Mini-content-site your parks ASAP

Spaceship Spaceship
This story looks almost like the anti-Larry Flint :)
Playboy magazine, website, and Playboy stock will make people rich because the open sewers of unregulated integrated wire and radio communications "enter-net" will soon no longer exist as was described as coming here at NamePros first over FIVE years ago.

The domain name "economy" will now crash HARD very soon. Publicly accessible browsers will soon ALL be REQUIRED to have AdblockPlus installed by default. Hide your "parked" domains quickly as Mini-content-Sites while there is a chance. Parked sites are a plain violation of an Arkansas Computer Fraud law and many other US States probably.

I call BS on this, I cant see how this was their fault at all
I match your call and raise you by calling for regulation of the web like GOOG knew was coming. Google Inc has known since nothing but an experiment in a garage that JPG files could contain descriptive ASCII content assessable by machine and always should have done to protect against harmful/dangerous files. The MPAA rating type system will soon be required for all communications broadcast "onWIRE" or "online". Showing nakedness without wire-communicated authentication will become an enforced criminal communications law like is being ignored today as will contribute during contemplation of the coming damages award by a JURY! This is NOW plead at the Eighth Circuit.

Keep going down this road of frivolous pro se suits, you'll eventually have your assets attached to pay attorneys costs.
"You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip."

This thread looks so "grandiose"...
It was until last week when I "entered" short comments in 18+ open FCC proceeding and ALERTED the FCC, the public, and the overloaded Eighth Circuit Court of PDF links to pornographic searches created by careful manipulation of the FCC ECFS public EXPRESS submission processes despite FCC ECFS alleging to not support links and stripping links and also preventing selection of PDF text to discourage visiting existing PDF links by cut-and-paste.

Are you going to write the script and direct yourself in the movie?
NO, My TBI prevents my speaking well and I sound like a mentally disabled person. I am consulting in support of a Spring release in 2017. I have had "scripts" running from numerous devices that at one time automatically harvested all IPs and viewership times for various messages in this thread. It still runs continually using PHP but began as Perl 5 and no longer looks here. You may see one script I wrote trying to teach oligarch Most Honorable Magistrate judge Jennifer L. Setser, who has NEVER practiced law privately, how easy it was to prevent nakedness in searches for my name like described FRAUDULENTLY in violation of Rule #11 as "insanely difficult" by Google Inc attorney like seen above in open court. is NOT Google and will mitigate or accentuate the damages award the JURY will soon set.
  1. How the FCC Plans to Regulate Internet Lines - Amy Schatz ...
  2. FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet | Fox News
  3. How the FCC Plans to Regulate Internet Lines - Digits - WSJ
  4. FCC in move to regulate internet -
  5. FCC to Regulate Broadband Internet Providers
  6. Report: FCC to re-regulate Internet for neutrality
  7. FCC will seek to regulate Internet providers
  8. FCC to Overhaul Regulation of Internet Lines | Just Piper
  9. FCC Renews Push to Regulate Internet | Heartland Institute
  10. FCC to Overhaul Regulation of Internet Lines « Internet ...

This is the biggest news that will occur for western humanity since 1517.
The first place IT WAS EVER HEARD WAS
Porn will still be accessible but NOT WITHOUT AUTHENTICATION.
2. Plaintiff/Appellant also prays for immediate injunctive relief such that all violations of 18 U.S.C. 2511* and all violations of Ark Code Ann. 5-41-103* are ordered ceased immediately for Plaintiff/Appellant's name and seeks orders for the Federal Communications Commission to regulate “online” wire communications as a Title II common carrier and require ratings of all “obscene, indecent, or profane” JPG files communicated in interstate or world-wide commerce before indexed as soon as possible because this is already required by clear wording of U.S. law in 47 U.S.C. §151*.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Parking revenues are almost nothing, hence developing websites is the only option available.
Parking revenues are almost nothing, hence developing websites is the only option available.

