
discuss Hand Registering vs. ???

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I'm reasonably sure this is the thread/venue where the topic of hand registering domains vs. buying domain names by other means should be "discussed". While other domainers have been critical of my hand registering over 1,000 names since arriving here in October/November of last year, they totally miss the point. Having Linkedup with the likes of the Domain King, Rick Schwartz, Rob Monster of Epik, Mike Cyger, formerly of Domain Sherpa, Jothan Frakes, Frank Schilling of Uniregistry, the Donuts crowd, and a few others, I know now my approach and my strategy are spot on. And this isn't to say that buying domain names at auction, or picking them up when someone else drops them doesn't work for those who choose that route.

Again, despite the criticism, I know I'm pretty damn good at the name game. I can tell you I suck at golf, but when it comes to targeting industries and coming up with creative and innovative names, I'd put myself up against anyone on NamePros. When you combine this talent with an ability to reach out and meet industry leaders like I've done, it's just common sense to hand register industry/theme specific names for the likes of; .Golf, .Loans, .Consulting .Online .Live, .Today, .Realty, .Club and recently .Pizza. Oh, and I almost forgot, .com (when it's available, and makes good sense).

Keep in mind that pretty much ALL domains were hand registered at one time by the likes of a Rick Schwartz or other industry leaders. I'm only following in their footsteps, and proud to be doing it. Note, I was careful not to mention any of the domains I've hand registered for fear of reprisal. But if anyone would like to know how I go about identifying/targeting specific industries, then hand registering domains to fit those industries, and then taking them directly to the end user decision makers, I'll be more than happy to share my experience. Thanks,
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despite the criticism, I know I'm pretty damn good at the name game.
Hawkeye...sorry I missed your question, 4 of the 5 domains above I'm dropping because they weren't registered for resale, but rather for development.
Well, one can only imagine the 'development' plans "":xf.eek:"" you had in mind for them.

and I'm happy to share with you sales that I've made via investment in me and my company Domain Imagination.
Please do share, as we'd be happy to hear of those sales.
••• said, "No one is arguing that you shouldn’t hand register domains, they’re arguing with the quality of domains you are hand registering." OK Harrington, that being said, I can only assume you agree with my critics in that you "like" their posts that are trashing me, and you "dislike" my posts. I'm not arguing with you, I'm only trying to make sense of what you're saying? What I think you're saying is that you just don't like my style, or my approach to this industry/business? That's OK Harrington, I can handle it. Just tell me what you really mean. Thanks
As @JB Lions said, this business is about sales, and any of the rick Schwartzes (or any successful businessperson) of the world would tell you that. I’m not going to add to the many people telling you that the method of hand registering a thousand domains in unproven extensions is a risky and unfruitful one, but rather that you could get everyone to shut up by showing us your sales
Thanks Dave...there's probably a fourth reason why someone will tell you not to hand register or stop it. They don't want you succeed or encroach into their space, and what you're doing dilutes their domains or their portfolio. Dave...I'm pretty fortunate in that I have a lot of friends, current and former business partners, and peers from a variety of businesses and industries. Ironically, I've had three business partners named Dave that I still socialize with, and a number of Dave's I golf with on a regular basis. Speaking of golf...I've now hand registered over 50 word.Golf domains that a registry has agreed to partner with me to help sell at the Worlds Largest Amateur Golf Tournament in Myrtle Beach, SC in August. I'll have a booth displaying my company and my domain business, and it will be manned:xf.wink: by a female PGA golf professional who I've also agreed to partner with. For each domain sale, a small piece of my business will go with the sale. Ever heard of anything like that Dave? Thanks again for your input, and all the best to you!

Rich, I think this is a refreshing approach to promoting ngTLDs. I'm not a fan of them myself, but if they're ever going to become mainstream, then grassroots efforts like this are going to have to play a role to bring businesses on-board with using them. Your Myrtle Beach booth sounds pretty cool; looking forward to hearing what comes of it. Which PGA pro will be working the booth? And how will Donuts be partnering with you exactly?

I know you take a lot of heat on here, but I have a hunch you enjoy the conflict, and bring it upon yourself intentionally (to a degree). I think it's great that you're so passionate and confident in your skills, but I do think you do yourself a disservice by over-promoting your background, your business savvy, and your connections. It comes across as unprofessional, and kind of slimy, even though I'm sure you don't present that way in person.

Do you have plans underway to market new gTLDs to other industries via conferences and trade shows? What price points are you considering for your names? And how much of your business can one acquire by buying one of your names?

