
Established The Myspace of Poetry Websites--UNIQUE script/site with Traffic

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randypendleton.comTop Member
I am considering the sale of www.poetryrealm.com -- the site, domains and all. Unlike email, web hosting, etc., poetry is not a saturated market and there aren't as many popular poetry websites out there, which makes this website VERY promising. This site was hand-coded to my specifications, although it is limited from my original idea; this site alone, having it built from the words of a perfectionist (me), took roughly 16 months to construct, with a month here and there that I spent marketing this thing. It is killing my time and I'm not going to be able to advertise as much as I had hoped this fall; that said, I'm considering a sale of this website and its domains.

With the right marketing, this website can become the Myspace.com of poetry. In fact, it is, in functionality. The concept of this site is pretty obvious, but there are a lot of things with it that you cannot see from a simple glance. There is an extensive member's area that allows users to perform the basics, such as editing info, adding/editing/deleting poems, etc., as well as personal blogs, statistics of their work, etc. Every member's profile contains an image, personal info, a Myspace-like "Friends" section and a "Favorites" section, the latter for users to list their favorite poems found within the site. Members can also rate poems and comment on them (the rate/comment option can be disabled by the poem's owner at any time).

To encourage users to use the site, there is also an 'awards' system that praises poets and their work. Four of the 5 are given out from the server, according to specifications. The five are: Member of the Month, Poem of the Month, Highest Rated Poem, Webmaster's Pick, and Members' Pick. Webmaster’s Pick has to be selected by the webmaster, once per month. See here to read more about this feature: http://www.poetryrealm.com/awards.php

As many other free websites, this site makes its revenue on page impressions. The site was built to capitalize on this. All poems have "send poem to a friend" links that email the URL to others. They also have pages linked that generate HTML for each poem, if a person wishes to link the poem in their website/Myspace. After each poem is submitted, the user is given the chance to email the URL to others -- this helps generate word-of-mouth visitors.

There is a contest script added to the website. Using it, a webmaster can run any type of contest and see detailed statistics on its progress. PM me for details.

The search function allows for searching by title, author, keyword, etc. but it also has a member search, which ppl can use to locate members in a specific area. There is also an all-poems link, for those bored ppl who'd rather not search for poetry but instead, browse all poetry according to its category.

The only part of the site that was not hand-coded is the forum/chat room. It uses PHPBB and incorporates a chat-room script. The forum is only accessible by users and all users are given an account upon registration for the site.

Currently, the website displays poor-paying AdSense ads. The website would be monetized better with an ad campaign, which was my intention. Let’s assume that the tower ad space sold for $3 raw CPM. Now, assume that the ads showed 100,000 times. That alone would be roughly $300. Tower ads display on most pages. There is ad-space for many ads -- all incorporated in a manner that wouldn’t likely be obtrusive to the viewer. And from the way this site was built, page impressions shouldn’t be hard to gain. There is also space for a 468*60 banner at the top of all pages; currently, the site doesn’t display them but you can add ads to the top of the page via the control panel.

An admin panel exists for the management of the site. With the admin panel, the webmaster can do, among other things: View members, read violation reports (sent by ppl who click a 'report violation' link on the bottom of each poem), view stats for each user/contests/etc., add categories, add/modify advertisements and more.

This website has an immense amount of potential, so much that it hurts my brain thinking about it. But that's the thing -- My attention is needed elsewhere, and I'm considering selling this gem of a site to take a burden off my shoulders. It has a decent amount of traffic, considering there are a limited number of members. But the number has been increasing as of late and with schools/colleges in session, I'm sure traffic will balloon pretty soon. Of course, teen/college age traffic is the most sought after by advertisers, so this is a MAJOR thing.

I paid to have THREE templates built for this website. I’ve never found the time to slice the templates and implement them into the website. Here are the three designs, in the following links. NOTE that the words ‘Poetry Realm’ in the header image were removed later on because I felt they looked out of place. All three of these (WITHOUT THE UGLY ‘POETRY REALM’ MESSAGE AT THE TOP) are included with the sale of this website:

Template for the main/index page

For all misc. pages

For the poetry pages

With the sale of this site, I am offering: The domains poetryrealm.com and poetryrealm.net, the logo, the three designs, the website with all files, and all rights to the above material. Note that all poems under the username “randy” are mine and I own the registered copyrights to them all. I reserve the right to remove them from the site at anytime.


Updated Date: 13-jul-2006
Creation Date: 14-nov-2003
Expiration Date: 14-nov-2006

With VERY LITTLE advertising, it is PR3, Google listed
Pages linking to entire www.poetryrealm.com website 756

Registrar: RegisterFly
Updated Date: 27-jan-2006
Creation Date: 28-jan-2004
Expiration Date: 28-jan-2007

Site stats:
In the month of September, its resource usage: 16.12mb space / 75.11mb bandwidth. It uses one database. Hosting for the site costs roughly $6 a month. It is hosted at Surpass Hosting. The potential buyer can move the site to a different host, if desired.

Age of site: Roughly 16-17 months but it was 14 months ago when I 'officially' launched it.

View Samples:

Member Profile


Screen Shots:

Extended stats -- Webalizer

Stats for September -- Awstats

Resources used -- September

Members' home panel

Edit/View poems page

Poem statistics

Poem comments

Admin Panel - Users

Admin Panel - Mail

Admin Panel - News

If any of these links do not work, check out the dir http://www.randypendleton.com/pr/

(Note that the FAQ section needs updated. What you see on the site was written in before many of the additions were made.)

The only known problem with this site is a small “SQL influx” bug -- it can be fixed quite easily. If you are not a programmer, you could have the influx problem fixed for cheap. I don’t think many programmers would charge more than $10-15 to fix it.

I am 100% positive that this site can become the #2 poetry website online (second to the scam artists who run poetry.com. Yes, they are scam artists.) with the appropriate advertising. I just don't have the time or energy. I’m saddened greatly to offer this for sale but I cannot give the website its necessary marketing -- and I’m (still) trying to finish a book I started on a year ago. So as much as I’ll regret this, the site has to go.

This site is in such an unsaturated market (and I've spent hundreds of dollars having this built/modified/hosted etc.) and I should ask for a lot, as I had earlier, when I considered selling this before. But instead, I am selling this for the same price it cost me to build. I AM SEEKING NO PROFIT IN THIS SALE. Having this built, modified, and over 1 ½ years’ hosting, the site cost well over $400 but I’m entertaining offers of $400 -- just to make my money back. Again, I’m not looking for profit -- I just want to give this site a new home -- and make my money back in the process.

Because of my desire to sell this and get it off my hands ASAP, I'll consider any decent offer around $400. I WILL sell this if a decent offer comes along. This is not an auction; I will sell to whoever makes an offer that satisfies me. If you want to avoid negotiations, I’ll add a BIN of $500. I know I’m going to regret selling this website but it’s for the better, I suppose. I can be reached quicker via email or IM but you can post an offer/question below or PM me. I am on:

(removed at seller's request)

This offer is valid until/if I post CLOSED in this thread.
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Hey, Randy! I like poetry. :)

Sold for the BIN. Please PM me with PayPal details.
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-RJ- said:
Hey, Randy! I like poetry. :)

Sold for the BIN. Please PM me with PayPal details.

Sold :)
(He and I are discussing this via IM as we speak)

This thread is now CLOSED.
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