
discuss Political Domains and Events

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Top Member
Recent political events got me to thinking about political slogans, marketing/advertising and domains. While I don't own a lot of political domains, I have been accumulating a small portfolio of political domains. Thus I just registered Political.Domains with the thought of a place on the web to showcase political domains.

I know when I started accumulating a small portfolio of MAGA (Make America Great Again) domains, I started a thread to discuss the idea resulting in both positive and negative feedback. In recent days due to recent events involving US politics, I hand registered Witchgate(.)com and Charadegate(.)com inspired by Watergate(.)com

Another reason I registered Political.Domains is that I've learned that in each political cycle tens of millions of viewers can be impacted by political advertising. Also, a friend of mine from NP who like me was a "Never Trumper" accumulated about a hundred domains like VetsAgainstTrump", "RetireesAgainstTrump" 'RangersAgainstTrump', "SealsAgainstTrump" etc. I'm not sure if he ever made any money from his portfolio, but like me I'm not sure if he knew how or where to market/sell his domains.

What I've learned from other NP members is that political domains have a much shorter shelf life than your typical domain so one must take that into consideration.

I'm actually a former "Never Trumper" whose "MAGA" portfolio just increased in value, but now if I could talk a developer/techie into being an equity partner maybe there will be a place to showcase political domains for the world to see.

All comments welcome. Cheers!
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Benjamin's Burning....thanks Brad:ROFL:

Wow! That was pretty timely Brad....you do know my middle name is "Benjamin", and those are hundred dollar bills that you're burning up to make a point. I'm quarter Jewish Brad, named after my grandfather Ben Goldstein. So those can't possibly be my hundred dollar bills burning up, after all I'm all about the Benjamin's Baby:xf.grin: It's in my genes:xf.wink: Like a needle in a haystack I know there has to be a pony domain in there somewhere. Cheers![/QUOte
Oh well I try to restrain myself from Bulloneys threads - (that name still fits far better) I love the fact that every idea on his domains comes along with that now "if only i could find a like minded person/investor to help me get things off-the ground"

I have to say I do admire his resilience, the talk and welcome given at being at the Vegas names show reminded me of the sort of welcome Kermit could expect at a French Diners frogs legs feast. Ahh here comes our main-course
Good stuff Bailey...like you, I don't take myself too seriously. Our elections here are a real hoot and plenty of room for political fodder. I recall a lot of tabloid journalism from the UK....does any of it lead to political domains? Any Brexit domains you can pawn off on a fellow Brit?

Thanks for visiting:xf.wink:
Good stuff Bailey...like you, I don't take myself too seriously. Our elections here are a real hoot and plenty of room for political fodder. I recall a lot of tabloid journalism from the UK....does any of it lead to political domains? Any Brexit domains you can pawn off on a fellow Brit?

It's all doing our heads in over here. Doesn't matter which way you voted, If all these Brexit shenanigans had been explained at the beginning, Trust me the turn-out would have been purely to spoil your Ballot-paper.

Why they suddenly thought the entire British public were fully aware of the complexities of European Union membership, enough to make it a meaningful vote. When even our politicians and Prime Minister hadn't got a clue is beyond me.

Next they will be asking us to vote on who we want to go to war with.

Glad you take everything I say with a bit of light-hardheartedness. We do have people trying to sell brexit domains (most to do with the consequences of the exit) Hording and storage... Not my style to be involved in these types of domains, I'd rather Capitalize on certainty - Not uncertainty
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In case people did not realize, you can use the category (society) and subcategory (politics) feature of NameBio to find previous sales of political domains. Vote went for $250k and election $65k (both in .com). Some inclusions have use outside politics as well and probably a few got missed but it is a good starting point.

Bob...i just saw this, and thanks. I figured if I was to populate the site Political.Domains I better start populating. "Vote" is a high value keyword ($2,000) Keep in mind these names might not be for sale, but rather for rent:


I noted a few other's I picked up earlier today, but this will do for now. VoteMedicareForAll is pretty long, but VoteFreeMedical and VoteFreeSex:xf.wink: may be just what the doctor ordered.

