news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( Please copy and place the list to correct any wrong numbers and/or to add your country of origin.

Total: 280,986
US: 80,044
UK: 31,587
France: 26,310
Spain: 26,621
AU: 97
Italy: 30,395
Canada: 4,693
Brazil: 10,656
Indonesia: 973
India: 2,109
Japan: 607
Mexico: 3,353
Netherlands: 5,440

Now the US is at 80,000 and counting. I predict it will double by August 1st (or shortly thereafter). The good news is the 'typical' flu season is over...but isn't this thing just like the flu? Confusing, I know. Well, at least all the workers at some places are getting tested everyday before entering the property (real rapid tests...not just temp check). Sure wish ever worker was able to work for an employer with such deep pockets.
Yet people continue to ignore safety guidelines. When I was at QuikTrip yesterday with my mask on, a pregnant lady with no mask walked by me leaving maybe a foot between us. Annoyed because this had already happened to me several times that morning, I reminded her (nicely) that we're supposed to be keeping six feet apart. While I was out filling my tank she drove by, wished me a nice day in her snarkiest voice, called me a b*tch and drove off.

It seems alarming that a pregnant woman is being so careless about her safety and that of her child -- not to mention others around her.
Yet people continue to ignore safety guidelines. When I was at QuikTrip yesterday with my mask on, a pregnant lady with no mask walked by me leaving maybe a foot between us. Annoyed because this had already happened to me several times that morning, I reminded her (nicely) that we're supposed to be keeping six feet apart. While I was out filling my tank she drove by, wished me a nice day in her snarkiest voice, called me a b*tch and drove off.

It seems alarming that a pregnant woman is being so careless about her safety and that of her child -- not to mention others around her.

Ignorance abounds. On a regular basis I encounter this type of favorite is when they say 'I'm not wearing a mask because I am not scared'. I let them know the mask they should be wearing in the grocery store for MY protection, not theirs...then I tell them they can gurgle in their own fluids if they choose to do so, but they need to stay clear of me.

That reminds me, have you seen the video of the clown that wiped his mouth and nose on a workers sleeve after they asked him to put on a mask or leave the store? If someone does that to me, it will be their last act on earth.
Yet people continue to ignore safety guidelines. When I was at QuikTrip yesterday with my mask on, a pregnant lady with no mask walked by me leaving maybe a foot between us. Annoyed because this had already happened to me several times that morning, I reminded her (nicely) that we're supposed to be keeping six feet apart. While I was out filling my tank she drove by, wished me a nice day in her snarkiest voice, called me a b*tch and drove off.

It seems alarming that a pregnant woman is being so careless about her safety and that of her child -- not to mention others around her.

Maybe fake a cough or 2 when they get too close. Maybe that'll get them to back off and keep it in mind.
That reminds me, have you seen the video of the clown that wiped his mouth and nose on a workers sleeve after they asked him to put on a mask or leave the store? If someone does that to me, it will be their last act on earth.

I heard about that but haven't seen the video.

Speaking of ignorance, it will be interesting to see how things unfold now that the virus has taken root in the White House. Shouldn't all those affected be in quarantine?
Speaking of ignorance, it will be interesting to see how things unfold now that the virus has taken root in the White House. Shouldn't all those affected be in quarantine?

I think a couple are in full self imposed quarantine and a few others are operating on a modified level...whatever that means.

The 'business' I referred to above is the one we are speaking of...the several hundred people that have access to that property are being checked each day...pretty much what should be happening everywhere. Thermal checks at a minimum and rapid testing once a reliable saliva based one is available at a reasonable price should happen at all places of employment until the bug has run its course.
Morpheus reminds the people that even the US Surgeon General says wearing masks INCREASES risk of sickness!

No bizarre video to see in this post...sorry. Just the facts.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( Please copy and place the list to correct any wrong numbers and/or to add your country of origin.

