Is there a "NEGATIVE CULTURE" @ NamePros?

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Is there a NEGATIVE CULTURE @ NamePros?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes

  • No

  • Somewhat

  • not sure

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Top Member
There was a recent blog post by Domain Shane, a fellow NamePro member, that brought up the conversation regarding a "negative culture" at NamePros. He goes on to say, " But in 2016 a few individuals started harassing certain posters and creating an us vs them culture at the site. To the point that the negativity at the site drove all the content creators away from the site."

I am not sure if all the content creators has turned away, but I completely agree that some were driven away. Attacking ideas and opinions of fellow domain investors has always been common in blogs and forums, it seems to go with the territory. Domain investor's have passion and there are many different business models to explore, creating for some dynamic conversations. As long as there is attacking instead of debating in the community we do no better to legitimize the true value of internet domains to those outside....What do you think, is there a NEGATIVE CULTURE @ NamePros?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Quite the contrary in my opinion as my first few months here have been mostly filled with some great people, great ideas, a ton of laughs and a mostly positive vibe, all things that a great forum should possess! The occasional troll or heated debate aside, NamePros Rocks in my opinion!!
Lets debate, trust me I am not going to attack you on levelling such an allegation.
Please show us some posts that a few individuals started harassing certain posters and creating an us vs them culture at the site and we can start debating.

People have different views, goals, objectives, budgets, business models, etc. It is part of a healthy debate.

A forum with all like minded people is essentially just an echo chamber and does not lead to healthy debate.

I don't see a "negative culture" here.

Lets debate, trust me I am not going to attack you on levelling such an allegation.
Please show us some posts that a few individuals started harassing certain posters and creating an us vs them culture at the site and we can start debating.
I am not sure about an "us vs. them culture", but I can tell you from personal experience that opinions in the domain community can be subject to harassment.
I am not sure about an "us vs. them culture", but I can tell you from personal experience that opinions in the domain community can be subject to harassment.
Agreed, most people cannot take anything contrary to their belief and perceive anything not matching their feelings as harassment, albeit harassment has its own terms and conditions and is not allowed here at least in this forum.
Sorry, just my opinion, not meant to harass anyone :)
There was a recent blog post by Domain Shane, a fellow NamePro member, that brought up the conversation regarding a "negative culture" at NamePros. He goes on to say, " But in 2016 a few individuals started harassing certain posters and creating an us vs them culture at the site. To the point that the negativity at the site drove all the content creators away from the site."

I am not sure if all the content creators has turned away, but I completely agree that some were driven away. Attacking ideas and opinions of fellow domain investors has always been common in blogs and forums, it seems to go with the territory. Domain investor's have passion and there are many different business models to explore, creating for some dynamic conversations. As long as there is attacking instead of debating in the community we do no better to legitimize the true value of internet domains to those outside....What do you think, is there a NEGATIVE CULTURE @ NamePros?
My feeling is that lot if things even in heated new gTLDs debates improved now .. I feel no negative culture, sometimes discussion is heated, but I guess friendly atmosphere prevails 95% of the time :)
people come from all over, all ages, races and backgrounds

we don't know these people unless we invited them in.
one's level of maturity is crucial.

but some bring their own hangups as well
and you may not see them until a button is pushed

i'd rather see it now, than later, especially when it's crunch time.

if u can't take the fire, get out of the heat

domaining is for the strong, not for the meek

no time to pacify, if you can't last a week

so maybe try something else....out there in the street

Good Luck!


to simply answer your question - NO
I have been involved in many forums, chat sites, social networks, etc for many years. They are typically no different than real life. Some people are pessimistic and some are optimistic. Some people are aggressive and some are more reserved.

You also have people from vastly different cultures. I remember some time ago making what I thought was a joke, but it was taken as a bit of an insult by another user from a different country. I learned that being polite and professional is the best policy until you know someone. What might be funny in one culture could be a serious insult in another.

As to any "cultural changes" driving anyone away, well...I just don't look at it like that. People change, times change, people get busy, etc.

The resource just continues to get better and better.

I appreciate Shane's perspective and I am sure that some may not visit much anymore, but as for the forum, I think it will continue to evolve...and grow. People will come and people will go. People will debate, get pissed, make up, never speak again, and so on. It's life.
Here's my comment from the blog post:

Some clarification:

NamePros implemented Expectations for Respect and Constructiveness guidelines in January, 2015. We expect all members to behave professionally and present their opinions maturely, without invoking hostility or aggression, and without antagonizing others. We strictly enforce these expectations, and they are considered as significant as any other rule.