I had no idea this had become obvious to most "domainers". What would I do if I want to register a site that expired while I was in a coma that currently has nothing but a for sale notice with a minimum price listing of $97? I will sue the next purchaser of this domain regardless of who purchases. PERIOD. Any competent "domainer" will soon be very aware holding a domain hostage like this immediately creates civil liability. I promised the kidnapper (x) not to sue till July 25,2015 but will sue the next kidnapper who registers this domain besides me after expiration on 2015-07-25 T18:33:16Z including (x). This is not an empty threat or tortuous interference with the business of (x) or anyone else. Anyone is invited to purchase this and allege ANYTHING. I owned and worked on this website in 1999 with a common-law trademark. The next registrant will face a live jury regardless of cultural senility (70+) or angry immoral desires of the judicial oligarchy in America today. Fool me once; - happened already. Fool me again; oh, but please, please try.
I had no idea this had become obvious to most "domainers". What would I do if I want to register a site that expired while I was in a coma that currently has nothing but a for sale notice with a minimum price listing of $97? I will sue the next purchaser of this domain regardless of who purchases. PERIOD. Any competent "domainer" will soon be very aware holding a domain hostage like this immediately creates civil liability. I promised the kidnapper (x) not to sue till July 25,2015 but will sue the next kidnapper who registers this domain besides me after expiration on 2015-07-25 T18:33:16Z including (x). This is not an empty threat or tortuous interference with the business of (x) or anyone else. Anyone is invited to purchase this and allege ANYTHING. I owned and worked on this website in 1999 with a common-law trademark. The next registrant will face a live jury regardless of cultural senility (70+) or angry immoral desires of the judicial oligarchy in America today. Fool me once; - happened already. Fool me again; oh, but please, please try.

Excuse me, mind me asking why are you mentioning specifics of your medical condition? Is this supposed to be an issue for every potential registrant out there? Awhile ago I had bad luck with " Pasgetti's" or something like that- Italian food, and I have spent about 6 days sitting on the toilet. Forming a proper turd a week later was one of my biggest accomplishments that year, and I really mean it. Nothing could make me happier. Should that exempt me from paying my renewal fees too?
Being comatose and on a respirator for six weeks and then living with a severe traumatic brain injury and paralysis for years as an incompetent while learning how to talk again etc. does not compare to constipation or diarrhea. Especially considering I also had to learn to remove my bowel movements by hand. I never remembered my wife, my ex-wife, or my children. The domain registration should have expired and still be expired. The prior business that used this domain to do online reservations using CurtisRes online reservation software clearly established the common law trademark that was on the website and is still seen in the Wayback machine.. If Google Inc accidentally or even intentionally failed to pay for their domain, it would simply stop resolving. Nobody would snap-it-up.

I have the source code for the CurtisRes online reservation software. It is faster and more stable than any other that will ever exist. This system does not use commercial databases like MSFT etc, but is still beyond my damaged brain's abilities to make operational now while litigating against GOOG, MSFT, the U.S. Attorney General and the FCC.

I will notify the current registrar and current owner formally with legal service that when this domain expires, I will register it elsewhere and advise each that if this registrar, the current owner, or any third party, registers the domain again, I will begin litigation in federal court per the diversity of jurisdiction. The filing fees exceed the minimum bid advertised now but the damages I will inflict before this resolves will make it worth the expense to see the right thing done. I will make an offer less of $20 before expiration just to aid the jury in deciding the damages amount to awarded. I spoke with Commissioner (x) at the FCC two weeks ago and was told they were cont to call "web" wires the common carrier these have always been. I had the kids in the schoolroom shout a message and then I sent them a photograph. They think they will regulate cables and phone lines and treat mobile devices as an information service.

This continuing FRAUD I will not allow.
Why are you not suing the current owner of your domain? What's the name again? So I can avoid it :)
in 2002
in 2014/5
This notice will be electronically communicated by wires to (25) addresses BCC including:

Ms. Bettina E. Brownstein Esq, Ms. Susan Talcott Camp Esq, Ms. Courtney M. Dankworth Esq, Ms. Holly Elizabeth Dickson Esq, Mr. Colin Jorgensen Esq,Ms. Mary Elizabeth McAlister Esq, Mr. Allan Edward Parker, Jr. Esq, Ms. Shannon R. Selden Esq,Ms. Anita Staver Esq, Mr. Claude Gabriel Szyfer Esq, Ms. Stephanie Toti Esq, Time, The New Republic, Grace Church,

The two primary cultural arguments of ALL time are the human rituals of reproduction and the human rituals concerning individual speech.