btw Bob...is all healthcare in Canada free? Can you get additional coverage? Anyway, thanks for the idea from Namebio about the keyword "Vote"
VoteFreeSex? :xf.confused:
btw Bob...is all healthcare in Canada free? Can you get additional coverage?
Since the 1960s (earlier in some provinces) Canada has had a nation-wide "free" public health care system. What it covers is complex and set out in the act but it essentially covers all hospitalization expenses, doctor bills, and required medical procedures. In most provinces for most adults it does not cover vision care (except as medically related) or dental care. This basic medical coverage is for everyone and is 'free' paid for out of tax revenue in most of Canada, and in at least one province by a required medical plan premium (which is free for those below a certain income level). The most significant exclusion is that prescriptions are not automatically covered except when you are hospitalized. This may well change after our election this fall, as there is a lot of sentiment to finally have a national pharmacare plan. Canadians can, and often do, carry extra insurance which mainly covers prescriptions, vision care, dental care, some travel protection, and a variety of ancillary services like physiotherapy. For most Canadians these plans are partially subsidized by employers. No matter where you live in Canada, or where you are in Canada, the basic health coverage pays for your medical treatments. For travel outside Canada a private plan is needed however.

I guess I should make this domain related somehow? :xf.wink: I think extension prescription coverage is likely to be one of the most important issues in October election. Possibly some sort of clever phrase domain related to universal prescription coverage would find use. It would almost certainly need to be in the .ca TLD to be used in political ways. There are opportunities for domains related to the optional coverages like travel, of course. Trade is another hot button political issue and could well find domain sales if you have a clear, powerful and clever phrase.

I think aspects of the Canadian system have been misrepresented by those opposed to medical coverage in the US (or it seems that way from Canadian reporting, which is possibly biased). While our plan is certainly lacking in some ways, and there are European plans that are more comprehensive, it is in almost every poll considered by Canadians as a defining characteristic of Canada and one of the most important issues. We have 4 main political parties (some would say 6) and they all support at least maintenance of the plan we have, and at least 2 and probably 3 of the top 4 parties will be proposing extensions into prescription coverage it would seem from early indications and platforms last election.

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VoteFreeSex? :xf.confused:
Thanks for chiming in Tiger....the VoteFreeSex.com domain did exactly what I thought it might do. It was meant to be facetious, but as many of us know sex sometimes comes with strings attached...."sure, you'll get sex when the grass is cut and the steak is on the grill." It works both ways...."sure, you'll get sex when the house is clean and the kids are fed. btw, I know that's sexist, but I'm an old and sometimes traditional guy. Seriously Josh, sex sells, and however it's explained a candidate using the domain and slogan VoteFreeSex is sure to get some laughs:ROFL: and some votes:xf.wink:
All I can say is...Thank God the Witch Hunt is over.
Since the 1960s (earlier in some provinces) Canada has had a nation-wide "free" public health care system. What it covers is complex and set out in the act but it essentially covers all hospitalization expenses, doctor bills, and required medical procedures. In most provinces for most adults it does not cover vision care (except as medically related) or dental care. This basic medical coverage is for everyone and is 'free' paid for out of tax revenue in most of Canada, and in at least one province by a required medical plan premium (which is free for those below a certain income level). The most significant exclusion is that prescriptions are not automatically covered except when you are hospitalized. This may well change after our election this fall, as there is a lot of sentiment to finally have a national pharmacare plan. Canadians can, and often do, carry extra insurance which mainly covers prescriptions, vision care, dental care, some travel protection, and a variety of ancillary services like physiotherapy. For most Canadians these plans are partially subsidized by employers. No matter where you live in Canada, or where you are in Canada, the basic health coverage pays for your medical treatments. For travel outside Canada a private plan is needed however.

I guess I should make this domain related somehow? :xf.wink: I think extension prescription coverage is likely to be one of the most important issues in October election. Possibly some sort of clever phrase domain related to universal prescription coverage would find use. It would almost certainly need to be in the .ca TLD to be used in political ways. There are opportunities for domains related to the optional coverages like travel, of course. Trade is another hot button political issue and could well find domain sales if you have a clear, powerful and clever phrase.

I think aspects of the Canadian system have been misrepresented by those opposed to medical coverage in the US (or it seems that way from Canadian reporting, which is possibly biased). While our plan is certainly lacking in some ways, and there are European plans that are more comprehensive, it is in almost every poll considered by Canadians as a defining characteristic of Canada and one of the most important issues. We have 4 main political parties (some would say 6) and they all support at least maintenance of the plan we have, and at least 2 and probably 3 of the top 4 parties will be proposing extensions into prescription coverage it would seem from early indications and platforms last election.

