
domain Help me Min/Max my portfolio (One WINNER gets $75) - TeeTimez.com

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Greetings and Salutations,

Imitation is the highest form of flattery right? Thank you @lolwarrior!

Don’t recreate, imitate! As some of you know, English IS my primary language and I can be TOO cute with what I think looks good and will resell as it relates to domains. These are my primary reasons that I believe I own some pretty bad domain names in my portfolio. I am moving away from hand regging . . . unless I have a specific
need . . . okay truth be told I am too creative to stop hand regging completely . . . like a lotto ticket, one can dream! Anyways, on to business.

I need and want your help.


1. Domains to check are in my portfolio at:


I have a few different projects going on with a few names, so things are in disarray. I simply listed the names at this site to manage for this contest!

2. In your post, write 10 domain names you think are garbage.

3. If you can or want, also write why you think they are bad (grammatically incorrect, does not really make sense, is not much used in this context, keyword does not go with extension, keyword not in large end user demand, or you just do not feel it, etc.).

4. What are my top 13 domain names?

5. You may post multiple times if you like. It will be the cumulative contribution that gets the prize!

6. Post into this thread until end of Friday February 08, 2019. All posts after this time period are welcomed, but they will not be eligible for chance to win financial reward described below.

Consulting Fee $75 for winner!

I will publicly choose 1 post (it must contain comments on at least 10 of my domain names) and which I see as most helpful for me and will pay a consulting fee in the amount of $75. Payment only via PayPal. Multiple posts are welcomed, but new content per post . . .

PS: do not be afraid to criticize, this is the whole purpose of this exercise.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
GirlSoap.com + GirlsSoap.com + BoysSoap.com [unlike with clothes or shoes, soaps are not exclusive to any one gender].

Not true. No man would ever go into a Bath and Body Works store to buy soap to use on himself. It's all female scented products, including the soap, which makes it "Girl's Soap". I'm sure there are plenty of other similar stores and brands that are geared to women and sell soap.

As such, I think both GirlSoap.com and GirlsSoap.com both have potential as both a store or as an affiliate store or similar site. Maybe even a blog. But not much intrinsic value. A site would have to be built to make the value worthwhile and attract buyers. Women and girls, wen searching for specialty soaps to buy, do not search "girl's soap", so it has no intrinsic value and a site will be needed for maximum interest and flip profit.

Boy Soap? Not so much. Just drop it, because not only do boys not care about soap, but any men who do don't like being attributed to a boy. Mens Soap would be better, but still worthless since men as a whole don't think about or talk about or worry about or care about soap beyond the shower, they just go to the store and buy it as quickly as they can and take a shower and forget about it. It's just soap.
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I'll be brutally honest with you [FAIR WARNING]...

I'm not quite sure what on earth you were thinking when you registered most of those domains. All I see is a list of drops for the most part. The ones that are drop-worthy aren't even worth explaining - they are that obviously terrible. It seems to me you registered many domains jsut becuase they have buzz words or trendy product words in them, without regard if wither the secondary word(s) detracted from it's value. For instance...

weedapologist.com :xf.confused: ???

I mean, I realize that some domains are terrible intrinsically but have good branding capability. That domain has no value whatsoever in either case. Whom or what is a Weed apologist, be it for marijuana (medical, street or otherwise) or garden weeds??? Even if you built a site around marijuana for that domain, it would garner very little interest and revenue just because of the nonsensical, unbrandable name alone.


Now that's not too shabby. Of course the plural for would be much better, but you can't win 'em all. This singular form sounds more like an insurance policy related to THC rather than the benefits of THC. But I think you could sell that IF you develop a blog around it with affiliate links to legal, related products.

