news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
MacKenzie definitely deserves accolades, having signed the Giving Pledge - charity goes a long way to helping the disadvantaged and the needy. (y)

However, it's a two-sided coin. While personal philanthropy ought to be recognized, many philanthropic foundations also serve to legitimize accrued wealth through corporate capitalism, as well as to extend BIG business mogul's control further into all domains of social, cultural and political activity. (n)

In relevancy to this thread on Covid-19, as it pertains to the downside of philanthropism - especially regarding those who may have ulterior motives in their charitable donations - this is not intended as a statement of the capitalist system - but rather as an anecdotal reference to the apprehension toward and disbelief of a vaccine remedy which has fueled considerable controversy and suspicion. :cautious:
That is what the virus was designed for, kill people the Gov doesn't value. - imo.

I have not expounded much in this thread about many of the things that are likely part of reality in association with the pandemic...trying to keep it more about news and experiences.

Actually, I was going to start a thread similar to the other one just before it was created, but I'm glad I didn't as it might seem I was riding both sides of the fence.

I've stated a few times that I do not believe it is an accidental disease...I've got no doubt it was created/mutated in an attempt to weaponize it (in one form or another). Its release was either intentionally to test it or accidentally by one of the workers. We will never know the truth.

Has it been used to exploit millions of people? Sure. Has it been usurped to hide and/or promote other agendas? Sure. I went on the record (not here) in the beginning as to what I felt the ultimate end game will be for this global one in this thread, the conspiracy thread, the political thread or any other thread has quite hit on it yet. I may start another thread and share those thoughts, but not in this one and not now.
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I've stated a few times that I do not believe it is an accidental disease...I've got no doubt it was created/mutated in an attempt to weaponize it (in one form or another).
There's no scientific proof of that. Everything, looking at the virus DNA, its roots and origin, points that it's a coronavirus originally coming from bats, a reservoir of hundreds of virus they manage to have under control.
No proof of human interference on the virus. There would be evidences of that "interference" on the virus DNA, and nothing points in that direction, according to the studies of the virus.
But when you push nature and animals to the limit, these things happens. You can push pigs, cows, chicken, etc to the limit, but there will be one of them (in this case are bats) that if you play with them and push them, you will get in trouble. Because nature, sooner than later, will push back to all the damage that humans are doing to it.
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If everybody would take the measures to prevent the virus spread, like social distancing, as serious as Tom Cruise, this pandemic would have been under control by now.
Listen to the audio:

FURIOUS Tom Cruise tore into workers who broke Covid rules on the set of Mission: Impossible screaming: “If I see you doing it again, you’re f***ing gone.”

The Hollywood megastar has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to enforce tight social-distancing rules during the filming, taking place in Britain.
A source said: “Tom has taken it upon himself, along with the health and safety department, to try to force the safety precautions, with a view to keeping the film running.

“He does daily rounds to make sure that everything is set up appropriately, that people are behaving and working as safely as they can. He is very proactive when it comes to safety.”
They added: “Everyone was wearing masks. It was purely that these people were standing under a metre away from each other.

“It isn’t known whether he saw those guys breaking the rules before or whether this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
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disbelief of a vaccine remedy which has fueled considerable controversy and suspicion
Vaccines have saved already millions of lives, and Covid-19 vaccines will save again millions.
We all should praise and deeply thank the science advantages, scientists and researchers that have made possible these vaccines to save hundreds of thousands of lives.
There's no scientific prove of that.

Conversely, there is no proof otherwise. Be careful of some of the information sources out there, regardless of the position.
Conversely, there is no proof otherwise. Be careful of some of the information sources out there, regardless of the position.
There is the virus DNA, and the studies about it say there's no artificial touch of the virus. If there would be a human artificial touch on it, it would show up clearly on the virus.
That's the proof that I say. At least that's what scientists working on the virus, virologists, are saying about that question.
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People Thought Covid-19 Was Relatively Harmless for Younger Adults. They Were Wrong.

