Complete Full SEO Packages For Amazing Results

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Huge Link Building Packages - Boost your Website Rankings!

Are you Ready for Google Recent Algorithm Changes ? it's not a secret that The old ways to get Google ranking simply no longer works...
google loves quality - so Lets give him what he loves!
(and get all that love back into our money sites!)

I don't want to take too much of your time with fancy words and flashy buttons, so lets get to it fast - what do i offer here...​

Smart and Highly effective Link Pyramid that will give your website a serious Ranking Boost !


Why is this system so effective in achieving high google ranks ?​
This is the time to get smart ! the old ways of just building thousands of spam links simply does not work any more ! Google's algorithm is all about ranking sites that are "naturally" popular. That means that, although you can sum up how to rank your site in Google in four words ("Get lots of links"), you need to make sure that your site's link structure is as "natural" as possible (in Google's eyes, anyway).

that is why the link pyramid system is so effective , it all look very natural - and the link juice is always flowing from the bottom of the pyramid throw all the levels straight into your website! and most important your website is not at the risk of being flagged - Google is fighting spam this days like never before - this is the time for high quality links that actually provide value

The Work Process:​

Content Creation and spinning
First - we will create very high quality unique articles about your niche which are highly SEO - that are making a smart use of LSI and your Keywords - then we will Spin those articles in our special technique to create thousands of different variations - that will ensure us that every content we are going to publish on our pyramid building process will be consider as a unique one.

Support Blogs
At the top of the link pyramid we will create your own unique blogs on free blog networks ( like wordpress etc) each blog will be created manually and will have top notch quality. Each blog post will contain 3 links pointing to your website.

Building The Link Flow
On this stage we will create thousands of Web content posts using our huge blog network and article direcotires - each article will have links pointing into your website and the web 2.0 support blog - since we are using highly spun content - we get amazing indexing rate and google see all the content we post as unique one.

Social Bookmarking
Social Bookmark all the support blogs we created to insure they will start to get link juice , get index super fast and will be up and running in no time.

RSS And Pinging​
After the link pyramid is built we will turn all of the links that we had created into RSS feeds. Then we will start to ping all of the links and we do not stop the pinging until all of the links will be crawled by the search engines. the pinging will be handle in a very particular way which gives a feeling of natural link building.

here is the wrong way and how we don't want google to dicover our links:

Here is the correct way and the way your links will be discover :

The End Result​
This system has proven to be highly effective in producing an amazing ranking boost, while keeping your website clean from any spam links. The only links that directly point to your website are high quality links.

sounds good , but who are you ?
i have been doing SEO Since 2003 and after years of running thousands of SEO campaigns i know all the little tricks and and secrets to running highly successful link building campaigns. Those little things i had learned and perfected over the years make the difference and give you the edge over your competitors.

The link packages i offer are a direct result of all of those years of research and testing. i have selected the very best web 2.0 properties, article directories and bookmarking sites. i have my own network of thousands of blogs around the web and i only hire the top industry writers to create content for my link campaigns.

here are the some of the reviews i got so far:

I went for the full, "high-end" package- the SEO Pro one, as I have the budget and knew that if the results matched the promises I would make the cost back in extra revenue from free traffic anyway. I spend significant amounts on paid traffic already and have been trying to swing the pendulum more towards organic visitors in recent months through a greater focus on SEO. liror contact me shortly after me placing the order to let me know that he is starting on the project. He finished the job after 48 hours which is quite remarkable given the amount of links we are talking about.

The kicker though is that my site subsequently moved 3 spots up from the last spot on page one and netted me an extra $120 in sales that I would not have otherwise made the very next day. The increase in profit has sustained itself for the past few days as well (an average of $105 in increased revenue a day), as my organic traffic had nearly doubled following lirors work.

bottom line - great service and easily worth the investment.

Here's my review:

I've been using the warrior hire section for a very long time and the majority of time it's been for getting backlinks. I've had some good experiences and some bad (I would say disappointing more than bad).