I don't have time right but I may be back later to give an opinion on the ones worth keeping.
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Oh my ....
Wow, your a nice guy on here want2learn. But, that is some crazy list of domains to be paying renewals on. I know you mentioned your creative-streak but, honestly I think you need to step away from any further registrations. It's probably best not to even consider the secondary resale market for any domains either.. There is nothing worse than have to type-in a whole negative paragraph about a domainers efforts but sometimes it just has to be said.
Even the namepro members that are trying to put some hope forward must be struggling. Please don't be offended but, you really need to step-back and ask yourself what niches are you trying to be creative in or for. That is a lot of random stuff you've put up but, nobody here is going to be doing you any favors by encouraging you any further.
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Not true. No man would ever go into a Bath and Body Works store to buy soap to use on himself. It's all female scented products, including the soap, which makes it "Girl's Soap". I'm sure there are plenty of other similar stores and brands that are geared to women and sell soap.


If have not stepped into a Bath & Body Works store in my life, so I cannot say.

Upon reflection, what I said was not meant to be a blanket statement. There are people of all genders whom do wear unisex clothes that are designed without a specific gender in mind. Yet, a well majority of clothing caters to a specific gender, man or woman OR boy or girl.

Similarly soaps do exist, which are specifically marketed to boys. There are also soaps that are meant only for girls. Doesn't mean everyone will rush out to buy one for their boy or girl.

So to rephrase, unlike with gender-specific clothes or shoes, the market demand for gender-specific soaps is much smaller.

Hence, why it made my honorable mentions, and I said neither of the 3 domains are good from an investment standpoint.
Only a few more days left in this contest . . .
Hello @Want2learn !

You have a nice thread and I didn't have time to write a portfolio appraisal to lolwarrior's post. Well, let's try in this thread, I will try to evaluate all of your names in one post. I will write an preview about your names and if I have some $ value in my mind, I will place it too. So, here we go.


Only meaning what I found out to this name is Global Men's day, but I think there are not pretty many end-users. My honest opinion is that this name is garbage - DROP.


This domain name is misspelled - the correct version would be 1sttimehomebuyers.com. I don't see any value in this name. DROP.


This name will get the same kind of review like the above ones, garbage - DROP.


HomeBuyingAbc.com would have value, but this one, no. Garbage - DROP


Just random 5L.com, checked out some information at Google, but didn't find any positive news. Garbage - DROP


Can't see any users to this name. Garbage - DROP


CannabisAdvantage(s).com would have been a solid domain name, but your spelling is wrong at this domain name. Garbage - DROP.


The correct domain name would be here Advertisements.top - Not Advertisings.top. Garbage - DROP.


Word1Word2.center - No value. If you invest in new extension, don't buy 2 keyword names. Buy only 1 keyword name and make sure you have made a detailed research about this domain name. If the name sounds good, it doesn't always mean that the domain has value. Garbage - DROP.


Is there a shop or something like that what is called Arizona and it's located at Arizona? If there are, then this domain name could have little value but if there isn't, this domain name is Garbage.


I see some users for this domain name. Do outbound to Atlanta Tattoo Inks. I think there could be couple of potential buyers for this name. In my opinion, Keep 1-2 years - If there isn't results, drop it.


I checked out from Google little bit information about this domain name and there is potential users to buy this domain name. But you must have correct pricing, I think somewhere at low xxx - mid xxx is a good price. Keep 1-2 years - If there isn't results, DROP IT.


There are some herbal shops at Atlanta, so try to reach out of them and offer this domain for low xxx to mid xxx. Keep 1-2 years, If there isn't results, DROP IT.


Well, if somebody likes try write about Roads at Atlanta, that person would use this domain name, but in my opinion there isn't writers who focuses only to write about Atlanta Roads. Garbage - DROP.


At a first glance, I thought Atlanta Real Estate, but not sure does this works. I'm not sure about this domain name, maybe you should keep it or maybe you should drop this name.


No value and I think there isn't necessary to write why. Garbage - DROP.


Couple of spelling mistakes, doesn't worth to renew at all. Garbage - DROP.


Could be a great name for Beatles fan website. This one has potential clearly. Keep it 1-3 years, if there isn't any results - DROP IT.


This one is a nice brandable 5L.com in my opinion + it's taken too in .de and .us. This one is a keeper.


I'm notnot sure about this domain name, hard to evaluate, maybe a keeper, maybe garbage.


I don't see who would use this kind of domain name. Question is what didI you think when you registered this domain name. My opinion, this one is a DROP.