NamePros moderators investigate matters like this and take immediate actions on accounts found in violation of the rules. If at any time you experience a situation that you reported and a moderator did not assist you in resolving it, please contact me directly so I can investigate the matter.

In regards to NamePros traffic and use:

We have more top domainers on the website than ever before. We've also had more unique visitors the last few months than any month in 2016. We had more than 158,000 individual people visit last month:


If anyone needs assistance, please use the report feature on NamePros. For matters regarding moderators or more serious offenses, please report those to me directly via direct message (DM) or via email to my first name at​
Sometimes it is hard to convey a thought in writing. Even friendly advice can be misconstrued because there is a lack of tone.

So someone might say... I would not buy it or I would not buy it >:(

Without the emoticon it could be easily misconstrued as to what is actually meant.

I am fairly new here myself and in most cases I have found members to be polite and courteous but I also found myself overwhelmed with the sheer amount of rules when I joined. Can put in sig, cannot post here, cannot pm, can't say this without adding that.

As in everything though, once you make friends and figure things out it gets quite natural to interact on namePro. Debate can get heated sometimes but I find as long as the heat is directed at the idea, or thought, and not the person then I don't mind.

This is crazy is ok to say. He is crazy is not necessarily ok.
(he he unless we are talking about someone asking for a million dollar appraisal on a gtld) :-P
Here's my comment from the blog post:

Some clarification:

NamePros implemented Expectations for Respect and Constructiveness guidelines in January, 2015. We expect all members to behave professionally and present their opinions maturely, without invoking hostility or aggression, and without antagonizing others. We strictly enforce these expectations, and they are considered as significant as any other rule.

NamePros moderators investigate matters like this and take immediate actions on accounts found in violation of the rules. If at any time you experience a situation that you reported and a moderator did not assist you in resolving it, please contact me directly so I can investigate the matter.

In regards to NamePros traffic and use:

We have more top domainers on the website than ever before. We've also had more unique visitors the last few months than any month in 2016. We had more than 158,000 individual people visit last month:


If anyone needs assistance, please use the report feature on NamePros. For matters regarding moderators or more serious offenses, please report those to me directly via direct message (DM) or via email to my first name at​
I am online pretty much 24/7. For work and for domaining. I can tell you for a fact that there is no other forum in this industry that is even close to the environment here.

In just the past few weeks I have personally seen several top domain industry players here. Anything else would be nonsense.

Shane Cultra - just pm'd with him yesterday here
Page Howe - just saw him selling emoji domains here
Media Options - well, you know what happened last week

and so on....

All the big players are here for sure.

[Edit] oh, and of course, I'm here. :)
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Internet and forum trolls are creating a toxic and hateful environment everywhere on the internet these days. It's not an NP problem.

While NP is certainly not free of this problem, I think this forum is less affected by this issue than any other online communities I know. Probably a combination of moderators doing a good job and the activity of domain investing being pretty niche and obscure thing (so it's a relatively small and distinct community compared with other larger platforms and broader forums).

I hope this is not taken in the wrong way by Shane, but he often seems to be overly sensitive to any kind of critical comments directed towards himself and associates, when they are things he could have just brushed off and ignored. Showing people that such comments get to you just feeds the trolls and attracts more such comments later on. If somebody bothers you, just put them on ignore and move on. Not worth getting worked up over.
It is as peaceful a community I've been a part of. I've come across a handful of toxic people or those who resort to namecalling, but that is what the "ignore" button is for. The other 99.9% of people here are nothing but friendly and professional.
I think NamePros has too much traffic.... I want some. :)
Speaking as someone who gets heated at times ( :angelic: ), it's out of passion and admiration for this business. NamePros staff has put me in my place when they need to, and I respect them for that.

No, there isn't a negative culture at NamePros, but there might be an overly passionate culture, which is superb, IMO!
Pretty much brand new here and not quite as new to domaining but I might as well be. I was only following and lurking here for a week or so before I actually joined and made a post.
Lots of reasons why I joined but I can absolutely say that if I felt any kind of negative culture or attitude exuding from here I would not have joined so quickly and quite possibly perhaps not at all. I most certainly would not have had a desire to make a post so quickly.
The one thing I also noticed, which was already said is the fact that people from all over the world participate here. Not just a token few here or there but it sure seems lots of people from all over. It's kind of cool.
Yes, it is kind of tough to convey into writing sometimes how you might mean things and then throw in different cultures and there is all sorts of things that can be construed in many different ways.
Wanna see things get heated? Start a random category and get a political thread going.
Brothers are competitive, brothers fight, and brothers love each other.

I look at NP as a band of brothers and sisters that have a common core belief; domains are valuable and are worth investing in.