I thought I'd give John a try after reading some good reviews on the salespage. I didn't know what to expect at first but all I can say is that this guy is the best backlink builder I have ever used (and i've used plenty).

From the outset he was helpful above and beyond what I had paid for. He analysed my on site seo and answered all my questions, usually within a few minutes. He was very professional and knowledgeable and knows what he's doing.

I purchased the basic package for one of my most competitive niche sites and targetted a very competitive keyword. It's the type of keyword if you get to #1 on google you know you're going to make some serious money.

At the time of ordering the package I was at around the middle of page 2 for my keyword. The links were done and the report emailed to me within 48 hours. After about 8 days or so I checked my rankings and had moved up about 1-2 places and to be honest at that point I was abit disappointed, so I emailed John to get some advice. Once again he replied very quickly and said he had only pinged about 50% of the links at that time and I should give it a few more days. He also said that if I wasn't happy he would give me another blast for free (he didn't have to do that but I really appreciated him offering).

I waited a few more days and the site started to creep higher by the day and now 2 weeks after the backlinking was done I'm at #7 on page 1 for my keyword. I'm very happy with the results and when I emailed John to thank him he said he would give me an extra boost of blog posts to help me get neare to the top.

Sorry for the long post but when I decide on hiring a warrior I appreciate as many personal reviews as possible to help me make my decision, so i hope this post helps you guys make your decision.

You get what you pay for, if you want 10,000 links for $25 as you see advertised elsewhere you can expect junk links that will not help your site and will probably even do damage. So if you want success pay the bit extra and get some quality backlinks from John and his team, i'll be using them for all my backlinks from now on.

I'll update and further rank increases.

I'm very satisfied with John's service. Turnaround was fast and links started appearing within the week with ramp up over the next 2 weeks. Definitely recommend!


I just wanted to post my review oh Liror's services.

I got to say that I am very happy with his services! I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for better Google rankings. He put my site on page 1 of Google very fast! He even suggested SEO improvements to my website that would result in quicker rankings!

Thank you so much for the work that went into my website! A+++++

i went ahead and ordered the SEO Advance package and to sum it up in one word : WOW!

this must be one of the best link building services available on this forum,
its not has been 24 hours since the completion of my order and my website already jumped from being last on page 6 to the middle of page 2 in his main keyword !! ( been stuck on page 6 for a few months now )
i could not have been more happy !

besides that liror was very friendly and answered all my questions in a very clear way , i got a very detail report of 240 pages with the all the links that had been created , the job itself was completed in less then 20 hours from the moment of order

thanks a lot liror for your great work ! i highly recommend this service - he price is a joke for what i got from it!

My Review

I purposely took a week to get back to him on this so I could verify SERP movement. First off the report comes in nice and neat and he got back to me with the report within I believe 48 hours, which is a great turnaround time.

I provided him with a main keyword as well as a secondary keyword. The main keyword linked to a subpage with a keyword rich and well written article that was posted a day or two prior to the review copy being done. So, it's fair to say that this was a genuinely fresh page. The keyword was low competition that receives around 40,000 searches a month. The secondary keyword, which linked back to my main site is a medium competition keyword that receives around 40,000 searches a month as well. The domain is fairly young too being registered for only 1 month and 20 days (as of this post). It's also a .US extension.

Now to the fun part...the results!

For my main keyword and URL I provided I am currently ranking 4th on Google, and was not ranking at all prior to this service.

For my secondary keyword and URL I provided I am currently ranking 12th on Google (about to hit the first page), and I had MASSIVE difficulty ranking for it before this. The closest I came was somewhere on the 8th page of results. I'd also like to mention the humongous traffic increase as well. I went from 30-40 unique visitors a day to averaging around 100-115.

This service helped me rank for a couple keywords that would have taken me forever to get to where they are now.

9/10 -- No one is perfect ;)

My review:

I placed an order a few days ago. I thought 2 days exactly. Got my report last a few hours. As usual, when i bought any SEO services, i'll check over the report, links and, etc. But this guy give me another things instead of the report. My site now Ranked #2 on google even i did not realized it. Just a few hours after the report delivered to my Inbox! My site is brand new site and previously, rank somewhere in page 4 or 5.