I see some potential users here. This one you should keep 1 year more and if you can't reach the right buyer, drop it.


What Bike Costs? I don't understand the meaning of this domain name. DROP IT.


This one is a definitely keeper. Many companies can use this domain name to re direct example traffic to their man website - KEEPER.


Could be a potential name to branding agency. List this domain for sale with of 499$. I'm sure someone could use this domain name - KEEPER.


Random 5L.com and there isn't any specific meaning. Not sure, could fetch in a good day max mid xxx amount, but the changes to get sale is pretty low. I would personally DROP this domain.


Eating place at Broadway? Blog about restaurants in Broadway? Better option here is blog about restaurant's in Broadway, but doesn't sound a good name for a restaurant at Broadway. Hard to say anything about this domain, but I have say I would DROP this name.


I don't see any potential users for this domain name. DROP.


Is there green, red, blue or pink apps? Black market for apps? I don't see any use for this domain name. DROP.


What is black hq? What did you think with this domain name? I don't see any potential users for this domain name. DROP.


Yes, there are really many inc sellers, but why would anyone sell only black incs? I don't see any value in this domain name. DROP.


Yes, there are huge amount of black televisions but I don't think nobody would use this domain name for their business website. There are much better names available. DROP.


I don't see any value in this domain name, DROP.


If this one would be Cannabis Bazaar, the name would have nice value. But since it's Cannabis Bazar, I don't see any value in this name since there is spelling mistake. DROP.


Eatable cannabis? I don't understand at all this domain name meaning. DROP.


Douple S in .top extension, these factors makes this domain name garbage. Yes, cannabis is really popular at this moment, but this isn't just good name enough since there is so much better names on the market. DROP.


This one is hard to evaluate. There could be couple of potential buyers and users, but the price should be in low xxx. Only use for this domain name could be a blog from different types of cannabis.


Seems like there are people named Cavsy and I did found a company who could be a potential buyer for this name. Of course, brandables and random 5L.coms are always hard to evaluate since you never know who creates a company which is named Cavsy. I would keep this for 1 year more.


Before there was AtlantaFamilyPractice.com - In Atlanta is almost 4 times more citizens than in Charleston, but there are still potential buyers if you use Google wisely and know what you look for. I would keep this domain name 1 more year.


Charlotte's population is 2 times higher than in Atlanta, but it doesn't necessary mean that there is more potential buyers for this name. This domain name's value is somewhere around mid xxx in my opinion and I would keep this one for at least 1 year more.


This one is pretty difficult, it sounds pretty good in my opinion. Could potential buyer come from Cleveland? Maybe a shop at Cleveland? I would keep this one in a long-term.


It's hard to find any use for these kind of names. But in the other hand, you don't ever know who would want to buy this kind of domain name, but my doubts are that you will not find a buyer, so I have to say DROP - Garbage.


Nice name in my opinion. Definitely a keeper. I see plenty of users for this name and lot of potential to fetch low x,xxx.


This is one name again where I don't understand at all what did you think when you registered the name. There are two words mixed up together: lies & deny, question is: Does they work together as a business name? No, DROP - Garbage.


I don't see many users for this kind of domain name. There is only one book called The Divine Conspiracy and one studio album called The Divine Conspiracy. Focus little bit when you acquire domain names! DROP - Garbage.


Many domainers registers Donald Trump related names, but does they have value? In my opinion, not so much that it's worth of investing since there comes all the time new technologies etc where to invest. DROP - Garbage.


Could be a potential name for a blog, where the author write's reviews about donuts, coffee places etc. There could be some potential buyers at there, but you will face a hard times to look for them. I would keep this name max 1 year more.


This one could have small potential. Drinking daily is really important and someone can create a nice small about it, but better options would be DrinkingGuide.com and Drinking-Guide.com in this case since you have the hyphen. DROP.


There are many drink recipes, but I think the plural would work here much better, so the best options is DrinkRecipers.com and Drink-Recipes.com. Still, this one could have small potential. I would personally DROP this name and invest the renewal fee to future technology names and hot trends.


What does duis mean? I tried to find some information about duis at Google, but I didn't find any information which can be useful. DROP.


