[RESOLVED] - Domain Name Stolen...A Horrible Story and a Warning...

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Hi All. I've not been in here for a number of years, but a week ago I had my domain of 20 years ( stolen and I have to tell the story. it looks like I'm out of luck here, and out a lot of money, but maybe my story can help prevent this happening to someone else. This happened at Godaddy, though I don't blame them, and i still have all of my domains with them, as well as my websites. I blame the no good slimy thief who stole my domain name!

Here's the story... First off, my name is Dustie, and I've owned since 1998.
Sometime in 2017 (I think) I decided to go ahead and list as a premium domain for a high price. It being my name, I wasn't real keen on selling it, but, as they say, everything is for sale for the right price. I'd had someone offer me 5,000.00 for it, but after taxes (it would have put me in a higher tax bracket for the year) and commisison, it wasn't worth it wasn't worth it to sell it for that amount. However, I figured that if someone were willing to pay that for it, maybe someone would pay even more. So I listed it as a premium domain for 20,000.00. I seriously didn't think it would sell but it woudn't hurt to list it (or so I thought).

All was well, until a bit over a week ago. I had been out that evening and didn't get home till nearly 10:00 PM. It was 11:00 before I was able to get onto the computer. That's when I saw the 5 emails from Godaddy.... I'm sure you can imaging my reaction when I saw that, within 20 minutes, my domain name,, which I have owned since 1998, sold and transferred for a mere 450.00? I was sick...simply sick. How could this happen! First off, I've never had a domain name sell and transfer inside of 21 minutes and then be paid for it a little over a day and a half later. That's unheard of!

Immediately after reading those 5 emails and realizing my domain name had sold for less then 5% of what I'd had it listed for on Premium Domains, I was online with Godaddy help. Though they were sympathetic, no one there could help. They said I'd have to wait till morning and call auctions help. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well and was on the phone as soon as they opened their office. Though I was on the phone for a good 30 or so minutes with them (a good part of that time on hold), I was ultimately told there was nothing they could do for me. My domain was bought, paid for, and transferred and that was that! (Oh, and this even though they found the price had been tampered with twice that same night, long before I got online). They said this had to be me because no one else had access to that account! That was proof to me that someone was in there messing with my account and screwed me over big time, but not to them.

So I've been sick all week...trying to forget that someone illegally reached into my pocket and stole a lot of money , as well as my NAME! Needless to say, even a week later, I'm just sick about the whole thing.

Today, on a lark I looked up on godaddy and was sick all over again when I saw that it is now listed as a premium domain for 12,000.00 (by the person who stole it from me?). That's just wrong, in so many ways! How do I get over this? I want to know how this could have happened!!??

I am posting in here as a warning to you all, as well as wanting to go on record that this did happen, regardless that the guy at [email protected] said that had always been listed at 450.00 and it was a legitimate sale! I know how to use GoDaddy. I'm a long time user and have over 50 domain names with GoDaddy, more the half listed as premium domains! Ever since was originally listed as a premium domain at 20,000.00 that was the price that showed up whenever I went to maintain my premium listings. It always stuck out like a sore thumb, because most my other domain names are listed below 1000.00. There is simply no way was ever listed for as little as 450.00. Even go daddy suggested a price of nearly $5,000 as a premium listing starting point for

Without a doubt, my godaddy account was hacked and my domain name of 20 years stolen from me and relisted for 27 times what they paid for it! That burns me to the core!!!

I'm sure that, since this happened to me it will surely happen again. If any of you hear about such a thing, could you please have them get in touch with me? If I can find others that this has happened to, maybe we can do something as a group?

In the meantime, if you have a valuable domain name on Godaddy Premium domains, then you might want to take screen shots of the listed prices. Also, I was told that if I had the original email when it was listed that would be proof that it was listed at 20,000.00. Alas, I did not have it...I had, not long ago, deleted emails that were more then a year and a half old. If you don't have emails for your most valuable domain names, then remove them from listing, then relist them to get a new email and save those emails just in case!!

And Thanks for listening to my very long rant!