The earlier human species[1] developed rituals to counter certain natural human drives and further separated the human species from "lower" animals. Humans have used rituals promoted by agreement to rules or laws protecting certain species-wide desires from natural human drives for pleasure that are as general as the natural human drives to eat, drink, reproduce, sleep, or comfortably continue to exist.

Four examples of “lower” animals having no human ritualized controls.

1. If one male desires to mate, this male will attempt to mate regardless of the wishes of others. {war, rape}

2. If one animal wants to dispose of another, this animal will dispose of the other regardless of the wishes of others. {abortion, murder, war}

3. If an animal wants to speak, this animal will speak regardless of the wishes of others. {obscenities, treason, propaganda, war}

4. If any animal obstructs any natural drive of another animal, the obstructed animal may kill the obstructing animal.{rape, murder, abortion, war}

1. Consuming free-speech (looking) without anyone knowing or being able to check ages or otherwise "judge" for the consumption of speech once considered indecent by most pastors and younger Article III judges is the natural human desire to exclusively control the self. The human desire for exclusive control the self is the basis for desiring the ability to make unregulated speech or desiring the ability to consume unregulated speech secretly or desiring the ability to cease gestations. This natural human drive is the same as “lower” animals desiring as much food as possible when fed abundantly while in a group and hiding any extra food for speculative later consumption.

2. SCOTUS is most naturally addicted to only their human free-will regulating their anonymous choices regarding free-speech or abortion. One SCOTUS clerk advised Curtis J. Neeley Jr. of an existing plan to protect the anonymous distribution of speech during a telephone wire communication. This communication was unpleasant. Five other SCOTUS clerks addressed this human desire as well. These clerks were not anonymous but Curtis J. Neeley Jr. remembers only notation of one today due to his or her colloquial job title and marital status at the time of the call.

3. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. will never file a brief or pray for ANY type relief from SCOTUS; EVER. This makes the SCOTUS gatekeeper clerk's opinions useful and irrelevant at the same time. Please watch these opinions assisting herein while concurrently teaching these six SCOTUS clerks and nine SCOTUS oligarchs to take better control of these types of future communications.

4. Broadcast is a verb that describes the dispersal of something without any particular concern about the manner this something is received. Democrats and Republicans broadcast their particular political ideals from rooftops, newspapers, mail, and via unregulated interstate and world-wide wire communications. Farmers generally broadcast grass, wheat, or other grains with no concern about how these are received besides perhaps concentration.

18 USC §1462 – 6/25/1948 – 2/8/1996*

Whoever brings into the United States, or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or knowingly uses any express company or other common carrier [or interactive computer service (as defined in section 230(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934)]*, for carriage in interstate or foreign commerce—

(a) any obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy book, pamphlet, picture, motion-picture film, paper, letter, writing, print, or other matter of indecent character; or

(b) any obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy phonograph recording, electrical transcription, or other article or thing capable of producing sound; or

(c) any drug, medicine, article, or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral use; or any written or printed card, letter, circular, book, pamphlet, advertisement, or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, where, how, or of whom, or by what means any of such mentioned articles, matters, or things may be obtained or made; or

Whoever knowingly takes or receives, from such express company or other common carrier [or interactive computer service (as defined in section 230(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934)]* any matter or thing the carriage or importation of which is herein made unlawful—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, for the first such offense and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, for each such offense thereafter.

18 USC §1464 – 6/25/1948 – 9/13/1994*

Whoever utters any obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of radio communication shall be fined [under this title]* or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

5. On 9/15/1999, long after the 6/26/1997 failure of SCOTUS to recognize the more than 33.8 million commercial users of seamless integration of wire and radio communications in 1995, Wi-Fi was trademarked by the Wi-Fi Alliance. This was more than ten years before the 77 year-old SCOTUS author of the obvious factual error alleging some imaginary, “[holy] new medium for human communications” retired. Honorable John Paul Stevens alleged to discover a “[holy]new medium” that did not exist when this judge was sixteen and the FCC was created to regulate wire and radio broadcasting and was therefore exempt from archaic FCC moral regulations protecting children who would eventually be entitled to absolute free speech. The disproportional impact of childhood teachings is usually forgotten by the elderly and apparently Honorable John Paul Stevens was not exempt.