1word 2word + new extensions and these words together isn't popular at all. DROP.


.Top here hurts really much. Try to stick on better extensions, if you have 100's of these kind of names, you would face off bankruptcy really fast. I don't see any value in this domain name. DROP.


Definitely a keeper. Good domain name, drop all of your sh*t names and invest the renewal money to 4L .coms if you don't find anything else interesting.


There are costs when you hire a employer but EmployerCosts? Would you this name for your brand? Which is the main industry with this name? I don't get the idea. DROP.


This name doesn't make sense at all and I think I don't need to write down why. DROP.


I see one potential buyer for this domain name. Make some research and try to sell this domain name to that company. If they are not interested, my opinion is that DROP this name.


I would not use this name for my brand, would you? I would find a brandable domain for beauty brand, since all good names are hand-registered and I think this is in the bottom of the list if someone is looking for a name to beauty company - DROP.


There are business exercises, but exercise business? Doesn't make sense to me and I think that businesses couches will find much better available names than this one. DROP.


Exercise Villa would be a good brandable name, but it's hard to me to see a brand using this domain. Of course there is brands who uses Zilla in end of their brand, but I think you will face off a hard times if you try to find a buyer for this name. I would DROP this name.


This domain name has potential. Most of potential users here are bloggers. I would keep this domain name in my portfolio.


This domain name goes straight to garbage folder. Doesn't make sense at all.


I tried to check out from Google what is fixitist and this thread was number 2, so I think there is not coming many leads for this domain name. Of course some fixing company could be interested about this, but does it worth to contact them. I would DROP this name.


This could be used for a blog or football helmet store, but this name if so long and there are 100 times better names available in the markets. I see a 1% change to make a sale with this domain name. I would DROP this name.


At the first look I did read FunTV, but it was FvnTV. There is no sense in this domain name. TV sales are quite high, but you just can't add random letters in front of TV and think that this domain has of course value. DROP.


Ganja refers to Cannabis yes, but Ganjas? If this would be Ganja.top it would have value for sure, but I think Ganjas.Top isn't enough strong name to make a sale. I'd say DROP this name.

GirlSoap.com & GirlsSoap.com

I evaluate these 2 names as a package because in my opinion you could reach out potential buyers and offer these 2 domains together. I would keep these names, contact to potential buyers and set package price to mid xxx.


Yes, there are goliath rugs but unfortunately the market's are fairy small and you should make a massive work with this domain name and I think it's not worth it. DROP.


It sounds nice but if I would be a business owner, I would find a nice brandable domain name before watching names like this. I think this name is in the bottom of the list in pot domains. DROP.


It sounds nice but if I would be a business owner, I would find a nice brandable domain name before watching names like this. I think this name is in the bottom of the list in pot domains. DROP.


Newspaper about graduating? Blog about graduating? There are couple of possibilities here, but where to find the buyer. I would keep this name 1-2 years max and check out if there comes a potential buyer.


Stick in better extensions, .top isn't nowhere near of hot right now. These kind of names are bad investments. DROP.


How I can Grow Rules? I don't understand at all what is idea behind of this name. DROP.


I can see here nice potential. Guitar Shop, Blog about guitars etc etc. Nice name in my opinion and this domain name goes to keeper folder.


I'm not going to write down a huge text about this domain name, garbage - DROP.

& HiighSchool.com

Why to invest time and money to search names like this? I see your point what you we're looking for, but still. You are an domain name investor and you have to think like business owner when you register domain names. Really bad names.


This name has potential too. HiJoint would be a really nice name for a cannabis brand. I would definitely keep this domain name in my portfolio.


Is the purpose here the history of scholarships of what? Can you create a profitable business around scholarships history? I think not. DROP.

HousingEvaluation.com & HousingEvaluations.com

The correct term here is House-Evaluation. Check out information from Google when you register these domain names, you will loose your money if you register these kind of names.


I see here a potential for a dating website to black people but the I in the front hurts pretty much. I would drop this domain name from my portfolio.


You have lost your brainstorming here again. DROP.