(was [email protected] for over 20 I am [email protected] and my site is ... cool name, but it's certainly not worth what I lost in!)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Kan, I don't have an Afternic account. It was on GoDaddy Premium Domain. I was a half hour on the phone with auctions and the guy I talked to put me on hold for a long time then came back and said the log shows that had always been listed at 450.00, which is just crazy. First off, if that had been the case, it would have sold a lot sooner then last week at that price. Plus there's the fact that I've been looking at the premium listing price of 20,000.00 above for the last year whenever I was managing my domains.

The tech also told me that just after the sale it shows the price went from to 4800.00 and then to 14095.00 and he said that was odd and that it had to be me, or someone using my account who did it.

Get all of this from them in writing otherwise it is meaningless and deniable. It is just possible that it is an internal GD issue - do not rule that out.
How do I Escalate it? I had given up hope of getting my name back. I've read that's near impossible after something has already been paid for and transferred. Sigh... Thanks for all the help in here you guys! It's heart warming just to know someone cares.
How do I Escalate it? I had given up hope of getting my name back. I've read that's near impossible after something has already been paid for and transferred. Sigh... Thanks for all the help in here you guys! It's heart warming just to know someone cares.

It has not been transferred, it is at GD right now and they can just put it back in your account. Even when a domain has been transferred to another registrar, often they can get it back.

As people have said, demand logs. Contact @Joe Styler the Godaddy rep here. If necessary use social media - GD's non response so far does not sound good.

Also demand right now that they block transfer out.
I did email [email protected] as well as called them, hoping to get an email back explaining anything they found. But I've never heard back from my email. I do plan on sending a certificied letter to GoDaddy headquarters, but I don't expect much from them. I could try calling auctions back and get someone else to look at the logs for me, and ask them to send me an email about what they see. The other guy was just so adamant about the fact that it was never listed at 20,000.00 and shows that it has always been 450.00. He kept putting me on hold and I got the feeling they were just trying to figure out what to tell me trying to cover themselves.
I did email [email protected] as well as called them, hoping to get an email back explaining anything they found. But I've never heard back from my email. I do plan on sending a certificied letter to GoDaddy headquarters, but I don't expect much from them. I could try calling auctions back and get someone else to look at the logs for me, and ask them to send me an email about what they see. The other guy was just so adamant about the fact that it was never listed at 20,000.00 and shows that it has always been 450.00. He kept putting me on hold and I got the feeling they were just trying to figure out what to tell me trying to cover themselves.

[email protected] in my experience are *holes and idiots. You need another part of GD and do not just believe what one person says on the phone. You can use GD's chat facility - that does give a text record of the conversation.
Carob...How do I demand they block transfer out? Just call Auctions again? Today I sent off an email to [email protected]. Hopefully someone there will answer me. How do I contact @joeStyler? Thank you for all your great advice!
Carob...How do I demand they block transfer out? Just call Auctions again? Today I sent off an email to [email protected]. Hopefully someone there will answer me. How do I contact @joeStyler? Thank you for all your great advice!

Go use the chat facility now and say you want to report a theft and you need to block transfer. Do not let them transfer you to Auctions.

Keep a record of the chat.
With Chat you only get general Tech Support. I was on with them for over an hour that night when I first discovered it had sold. They kept giving me to someone else and someone else and finally said there was nothing they could do, that I would need to wait till morning and call auctions. Chat would probably lead to the same auctions. They don't have access to the logs.
Yes they have those logs and it would probably show price change followed by immediate sale, done from IP address that could not be yours.

This needs to be escalated @Joe Styler

Yeah, contact Joe. What actually happened here needs to be figured out.

With Chat you only get general Tech Support. I was on with them for over an hour that night when I first discovered it had sold. They kept giving me to someone else and someone else and finally said there was nothing they could do, that I would need to wait till morning and call auctions. Chat would probably lead to the same auctions. They don't have access to the logs.
The general support will reply with 'copy and paste' answer only. In this case, you need to contact someone in managerial level to help you directly. Follow #28 instruction to get your domain back.
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Carob...How do I demand they block transfer out? Just call Auctions again? Today I sent off an email to [email protected]. Hopefully someone there will answer me. How do I contact @joeStyler? Thank you for all your great advice!

I sent Joe a PM and asked him if he could help.

If someone accessed your account, changed the price, and then this happened it is not acceptable.

It needs to be researched to figure out what actually happened.

