news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
There are very valid reasons why only 48.3% of the United States is fully vaccinated 1 and 1 half years into the Covid - 19 pandemic now… Plandemic IMO .. but I will leave that alone …. 51.7% that are not vaccinated do not trust the process .. and for very good reasons … many of those 51.7% believe one of two things .. Covid - 19 was made in Wuhan China and is a biological attack on the United States and the World .. or … covid - 19 simply does not exist period .. and it’s not just people within the United States that have those two beliefs’s people all over the world .. some countries have forced inoculations or else .. due to the complete substance of Covid … there is no easy compromise between parties who disagree with one another … with the 51.7% that are not taking the covid vaccine in the USA .. the final outcome or end result will end substantially better IMO … all virus are very bad .. they kill millions of people every year .. but as the virus come into season and make millions sick .. as well as die .. “In the valley of Darkness .. You will have no fear” .. Jesus died for you .. so you wouldn’t have to fear ..

It’s our human nature to fear and worry .. each of us human beings are dying every minute of every day … every passing minute that goes by .. each of us have less time than we have lived .. our bodies and minds can only go so many years before a mayor malfunction occurs and takes our life .. that if we make it through life with out losing our life in an automobile as well as so so many other ways ..

Covid - 19 is no different than any other challenges we face through out our lifetime … it is simply one more thing that “Could” take a life .. there are plenty just like it.
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So you aren’t aware of the Nuremberg Trials. I suspect ????

I've got more than one degree and one is a minor in history...yes, I've studied those trials.

I don't thing there will be a door to door problem (at least here in the US) but the restriction of movement has been done many times before to achieve the goals of those in power (whether for right or wrong).

I'm going to be away from the boards for a while...when the lockdown started last year, a few of my neighbors and I opened a little speak easy on the back 40...time to go get the ice...big crowd signed in for tonight.
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I've got more than one degree and one is a minor in history...yes, I've studied those trials.

I don't thing there will be a door to door problem (at least here in the US) but the restriction of movement has been done many times before to achieve the goals of those in power (whether for right or wrong).

I'm going to be away from the boards for a while...when the lockdown started last year, a few of my neighbors and I opened a little speak easy on the back 40...time to go get the ice...big crowd signed in for tonight.

enjoy .. drink it.. like you stole it !!
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England’s Covid unlocking is threat to world, say 1,200 scientists

Boris Johnson’s plan to lift virtually all of England’s pandemic restrictions on Monday is a threat to the world and provides fertile ground for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants, international experts say.

Britain’s position as a global transport hub would mean any new variant here would rapidly spread around the world, scientists and physicians warned at an emergency summit. They also expressed grave concerns about Downing Street’s plans.

Government advisers in New Zealand, Israel and Italy were among those who sounded alarm bells about the policy, while more than 1,200 scientists backed a letter to the Lancet journal warning the strategy could allow vaccine-resistant variants to develop.

“”” 48.3% of all Americans are fully vaccinated”””

it’s pretty obvious that over half of the United States doesn’t want the Covid Vaccine .. the majority rules .. as always


"As of July 4, about two-thirds of adults in the US had received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine and about 157 million people were fully vaccinated"

Looks like the majority wants it.
Someone want to tell Compassion, or should I.
Someone want to tell Compassion, or should I.

Tell him what? How amazing your experimental phase three trial “vaccine” is?
People may or may not be coerced into accepting the experiment into their bodies, however, the conversation about coronaviruses has thousands of other dots to connect beyond the CNN and vaccine rhetoric echo chamber.

How about adding a fact to the corona updates and news....

“Coronavirus” was invented in 1968. Prior to this there was no mention of coronaviruses in any medical literature.
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The Delta variant is so contagious, those unprotected will likely get it, a Trump administration FDA chief says

(CNN)Millions of Americans are jeopardizing their health, freedom and finances by not getting vaccinated and putting themselves at risk of the most infectious coronavirus strain yet, current and former federal health officials say.

"Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant," Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"And for most people who get this Delta variant, it's going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital," said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,108,241
United States: 624,746
Brazil: 542,262
India: 414,141
Russia: 149,138
United Kingdom: 128,708
France: 111,472
Italy: 127,867
Spain: 81,096
Mexico: 236,331
Poland: 75,215
South Africa: 66,859
Indonesia: 74,920
Netherlands: 17,776
Canada: 26,499
Chile: 34,514
Belgium: 25,209
Philippines: 26,786
Japan : 15,048
Bolivia: 17,458
Papua New Guinea: 179
Peru: 195,146
Ivermectin COVID-19 Scandal Shows How Vulnerable Science Is to Fraud

...More recently, the evidence for ivermectin's efficacy relied very substantially on a single piece of research, which was preprinted (that is, published without peer review) in November 2020.