I don't see this domain as a brand name. In some cases, the E and I works in the front of the word, but in this case, it doesn't work at all.


Immigration has been a big thing in the Europe. But the question is that does this name has some kind of potential to be example a news about immigration? My eyes and brains doesn't see much potential here. DROP.


Ganjas.Top, Edibles.Top, Duis.Top and list goes on. These names are waste of money, because people will use words Ganja, Edible, Duis and this case Indica. DROP.


I see here a small potential for a tattoo shot or inc seller, but you have to be little more creative. I would drop this domain name from my portfolio.


Not worth to write down why this domain name doesn't have value. DROP.


This could be a brand name for a party hoster, but I think there are much better domains in the marker available. I'm not sure what is my opinion, since there is a small change for a sale in this case.


This name has some potential. I see here a website, where is list latest public court's decisions in the court. But, changes to get a sale here is fairly small. I would drop this domain name from my portfolio.


Correct spelling here would be Casino Kash or Casino Cash. This domain name doesn't have value at all. DROP.


Kennesaw's population is only around 34,000 and how many at there sell guns? There are really small changes to make a sale with low xxx to mid xxx. I would try to contact gun sellers at Kennesaw and if they aren't interested, I would drop this name immediately.


No value.

LasVegasFamilyPractice.com, LasVegasHerbals.com, LasVegasMarijuanaMart.com

I will evaluate these names as a package. Las Vegas population is around 650,000 and it's really famous place. I see some users for all of these names, but the length of these names hurts pretty much. Of course if they would be ranked in the 1st page at Google, it would be awesome. I would personally keep all of them and place the BIN to low xxx to mid xxx for them. If there is no sale in 2 years, I would drop them.


Almost everyone knows who LeBron is but LeBrons? DROP.


I see potential users here when I checked out some details from Google. Hold this name for 1 year max and place BIN to low xxx to mid xxx. If there is no sale, don't renew this name and save your money.


No value in this name. DROP.


No value in this name. DROP.

& MarijuanaMartVegas.com

These ones has some potential for a small sale, just like the similar name above. I would keep these names max 2 years in my portfolio and if there is no sale, I would drop them.


No value in this name. DROP.


I personally wouldn't keep this domain name in my portfolio and the reason in .top extension. If you would have a mega keyword name like Marijuana.top - Then it would be worth of keeping. DROP.


McMum - A rapping mother? I think this name is hilarious but you have always think that is it hilarious to set up an business, use lot of money to get it rolling and acquire this domain name - Doesn't sound hilarious anymore. DROP.


I see some potential buyers at Google for this domain name, but I think you have to make quite much work to find the best buyers. I would not keep this domain name in my portfolio - DROP.


Mica-Corp.com and MicaCorporation.com are developed and they are active businesses. Try to contact them and check out what they say about this name. Perhaps you get luck with you.


Two mickeys running a business together? Maybe then a working solution but changes to that? Fairly low I say. I would drop this domain name.


No value in this domain name.


This domain name actually looks pretty good. It could be a good name for example to a women who is running own construction company. I would keep this domain name in my portfolio for 2 years max.


Tough one, there could be some users for this name but is it worth it to use your time to search for ideal user or invest your time and money to find better names? I would drop this domain name.


This domain name doesn't work in my opinion and the changes to get sale if fairly small, so I would personally Drop this domain name from my portfolio.


No value in this domain. DROP.


No value in this domain. DROP.


4L. coms are a good target to invest and this is definitely a keeper.


This domain name doesn't make sense to me at all, so I would personally drop this domain name from my portfolio.


I could see a slight potential in this domain name. Potential users are mostly comedians. But in the other-hand, better option here would be MrEntertaiment. I still personally drop this domain name.


I see some potential in this domain name. It looks good, it sounds good and I would use this kind of name for my business. I would Keep this domain name in my portfolio.


2 word domain name hack. Slight changes to make a sale here. Difficult one, but I would personally drop this name and invest the money to better .com name.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.

NycHerbals.com & NycHerbs.com

These two GEO domain names is keepers in my opinion. There are herb shops in NYC and I think some of them could be interested to purchase these domains as an package deal. I would place a mid xxx package price for these 2 domains.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


4L. coms are a good target to invest and this is definitely a keeper.