Thanks a lot! Recommend!

P/S: I only bought SEO Basic. I wonder what happend with using high end package for competitive keyword. Must be great!

I can totally recommend this service. I bought the basic package and got more work than promised.

In terms of results, I got page 3 on us google from nowhere, and page 1 position 4 on uk google from p2/pos3 for my top keyword

service delivered in 1 day and exceeded my expectations.


I took the seo basic for one of my websites and here is my review

1. Work done as promised and some additional seo & tips given. Very much appreciated.

2. Got the report in 36hrs which is awesome.

3. Promised to ping all the links slowly which is great.

4. Already i am seeing little movement but would wait for few days to see where the site settles down.

5. 130+ pages pdf report received which is very comprehensive and neat.


I was able to receive a review on this service and am very heppy that I did! I went in and checked every tier 1 backlink and they are all there. They are well placed for optimul link juice distribution. The tier 2 links are there to support the tier 1 links just as stated in the offer. He even kicked in a bonus of about 200 article links pointing toward the tier 1 links. All in all this service is excellent and will help your site jump up the serps and stay there!

The ranking updates are happening. 2 out of the 3 KWs have climbed from outside top-100 to top-20 and the third KW has climbed from outside top-100 to top-30. Excellent job.

I'm fairly new around here. I've bought many different kind of SEO related services from here, around the net, and anywhere I can find them. I don't do too many, most of them are too test and examine results. I'm trying to build a business so I have to make sure I don't get onto any kind of search engine block/downgrade list.

I #1 rankings in a few great keywords, but most don't yet bring much traffic. I anticipate future searches will be focused on these keywords. So I found a few keywords where I don't really rank but should and can generate some traffic.

I bought this system Sunday night and I believe it was completed Monday afternoon, which is completely awesome. Tuesday evening I found that I was on the first page with my selected keyword!

The article that was written and used in this setup was actually readable, which is nice.

I will definitely be using this service again and now I want to try a very competitive keyword.

I am really happy with the service provided. Not only were the links created as promised, but he went the extra mile and contacted me with some advice on my on page optimization also. Always good to have another set of eyes on a project.

I ordered Liror's service just over a week ago. I am in a very competitive niche so it's too early to expect results, but what I can say so far is that Liror really is an expert in this field. He is friendly, an excellent communicator and offers lots of help and advice along the way. I didn't pay him to give such advice (I'm sure some people would charge for this and give it in a less friendly manner than Liror) but he has helped a lot with on-page SEO. He really takes the time to look through your website and wants good results from the project as much as you do - certainly a great person to work with!

I used John's service and am very happy. I received a very detailed report with all the work done and everything looks good. I have seen some movement in the SERPs already as well. Some of the support blogs John created for the Basic Package are starting to rank as well which shows the power of the link structure.

Also John noticed a few technical issues with my site and pointed them out. He was even kind enough to write out exactly how I should go about fixing them. He is definitely a great guy to work with.

Overall I highly recommend this service to anyone who is considering it.

I have just used their $77 package and am very happy with it. Their service is VERY fast and the communication is superb, top professionals! Excellent value for money and therefore very highly recommended.

Excellent service, John was very prompt in answering any questions I had.

Normally I don't post a review, unless I see some benefit. In the first week have already seen some strong progress with some competitive keywords, will continue to monitor to see how far we go.

Thanks again John, and I will be sending more work your way.

Here are the different link building packages i Offer - please contact me if you are not sure about your website specific needs.

Order now and Get The Ranking you always Wanted !​

  • 1 high quality unique articles about your niche using your keywords and LSI.
  • Spinning the article to create thousands of different variations.
  • Creating 8 high quality blog sites – each one with 3 links to your website.
  • Social Bookmarking each of the web 2.0 blogs and your website.
  • 1000 Articles Posted to various blogs from our wide blog network around the web - each with 3 links pointing at your website and the web 2.0 sites.
  • at least 100 Live Articles (400 article Submissions) that had been posted to article directories – each with 2-3 links Pointing to your website and the web 2.0 blogs.
  • RSS Submissions – Everything – Web 2.0 blogs sites, bookmarking sites,article directories and blog network.
  • Pinging everything relentlessly until everything had been crawled.
  • Turnaround time - up to 48 hours max!
  • Full and detailed link report will be sent once the job is done.