Sure there is bickering and opinions, but for the most part this is one of the most tight-nit communities on the internet.
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There are bad apples at NamePros. Some have been removed, thankfully, others remain. That being said I wouldn't go as far as to say NamePros has a negative culture. There are far more positive people around here than negative. The trick is to know how to spot the bad apples and avoid them, although sometimes that's easier said than done.
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Along time ago there was a monk who lived on the only narrow strip of land connecting two islands. Each of the islands' people kept themselves to themselves and seldom did the two islands’ people mix. Occasionally though a traveller would make the journey between the two islands and in doing so pass the monk’s house.

When a traveller passed the monk’s small house they would invariably stop and chat. On one such occasion the traveller asked the monk what the people of the North Island were like as he and everyone he knew had never left the South Island? The monk thought for a moment and said, “I will tell you, but first answer me one question, what are the people like on the South Island? The traveller said “they’re fantastic, great community, will do any thing for you, you couldn’t wish to meet a nicer group of people. To tell the truth I am very sad to be leaving. So tell me what are the people like on the North Island? The Monk smiled and said “Pretty much the same”. The traveller said that’s really good to hear and went on his way.

A few weeks later another traveller was travelling from the North Island to the South Island, on meeting the monk he said he had never been to the South Island before and neither had anyone he knew and asked if the Monk could tell him what the people on the South Island were really like? The Monk paused for a moment and said, “I will tell you, but first answer me a question, what are the people like on the North Island? The traveller said “they’re a nightmare, always at each others throats, causing trouble, its never ending to be honest I can’t wait to get away that’s why I’m leaving. So tell me what are the people like on the South Island? The Monk smiled and said “Pretty much the same”.
hmmmm I wonder if I should chime in? I for one have to AGREE.

in fact, if say someone harasses you constantly on NP and had enough and decide to report all occurances of harassment or simply posts that are not related to the topic you've posted.

You end up getting warned yourself for reporting someone excessively because they ARE excessively harassing you? I don't make a habit of reporting people as it's a bit childish and when I do I usually study the post and see if it's really worth reporting or just let it slide. So when I get reprimanded for reporting something I seriously think is worth reporting. Imagine my surprise when I instead get a warning?

Kind defeats the point of reporting people yes? especially if there's a limit to thee amount of reports you send out?

To ram the point home. If a man is robbed by the same robber ten times and the victim reports all ten times? the NP world the victim that was robbed goes to Jail and the criminal goes free?

does that make sense?

As someone who has had his post deleted for being "offtopic" I have to wonder why the mechanism by which my topics are being delete for being "offtopic" is NOT being used to monitor when someone is obviously Targetting someone obsessively and posting things that are obviously offtopic and down right vicious?

I personally don't care as I can simply just ignore but such things clog up threads and fake inflate replies on certain threads which makes a thread more popular than it should be and just waste peoples time.

is there favoritism going on? One has to wonder.

@Avtar629 - The only part of your post that is on topic with this thread is your agreement with the question. The rest of your post is about other issues where you struggle to follow the rules and you're using this thread as an outlet to voice your disapproval. Please start a new thread if you'd like to discuss those other issues. Since you've already written them in this thread, I'll respond to them once and then you will need to create another thread if you want to continue discussing them.

You end up getting warned yourself for reporting someone excessively because they ARE excessively harassing you?
I just spent 30 minutes reviewing all of the warnings on your account. None of the warnings on your account are for reporting. However, the report system does get abused sometimes and we will issue warnings if any part of the website is misused.

if say someone harasses you constantly on NP
We have a policy to stop harassment. However, most of the time when members think they are being harassed is not what most would consider harassment. For example, if someone always disagrees with you, that is not harassment. If someone follows you around NamePros and dislikes every post of yours, that is a form of harassment. We understand that people will have differing opinions on where to draw the line.

is there favoritism going on? One has to wonder.
We do not play favorites. The rules apply to everyone equally. The only time anyone questions favoritism is when they don't like a decision that has been made or a rule that has been enforced but we apply the rules the same for everyone. Trust me, there are plenty of people who wish we would play favorites and they attack us publicly when we don't. ;)
I want some of that favoritism please :xf.grin:

Seriously though, from what I have seen so far it seems things are enforced pretty evenly across the board.

People seem to forget that a community forum is a living breathing entity which cannot truly be controlled. As long as we have individuals and characters we will always have some conflict and disagreements. Heck I have had more disagreements with relatives than I have had on this forum.

I don't know domain shane but it's easy to criticize a community when we should really be looking at our own actions to see what we may have done to bring on the situation in the first place.

Reminds something I like to live by...

In life we need to take full responsibility for our own attitudes, only then can we be justified in judging the attitude of others.
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