a decade or so...

Lots of shit going on in the east all day every day for as long as I can remember. If young people don't know, they've not been paying attention.

In some way you are right though as we don't give it the much needed attention. It doesn't affect western Europe that much hence we fail to educate our youth thoroughly.

Wrong... Forget about Nato.... Given their (Ukraine) situation they would never have been able to become a nato member or get full military support. And what's the thing you propose they would have done? Declare war on Russia?

Ukraine isn't unique in this regard btw. Think Finland. They've been tramped upon by Russia, stable country, yet when Putin decides to invade NATO will not directly intervene.

EU/Nato will never go to war unless one of their members is attacked. It would be interesting to see if that promise holds when Russia starts stirring up some shit at the Baltic States.
Although Ukrainians are putting up a fierce fight, but this situation can turn very ugly in the coming days when the bulk of Russian forces arrive.

What happens when all the major Ukrainian Cities run out of food and supplies and their water and electricity is cut off.

Europe will have a humanitarian disaster on its hands not seen since WWII.

Coming up with more sanctions and even sending more weapons is not going to help once people start starving under siege.

What is the World going to do then,

Is everyone going to stand by and let thousands of Ukrainian people starve to death.

I don't think that the European leaders have realized the scope of this situation yet, sooner or later they will have no choice but to get directly involved in this conflict. Although Ukraine could surrender, but even then this might not stop there once Russia gets a taste of victory.

I recommend that all sides get back to the diplomatic talks that were going on in the last couple of weeks before it's too late.

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I recommend that all sides get back to the diplomatic talks that were going on in the last couple of weeks before it's too late.

It's too late for table talk. A humanitarian crisis for sure, the least we can do is welcome refugees.
It's too late for table talk. A humanitarian crisis for sure, the least we can do is welcome refugees.
Both Russia and Ukraine have indicated that they are open to holding diplomatic talks, but Russia wants the delegations to meet in Belarus which Ukraine has rejected.

I believe that the talks should be held in a neutral Country that is acceptable to both sides or even remotely through the UN over the Internet where both delegations can feel safe.

The sooner the talks start the better in order to prevent further loss of lives.

Both Russia and Ukraine have indicated that they are open to holding diplomatic talks, but Russia wants the delegations to meet in Belarus which Ukraine has rejected.

I believe that the talks should be held in a neutral Country that is acceptable to both sides or even remotely through the UN over the Internet where both delegations can feel safe.

The sooner the talks start the better in order to prevent further loss of lives.


Yes. Let's hope so. Supposedly they will start negotiating at the Belarus/ukrain border on Monday.

No matter the outcome, Putin already lost. This invasion will cause the landscape to change making the EU forces stronger, the opposite of what he's been trying to achieve.

Even Germany is gonna build out its army in direct response to this invasion which is an historical change in military strategy given their ww2 trauma.

Putin is now threatening dropping nuclear warheads on Berlin, Paris and London btw...

Crazy times...
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Yes. Let's hope so. Supposedly they will start negotiating at the Belarus/ukrain border on Monday.

No matter the outcome, Putin already lost. This invasion will cause the landscape to change making the EU forces stronger, the opposite of what he's been trying to achieve.

Even Germany is gonna build out its army in direct response to this invasion which is an historical change in military strategy given their ww2 trauma.

Putin is now threatening dropping nuclear warheads on Berlin, Paris and London btw...

Crazy times...
In my opinion all sides should agree to a ceasefire while they are waiting for these diplomatic talks to take place. Even if one less person gets killed that should be the goal for everyone at this time.

Although Ukraine might have an advantage going into these talks because of the current events, but it's best that they don't risk escalating this situation by putting Russia in a position that it will have no choice but to lash back with much greater force.

All sides lost the opportunity to come to an agreement couple of weeks ago because they hadn't tasted War yet to this extent in the last 8 years, but now that they have experienced so much death and destruction perhaps all sides will be better motivated now to come to a mutual agreement.

It's very important that everyone makes sure that they don't screw up this last chance for peace by allowing their fanatic and outdated agendas and policies to get in the way of coming up with a Logical and Compassionate solution that is fair to all the people involved.

Whatever happens in these talks let’s not allow those who are not directly involved in this situation to mess up this last chance for diplomacy by pursuing their own agendas and interests at the expense of having Peace.

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In my opinion all sides should agree to a ceasefire while they are waiting for these diplomatic talks to take place. Even if one less person gets killed that should be the goal for everyone at this time.

Although Ukraine might have an advantage going into these talks because of the current events, but it's best that they don't risk escalating this situation by putting Russia in a position that it will have no choice but to lash back with much greater force.

All sides lost the opportunity to come to an agreement couple of weeks ago because they hadn't tasted War yet to this extent in the last 8 years, but now that they have experienced so much death and destruction perhaps all sides will be better motivated now to come to a mutual agreement.