Price: $77

After your payment - please shot me a pm with the fallowing :
- Payment id number
- Your main Site URL + 1 Main keyword + 1-3 Secondary keywords If you have
- Your E-mail and skype/msn/Gtalk

you can also send the info to [email protected]

  • 1 high quality unique articles about your niche using your keywords and LSI.
  • spinning the article to create thousands of different variations.
  • Creation of 16 high quality blog sites - each one with 3 links to your website.
  • Social Bookmarking each of the web 2.0 blogs and your website.
  • 2000 Articles Posted to various blogs from our wide blog network around the web - each with 3 links pointing at your website and the web 2.0 sites.
  • at least 200 Live Articles (800 article Submissions) that had been posted to article directories – each with 2-3 links Pointing to your website and the web 2.0 blogs.
  • RSS Submissions - Everything - Web 2.0 blogs sites, bookmarking sites,article directories and blog network.
  • Pinging everything relentlessly until everything had been crawled.
  • Turnaround time - up to 48 hours max!
  • Full and detailed link report will be sent once the job is done.
Price: $129

After your payment - please shot me a pm with the fallowing :
- Payment id number
- Your main Site URL + 1 Main keyword + 1-3 Secondary keywords If you have
- Your E-mail and skype/msn/Gtalk

you can also send the info to [email protected]

  • 2 high quality unique articles about your niche using your keywords and LSI.
  • Spinning the 2 articles to create thousands of different variations
  • Creation of 32 high quality web blog sites - each one with 3 links to your website.
  • Social Bookmarking each of the web 2.0 blogs and your website.
  • 4000 Articles Posted to various blogs from our wide blog network around the web - each with 3 links pointing at your website and the web 2.0 sites.
  • at least 400 Live Articles (1800 article Submissions) that had been posted to article directories – each with 2-3 links Pointing to your website and the web 2.0 blogs
  • RSS Submissions - Everything - Web 2.0 blogs sites, article directories , blog network and social bookmarking.
  • Pinging everything relentlessly until everything had been crawled.
  • Turnaround time - up to 72 hours max!
  • Full and detailed link report will be sent once the job is done.

Price: $209

After your payment - please shot me a pm with the fallowing :
- Payment id number
- Your main Site URL + 1 Main keyword + 1-3 Secondary keywords If you have
- Your E-mail and skype/msn/Gtalk

you can also send the info to [email protected]

  • 3 high quality unique articles about your niche using your keywords and LSI.
  • Spinning the 3 articles to create thousands of different variations
  • Creation of 48 high quality blog sites - each one with 3 links to your website.
  • Social Bookmarking each of the web 2.0 blogs and your website.
  • 6000 Articles Posted to various blogs from our wide blog network around the web - each with 3 links pointing at your website and the web 2.0 sites.
  • at least 600 Live Articles (2600 article Submissions) that had been posted to article directories – each with 2-3 links Pointing to your website and the web 2.0 blogs.
  • RSS Submissions - Everything - Web 2.0 blogs sites, article directories , blog network and social bookmarking
  • Pinging everything relentlessly until everything had been crawled
  • Turnaround time - up to 96 hours max!
  • Full and detailed link report will be sent once the job is done.
Price: $295

After your payment - please shot me a pm with the fallowing :
- Payment id number
- Your main Site URL + 1 Main keyword + 1-3 Secondary keywords If you have
- Your E-mail and skype/msn/Gtalk

you can also send the info to [email protected]


1. Will i get a report for the links that has been created ?

You will receive a very detailed report of every link that had been created - the report will contain the following details :

1. All the Web 2.0 support blogs URLs
2. Bookmarking URL's
3. all the live articles from article directories
4. All the URL's of the articles that has been posted on the blog network

2. whats the Turnaround time ?