6. This oligarch ruled till 6/29/2010 despite the immoral reintroduction of unregulated communications in 1997 or the immoral reintroduction of indulging in guilt-free speech. This clear immorality was first recognized and protested by Rev Martin Luther on 8/31/1517 with 95 Thesis in about 1800 Latin words that translate into roughly 2,741 of Americanized English or roughly as many more words in Americanized English than this “disputation” has to this point.

7. Anything uttered today “online” is concurrently uttered by radio communications. This clear fact was true for more than 33,800,000 commercial subscribers when Honorable John Paul Stevens alleged to find a “[holy] new medium” entitled to guilt-free free-speech.

8. This ruling was VOID on 6/26/1997 and has become more VOID every year since for the last eighteen years or long enough to jump-start the type living predicted in one ancient book,[2] as will follow. The new cultural immorality of today may now be irreversible but the ability to assert legal age and being granted permission to make or consume indecent speech has existed since before “online” was discovered in 1997. Asserting legal age and permission to access otherwise forbidden legal speech will not reduce the availability-of or access-to otherwise legal forbidden speech. Adults and judges would then be responsible for their own minor's speech or their own clerks' speech, like alleged already today, -by mistake. The profitability of otherwise forbidden legal speech will quickly return. Sure; Legal pornography will mostly still control the profitability of integrated wire and radio communications disguised as another imaginary medium since 1997.

9. Free pornography and profitable illegal pornography escaping prosecution will cease almost immediately when falsification of IP address becomes a crime the FCC pursues to promote safety like created to do when: 1) Honorable John Paul Stevens was a sixteen year old teenager; and 2)World War II had not yet begun; and 3) nuclear weapons did not yet exist; and 4) Israel was not yet a nation; and 5) humans had not yet visited space, much less the moon.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Matthew 24:37-39

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

10. No natural right to cease gestation without risk of physical consequences has ever existed and will never exist for “lower” animals. The natural right to kill undesired or inconvenient offspring after birth existed exclusively for “lower” animals since human rules, rites, or laws forbid this natural right for the human species and at the same time forbid the existing natural right to artificially cause gestation to cease by accepting the risks involved.

11. In 1973 the SCOTUS oligarchy honorably ruled that the natural right to protect and control the self outweighed the prospective natural right to exist when ONLY these two competing rights were addressed. This allowed female human the ability to cease gestation after this process began without facing the choice of starvation, coat-hanger mutilation, or other gestation cessation inducing risks. The human species had finally progressed in establishing honorable rules like were implied to one day become a human moral choice by the main character in one popular ancient book as this character considered eminent death while recalling prior choices to eliminate inhabitants of two cities and the elimination of all life in one region of the earth except for fish and one boatload of animals. The ability of human females to consciously elect to not become parents by moral choice and not face introduction of another life destined to end unfavorably was clearly implied by this distressed main character as follows from this famous book cited AGAIN as noted in footnote #2.

Luke 23:27-31 – (NASB)

27 And following Him was a large crowd of the people, and of women who were mourning and lamenting Him. 28 But Jesus turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.’ 30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us,’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ 31 For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

Exodus 20:13 – (KJV)

13 Thou shalt not kill.

12. Roe v Wade is treated by many as allowing violation of this book's command from earlier forbidding killing. This rule, rite, ritual, or law is also translated as, “you shall not murder” (ESV). This implication requires common sense and the associated moral human choices. Using the literal translation from 1605, -done about eighty-eight years after Rev. Martin Luther's 95 Thesis which lead to King Henry VIII commissioning a translation in 1535, requires only common sense for use. Most interpretations of this very exacting rule do not forbid consumption of meat. One interpretation of this very exacting rule does prohibit consumption of meat, capital punishment, abortion, or any human killing of any animal life. This could be treated as a more honorable or just interpretation until considering the consumption of even flour or corn requires killing the potential for new plant life in every grain of wheat or kernel of corn. Meat eaters encourage plant consumption(killing) by plant eaters so humans can then consume these plant eaters. The Latin translation of Exodus 20:13 is “non occides”. This language leaves a great deal implied and must be why Latin is the language of law.