This study, drawn from a large cohort of patients and reporting a strong treatment effect, was popular: read over 100,000 times, cited by dozens of academic papers, and included in at least two meta-analytic models that showed ivermectin to be, as the authors claimed, a "wonder drug" for COVID-19.

It is no exaggeration to say that this one paper caused thousands if not millions of people to get ivermectin to treat and/or prevent COVID-19.

A few days ago, the study was retracted amid accusations of fraud and plagiarism. A masters student who had been assigned to read the paper as part of his degree noticed that the entire introduction appeared to be copied from earlier scientific papers, and further analysis revealed that the study's datasheet posted online by the authors contained obvious irregularities
Ivermectin COVID-19 Scandal Shows How Vulnerable Science Is to Fraud

...More recently, the evidence for ivermectin's efficacy relied very substantially on a single piece of research, which was preprinted (that is, published without peer review) in November 2020.

This study, drawn from a large cohort of patients and reporting a strong treatment effect, was popular: read over 100,000 times, cited by dozens of academic papers, and included in at least two meta-analytic models that showed ivermectin to be, as the authors claimed, a "wonder drug" for COVID-19.

It is no exaggeration to say that this one paper caused thousands if not millions of people to get ivermectin to treat and/or prevent COVID-19.

A few days ago, the study was retracted amid accusations of fraud and plagiarism. A masters student who had been assigned to read the paper as part of his degree noticed that the entire introduction appeared to be copied from earlier scientific papers, and further analysis revealed that the study's datasheet posted online by the authors contained obvious irregularities
Sounds disturbing control + c (copy) then control + v = (paste) virus. (lick a stamp)
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The Delta variant is so contagious, those unprotected will likely get it, a Trump administration FDA chief says

(CNN)Millions of Americans are jeopardizing their health, freedom and finances by not getting vaccinated and putting themselves at risk of the most infectious coronavirus strain yet, current and former federal health officials say.

"Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant," Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"And for most people who get this Delta variant, it's going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital," said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

I am in no more fear than I was when covid began … if I get it .. I will either lay it out and get well .. or I will die .. the same thing applies with most viruses ..
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12-398 Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. (06/13/2013)

In the USA anyone who takes the jab is now the property of Big Pharma. On June 13, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that human genes can't be patented. HOWEVER, if human cells are injected with an mRNA product, they can be . . . read the ruling for yourself (pgs 5-7)
I challenge you folks to go on YouTube .. watch the interview with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson when Covid - 19 was pretty new to us … you folks take the time to go check covid statistics daily and get covid daily news .. take a look at the video … take a look at the video .. listen to what Dr. Tyson says concerning covid .. Neil Degrasse Tyson is most definitely one of the smartest people in our big world we live in … I had posted the video a loooong time ago … people didn’t really respond to it .. people will listen to local news reporters .. but they won’t listen to a very brilliant scientist???

I am not saying by any means that covid isn’t real or won’t kill people .. I am saying your mind deserves to be in a more educated state than a local news anchor or CNN - Fox
I challenge you folks to go on YouTube .. watch the interview with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson when Covid - 19 was pretty new to us … you folks take the time to go check covid statistics daily and get covid daily news .. take a look at the video … take a look at the video .. listen to what Dr. Tyson says concerning covid .. Neil Degrasse Tyson is most definitely one of the smartest people in our big world we live in … I had posted the video a loooong time ago … people didn’t really respond to it .. people will listen to local news reporters .. but they won’t listen to a very brilliant scientist???

I am not saying by any means that covid isn’t real or won’t kill people .. I am saying your mind deserves to be in a more educated state than a local news anchor or CNN - Fox

Tyson is an actor on the world stage and far from the smartest of the bunch IMHO

He says the Earth is shaped like a pear.
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I challenge you folks to go on YouTube .. watch the interview with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson when Covid - 19 was pretty new to us … you folks take the time to go check covid statistics daily and get covid daily news .. take a look at the video … take a look at the video .. listen to what Dr. Tyson says concerning covid .. Neil Degrasse Tyson is most definitely one of the smartest people in our big world we live in … I had posted the video a loooong time ago … people didn’t really respond to it .. people will listen to local news reporters .. but they won’t listen to a very brilliant scientist???