Thanks again Bob for your explanation, and to keep this on topic, I just hand registered the domains, CatastrophicMedCare.com and CatastrophicMedicalCare.com for politicians who might want to run on a platform of catastrophic medical coverage for ALL including those with pre-existing conditions. Healthcare isn't a right no matter how you cut it.....at least the last time I checked our Bill of Rights in America.

I can also see it covering maybe an annual physical for ALL, and possibly health education for everyone, but that's it. My guess is it would cost taxpayers about 1/3 or 1/2 the cost of comprehensive coverage.

Oh well, I'm not a politician thank God, but at least I have a vote, and I voteFREESEX:xf.grin:com. Do they have that in Canada Bob? Cheers!
... but now if I could talk a developer/techie into being an equity partner maybe there will be a place to showcase political domains for the world to see.

It seems that at the end of the day .. all your threads come down to this over and over again.

Reminds me of my idea to make these machines that go into space .. now if only I could talk to an astrophysicist/billionaire into being an equity partner maybe there will be a place to showcase "spacevehicles" for the world to see.

Anyhow .. you've been rude and disrespectful to myself and others in the past (all who initially have genuinely tried to help you and offer what we felt was genuine advice), and you've even gone so far as to make untrue accusations .. so I won't refrain from speaking my mind and saying that what you keep going on and on about is NOT domaining ... you're attempting business development ... most of the time using garbage domains worth a few dollars as best while counting on time/development investments from others worth 100++ times what your domains are actually worth.

There isn't anything wrong with business development and dreaming .. but after starting topic after topic seemingly continuously subtly and indirectly fishing for suckers, maybe it's time you go make posts like these in business development forums where in all honesty .. you could get lucky.

Or if you actually genuinely wanted to talk about political domains, then you should have left out the continued references to your imagined future marketplace (if you ever manage to convince someone to put in hours of work for you), and simply talk about your actual political domains.

What's worse is that I don't even hate witchgate as a lottery ticket domain .. but it's impossible to ever have a conversation about anything purely domains with you because it always goes back to your business concepts and your continued fishing for partners/investors.

Once is fine .. twice really not the end of the world .. three times is even tolerable if the underlying discussion is mostly on topic .. but I've totally lost count of the threads where you announce "if only I could find a partner to do all the real work".

Through your own words and actions you've lost the respect of most members at NamePros .. and I actually don't have the time or energy to be annoyed with people in general .. (it upsets me that your off topic posting upsets me .. lol) .. so let me just say that if you genuinely want to actually be a productive and respected member of this DOMAINING community, I highly suggest that you limit your discussions to actual domains.

Heck .. I don't even care if they are crappy domains .. most domainers have some crappy ones .. but the problem is that most of yours are weak to horrible (and admittedly I do recall seeing a couple of decent ones), but then you turn around, dismiss everyone's helpful genuine feedback, and instead justify the domain(s) based on the potential business development ideas and fantastic concept domains *if* only you "could talk a developer/techie into being an equity partner". What you continue to go on and on about is not domaining .. and it frightens me at the danger of new domainers potentially seeing your continued over inflating the value of worthless domains based on your visions of them being built out into businesses based on an overarching concept which actually has a real value based on 99.9% outside work/development and barely 0.1% actual value based on the domain(s).
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It seems that at the end of the day .. all your threads come down to this over and over again.

Reminds me of my idea to make these machines that go into space .. now if only I could talk to an astrophysicist/billionaire into being an equity partner maybe there will be a place to showcase "spacevehicles" for the world to see.

Anyhow .. you've been rude and disrespectful to myself and others in the past (all who initially have genuinely tried to help you and offer what we felt was genuine advice), and you've even gone so far as to make untrue accusations .. so I won't refrain from speaking my mind and saying that what you keep going on and on about is NOT domaining ... you're attempting business development ... most of the time using garbage domains worth a few dollars as best while counting on time/development investments from others worth 100++ times what your domains are actually worth.

There isn't anything wrong with business development and dreaming .. but after starting topic after topic seemingly continuously subtly and indirectly fishing for suckers, maybe it's time you go make posts like these in business development forums where in all honesty .. you could get lucky.

Or if you actually genuinely wanted to talk about political domains, then you should have left out the continued references to your imagined future marketplace (if you ever manage to convince someone to put in hours of work for you), and simply talk about your actual political domains.