Total: 284,448
US: 80,789
UK: 31,855
France: 26,380
Spain: 26,744
AU: 97
Italy: 30,560
Canada: 4,870
Brazil: 11,207
Indonesia: 991
India: 2,215
Japan: 624
Mexico: 3,465
Netherlands: 5,456
No bizarre video to see in this post...sorry. Just the facts.

aww, but videos share so much more truth and personify facts.

Your daily posting of a contrived list of death stats will have little to no use for discerning minds. When three generations from now the people are deciphering wtf happened in 2020 it is best we embed some info for their research.

There will be a whole new set of psy ops and propaganda confusing the people in 2080, may as well give humanity all the nudges we can to awaken from the mind control.
aww, but videos share so much more truth and personify facts.

Your daily posting of a contrived list of death stats will have little to no use for discerning minds. When three generations from now the people are deciphering wtf happened in 2020 it is best we embed some info for their research.

There will be a whole new set of psy ops and propaganda confusing the people in 2080, may as well give humanity all the nudges we can to awaken from the mind control.

I'm just not a big fan of one person posting another persons viewpoint without any substantial input by the poster of said video.

If someone posting wants to make a point/statement and they use a video to validate or refute that point, I find that engaging. Even a brief synopsis of what the video is about and/or its agenda is appreciated. But just throwing up a video means all I will do is ignore time is way too valuable and limited to go 5, 10 or 15 minutes into a video only to learn it is a waste of time from my viewpoint.

Some of the things you post I agree with, some I do not. Obviously you are free to express your thoughts, I just want to see yours not a third uninvolved party.

btw, I will be dust in the wind by 2080 but I agree, there will be disinformation forced down all our throats from all sides...that is the test of humans now and in the near future...will we accept spoon fed information or will we actively seek the truth? I think those that do not put for the effort to find the truth in all things will find their world significantly shaken at some point.
from my viewpoint.

Our viewpoints have been intentionally manipulated and controlled since we were born.

We are all awakening from a deep collective trance.

I am no better or worse than you or anyone, I'm merely a human being sharing the same inevitable condition we all face in this realm .....death.

In this age of information we have no excuses to fall for the Order out of Chaos propaganda machine anymore.


Ok, I'll upload you some info about JP Sears - He is a satirist and can get away with sharing a lot of what he says in that funny video because it is comedy. This eight minute clip may make you laugh!??

Over 3.1 million views in 5 days on this video.... perhaps some NPers (including me) can learn a thing or two about JP's strategy to maximize our own offerings.

Videos with similar information by MDs and other healthcare professionals are being scrubbed and hidden.

Comedy may just be the answer, the golden key; to free us from the obvious mind control bondage that is at the roots of disharmony in all fields.

Key point in the middle of the video.....
Actual infection and death rate from COVID 19 has been actualized and extrapolated by LA County and "FACTS" and "SCIENCE" show that 28x to 55x more people are "infected" than previous data showed, thus making this strain of coronavirus far far less deadly than the propagandists may have you believing that it is.
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Numbers are numbers. I deal in reality. Here is one of the most asked questions on the net:

How many people die from the flu each year in the U.S.?

Now, that is a year...365 days. That takes in the time period that covers more than one strain that can occur in a 12 month period. The answer to that is: 'The number of people who die each year from flu-related causes in the U.S. is 8,200 to 20,000.'

Covid has taken out 80,000 in the US in about 3 months...that is 1/4 of the time. Throw some basic math on those figures and one should be able to discern the problem with the bug and why it was important to get the masses to pay attention a put in some effort to slow the spread (although there is a segment that thinks this is all being made in a Hollywood basement).

Globalists, Industrialists, BioMed Industry, Little Green Men, etc. have little bearing when you are dealing with someone drowning in their own body fluids. So the cause of this is of little concern to me (at this time) but preventing loons from spreading it to me or my family is a primary concern.

The bugaboos hiding in the closet with their hands on this will have their day.
Numbers are numbers. I deal in reality. Here is one of the most asked questions on the net:

How many people die from the flu each year in the U.S.?