Also noticed that your signature advertises DomainImagination as being "by Efty", but there's no site on there yet. When will it be up and running?
"namedropping"??....Hell yea, how many domainers do you know who are new to this crazy industry, and they've already connected with as many industry leaders as I have. And you said, "those folks don't validate your argument"? ......excuse me? I'd suggest, they don't validate your argument:xf.wink:

who you are connected with, doesn't increase the value of your domain names.

which, basically is my argument.

let your names speak for themselves!

Well, one can only imagine the 'development' plans "":xf.eek:"" you had in mind for them.

Please do share, as we'd be happy to hear of those sales.

Hawkeye...I'll humor you just this once. Go to SOB-NATION.COM, and you'll see a Shopify website where I've sold enough SOB gear to pay for itself. So if you wish to continue stalking and harassing me about the domains I registered for development purposes have it my friend....but realize the error of your ways. I would suggest you put me on ignore as well because you'll never win!
Around this time last year, I had a handy that I registered for $8 bucks and sold it for $400. I didn't even have it for a full year and I was gonna let it flop until a woman emailed me for it. The name was She owned some type of Vegan fitness business and wanted to sell Vegan type merch using the name. I'm not sure how it worked out for her, hopefully well.
As @JB Lions said, this business is about sales, and any of the rick Schwartzes (or any successful businessperson) of the world would tell you that. I’m not going to add to the many people telling you that the method of hand registering a thousand domains in unproven extensions is a risky and unfruitful one, but rather that you could get everyone to shut up by showing us your sales
Is that all it takes Harrington....why don't you call me, or email me personally and I'll be happy to share with you my sales realizing you'll need to share some personal information with me first. I'm learning this industry is as corrupt as it gets, and I can assure you...I'M NOT THE PROBLEM!!! Stay tuned because I'm not going anywhere despite your wishes:xf.grin:
Hawkeye...I'll humor you just this once. Go to SOB-NATION.COM, and you'll see a Shopify website where I've sold enough SOB gear to pay for itself. So if you wish to continue stalking and harassing me about the domains I registered for development purposes have it my friend....but realize the error of your ways. I would suggest you put me on ignore as well because you'll never win!
Not sure why you're so vile and angry. 'You' noted that you bought those names for 'development, and I just wondered what type of development you had in mind. (And what your SOB site has to do with the domains I noted you had development plans for, is...perplexing.) 'You' also stated 'you'd be happy to share your sales' from your company, and I asked you to please do such as we'd be happy to hear of them. So I'm not 'stalking' you. (why waste the time?)

I'm sure you feel everyone is attacking you here, and that is why you are so angry and vile to them/us, but keep in mind, 'you' are the one bragging about how great you are at hand regging; linking up with name domainers; can pick better names than anyone here on NP; have made sales etc etc.; then you get your panties in a roil when asked to prove or elaborate on your claims. We're all sure here, by your self back-patting, that you are a legend (in your own mind), but we would like clarifications, and not snide retorts, to your boasts. That's all. So take a chill pill, and either just substantiate your claims you keep making with proof, or go tend to one of your so-successfu businesses, and let your blood pressure settle. geeezzz...
Rich, I think this is a refreshing approach to promoting ngTLDs. I'm not a fan of them myself, but if they're ever going to become mainstream, then grassroots efforts like this are going to have to play a role to bring businesses on-board with using them. Your Myrtle Beach booth sounds pretty cool; looking forward to hearing what comes of it. Which PGA pro will be working the booth? And how will Donuts be partnering with you exactly?

I know you take a lot of heat on here, but I have a hunch you enjoy the conflict, and bring it upon yourself intentionally (to a degree). I think it's great that you're so passionate and confident in your skills, but I do think you do yourself a disservice by over-promoting your background, your business savvy, and your connections. It comes across as unprofessional, and kind of slimy, even though I'm sure you don't present that way in person.

Do you have plans underway to market new gTLDs to other industries via conferences and trade shows? What price points are you considering for your names? And how much of your business can one acquire by buying one of your names?

Also noticed that your signature advertises DomainImagination as being "by Efty", but there's no site on there yet. When will it be up and running?

Lots of questions there Joe...but I could give a rats a** about what the whiners think about me. I'm very comfortable in my shoes and always have been. As for who the PGA pro is that will hopefully be helping with sales...she's a friend who use to be the assistant pro at BBCC where I'm a lifetime member, and have been since 1993. I'm not going to mention her name here due to the nature of the personal attacks. As for partnering with the registry that owns the .Golf extension, I'm not at liberty to share any details, and even if they were finalized, I wouldn't. Finally, I'm not about to share with you or anyone else for that matter the details of how I intend to sell/market domains to the healthcare industry, to the financial services industry, or extension specific industries like .Pizza.