"New research shows that July may have been the deadliest month for young adults in modern American history."

"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among adults 25 to 44, Black and Hispanic people make up not just a disproportionate number but a majority of Covid-19 deaths through Sept. 30.

Stay-at-home policies have saved lives, but their benefits have not been equally distributed. Among essential workers, many of whom are people of color, sheltering-in-place was never a real option.

The largest burden of Covid-19 has undoubtedly fallen on people older than 65, accounting for around 80 percent of deaths in the United States. But if we momentarily eclipse that from our mind’s eye, something else becomes visible: The corona of this virus.

Young adults are dying at historic rates. In research published on Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, we found that among U.S. adults ages 25 to 44, from March through the end of July, there were almost 12,000 more deaths than were expected based on historical norms."
There is the virus DNA, and the studies about it say there's no artificial touch of the virus. If there would be a human artificial touch on it, it would show up clearly on the virus. That's the proof that I say. At least that's what scientists working on the virus, virologists, are saying about that question.

I understand what you are saying and I value your input on this topic and others in the thread. We will just have to have opposing opinions.

Early on in the thread it was discussed quite a bit, so, in my opinion, it is not worth rehashing now. Regardless of its source, natural progression or man made, it is irrelevant now...the proverbial genie is out of the bottle. Containment and eradication are all that matter now.
I understand what you are saying and I value your input on this topic and others in the thread. We will just have to have opposing opinions.

Early on in the thread it was discussed quite a bit, so, in my opinion, it is not worth rehashing now. Regardless of its source, natural progression or man made, it is irrelevant now...the proverbial genie is out of the bottle. Containment and eradication are all that matter now.
Totally agree with you. Of course we will just have to have opposing opinions
I replied to your post because I also value your inputs, so that's why I replied to you with my opinion about that question.
If I would not value your inputs, I would have just passed, as I do when I read other people posting.
Vaccines are here, so the end of the tunnel is really close.
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I'm thankful for the insightful contributions from NP members in this thread. Whether or not people have alternative or even opposing views, so long as it's backed by logical reasoning and sound judgement (not too whacko, lol) and doesn't distract from the main point of this thread. Nor that people get hostile, but rather, remain open minded....afterall, that is what allows medicine and science progress and to find cures. (y)
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With 244,365 new cases reported in a single day, the U.S. enters new territory

"Officials across the United States on Wednesday reported the highest daily number for new coronavirus since the pandemic began, as well as the most deaths in a single day.

New infections were put at 244,365, and deaths at 3,607 — nearly 500 more than the record set only a week ago."

Hospitalizations have surpassed 112,000, and I.C.U. units in some areas are close to capacity.

“We should celebrate the fact that the science has come through,” Dr. Fauci said, “but it is not over yet. We have a ways to go. We have to abide by the public health measures that we talk about all the time.”

Those public health measures, of course, include social distancing, wearing masks, avoiding travel and indoor gatherings and frequent hand washing. Dr. Fauci called them “the bridge to get to the vaccine, which is going to get us out of this.”

“We hope that the overwhelming percentage of the population will accept the vaccine,” he said.

“If we do that, we will get a veil, or an umbrella, of herd immunity over the population that would dramatically diminish the dynamics of the outbreak. When we do that, then that would be the end of this outbreak. So it’s going to take months to do, but we certainly are on the right track.”
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,658,588
United States: 314,694
Brazil: 183,822
South Africa: 23,827
United Kingdom: 65,520
Canada: 13,799
Mexico: 115,769
Poland: 24,345
Russia: 49,151
India: 144,495
Bolivia: 9,029
Japan : 2,688
Indonesia: 19,390
Italy: 66,537
Spain: 48,596
Belgium: 18,278
France: 59,361
Netherlands: 10,246
Chile: 15,959
Philippines: 8,850
Covid: WHO to investigate virus origins in China's Wuhan

Beijing has been reluctant to agree to an independent inquiry and it has taken many months of negotiations for the WHO to be allowed access to the city.