It's very important that everyone makes sure that they don't screw up this last chance for peace by allowing their fanatic and outdated agendas and policies to get in the way of coming up with a Logical and Compassionate solution that is fair to all the people involved.

Whatever happens in these talks let’s not allow those who are not directly involved in this situation to mess up this last chance for diplomacy by pursuing their own agendas and interests at the expense of having Peace.


Agreed. I hope they can come to an understanding and make Russia withdraw their forces. Withdrawal is the key word. When someone kicks down your door and enters your premises you don't talk with them, you kick them out. Then there's time to talk and establish peace.

I don't have high hopes though. Russia is done for as long as it's under Putin's rulership no matter the outcome. Let's not forget, Russia ain't a democracy. He will not be allowed to push further so the real question is can he take the defeat concidering his ego? I doubt it... He's a very unpredictable man in a very powerful position. Extremely dangerous situation.

I do hope they'll be able to come to terms and establish some kind of peace/cease fire but the world and Europe in special, will never forget.

Most interesting to me is that even China, although not publicly condemning the invasion, supports a sovereign Ukraine. A new mindset seems to have set in at most of western Europe at the same time. From what I have seen so far most politicians/governments are prepared to go a very very long way at a very high cost. Most people supporting that, even where it hurts.

Things have been set in motion that will take years, if not decades, to recover from and it ain't for the good. I never thought I'd live to see the day where we would have to protect our borders from a Russian invasion. It's like living in a science fiction movie.

Saddest of all, the common people will suffer the most. On all sides.
Just wondering if all the ongoing diplomatic talks could be broadcasted live for the whole World to hear.

I mean since in a way the fate of the whole World is at stake here it's only fair that everyone knows what's going on in these talks.

Putin has put Nuclear deterrent on high alert now , Belarus is going to join Russia in Ukraine , things are beginning to move very fast now, I pray things settle down , it doesn’t look good at all right now, WWlll could jump off in the blink of an eye right now , things are extremely delicate in the world today
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In my opinion the best outcome at this point (considering the realities on the ground) would be:

To declare an immediate ceasefire on all fronts.

For Ukraine to be recognized as a neutral and demilitarized Country.

For the two Independent States in the Donbas region to be recognized by the UN.

For Russia to pull back all its military forces out of Ukraine.

For the severe part of the sanctions that had been designed to crush Russia's economy to be reversed.

For everything else to be ironed out in further constructive diplomatic talks.

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In my opinion the best outcome at this point (considering the realities on the ground) would be:

To declare an immediate ceasefire on all fronts.

For Ukraine to be recognized as a neutral and demilitarized Country.

For the two Independent States in the Donbas region to be recognized by the UN.

For Russia to pull back all its military forces out of Ukraine.

For the severe part of the sanctions that had been designed to crush Russia's economy to be reversed.

For everything else to be ironed out in further constructive diplomatic talks.

Unfortuantly its escalating at warp speed right now , Belarus is headed to Ukraine to ally with Russia, Putin is pretty unhinged right now, the next 24 to 48 hours might tell us what is going to happen
My analysis and Predictions for this situation:

Absent any reconciliations I predict that Russia Will use couple of Nuclear missiles just to scare the World and show its resolve against those who are trying to destroy its economy.

The missiles would probably be targeted to hit somewhere inside Russia itself just to put on a show of strength.

This is a game that Russia is prepared to play to the end if it finds itself cornered by the West.

I hope that cool and logical heads prevail in saving the World from going down this very dangerous path.

Unfortunately, I see full misunderstanding what happening now.
And it's not a surprise.
If You really want to get general idea about Russian position, necessary to spand some time.
And it might be difficult and not pleasand.

Two docs projects were anonced in December 2021:

Intetesting, did You heard about it before?

I suggest You to read it:

1st agreement Russia - USA:

2nd agreement Russia - NATO:

I think, You can find there answers for most of questions.

And please keep in mind that all possible "sanctions" not matter. Forget about economics, it's not about money.
It appears that both sides have shown some willingness today to continue with further diplomatic talks which is a good sign.

At this time the main objective for everyone should be to stop further loss of lives on all sides.

DS invaded Ukraine in 2014, and installed a puppet regime which commits many crimes against humanity.
There is a worldwide war against DS now, which you can call ww3 (some call it ww4).
The west was cleaned/liberated mostly recently, so we see a fake president Biden who says what the actual president Trump wants him to say. This way fake Biden makes fun of himself, make people see how bad/wrong person "president Biden" is. If real Biden was the real president we would really see ww3.
Hillary had (basically) said "if we there is a cyber attack against us, we will respond with nukes",..
so they would start ww3 and hide in underground cities for a few years, where they had everything including
children to be consumed in their rituals.
But luckily Trump won..and in the second term Trump won again, but allowed a fake Biden to be the fake president, for fast and safer progress.
And almost the whole world (I mean powerful/awake groups) approves Russia's "attack" against Ukraine, I mean DS stuff in Ukraine.