Finally, as for sharing specific sales information about any of my domains...I'm just not going to be pressured, conjoled, and harassed by anyone to do it. I've never worked in an industry where you would share information like this, and I'm not about to bow to anyone who thinks I should. Make sense Joe?
I came from great forum called Wickedfire, was really great place until the owner ditched it, - but that's an other story... Anyway, the place was the most antipolitcorrect you can ever imagine. Folks would tell you the truth strait to your eyes. After that, i sometimes have a hard time at forums like this here where everybody should be very polite with everybody, whether they deserve it or not.

What i wanted to say, is that idiots like this would be trolled there to virtual death from the post one. Or even have gotten a nice heavy banhammer, because they are poisoning a nice and healthy forum environment.

I miss those times...
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Thanks garptrader...neither an experienced domain investor or a newbie are looking at this like I am. First off, most NamePros members are solo practitioners who don't have a desire to build a brokerage or a business that truly specializes in delivering gTLD's to end users. That said, i find it interesting and unusual that most of the industry leaders who do own brokerages, registries, and registrars actually follow this thread. Leaders in other industries like the financial services industry, and the healthcare industry wouldn't be this close to the action. However, I've always been a progressive business guy, and as such, I see opportunities that newbies and traditionalists don't see. Just because someone say's this is the way we've always done it, is music to my ears. Yes, I've registered hundreds of domains, but with a very specific purpose in mind. Most of the domainers here don't have the drive, the incentive, the desire or the experience to build from the ground up a profitable 10 Million Dollar business...and please don't scoff, but I've been there and done that, and plan on doing it again. As for "end users being increasing reluctant to open their wallets for a domain name, and rarely for a recent handreg" How do you know that garptrader? How many end users do you know that even have a clue what a "recent handreg" is??? As and fyi, I didn't even know what a handreg is/was until I'd been posting and reading on NamePros for 60-90 days. Just like I didn't even know what UDRP meant until I was falsely accused by an experienced domainer of violating it. I'll have to admit, that false accusation and insinuation sort of set me off....especially when no apology was forthcoming from this so called experienced domainer from DownUnder. In a strange way, I have her and one of her cohorts to thank for my drive and determination to succeed. Add that to my experience and my enthusiasm, and I wouldn't bet against me:xf.wink:
It's quite astonishing that you think it's ok to talk about NP members in this way. Or anyone at all for that matter.
As far as I'm concerned, you don't have a leg to stand on. Anyone can register 1000 domains. Sell 1000 before you start talking IMO.

Best of luck.
Not sure why you're so vile and angry. 'You' noted that you bought those names for 'development, and I just wondered what type of development you had in mind. (And what your SOB site has to do with the domains I noted you had development plans for, is...perplexing.) 'You' also stated 'you'd be happy to share your sales' from your company, and I asked you to please do such as we'd be happy to hear of them. So I'm not 'stalking' you. (why waste the time?)

I'm sure you feel everyone is attacking you here, and that is why you are so angry and vile to them/us, but keep in mind, 'you' are the one bragging about how great you are at hand regging; linking up with name domainers; can pick better names than anyone here on NP; have made sales etc etc.; then you get your panties in a roil when asked to prove or elaborate on your claims. We're all sure here, by your self back-patting, that you are a legend (in your own mind), but we would like clarifications, and not snide retorts, to your boasts. That's all. So take a chill pill, and either just substantiate your claims you keep making with proof, or go tend to one of your so-successfu businesses, and let your blood pressure settle. geeezzz...
Hawkeye...this is the last time I'll be humoring you, but the SOB website was development for one of the domains you listed "Son Of a"'s because I'm the Son of a Buckeye development of this business began, and if you would look a little further you would see where I'd registered 40-50 SOB domains to support my development. As for the other's, they were domains that supported another development project I was thinking of starting called "Lifes Happenings" Ever heard of "Life is Good" Hawkeye? This is why I owned domains like and about 50 other "Happens" domains. I won't ask if you whether it makes sense or not, because I don't trust you to give me a truthful answer.

That's all you're getting from me Hawkeye...have a wonderful life, if that's possible.
I'm happy to share with you sales that I've made via investment in me and my company Domain Imagination.
as for sharing specific sales information about any of my domains...I'm just not going to be pressured, conjoled, and harassed by anyone to do it. I've never worked in an industry where you would share information like this, and I'm not about to bow to anyone who thinks I should.
Ahh, nothing like a little double talk. It appears you picked the right moniker here at NP, because you're making yourself appear quite full of it.
It's quite astonishing that you think it's ok to talk about NP members in this way. Or anyone at all for that matter.
As far as I'm concerned, you don't have a leg to stand on. Anyone can register 1000 domains. Sell 1000 before you start talking IMO.