What's worse is that I don't even hate witchgate as a lottery ticket domain .. but it's impossible to ever have a conversation about anything purely domains with you because it always goes back to your business concepts and your continued fishing for partners/investors.

Once is fine .. twice really not the end of the world .. three times is even tolerable if the underlying discussion is mostly on topic .. but I've totally lost count of the threads where you announce "if only I could find a partner to do all the real work".

Through your own words and actions you've lost the respect of most members at NamePros .. and I actually don't have the time or energy to be annoyed with people in general .. (it upsets me that your off topic posting upsets me .. lol) .. so let me just say that if you genuinely want to actually be a productive and respected member of this DOMAINING community, I highly suggest that you limit your discussions to actual domains.

Heck .. I don't even care if they are crappy domains .. most domainers have some crappy ones .. but the problem is that most of yours are weak to horrible (and admittedly I do recall seeing a couple of decent ones), but then you turn around, dismiss everyone's helpful genuine feedback, and instead justify the domain(s) based on the potential business development ideas and fantastic concept domains *if* only you "could talk a developer/techie into being an equity partner". What you continue to go on and on about is not domaining .. and it frightens me at the danger of new domainers potentially seeing your continued over inflating the value of worthless domains based on your visions of them being built out into businesses based on an overarching concept which actually has a real value based on 99.9% outside work/development and barely 0.1% actual value based on the domain(s).
"You lost the respect of most members at NamePros"....LMAO....I never had their respect, especially with another NP member falsely accusing me of cybersquatting backed by the resident attorney. It reminds me of Don Lemon of CNN accusing me of being a racist simply because I'm a 71 year white male. Without question, that was the most degrading hurtful and untruthful insult I've ever heard. And for the record Ategy, your're not much better. You don't know me, yet you think you do, and you're way off base brother.

Finally, I've been successful most of my life despite your help. Verisign referred to domainers like you as "hoarders" and "scalpers" for a reason. Regardless of your rant here, I'll be successful doing domains my way....stay tune brother because I'm not going anywhere:xf.rolleyes:
It seems that at the end of the day .. all your threads come down to this over and over again.

Reminds me of my idea to make these machines that go into space .. now if only I could talk to an astrophysicist/billionaire into being an equity partner maybe there will be a place to showcase "spacevehicles" for the world to see.

Anyhow .. you've been rude and disrespectful to myself and others in the past (all who initially have genuinely tried to help you and offer what we felt was genuine advice), and you've even gone so far as to make untrue accusations .. so I won't refrain from speaking my mind and saying that what you keep going on and on about is NOT domaining ... you're attempting business development ... most of the time using garbage domains worth a few dollars as best while counting on time/development investments from others worth 100++ times what your domains are actually worth.

Yep, it is going to be pretty hard to find a quality development partner when the only equity you are bringing to the table is a crappy domain.

On top of that when you have shown yourself to be unwilling to learn, stubborn, abrasive, etc...that is not likely to attract someone either.

It would take a real desperate sucker to accept those terms.

Political domains, for the most part, are risky business as far as domain investing and flipping goes and probably, as a whole, are not that valuable. They are infinitely more risky than trendy domains. Time is not on your side in the political domain game. JMHO.

I just stay away.

Now on the other hand, if one has great connections in the political world or even in the media world, political domains could be fruitful. But honestly, I still say non-political commercial domains are your best bet.
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All I can say is...Thank God the Witch Hunt is over.

I hate to get political on NP, but the witch hunt is far from over. No one has been burned at the stake yet.
Yep, it is going to be pretty hard to find a quality development partner when the only equity you are bringing to the table is a crappy domain.

On top of that when you have shown yourself to be unwilling to learn, stubborn, abrasive, etc...that is not likely to attract someone either.

It would take a real desperate sucker to accept those terms.

So Brad...like our friend Joe Nichols said, are you here to berate and harass me, or are you here to discuss Political Domains? I know I own some OK domains, and for you to insinuate my domains are "crappy" is a joke, and it makes you look really bad. Ask your buddy Ateguy why it's members like you who think they know it all that gives this industry a black eye.

Savor the opportunity Brad, and mind your own business:xf.wink:
Political domains, for the most part, are risky business as far as domain investing and flipping goes and probably, as a whole, are not that valuable. They are infinitely more risky than trendy domains. Time is not on your side in the political domain game. JMHO.

I just stay away.

