
discuss Brand name testing for Anonymous Smart Search aggregator

Spaceship Spaceship

Which names do you prefer for an Anonymous Smart Search engine?

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: Epik Founder
Epik has been developing a series of new platforms including Anonymize.com, Armored.net, Us.Tv, Watchmask.com, and more on the way.

Recently, Epik has been developing an Anonymous Smart Search aggregator. This new brand is intended to power an alternative to Google.com, Bing.com and DuckDuckGo as a domainer-friendly and censorship-light search engine. You can see a preview here. We have also been inviting name suggestions here.

This is a poll of a reduced set of submitted candidates to screen for the top-4 to be poll-tested outside of NamePros to select the finalist.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I feel it would be useful to note that Google was not a verb when it was launched. The sentiment of looking for a verb for a search engine is reasonable, but I feel becoming a verb is a decision made by your marketplace.
Google wasn't used as a verb when it launched .. but made up word "Google" was verbable when they launched .. meaning that from day one there was the phonetic and linguistic structure for it potentially to be used as a word. (Not sure if that was deliberate or not ... likely not and just random luck .. but it definitely helped at least a small bit)

It is really a great name. But the pronunciation is like Diet?
Again .. no .. pretty sure what he means is just that the "iet" portion of Siet is pronounced like the "iet" portion of Diet. Effectively Diet is pronounced die-it .. and Siet is pronounced sigh-it (Where the green portions are phonetically identical)
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It is really a great name. But the pronunciation is like Diet?

I just don't siet.

As @Ategy.com kindly explained above, what I meant is that the ending -iet is pronounced the same way as in d-iet, qu-iet.

But, you, as a brand, could choose to have it pronounced as -iet in Harriet, for example.
I highly recommend you actually don't do that ... the more you give feedback the more people have have a clearer picture of what you do and don't want .. you'll get significantly better and more targeted results if you add your thoughts and comments.

It's for technical reasons like this where I'd think your best bet would be to have your team also participate in the selection process .. because at some point depending on the domains and the voters, you're going to end up with a name with more votes that is not the optimal choice .. and possibly not even a good choice.

For example .. if your budget would have been $5k on this contest, the clear winner here would have been one with a negative "De" context to non-technical end-users .. Decrawl! Did you notice how it went from 2nd place to a distant 3rd after I had you clarify who the end user target audience is?

I think what @Recons.Com means is that while the S and D are different, the "iet" is Siet is pronounced the same way as the "iet" is Diet.
Got it. When he said pronounced as diet I took it literal thinking it was a word from another language that is pronounced different.
ok ok, why don't I intervene here, if we want the Answer , why dont we just ASK SITE !! cough cough.;)

ps: I'm biased. and yes i see the need for TM research with the proposed use.
Hi Rob,

Out of your poll, SearchIt is very appealing and interestingly enough many people already say "Search it" like they say "Google it" or "I'll just google it." It is generic but everyone knows instantly what it is without having to explain it.

I hope your product is more than just a upgraded version of Searx. The internet desperately needs an alternative to Google and Bing. Duck is isn't bad but there things lacking from it. Ideally there would be 3 or more large search engines in addition to Google and Bing and one company wouldn't have 95% of the search market. One company should never have 75%+ control of any industry but unfortunately we are there today with search.

I've been researching on building a search product for about 6 months now. It's a pretty complicated puzzle but if you throw a few smart people at it and logically design your backend you can make a not bad product pretty quickly while making adjustments over time to make something even better. Traditionally one of the biggest hurdles was hard drive speed but with SSDs dropping at a great pace it is making that part of the puzzle a little bit easier. Another hurdle is crawling and many companies like Quora and Yelp blocking all crawlers except for the big boys. That part will involve pleading, hoping, and/or licensing.

The internet is littered with so many search engines that have come, seem promising, and then die out. Even with that though it still feels like something that can be achieved. For myself the search project is part time here and there while I finish up my more pressing projects.
guarding your privacy

I worked on this project for a couple of hours and handregged this name based on the criteria given. It's a very memorable alliteration that I think works perfectly for the Millennial and Centennial generations that I believe would be using a private type of search engine.

  1. attempt to find (something).
    "they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds"
    • attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something).
      "the new regime sought his extradition"
    • ask for (something) from someone.
      "he sought help from the police"

  1. a soldier stationed to keep guard or to control access to a place.
    "sentries patrolled the border"
    synonyms: guard, sentinel, lookout, watch, watchman, patrol, picket;

i like to throw in:

insy . com

in (incognito, inside, in, etc) sy (system, sync, etc)
Rob said to post one of my many names as a late entry.


Ye - pronoun

Ye is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for you when you are talking to more than one person. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. 2. determiner. Ye is sometimes used in imitation of an old written form of the word 'the.'

Ye definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

yea; yes
Anglicized version of the 42nd most common Chinese surname.

It has 5.9 million results in Google.

Sounds cool similar to "Hear Ye, Hear Ye" when an important announcement was given in movies from older times.

Also based on this "Ye is sometimes used in imitation of an old written form of the word 'the.'"

This name would mean...

Surf The Dot Com
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Hi Rob,

Out of your poll, SearchIt is very appealing and interestingly enough many people already say "Search it" like they say "Google it" or "I'll just google it." It is generic but everyone knows instantly what it is without having to explain it.

I hope your product is more than just a upgraded version of Searx. The internet desperately needs an alternative to Google and Bing. Duck is isn't bad but there things lacking from it. Ideally there would be 3 or more large search engines in addition to Google and Bing and one company wouldn't have 95% of the search market. One company should never have 75%+ control of any industry but unfortunately we are there today with search.