The virus is thought to have come from a market in the city selling animals.
French President Emmanuel Macron has contracted coronavirus

"The Élysée Palace, Macron's official residence, confirmed the news in a statement that said he was tested as soon as his symptoms appeared.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson became the first Western leader to get the virus in April and spent a week in a London hospital. Other presidents followed, including President Donald Trump who received hospital treatment in October.

Macron will isolate for seven days and continue to work remotely, the according to the Élysée statement.

The French president has led a typically busy schedule in the last past week, putting him in close contact with senior French and European politicians."
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FDA advisers recommend Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine, bringing second vaccine closer to reality

"An independent panel of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration overwhelmingly recommended that the agency authorize Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use on Thursday, bringing the United States one step closer to adding a second vaccine to its toolkit in fighting the pandemic.

Members of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted 20 to 0 in favor of recommending authorization, with one abstention.

The FDA is expected to agree with the committee's recommendation, and an emergency use authorization could come as soon as Thursday evening or Friday."
Sydney Australia has just been hit with a wave of new infections that at this stage appear to be of US origin and possibly introduced by international flight crews.

International flight crews are supposed to self-isolate, but due to a number of breaches will all now have to undergo 14-day police monitored hotel quarantine.

Airline crew from South America fined by NSW Police [Australia] for breaching self-isolation

An international airline crew that flew into Sydney earlier this month has been fined by NSW Police for breaching self-isolation orders... the 13 airline crew fined landed in Sydney on a flight repatriating Australians from South America on Saturday, December 5... a group of airline staff were caught out and about at a variety of different venues in Mascot when they should have been self-isolating in their hotel rooms.
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ICU availability in Southern California at 0%, and it’s going to get worse, officials warn

"The availability of intensive care unit beds throughout Southern California hit 0% Thursday, and officials warned that conditions in hospitals are expected to erode further if the coronavirus continues to spread unchecked.

About 600 new patients with COVID-19 are now being admitted to hospitals daily in L.A. County, and officials say that could rise to 750 to 1,350 a day by New Year’s Eve.

The number of people hospitalized in California for COVID-19 has broken records for 19 consecutive days. On Wednesday, the most recent data available, 15,431 people across the state were in hospitals with coronavirus infections — more than six times more than the number on Halloween.

The surge in coronavirus cases continues to set records. For the first time, a Los Angeles Times county-by-county tally found more than 50,000 new coronavirus cases and nearly 400 deaths in California reported in a single day. A Times survey Wednesday night found 51,724 new coronavirus cases reported, shattering the state’s previous record, set Monday, when 42,088 cases were reported."
An example of how a vaccine has saved millions of lives. In this case, the smallpox vaccine.

How New York City Vaccinated 6 Million People in Less Than a Month

"When a single case of smallpox arrived in Manhattan in 1947, a severe outbreak was possible. A decisive civil servant made a bold decision."

"Smallpox had plagued humankind for thousands of years. According to the World Health Organization, it claimed the lives of 300 million people in the 20th century alone.

All it takes for smallpox to spread is a cough, a sneeze or a touch. After that, it’s only a matter of days before the virus triggers fever, aches, pains and nausea. A rash appears on the face and soon covers the body, sprouting into fluid-filled pustules. Three out of 10 cases are fatal. Those who survive are often left deeply scarred, blind or both.

In the pantheon of infectious diseases, smallpox is in the top five,” said Dr. Charles DiMaggio, professor of surgery and population health at N.Y.U. Grossman School of Medicine. “It was thoroughly horrifying because it disfigured people it didn’t kill, and it killed indiscriminately.”

Thanks to a vaccine developed in the late 1700s and refined in the decades that followed, smallpox outbreaks had generally been contained.
In 1980, the World Health Organization officially declared smallpox eradicated.

"The smallpox eradication program is absolutely considered one of the crowning achievements of global public health,” Dr. DiMaggio said. “And it’s never been duplicated. Just the very idea that a disease was eradicated — a disease that ravaged humankind for millennia — is remarkable. And the reason we were able to do that is because of vaccinations."
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An example of how a vaccine has saved millions of lives. In this case, the smallpox vaccine.