Now, that is a year...365 days. That takes in the time period that covers more than one strain that can occur in a 12 month period. The answer to that is: 'The number of people who die each year from flu-related causes in the U.S. is 8,200 to 20,000.'

Covid has taken out 80,000 in the US in about 3 months...that is 1/4 of the time. Throw some basic math on those figures and one should be able to discern the problem with the bug and why it was important to get the masses to pay attention a put in some effort to slow the spread (although there is a segment that thinks this is all being made in a Hollywood basement).

Globalists, Industrialists, BioMed Industry, Little Green Men, etc. have little bearing when you are dealing with someone drowning in their own body fluids. So the cause of this is of little concern to me (at this time) but preventing loons from spreading it to me or my family is a primary concern.

The bugaboos hiding in the closet with their hands on this will have their day.

I'm a healthcare professional and I am versed with how to treat this and in fact Chinese medicine is the reason why China's #s are much better as far as recovery goes.

The writing is on the walls for those with enough medical background to piece the picture together with logic and common sense to draw sensible conclusions with their own minds.

We humans are adept at knowing truth so long as we don't give away our center to those with nefarious intentions for humanity.

Realize the Real Lies with your Real Eyes...

or not.
I'm a healthcare professional


I've got one niece that is a professor of nursing and was the former head of the main trauma ER of a major East Coast City. I've got another niece that specializes in head/throat trauma. My nephew-in-law is one of the top facial reconstruction surgeons on the East Coast. I've got field medical training. My answer/question to you is the same I expect yours to be to me: So? I've got no agenda posting you?

If/when I get this crap, I will take Western medicine. Just because a culture has been doing the same thing for thousands of years does not make it the correct or better way to treat a condition (isn't this the same 'medicine' that thinks grinding and consuming the horn or tusk of an animal makes them a stud? It is a placebo effect). I will agree with one point you have made in the past and that is a proper diet is likely most important in keeping the body operating at peak efficiency and preventing issues...something the West has not leaned fully.

Now, I've been fortunate enough to have sold a couple domains recently and I am working on another tonight so I will be taking an nps away.

btw, do you really believe any of the info being spouted by communist China? If so, open wide for the spoon feeding headed your way. Those clowns could have stopped this in its tracks (it remains to be seen if it was intentional)...their hands are dripping in the blood of people from all over this planet.

I've got one niece that is a professor of nursing and was the former head of the main trauma ER of a major East Coast City. I've got another niece that specializes in head/throat trauma. My nephew-in-law is one of the top facial reconstruction surgeons on the East Coast. I've got field medical training. My answer/question to you is the same I expect yours to be to me: So? I've got no agenda posting you?

If/when I get this crap, I will take Western medicine. Just because a culture has been doing the same thing for thousands of years does not make it the correct or better way to treat a condition (isn't this the same 'medicine' that thinks grinding and consuming the horn or tusk of an animal makes them a stud? It is a placebo effect). I will agree with one point you have made in the past and that is a proper diet is likely most important in keeping the body operating at peak efficiency and preventing issues...something the West has not leaned fully.

Now, I've been fortunate enough to have sold a couple domains recently and I am working on another tonight so I will be taking an nps away.

btw, do you really believe any of the info being spouted by communist China? If so, open wide for the spoon feeding headed your way. Those clowns could have stopped this in its tracks (it remains to be seen if it was intentional)...their hands are dripping in the blood of people from all over this planet.

Good luck with your Iatrogenic gamble with the Western medicine model only (PHYSICAL MINUS QI MINUS SPIRIT = Western Medicine)

I like Western medicine principles for some issues and integrate what works for me, my patients and my students. Western medicine DOES shine in the ER during acute trauma situations . . .

Truth is....Western medicine has nearly killed me 10+ times and saved my life one time.

You are aware it is readily taught that the Western lens pleads ignorance to the cause of 80% of all medical issues? Your family and friends know this - it's in their Rockefeller medicine textbooks.