I am not saying by any means that covid isn’t real or won’t kill people .. I am saying your mind deserves to be in a more educated state than a local news anchor or CNN - Fox

Are you meaning the 1st video in this list? Or one further down?
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Are you meaning the 1st video in this list? Or one further down?

it had been over a year ago when I posted the Dr. Tyson video … I posted it in this thread .. and I believe in the political thread here as well … I will see if I can search it down tonight when I get home from work .

the importance of the video to me personally .. was very eye opening mainly because of the very serious statement that Dr. Tyson made … I found it to carry me very far through out the pandemic psychologically… as all of what has happened since the beginning of the Covid- 19 pandemic can effect individuals in all kinds of different ways as I have found … Neil Degrasse Tyson statement of Covid - 19 being an experiment has been very therapeutical to me.. .
it had been over a year ago when I posted the Dr. Tyson video … I posted it in this thread .. and I believe in the political thread here as well … I will see if I can search it down tonight when I get home from work .

the importance of the video to me personally .. was very eye opening mainly because of the very serious statement that Dr. Tyson made … I found it to carry me very far through out the pandemic psychologically… as all of what has happened since the beginning of the Covid- 19 pandemic can effect individuals in all kinds of different ways as I have found … Neil Degrasse Tyson statement of Covid - 19 being an experiment has been very therapeutical to me.. .

One might want to check out what he was meaning when he said covid is an experiment - is it an actual experiment foisted on us, or is he viewing it as something that came along and he decided to consider it an 'experiment'. An experiment in social behaviour, .....:

“I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide,” he muses. “The experiment is: Will people listen to scientists? In this case, medical professionals,” which would mean obeying public health edicts like frequent handwashing, minimal face touching, and seeking treatment when symptoms present themselves.

Concludes Tyson, “It’d be interesting if we all paid attention to what scientists say, maybe the virus will just blow on by, with a minimum of cases, and then we kicked its ass, for obeying the recommendation of science on how to minimize your chances of getting it.”

A May/21 Tweet from Tyson that also came up while looking him up:

Neil deGrasse Tyson

May 12

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One might want to check out what he was meaning when he said covid is an experiment - is it an actual experiment foisted on us, or is he viewing it as something that came along and he decided to consider it an 'experiment'. An experiment in social behaviour, .....:

“I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide,” he muses. “The experiment is: Will people listen to scientists? In this case, medical professionals,” which would mean obeying public health edicts like frequent handwashing, minimal face touching, and seeking treatment when symptoms present themselves.

Concludes Tyson, “It’d be interesting if we all paid attention to what scientists say, maybe the virus will just blow on by, with a minimum of cases, and then we kicked its ass, for obeying the recommendation of science on how to minimize your chances of getting it.”

A May/21 Tweet from Tyson that also came up while looking him up:

Neil deGrasse Tyson

May 12

the precautions are pretty much common sense …the origin of the virus would be science IMO … working within the confines of the virus as well … humans and viruses have co- existed since the beginning of time … Covid-19 shows no intentions of dying off after a year and a half .. at this point we need answers to origin and specific etiology may provide us that … taking the vaccine is a personal decision for each person to make on their behalf .. as of right now the current vaccines are not the answer to preventing infection as we can see … we are sort of back square one with Delta variant now being the prevalent strain

should it turn out that reoccurring covid -19 infection is prevalent with other new strains … we may be dealing with covid 19 for quite a long time before a one vaccine fits all is developed which case there could end up being many vaccinations before an actual answer is found to combat the covid 19 viruses ..
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,136,698
United States: 625,363
Brazil: 544,302
India: 418,511
Russia: 150,705
United Kingdom: 128,823
France: 111,525
Italy: 127,884
Spain: 81,148
Mexico: 236,810
Poland: 75,222
South Africa: 67,676
Indonesia: 77,583
Netherlands: 17,783
Canada: 26,508
Chile: 34,569
Belgium: 25,213
Philippines: 26,874
Japan : 15,079
Bolivia: 17,505
Papua New Guinea: 191
Peru: 195,332
Unfortunately I think what France is doing might come to many countries in the near future. Here in the US I will not be surprised if new restrictions come in to play before Labor Day weekend. I am getting my travel on now in case this step is taken again.

France mandates Covid health pass for restaurants and cafés

The permits will also be required for entry to hospitals, shopping centres and to board long-distance trains

Anyone entering a restaurant, café, shopping centre, hospital or taking a long-distance train in France will have to show a special Covid health pass from August, Emmanuel Macron has announced, as France tightens restrictions to contain the surging Delta variant.

The same Covid health pass – which shows that a person has been vaccinated or had a recent negative Covid test – will be similarly required for anyone over the age of 12 to enter a cinema, theatre, museum, theme park or cultural centre from as early as 21 July, the president said, in a bid to pressure more French people to take up vaccines.

“You’ve understood – vaccination is not immediately obligatory for everyone, but we’re going to extend the health pass to the maximum, in order to push a maximum of you to go and get vaccinated,” the president told the nation.

Macron also announced mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for workers in healthcare and in retirement homes. Vaccine checks on those workers will begin in September, with a risk of sanctions or fines for non-compliance. The compulsory vaccines also apply to all volunteers or staff in contact with elderly or vulnerable people in their homes, including home helps.
Sounds disturbing control + c (copy) then control + v = (paste) virus. (lick a stamp)

This is the one that Craig Kelly kept posting to social media before he left the LNP.
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