No value in this domain name. DROP


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP


This domain name has some potential users according to Google. But you will have a hard time to find the potential buyer here. If you are ready to invest your time to make a small sale, this one is a keeper.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


This one was pretty difficult to evaluate and I did have to make some research about the potential users. I did find about 5 potential buyers, but is it enough to get a sale - I don't think so. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


Could be a nice name to Pot E-Commerce store. I would keep this domain name max 2 years in my portfolio.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


There are some strip clubs are Queens, I would first try to contact them, but if you don't get any interest, drop this name.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


This is the best 5L .com name in your portfolio. There could be coming a nice sale if you can find a potential buyer, but it is really difficult. I would personally keep this domain name in my portfolio.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


San Diego's population is 1,42 million but it doesn't necessary mean that there is more potential buyers for this name. This domain name's value is somewhere around mid xxx in my opinion and I would keep this one for at least 1 year more.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


Only potential I see here is a blog about how important is it to skate safety. There is so small change for a sale, so I would say DROP this domain name from your portfolio.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.



No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


This one has some potential for a small sale, just like the similar names above. I would keep this name max 2 years in my portfolio and if there is no sale, I would drop them.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


No value in this domain name. DROP.


VRecap or Vrecap? What does this mean? Nothing to me and this is pure garbage - DROP.


Just random 6 letters in this name, so I have to say no value - DROP.


What VR and Grammar mean together? Is this some kind of new term? I see no value in this domain name. DROP.


This domain name has a nice potential. The .org extensions here hurts it little bit, but there are pretty many potential users for this name. I would keep this domain name in my portfolio.


vrNYT? VRnyt? There is again just random 5 letters, so I have to say no value in this domain name - DROP.


vRudy? VRudy? There is again just random 5 letters, so I have to say no value in this domain name - DROP.

vScrapbook.com vScrapbookAlbums.com vScrapbooks.com

Your point in these domains was Virtual ScrapBooks? Well, you won't get success if you just add some letter in the beginning of the words and think immediately that this letter means example Virtual. Since it has now the V letter, the name looks really messy. DROP.


Here is just random 5 letters in this domain name. These names aren't worth for investing and outbounding. DROP.


I see little potential in this name. But usually people calls these persons drug apologists, so I'm not sure about Weeb Apologist.


There are couple of potential buyers but the markets are not big enough to make a decent sale with this domain name. There are much better weed names out in the markets. DROP.


There are rings where are weed leaf, but are the markets big enough to sell just Weed Rings? There are lot of questions in this name and I'm not sure at all should you keep this name.


I could see here a brand name for hip-hop clothes company. This domain name would fit really good for that kind of brand. I would keep this name and contact to companies which sells hip-hop and street clothes.


Could be possible name for a small electrician company, but there is a big job to look for the right buyer. Does this kind of domain name has value to make a massive outbound work? In my opinion, it's not worth of it. But still, I would keep this name for 1 more year.


I see your point here what you we're thinking what you registered this domain name, but this combination doesn't just work together and it doesn't make sense. Brainstorm more when you check out names! There are much better available furniture names to register than this one. Drop.


I see your point here what you we're thinking what you registered this domain name, but this combination doesn't just work together and it doesn't make sense. Brainstorm more when you check out names! There are much better available furniture names to register than this one. Drop.


I see your point here what you we're thinking what you registered this domain name, but this combination doesn't just work together and it doesn't make sense. Brainstorm more when you check out names! There are much better available furniture names to register than this one. Drop.


There is only random 5 letters and it's really difficult to sell this domain name. You must be wise when you invest in 5 letter .com's, you will loose your money if you just buy random 5 letter .coms - DROP.


This one sounds good, but the meaning of this name doesn't make any sense. I doubt that many Consultant's doesn't want that they are called the Yellow Consultant(s). DROP.


Definitely a keeper. It's always good to have 4L.coms in your portfolio.


What does the V mean in the beginning? Virtual? This domain name doesn't make sense to me at all. You can't just add random letters in front of a word. DROP.