I have many colleagues and friends who are MDs (Many who are MDs and acupuncturists)
Not all drink the Rockefeller kool-aid.

We Eastern Doctors are not so ignorant, we are the original medicine. Allopathic (Allos is Greek for other) IS THE OTHER (ALTERNATIVE) definition.

You know, Western medicine is kind of barbaric because it was born on the battlefield. . . .

The cutting organs out before altering diet and lifestyle method is a bit barbaric ya?


You are aware Western Medicine is the THIRD leading cause of death in the US? (Iatrogenesis)

You are aware that the US is DEAD LAST in medical rankings of all the first world nations?

a few stats for the Good 'Ol US of A Healthcare System amongst first world nations:

  • The highest chance that a child will die before age 5
  • The second-highest rate of death by coronary heart disease
  • The second-highest rate of death by lung disease
  • The highest rate of women dying due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth

And it is common knowledge now that the lifespan in the USA is GOING DOWN!!!

Perhaps if Americans stopped microwaving their processed GMO food in plastic containers while sipping on their diet sodas and watching CNN and instead started to eat organic food & utilize herbal tonics - we could reverse that direction . . .


And of course there is no East or West, there is only Earth.

There is no they or them - only us.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( Please copy and place the list to correct any wrong numbers and/or to add your country of origin.

Total: 288,092
US: 81,852
UK: 32,065
France: 26,643
Spain: 26,920
AU: 97
Italy: 30,739
Canada: 4,993
Brazil: 11,653
Indonesia: 1,007
India: 2,310
Japan: 633
Mexico: 3,573
Netherlands: 5,510
Anyone interested in learning more about the COVID-19 pandemic - this is a FREE course from John Hopkins University!

Modules include Virology and Coronaviruses, Diagnosis and testing, Treatments and Vaccines under development or study, Epidemiology (understanding the spread of COVID-19).

Looks really good!
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Anyone interested in learning more about the COVID-19 pandemic

Anyone interested in learning more about the Coronavirus PLANDEMIC of October 2019 in NYC is advised to get their feet wet here...

And for those who like truth more than propaganda, there is this MD to teach you about topics such as the microbiome, virome and exosomes . . . and remind you about FACTS such as there are LESS WORLDWIDE DEATHS to date in 2020 than the 2017-2018-2019 average to date (94% of that average)

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And for those who like truth more than propaganda, there is this MD to teach you about topics such as the microbiome, virome and exosomes . . . and remind you about FACTS such as there are LESS WORLDWIDE DEATHS to date in 2020 than the 2017-2018-2019 average to date (94% of that average)

A 2 hr video.... maybe you could point out where in the video your red comments are brought up. If I'm reading your red right, right now I'm thinking the lowered % from other diseases to date could have a lot to do with being an indirect result of the covid response - more staying in, more wearing masks, social distancing, cleaning surfaces more, .....
A 2 hr video.... maybe you could point out where in the video your red comments are brought up. If I'm reading your red right, right now I'm thinking the lowered % from other diseases to date could have a lot to do with being an indirect result of the covid response - more staying in, more wearing masks, social distancing, cleaning surfaces more, .....

I'm listening to the whole two hours while I work on other things, it's somewhere around a quarter into the interview.

Why is there 6% less death than the three year average?

-Perhaps because humans are going to the treat the symptom, mask the root MDs less and they are killing them less quickly? After all we know the third leading cause of death behind Heart Disease and Cancer is.....DOCTOR ERRORS.

-Perhaps because there is no serious pandemic and what the world is watching is more like a theatrical play than fact!?
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The conspirational and deniers trolls are doing their best to spread their misinformation sh*t over this thread.. a pity.

This thread was intended to post serious news about the covid-19, not the misinformation sh*t some people are posting here. "Professional healthcare workers" saying that a virus can only infect others by injection... not by air. That resumes the intelligence level of these conspirational people.

I bet these "professional healthcare workers" haven't read a biochemistry or molecular biology book in their whole life.
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