How New York City Vaccinated 6 Million People in Less Than a Month

"When a single case of smallpox arrived in Manhattan in 1947, a severe outbreak was possible. A decisive civil servant made a bold decision."

"Smallpox had plagued humankind for thousands of years. According to the World Health Organization, it claimed the lives of 300 million people in the 20th century alone.

All it takes for smallpox to spread is a cough, a sneeze or a touch. After that, it’s only a matter of days before the virus triggers fever, aches, pains and nausea. A rash appears on the face and soon covers the body, sprouting into fluid-filled pustules. Three out of 10 cases are fatal. Those who survive are often left deeply scarred, blind or both.

In the pantheon of infectious diseases, smallpox is in the top five,” said Dr. Charles DiMaggio, professor of surgery and population health at N.Y.U. Grossman School of Medicine. “It was thoroughly horrifying because it disfigured people it didn’t kill, and it killed indiscriminately.”

Thanks to a vaccine developed in the late 1700s and refined in the decades that followed, smallpox outbreaks had generally been contained.
In 1980, the World Health Organization officially declared smallpox eradicated.

"The smallpox eradication program is absolutely considered one of the crowning achievements of global public health,” Dr. DiMaggio said. “And it’s never been duplicated. Just the very idea that a disease was eradicated — a disease that ravaged humankind for millennia — is remarkable. And the reason we were able to do that is because of vaccinations."

These two articles may be of interest:

The best lessons on eradicating coronavirus come not from Spanish flu, but smallpox

Just like today, the US dragged its feet. But then came a moment of unprecedented global collaboration.

A massive public health effort eradicated smallpox but scientists are still studying the deadly virus.

Wiping a virus from the face of the Earth

I’m a microbiologist interested in how diseases jump from animals to humans and then evolve. Smallpox raged for centuries but was eradicated 40 years ago. While the idea of completely eradicating a disease has obvious appeal during the current pandemic, differences between the smallpox and SARS-CoV-2 viruses suggest that the path to ending COVID-19 pandemic will not be the same.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,671,469
United States: 317,929
Brazil: 184,876
South Africa: 24,011
United Kingdom: 66,052
Canada: 13,916
Mexico: 116,487
Poland: 24,771
Russia: 49,762
India: 144,829
Bolivia: 9,031
Japan : 2,739
Indonesia: 19,514
Italy: 67,220
Spain: 48,777
Belgium: 18,371
France: 59,619
Netherlands: 10,321
Chile: 16,007
Philippines: 8,875
What the hell is a "cituation"?

Never heard of that word before, but it is mentioned all through the twitter feeds you have posted.

Using my ability to read in context... I believe the correct spelling is citation - iow's, a written fine

Weird LA is crashing with strict mask and lockdown rules. Thankfully, Gov Newsom's restaurant is exempt from these type of petty rules.

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ICU availability in Southern California at 0%, and it’s going to get worse, officials warn

"The availability of intensive care unit beds throughout Southern California hit 0% Thursday, and officials warned that conditions in hospitals are expected to erode further if the coronavirus continues to spread unchecked.

About 600 new patients with COVID-19 are now being admitted to hospitals daily in L.A. County, and officials say that could rise to 750 to 1,350 a day by New Year’s Eve.

The number of people hospitalized in California for COVID-19 has broken records for 19 consecutive days. On Wednesday, the most recent data available, 15,431 people across the state were in hospitals with coronavirus infections — more than six times more than the number on Halloween.

The surge in coronavirus cases continues to set records. For the first time, a Los Angeles Times county-by-county tally found more than 50,000 new coronavirus cases and nearly 400 deaths in California reported in a single day. A Times survey Wednesday night found 51,724 new coronavirus cases reported, shattering the state’s previous record, set Monday, when 42,088 cases were reported."

But lockdowns & mask work.
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