Best of luck.
Back for more are you Josh? Talk about NP members in what manner??? I call a spade a spade, and I always have and I always will. "Best of luck"???? LMAO!
Back for more are you Josh? Talk about NP members in what manner??? I call a spade a spade, and I always have and I always will. "Best of luck"???? LMAO!
I just don't get it. :facepalm:(y)
one of the domains you listed "Son Of a"
No no Bulloney, I listed - Do you even know what you register??
And thank you for the wishes for a wonderful life. I do. You should wish for one too, without the defensive-speiling-anger.
Ahh, nothing like a little double talk. It appears you picked the right moniker here at NP, because you're making yourself appear quite full of it.
No no Bulloney, I listed - Do you even know what you register??
And thank you for the wishes for a wonderful life. I do. You should wish for one too, without the defensive-speiling-anger.
I have no stress Hawkeye...I cause stress, and from the looks of it here, I'm doing a pretty good job:xf.wink:
An event booth could be an interesting way to present quality domain inventory to business people who are open to products / services related to their business. I live in West Palm Beach and have seen the boat show where pricetags can run up to eight figures ($15-$20 million). The challenge for most domain investors is that we are not geographically close to events where inventory can be promoted and it is not feasible to pay airfare, hotel, rental car, conference and booth fees to promote a few relevant domains. It would be interesting to hear what feedback you get.
An event booth could be an interesting way to present quality domain inventory to business people who are open to products / services related to their business. I live in West Palm Beach and have seen the boat show where pricetags can run up to eight figures ($15-$20 million). The challenge for most domain investors is that we are not geographically close to events where inventory can be promoted and it is not feasible to pay airfare, hotel, rental car, conference and booth fees to promote a few relevant domains. It would be interesting to hear what feedback you get.
Might work if you had "Quality Domain Inventory"
I would like to request everyone to be a little more courteous please. I get it that there are strong views on both (all) sides, but I think we can express those without it getting quite as heated as this has gotten.

Thank you
Is that all it takes Harrington....why don't you call me, or email me personally and I'll be happy to share with you my sales realizing you'll need to share some personal information with me first. I'm learning this industry is as corrupt as it gets, and I can assure you...I'M NOT THE PROBLEM!!! Stay tuned because I'm not going anywhere despite your wishes:xf.grin:
I posted a sale that shows my full name, how many more excuses are you going to make? Just admit you’ve made no sales, and save yourself the time so you don’t get banned again
An event booth could be an interesting way to present quality domain inventory to business people who are open to products / services related to their business. I live in West Palm Beach and have seen the boat show where pricetags can run up to eight figures ($15-$20 million). The challenge for most domain investors is that we are not geographically close to events where inventory can be promoted and it is not feasible to pay airfare, hotel, rental car, conference and booth fees to promote a few relevant domains. It would be interesting to hear what feedback you get.

Thanks for that reply garptrader. I use to own a condo in Stuart just up the road from you, and besides .Golf, I own .Boats domains. The .Boats extension is owned by Dominion Enterprises, a local company whose headquarters is in Norfolk. I've been in talks with them as well about working with me, and me with them, to sell .Boats domains at venues like Boat Shows. Have you ever been to the Miami International Boat Show? Dominion also owns .Yachts, and I own a few of those domains as well.

As for an exhibitor booth, I've had a lot of experience with running booths at both financial services (credit card) and healthcare (HFMA) meetings. You're right about them being expensive, but in the case of Myrtle Beach and the golfers tournament, a booth is only $600, and I can drive to Myrtle Beach. Plus I'm partnering with a registry who knows my idea about having a professional golfer work the booth with me. The other thing about amateur golfers, like with boaters and yachtsman, they're all generally business people, and they're pretty well to do. I owned a "used" 40 foot Tiara that I bought it in Florida in 2004, and I traveled the ICW from Key West to VB and back again on three different occasions. My point is that like with golf, I'm pretty familiar with boating/yachting.

Finally, for the Myrtle Beach golf tournament, I bought a domain for a friend of mine who is both a golfer and a professional shagger, ie. Shagger.Golf. My critics will say it's a crappy domain, but if they know anything about dancing(Beach Music) or golfing, just maybe they'll shut up for a minute.
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Not sure why this is a thread, There are hundreds if not thousands of people hand registering names every day that are members of name pros. The smart ones pick emerging trends and niches. Most don’t feel the need to start a thread daring members to say something against it. Either you like to fight or are seeking attention. 👏
Am I understanding this correct?

Most all quality .com are registered so you should be looking on the drops,closeouts,expired domains for good quality aged names to pick up.

If handregging you may want to keep up with future trends,products,and services to reg top quality names before they are all gone just like the quality was taken back in the day.

If handregging ngtld names make sure they are quality keyword that goes well with extension.

I'm just trying to get something out of this thread before the fist start flying. :punch:
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