13. Roe v Wade was honorable and addressed other important reasons for FUTURE modification of the regulation of gestation after science made continuation of gestation more hazardous to the self than cessation of gestation. AR Act 301 will be ruled a permissible modification of human laws addressing the desires of other impacted parties before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals today better than was considered in Roe. This ruling will be more honorable than addressing speculative claims for preservation of potential human life requiring the morally impossible determination of when humanity begins, as will never be addressed. Every Arkansas voter is now before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals including every person in Arkansas whether these people actually voted or could not yet vote due to being in the third day of gestation or only in an ovary or testicle. There are millions of live sperm cells swimming in a uterus before this court today though none of these live cells may continue growing long enough to be recognized as lives.

14. 5017937849CJNJr1986 This communication should impact the future of humanity and is sent by impermissibly unregulated wire to those listed above by name but will be broadcast by wire and be read or ignored by ANYONE on earth just as the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals may do with the following broadcasting of facts. Both the “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Death” interests should be able to clearly see the need for FCC regulation of wire broadcasts to protect the public and should recognize the exclusive fundamental human right to control the body honorably requires allowing painless voluntary cessation of gestation until this gestation might impact the exclusive rights of others including the child resting an ear on a uterus and hearing a heartbeat. The potential life, individual, baby, fetus, embryo, or cell group is wholly irrelevant and superseded by the rights of the father and the public teaching children to treat sex as a decision that includes addressing the potential for new life.

15. 5017937849CJNJr1986 Curtis J. Neeley Jr. has absolutely no respect for oligarchs who remain active during bad behavior or after age sixty-eight. Teenagers are subject to the draft but can't purchase alcohol until the age of twenty-one. A young eighteen year old female may “honorably” and legally star in the most outrageous of legal “online” pornography for three years as a married mother and still be unable to purchase alcohol. (Many already do.) Honor would remain unimpacted and she would never be recognized by anyone without an authenticated claim to wish to see this type behavior in a way that could be checked when the FCC begins enforcing the Communications Act as written in 1934. This will make this type female decision once again profitable and restore Playboy print magazine to profitability. Yes; SCOTUS, -age is just a number as are (3, 3.1415926535898, 18, 21, 68, 70). None of these numbers ever exactly describe a person with any detail though the first three numbers could not purchase alcohol. (68) could still be an honorable judge in many nations. The last number could not still be a judge in ANY honorable court worldwide.

16. 5017937849CJNJr1986 There are females who enjoy treatment by a subset of the general public in ways that appear exploitative. There are also females who would prefer suicide to motherhood. Thirteen weeks is enough time today, after Act 301 is affirmed as legal, for these females to painlessly cease gestation. There are millions of people with very firm beliefs “souls” are created by humans via intercourse. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. has a firm belief in God and Jesus Christ and the sacrificial death by Christ followed by resurrection. Repentance for evils done and accepting the gift of Jesus Christ is all that is required for existing forever in God's presence. This belief is speculative and irrelevant to both issues addressed herein.

17. 5017937849CJNJr1986 “Prayers” are the ONLY interstate or world-wide broadcast communications that should be exempt from regulation by the FCC according to current law. “Online” unregulated indecency like is occurs today has already destroyed the sexual morality of two generations. Abortions prior to 13-weeks of gestation is the future Christ encouraged for the masses He knew would reject His sacrificial gift on Calvary. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. has a firm belief the free-will God allowed Adam and Eve to retain includes permission to perform-in and enjoy performing-in or consuming even obscene pornography communicated by wire to individuals or groups but not for illegal broadcast to the anonymous public by GOOG after intercepting good Samaritan's authentication filtration. This is as clearly illegal as murder for anyone else apparently except GOOG.

18. This fundamental human right to produce (speak) or consume (hear or view) pornography includes a concurrent duty to jealously forbid performance-by and consumption-of pornographic depictions by children regardless of how artistic the nakedness might be. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. admits belief in God and Christ is logical only for the most intelligent of the human species by offsetting evidence of irrelevant history described precisely but summarily in Genesis alleging creation took only six days.

19. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. experienced things and has advanced knowledge of these no human besides Lazarus could ever have. One example includes technical details of how commercial FM radio stations can beginning offering Wi-Fi, country, or rock music TODAY on one data stream. This advanced knowledge shares too many details with Top-Secret multichannel microwave tropo-scatter military telecommunications technology (USMC 2831) to be described without a waiver by the U.S. Attorney General or release by the USMC Commandant. Few humans today could hope to understand this technology but thousands on earth will or already do in China. Curtis J. Neeley Jr. apologizes to the humans who were negatively impacted by dishonorable parts of his past that are not remembered fully. The severe TBI, severe physical disabilities, are perhaps punishment enough.


Appearance at Eighth Circuit Court

Motion to proceed IFP at Eighth Circuit on Appeal
3. to Proceed IFP_4217507.pdf

Brief Supporting Motion to proceed IFP at Eighth Circuit on Appeal
3. Supt Motion to Proceed IFP_4217507.pdf

Exhibit “C” filed.

Exhibit “X” filed.

Exhibit “Y” filed.

Exhibit “Z” filed.

Complaint as filed that should have been labeled Exhibit “C”.

Regulations re: Gestation” -ABORTION-

1. This extremely profitable argument will soon end and neither side will like or protest Act 301's affirmation as the gestation law for the whole earth it will soon become. This is abundantly clear whether fathers or parents are mentioned in the 15 minutes of oral arguments on 1/13/2015 or are not. Allowing Act 301 to be enforced and then fine tuned as suggest to address speculative claims is obvious to any ninth grade student in the United States after reading the briefs or just the amicus reply now before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Curtis J Neeley Jr most sincerely apologizes for mistakenly stating Mike Huckabee vetoed Act 301. Realizing the AR governor vetoed Act 301, this severely brain injured but extremely interested party used Mr Mike Huckabee's name by mistake. This apology is included in the reply brief supporting the Eighth Circuit Court.

amicus curiae in Support of Appellant


Appellant's Brief


amicus curiae in Support of Appellant


amicus curiae in Support of Appellant


Apellee's Brief


amicus curiae in Support of Appellee

07/18/2014 Amicus Brief .pdf

amicus curiae in Support of Appellee

07/18/2014 Amicus Brief .pdf

amicus curiae in Support of Appellee Health Assoc-Amicus Brief.pdf

Reply Brief in Support of Eighth Circuit Court


Appellant's Reply Brief

07/23/2014 Reply Brief.pdf


20. Refusal to stop the free-online-speech litigation completely for five-million dollars offered casually by GOOG would be a dishonorable alternative to seeing the “abortion” and “free-speech” issues resolve amicably for humanity. Curtis will not further elaborate about the six-plus weeks on a respirator and unresponsive in a coma for the same reason Lazarus does not describe the four days he was dead in the book. Who knows; Perhaps this is all the result of coping with a TBI and a persistent delusion?

21. Both of these issues will resolve as suggested here but perhaps not at this time. Individual pornographic free-speech will be consumed by most while minor children will still have the innocence of youth protected from the new “free” drug of pornography. Sexual intercourse will become wholly a pleasurable recreational act that includes no real risks for procreation unless chosen. The “Pro-Life” interests may keep spending money trying to ban abortion otherwise but will quickly learn this is futile and costly

22. The coming affirmation of legality of Act 301 is the way laws remain and coming FCC regulation of ALL wire communication broadcasting to the anonymous will end the need for protection against indecent broadcasts. China and Iran will soon throw open their porn protections allowing all of humanity to finally share knowledge and collaborate instantly like was once the professed goal of wholly evil Defendant organized criminal enterprise Google Inc. Voting by authenticated wire communications will then be possible


Curtis Neeley Jr
14792634795 t-sms
15014217083 f








1. Egyptians, Chinese, Mayan, Native American, Aboriginal, and too many ancient peoples to list

2. Let every reader engage this notice with absolutely no presumptions or speculative assertions from these ancient texts and address this notice as regarding only clear fact.
Last edited:
Wow and I thought I have a lot of time on my hands! Who is paying your bills, insurance company, Uncle Sam, Santa Claus or Jesus Christ himself?