ReFinance with extension .Directory doesn't work at all. There are high comparable sales, but ReFinance and Directory doesn't work at all. Finance.Directory would be a solid domain name, but this domain name if definitely a DROP.


This one is a difficult to evaluate, but still I see some potential users for this name. Only negative thing is that you have to make really good research to find the potential buyers.


Same question like many times before, what did you think when you registered this domain name? Smart and Tinge together, no no and no. You have lost your concentration here in my opinion. DROP.


I wrote this one to Google because I haven't ever heard this word and this thread was number 3 in the results, so you might know what I'm thinking. There are 5% change's to sell this domain name if someone creates a company called Varkets. DROP.


SmartLaw.com has definitely value, but this one doesn't have. There are lawyers, who would want to brand their name to Smart Law or something like that, but not iSmartLaw, It's too confusing. DROP.

Total conclusion of your portfolio:

So the keepers are:

Ypuf.com (Place BIN to 1,399$)
WiredHigh.com (Place BIN to 399$)
VRHomes.org (Place BIN to 399$)
VegasMarijuanaMart.com (Place BIN to 299$)
SanDiegoFamilyPractice.com (Place BIN to 299$)
Rirre.com (Place BIN to 899$)
PotTerminal.com (Place BIN to 369$)
OrangePlantation.com (Place BIN to 299$)
Ojdr.com (Place BIN to 1,199$)
WesternStreet.com (Place BIN to 349$)
NycHerbals.com & NycHerbs.com (Place package BIN to 449$)
MrVille.com (Place BIN to 399$)
Mpuf.com (Place BIN to 1,299$)
MissRepair.com (Place BIN to 249$)
MicaCorp.com (Place BIN to 399$)
MarijuanaMartLasVegas.com, MarijuanaMartVegas.com & LasVegasMarijuanaMart.com (Place package BIN to 499$)
MainStreetGuns.com (Place BIN to 199$)
LasVegasFamilyPractice.com (Place BIN to 299$)
LasVegasHerbals.com (Place BIN to 319$)
KennesawGuns.com (Place BIN to 259$)
HiJoint.com (Place BIN to 499$)
Guitarsy.com (Place BIN to 599$)
Gradualist.com (Place BIN to 179$)
GirlSoap.com & GirlsSoap.com (Place package BIN to 299$)
FemaleFeelings.com (Place BIN to 479$)
Ekdk.com (Place BIN to 1,299$)
DonutStreet.com (Place BIN to 329$)
DatingGoals.com (Place BIN to 449$)
Clevey.com (Place BIN to 339$)
CharlotteFamilyPractice.com (Place BIN to 199$)
CharlestonFamilyPractice.com (Place BIN to 199$)
Cavsy.com (Place BIN to 479$)
BrandOverhaul.com (Place BIN to 289$)
Beavi.com (Place BIN to 479$)
BoysSoap.com (Place BIN to 199$)
AtlantaHerbals.com (Place BIN to 259$)
AtlantaFamilyPractice.com (Place BIN to 249$)
Atlanta.Tattoo (Place BIN to 299$)

Make an option too that potential buyers can make offers if the BIN is too high (Min 50$). This could help you to get your investment back if you are ready to work hard. Money doesn't back easily with these names but it's possible.

You just can't throw up your money away like this. I want to be honest now and if I would hold on this kind of portfolio, I would lost my money pretty quickly.

There is around 90% of garbage and 10% solid names. When you acquire domain names, think like the business owner - Would I use this name for my brand? There are so many names at your portfolio which doesn't mean anything, just random words mixed together and the names look really bad.

In some names you have the idea with you but in some names I see that the idea has ran away from your head to somewhere else and the result is a total disaster.

I have seen your posts and I have been waiting for better results from you.

PS. What comes to your website.. How should I say this nicely. It's really important that your landing pages or own website looks clean. Your website now isn't professional at all. Hire a WordPress designer to make you a good looking website.

Thanks to everyone that contributed. Feel free to continue to opine! @Sami Ketolainen Ketolainen wins this contest. PM me your PayPal for your prize!
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