It is not a coincidence that such an attack is happening just after fake covid story..
And we may switch to free energy soon.
And part of Russia's geopolitic power comes from energy.
So it was a perfect time to get Ukraine back.
Ukrainian people will be very happy about it.
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DS invaded Ukraine in 2014, and installed a puppet regime which commits many crimes against humanity.
There is a worldwide war against DS now, which you can call ww3 (some call it ww4).
The west was cleaned/liberated mostly recently, so we see a fake president Biden who says what the actual president Trump wants him to say. This way fake Biden makes fun of himself, make people see how bad/wrong person "president Biden" is. If real Biden was the real president we would really see ww3.
Hillary had (basically) said "if we there is a cyber attack against us, we will respond with nukes",..
so they would start ww3 and hide in underground cities for a few years, where they had everything including
children to be consumed in their rituals.
But luckily Trump won..and in the second term Trump won again, but allowed a fake Biden to be the fake president, for fast and safer progress.
And almost the whole world (I mean powerful/awake groups) approves Russia's "attack" against Ukraine, I mean DS stuff in Ukraine.

It is not a coincidence that such an attack is happening just after fake covid story..
And we may switch to free energy soon.
And part of Russia's geopolitic power comes from energy.
So it was a perfect time to get Ukraine back.
Ukrainian people will be very happy about it.
The fact is that the World has gotten to the point that we are now talking about Nuclear Weapons being used and the only way out of this dangerous situation is for EVERYONE to abandon all the political rivalries and animosities of the status quo and ascend to a higher level of thinking and existence that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion.

There are no good guys in the World, everyone is guilty of contributing to the mess that we are in in one way or the other when it comes to all the damage that has and is being done both to the Humanity and our Home Planet.

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We are talking about use of nukes, but we are not serious about it, this time. It is done to wake people up.

There are good guys here, Putin, Trump, Xi, from the Alliance, at least are good guys in high position. Snowden, Assange, JFK jr, RFK jr, are also good guys probably working for the good reset.

I suspect Macron, Zelensky, might have switched sides, or might be double-agents. TIme will tell.
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We are talking about use of nukes, but we are not serious about it, this time. It is done to wake people up.
The thing is we really don't know that for sure.

The fact that Nuclear Weapons are even being talked about in this conflict should nevertheless be very alarming to everyone.

Although the developing humanitarian crisis in the Ukrainian cities could be as bad and have a similar result even if Nuclear Weapons are not used.

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The thing is we really don't know that for sure.

The fact that Nuclear Weapons are even being talked about in this conflict should nevertheless be very alarming to everyone.

There has been reports of missiles being moved into Ukraine since this invasion.
There has been reports of missiles being moved into Ukraine since this invasion.
I know that, I was telling him that we don't know for sure if they are going to be used in the battle or if they are just for a show of strength.

Nevertheless it's hard to believe how the World has changed so quickly right in front of everyone's eyes in the past two weeks.

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I know that, I was telling him that we don't know for sure if they are going to be used in the battle or if they are just for a show of strength.

Nevertheless it's hard to believe how the World has changed so quickly in front of our eyes in the past two weeks.

Oh, yea, but who's got the balls to call Russia out on a bluff like that? haha

Honestly, they do have the power, I think like 10 years ago the Clintons supplied them with like 25% of America's uranium.

Putin does not seem like the kind of person to call a bluff like this and not deliver, I'm sure a lot of Russia does indeed want to take back Ukraine. I'm betting they will. Not that I agree.
Oh, yea, but who's got the balls to call Russia out on a bluff like that? haha

Honestly, they do have the power, I think like 10 years ago the Clintons supplied them with like 25% of America's uranium.

Putin does not seem like the kind of person to call a bluff like this and not deliver, I'm sure a lot of Russia does indeed want to take back Ukraine. I'm betting they will. Not that I agree.
The fact that Russia wants to have Ukraine back under their umbrella so bad perhaps can give Ukrainian people a little reassurance that maybe nukes won't be used in this conflict, but there are no guarantees for all the other places in Europe specially if Russia finds itself being cornered by all the sanctions.

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Putin either does not like the New World Order Initiative or he isn't go to play second to China in the Initiative, either one, doesn't matter , Putin will launch over it IMO

“If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
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Putin either does not like the New World Order Initiative or he isn't go to play second to China in the Initiative, either one, doesn't matter , Putin will launch over it IMO

“If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
40 miles long of Russian troops are 17 miles from Kyiv , the capital of Ukraine, The battle that is going to occur within is going to be brutal and non forgiving i think

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