We are quick ! we are working 24/7 and we never rest , this is why we are offering the fastest turnaround time in the industry !
Starter/Basic packages up to 48 hours
Advance package up to 72 hours
Pro Package up to 96 hours.

Bare in mind - the above are the maximum we guarantee - we usually deliver faster .

3. What is spin content ?

It works by rewriting existing articles, or parts of articles, and replacing elements to provide different perspective on the topic. rewriting can change the meaning of a sentence through the use of words with similar but subtly different meaning to the original. For example, the word “picture” could be replaced by the word “image” or “photo”.This ensures that a large percentage of words are different from the original article. ( taken from wikipedia)

4. Is there any risk with this kind of link building ?

absolutely not ! while you can see on this forum and outer places link services that offer links that are coming from forum spam or blog comments spam - we don't use any of those methods - the only links we provide are coming from contextual sources with relevant content that is related to your niche.
another thing that makes us different is the way the links we create are being discover, we drip and ping the links we create slowly in a certain method , that way we make sure that the link building process will look natural in the eyes of the search engines.

4. Can you also provide some on-page SEO tips ? will i have to pay extra for that ?

this is something we always do for our clients , while working on the project we examine the website on-page SEO factors and give helpful tips and a list of things that needs to be change/add - we do it free of charge as a part of our service.

5. Can I resell this package?

Yes -If you're doing offline consulting or doing SEO for small businesses, we will gladly help you.

6. How can I contact you?

You can contact me any time - for any question or anything at all ,
skype: liror82
email: [email protected]
contact form on Contact Us | Affordable SEO Services - SEOXP
or simlpy by going to and click on the live chat support on the left side of the site.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hi, I just send you a PM. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
I ordered Liror's service just over a week ago. I am in a very competitive niche so it's too early to expect results, but what I can say so far is that Liror really is an expert in this field. He is friendly, an excellent communicator and offers lots of help and advice along the way. I didn't pay him to give such advice (I'm sure some people would charge for this and give it in a less friendly manner than Liror) but he has helped a lot with on-page SEO. He really takes the time to look through your website and wants good results from the project as much as you do - certainly a great person to work with!
I ordered Liror's service just over a week ago. I am in a very competitive niche so it's too early to expect results, but what I can say so far is that Liror really is an expert in this field. He is friendly, an excellent communicator and offers lots of help and advice along the way. I didn't pay him to give such advice (I'm sure some people would charge for this and give it in a less friendly manner than Liror) but he has helped a lot with on-page SEO. He really takes the time to look through your website and wants good results from the project as much as you do - certainly a great person to work with!

Thank you @n00b1 ! pleasure working with you
So you will write the article?
So you will write the article?

@djdeth - Thanks for your question
Yes - we do all the work - including content creation.
Just a quick post to say I'm happy with the service I received; the report is comprehensive and the articles are well written. John also gave me some advice on how to improve my on-page SEO which has been helpful.

Just a quick post to say I'm happy with the service I received; the report is comprehensive and the articles are well written. John also gave me some advice on how to improve my on-page SEO which has been helpful.


Thanks thepurplecow - i enjoyed working with you!:)
Hello does your report include the logins and passwords of the accounts created?
Interested in Seo Starter and will placed order soon.
Hello does your report include the logins and passwords of the accounts created?

sorry for the late reply , i have not noticed your post , per your request we will include login/password info to the accounts

Interested in Seo Starter and will placed order soon.

Thanks Amma , let me know if have any questions
Hi John,

just placed my order, looking forward to the help and advice.

Cheers - Chris
placed my order and received the complete PDF files about 26 hours later, very fast turn around and great communications with John,

havent seen a boost yet but it is a little early, so far things are looking good though, if anyone is looking for SEO work, try John, sure there are cheaper solutions out there, but sometimes you get what you pay for, with John you get that and more.

thanks for all the help John, i'll post some results in a week or 2.
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