.Tried to do that, but it says Chat is busy. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to keep my eyes open much longer. It's 2:33 AM here in Central time. Might have to give it a go tomorrow.
.Tried to do that, but it says Chat is busy. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to keep my eyes open much longer. It's 2:33 AM here in Central time. Might have to give it a go tomorrow.

I know the situation sucks, but nothing is going to happen until tomorrow during business hours.
I am sure the chat support doesn't have any ability to undo changes like that.

The domain is still locked. It is not pending transfer. It is not going anywhere by tomorrow.

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Given the mentioned is on sell in NP now, better to have @Amanda @Eric Lyon to put that thread on hold, otherwise, if someone just bought it from that thread, the situation will become more complex
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Bmugford, Thank you, and all of you trying to help. There has got to be an answer to this, for sure! With technology the way it is, there has to be footprints, a trail, an explanation, surely...
hahahaha...just read the info at the bottom of my posts blow my name about "Now we're all rulers of our domains". How ironic! LOL! I've not been in here for a few years so that's the way things were then...not now for sure! Well, I think I'll be back at this tomorrow. As it is I'm going to be sleeping in later then usual. I'll try to be up and at it by 10 Central time and get right on this after a cup of coffee. Good thing I have tomorrow off! You guys have given me a glimmer of hope here, at least. THANKS!
hahahaha...just read the info at the bottom of my posts blow my name about "Now we're all rulers of our domains". How ironic! LOL! I've not been in here for a few years so that's the way things were then...not now for sure! Well, I think I'll be back at this tomorrow. As it is I'm going to be sleeping in later then usual. I'll try to be up and at it by 10 Central time and get right on this after a cup of coffee. Good thing I have tomorrow off! You guys have given me a glimmer of hope here, at least. THANKS!


I would not give up hope on this one.

This is the type of issue that just general support will never be able to figure out.
It will have to be escalated and looked at in more detail.

I hope it gets figured out tomorrow.

Thank you Brad and everyone. I'm heading to bed now and will be back tomorrow. Sweet Dreams All!
If you do a reverse WhoIs of the email address associated with now, the 11 - 17 domains that come up under the email address (or 44 or so that come up under a search of the owner's name - which may or may not belong all to the same person) are in any case pretty low end. stands out among these names.
If you do a reverse WhoIs of the email address associated with now, the 11 - 17 domains that come up under the email address (or 44 or so that come up under a search of the owner's name - which may or may not belong all to the same person) are in any case pretty low end. stands out among these names.
Yes and so his Undeveloped portfolio.
I had given up hope of getting my name back. I've read that's near impossible after something has already been paid for and transferred.
Never give up...
Did you list with Godaddy or Afternic ?
Do you use the $450 price point for your domains ?
Any chance you did a bulk price change ?

afternic listing or not does not matter here, as his quoted email for sale says its prem sale. so we can rule that out.

good point on bulk change.
I know it's on as I found it in whois. Interesting that it's listed here in someone's sig. Nothing I can do about it though. Godaddy calls it a legitimate transaction, which simply makes me ill...

sorry for your loss. however it happened.

few things to keep in mind:

1- gd auctions is able to retrace exactly when the prem listing was listed (you follow checkout process for it etc)... and for how much... and from which ip. which will basically clear up most things.

2- unfortunately it happens a lot, including to myself, that either bulk changes to prem listings, or typos or forgetting zeros... ends up in wrong prices on prem listing. not saying it happened to you, just saying it happened to me before and to many others. I blame that on me.. and on their pretty bad interface..

3- bit of good news: if its listed now for sale.. and locked on gd for 60 days.. it means that if gd made a mistake (and not you) or it was stolen... there is a way to get it back.

4- I think someone else said it, but there are also ways to ask gd who and when logged into yer account if you suspect hijacking. but from past cases of stolen names I saw.. this is not looking at first glance like hijacking to me.

hope you get to bottom of it. @Joe Styler can often help. gl
wow, it is so heart warming to see you all trying to help. God bless you as you do your bit for Dustie.
Clearly you are not going to get your domain back asking pretty please on GD support chat. You might get your domain back with a lot of noise, determination and a lawyer.

I have the impression from your recent posts that you are lacking a bit of each.

Good luck!
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