Ps btw, plenty of animals do abortions, there are no " lower" and " higher" animals,any human is no more and no less of an animal than any tapeworm out there, there is nothing wrong with pornography, and there is nothing logical about anything that requires any amount of belief.
I thought you'd want to know that.
1. Yes; Plenty of animals abort gestation but normally only after some self-injury.
2. Yes; Cestodas like tapeworms are in the Animalia kingdom. It is strange that you do not recognize the divisions most phenomenologists agree on.
3. No; There is nothing wrong with pornography, alcohol, or marijuana or any other thing the human species (in the US) has established rituals (laws) for regulation.
4. Millions of dollars of my medical bills were paid by insurance. My daily bills are payable because of SS.
5. I seriously appreciate you reading this second "disputation of the power an efficacy of indulgences" and your honorable attempt to address these truths intelligently without studying for days the understanding of this future will require. This cultural change will not happen in a vacuum. Every 'American' in the United States will get the opportunity to see, dispute, agree, or protest. The results are factually described above regardless of whether this is how this cultural change occurs or is not. Everyone on earth with access to unregulated wire communications, even where disguised as some imaginary new medium, can already find this wire broadcast using 5017937849CJNJr1986 in a search of the mysterious imaginary new medium. This 21 character series helped monitor this wire broadcast. Any series includes the spaces on either end btw


  • 12-26-2014_notice.pdf
    143.4 KB · Views: 76
Curtis, how much an average phenomenologist knows about biology and world around them in general? My guess is that is not much more than average Joe out there, which is nothing. humans do have a high opinion about themselves, this still does not mean anything. There is a definition of an animal, and any human fits that definition down to the very last letter.

PS Wouldn't you prefer to get a small fraction of those millions when you were 18 or 20, and simply face the inevitable when your time comes? Also, if you are a believer, and obviously concerned about other people's morality, do you think it's moral and Christian-like to spend millions to extend your life by a few years while there are hundreds of millions of people, including Christians, who are suffering from malnutrition?
Curtis, how much an average phenomenologist knows about biology and world around them in general? My guess is that is not much more than average Joe out there, which is nothing. humans do have a high opinion about themselves, this still does not mean anything. There is a definition of an animal, and any human fits that definition down to the very last letter.

PS Wouldn't you prefer to get a small fraction of those millions when you were 18 or 20, and simply face the inevitable when your time comes? Also, if you are a believer, and obviously concerned about other people's morality, do you think it's moral and Christian-like to spend millions to extend your life by a few years while there are hundreds of millions of people, including Christians, who are suffering from malnutrition?

Yes; I am a believer but experienced a miracle I can't fully describe. Most people think this is a belief based on faith and not supported by clear observable facts. Perhaps they are correct and this is a persistent delusion?

There are not millions of malnourished humans in my part of the world or in yours. Honorable morality (for me) does not create a duty to help other "world parts", This "phenomena" is reserved for the religious of humanity or for the "higher" animals. I would just as soon the malnourished did not exist. They are not part of my reality regardless of how real they are. Other wild animals adapt to their environment.

Lack of food requires less population to relieve overburdened resources. Feeding wild animals causes them to overpopulate and depend on being fed. Feeding Africa's malnourished without limiting procreation only creates more malnourishment and is cruel. Giving the hungry fish works for a meal. Teaching the hungry to fish works for life.
Yes I agree with all that wholeheartedly, but again I am not a Christian or a " believer" in general. I still begrudge a toy soldier my mother forced me to donate to some non-profit sale to benefit the children of Vietnam or something.
As for miracles, I thought believers have a pretty easy explanation for all of those.
No need to go into quantum physics and molecular biology , there is always God, Jesus Christ and Saint Spririt that also don't want you to bother with all the formulas.

I follow the events of the war in Ukraine and I saw a Ukrainian soldier with a hole in his torso big enough to put both fists through his body. Yet he lives somehow. A highly unusual situation, yes. Miracle, it is not.
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