
Parking failure, need help.

Spaceship Spaceship


VIP Member

Supposed to be at sedo. Their instructions for parking failure are beyond my computer skills to try and resolve. Any help appreciated.
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what did you do..?
u have to change nameservers in ur domain registrar to park..perhaps ui can teach u how..pm me
I transfered it from namecheap via url forwarding and then added it into sedo. Still not showing up a week later. All the others are fine?
Clueless said:
I transfered it from namecheap via url forwarding and then added it into sedo. Still not showing up a week later. All the others are fine?

hmm i am not so sure wif namecheap as i am using godaddy..
how bout trying t o change the nameserver in namecheap instead of using the url..maybe its ok
try it out
Hi - the namservers showing for your domain are currenty:

Name Server:dns1.name-services.com
Name Server:dns2.name-services.com

Change them to ns1.sedoparking.com and ns2.sedoparking.com

You only need to either change NS to parking service OR use url forwarding

I just change the Nameservers
Thanks, anyone care to tell me how to change the ns server? I didnt see any options at namecheap to do that? Thats right, they call me clueless :hehe:
Sorry - Don't have any names at namecheap and the process can vary a bit - usually you would log in - select the name you want to change - Then click edit or change name servers.

Put in - ns1.sedoparking.com in the first place
ns2.sedoparking.com in the second

Then confirm the change - then wait sometimes up to 2 days for it to change (sometimes it is immediate)

Namedrive is checking it out for me. If I type that pokerblog.cn into my address bar I get dells search engine. My other one parked there roundtrip.in shows an ad page with namedrive. Pokerblog.cn is in limbo somewhere.

Edit and correction: O.k heres the deal. I bought this domain at namecheap, url forwarded it to sedo for parking. however it is in sedo as a parking failure. I then forwarded the domain to namedrive. Now this domain appears to be in complete limbo. It doesnt exist period. WTH? Can anyone help? Sedo's tech support doesnt anwser emails. I'm getting ready to move everything out of there. This is getting frustrating pretty quickly. I have a bunch of domains that aint worth squat sitting in limbo. Damn rookie!
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Hi - Just go to namecheap where it is registered - remove any url forwarding off the domain.

Then set the NS for that domain to whichever place you want to park it - sedo or namedrive. (make sure you set nameserver 1 & 2)

Then give it a couple of days and check it is showing the correct parking page. :)

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