Now on the other hand, if one has great connections in the political world or even in the media world, political domains could be fruitful. But honestly, I still say non-political commercial domains are your best bet.
I don't disagree, but what do you think about the idea of leasing/renting political domains instead of just selling them. Good political domains can be used over and over and over. Do you understand how that might work? Also, a single domain can be used by multiple candidates at the same time.

Like I've been saying ever since arriving here, traditional domain strategy where you buy a domain, list it with someone like Sedo or Uniregistry for an outrageous amount, and hope and pray someone finds it and buys it soon will be history. There's a new game in town:xf.wink:
I just picked up obamatrauma.com

Maybe a conservative pundit will pick it up. Or someone who disliked him enough
Healthcare isn't a right no matter how you cut it.....at least the last time I checked our Bill of Rights in America.

Wow, finally somebody believes in Capitalism.
Wow, finally somebody believes in Capitalism.

I don't know, under "unalienable rights" in the Declaration of Independence you could argue at least (2) of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" healthcare might apply to.

Capitalism doesn't work quite the same when the only decision is to die vs like deciding to buy a new TV or not.

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Wow, finally somebody believes in Capitalism.
You bring up an interesting point, and sticking with the theme of political domains, I wonder if domainers are more liberal or conservative? With supposedly a million members/domainers from around the world I wonder if domainers political views mirror the rest of the world?

That leads to another question....what sort of domains do liberals, independents, conservatives own? Politically I consider myself a moderate, however I have a strong tendency to lean more towards capitalism vs. socialism.

Here is an example of how political domains re healthcare might play;

VoteMedicareforALL.com - liberal/socialist domain
VoteCatastrophicCare.com - moderate/independent
VoteNOHealthcare.com - conservative domainer

I'm a former "NeverTrumper" I voted for Hillary because of what Trump said to John McCain about not being a war hero. A good friend of mine Mike Christian was in a POW camp in Vietnam with John McCain. However, we know now that Trump and McCain had their issues (political enemies), and while it's hard to forgive Trump for his words, his actions as President speak louder than his words.

There's a domain in there somewhere, but I don't know what it is? Political domains should spark interest enough to attract a "click" like VoteFreeSex.com. Maybe that's another crappy domain I created, but the marketing guy in me says that domain may attract votes?....after all, SexSells:xf.wink:
I don't disagree, but what do you think about the idea of leasing/renting political domains instead of just selling them. Good political domains can be used over and over and over. Do you understand how that might work? Also, a single domain can be used by multiple candidates at the same time.

Like I've been saying ever since arriving here, traditional domain strategy where you buy a domain, list it with someone like Sedo or Uniregistry for an outrageous amount, and hope and pray someone finds it and buys it soon will be history. There's a new game in town:xf.wink:

Yes, leasing political domains could work.

I also agree, for the most part, that passively selling domains is not the best strategy, especially if you want to make domaining a full-time endeavor. It's not 2002 anymore.

I also believe that, since the west engages in crony capitalism, not true free market capitalism, that some day laws will be enacted to make domaining unprofitable/unatainable for the little guy. The rich will get bitter about having to lease/buy a domain from Joe Blow and will successfully lobby to make that go away.
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I don't know, under "unalienable rights" in the Declaration of Independence you could argue at least (2) of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" healthcare might apply to.

You have a great point there, IMHO.
Yes, leasing political domains could work.

I also agree, for the most part, that passively selling domains is not the best strategy, especially if you want to make domaining a full-time endeavor. It's not 2002 anymore.

I also believe that, since the west engages in crony capitalism, not true free market capitalism, that some day laws will be enacted to make domaining unprofitable/unatainable for the little guy. The rich will get bitter about having to lease/buy a domain from Joe Blow and will successfully lobby to make that go away.
Interesting perspective. I need to get a better handle on "crony capitalism" vs. "free market capitalism" I guess by "crony" you mean "good 'ol boy" It's funny, I've always said I dislike good good 'ol boy politics, unless I'm one of them:xf.rolleyes:
I wonder if domainers are more liberal

If you read the political thread here you can meet a few here, and the way Rob Monster got bashed around about one tweet by some over and over that turned into 600 posts tells my gut mostly Socialists.
If you read the political thread here you can meet a few here, and the way Rob Monster got bashed around about one tweet by some over and over that turned into 600 posts tells my gut mostly Socialists.

That's certainly how it appears on the surface. However, I have learned that liberals are like pissed-off customers. Meaning, you hear more from the pissed-off customers than the satisfied customers.
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