I've been researching on building a search product for about 6 months now. It's a pretty complicated puzzle but if you throw a few smart people at it and logically design your backend you can make a not bad product pretty quickly while making adjustments over time to make something even better. Traditionally one of the biggest hurdles was hard drive speed but with SSDs dropping at a great pace it is making that part of the puzzle a little bit easier. Another hurdle is crawling and many companies like Quora and Yelp blocking all crawlers except for the big boys. That part will involve pleading, hoping, and/or licensing.

The internet is littered with so many search engines that have come, seem promising, and then die out. Even with that though it still feels like something that can be achieved. For myself the search project is part time here and there while I finish up my more pressing projects.

Thanks @namey.

As with Epik.com, we have to start somewhere. We put a stake in the ground and start listening, improving, developing, hiring, and acquiring. Theoretical search superiority versus Google will be hard to achieve, however, what is not hard to achieve is overall product superiority because people recognize the tradeoff of loss of privacy and of censorship with the current solutions.

We did stage a very basic V1 building on open source, and people are using it and liking it. That is what gave me confidence to kick off a skunkworks project to develop a privacy-first search engine that does not censor by default. You can see some early feedback even from today here:


We were not really ready to launch this product but someone asked the question about alternatives to DuckDuckGo because people were realizing that DDG was just a Bing API and that DDG had bought Duck.com from Google. It all sounded too Silicon Valley and for those of us who are trying wean off of that, this presented a challenge.

We are absolutely looking for smart folks who want to add value to the plan so if that is you just PM me with what you can bring to the table and we'll see where there is common ground. One thing is sure and that is that I am not writing any of this code. I am empowering technologists with time, talent and treasure to do cool things! If the market finds it useful, and resources permit, we'll keep making it better.
Wonderful set of insights by @Ategy.com . Good branding lessons for everyone.

A couple of more things for Epik to consider.

1) Usage of the overall EPIK brand. Are the individual products WatchMask, FullVenue, SearchEngine going to operate as separate entities without any link to Brand Epik ? OR They will relate to brand Epik in someway.
Example " Consider Microsoft : It has Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Surface, etc. Note the second word in case of associated branding is close to a real word and functionally describes the product. In such case better to have a name describing "search" rather than made-up brandables. But if its a separate entity you can also consider new made-up words for unique branding.

2) What key feature would you want the name to highlight ? Is it Anonymous Private Search ? Is it search aggregator ? Is it the detailed search results from blockchain domains ? OR Do you want to keep a safe branding that says its just search ?

3) Trademark
With strict Intellectual property laws, it is better to get registered trademark for the name. One important step for that is to avoid names with existing products and operating domains. A trademark legal expert can guide more in the direction.

All the Best with the ventures


On (1), I commented on that topic here:


It was prompted by a @Kassey Lee.

On (2), the theme is really centered around knowledge empowerment. If you give people the opportunity to search without fear of surveillance, and with the option of getting all the answers, you empower them to find truth. The higher order benefit of this project is knowledge, wisdom and truth.

On (3), I agree there.
On (2), the theme is really centered around knowledge empowerment. If you give people the opportunity to search without fear of surveillance, and with the option of getting all the answers, you empower them to find truth. The higher order benefit of this project is knowledge, wisdom and truth.

It's an unviable naming process. All you have to do is create a new listing/poll. Making sense of a confusing suggested word/s (domain names) haven’t taken us on the required journey. Centripetal or Centrifugal?

And the winner is .... TOKI.COM

We ended up spending a lot more than we intended. However, we think the brand name has great potential. We are excited to put the domain to work.

The seller is on NamePros, but the terms are confidential per the seller's request.

Toki wil start as search but will become increasingly intelligent and transactional -- there will be no ads, but there will be convenient integrations to search, connect and transact

We have hired a highly regarded anime designer to create the Toki avatar. What should you know about Toki?

Well, Toki means "rabbit" in Korean. Apparently every Korean kid knows the Toki song about the rabbit.

Our version of Toki is going to be a little more sophisticated. Toki is:

- Smart
- Fiercely loyal
- Fearless truthseeker
- Good with money
- Always on time
- Discreet, i.e. can keep a secret
-Social and friendly
- Has a great memory
- Knows her way around
- Always has a backup plan

The logic behind this will become more apparent later! :)

Thanks to everyone for the input, especially @Ategy.com who was particularly engaged in figuring this out.

The main team involved from Epik on this project are @Taylor Ervin @Ala Dadan and @Miao.
Our version of Toki is going to be a little more sophisticated. Toki is:

- Smart
- Fiercely loyal
- Fearless truthseeker
- Good with money
- Always on time
- Discreet, i.e. can keep a secret
-Social and friendly
- Has a great memory
- Knows her way around
- Always has a backup plan

This sounds a lot like someone we all know at Epik. :xf.wink:

If you want to go with an animated avatar, then Toki makes good sense.
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Good investment domain also, always have solid liquid value.
This sounds a lot like someone we all know at Epik. :xf.wink:

If you want to go with an animated avatar, then Toki makes good sense.

I wrote it a bit like a dating profile but it could just as soon have been a Pokemon card. The girl sounds a bit lot like a perfect wife -- see Proverbs 31 for that specification. :)

I actually wrote out the high level plan for Toki in one 45 minute brainstorm session yesterday. I am sure we'll share some details as they get fleshed out.
Happy for you and also for me (for voting Toki). Toki in Japanese is 時 (time) which is a precious commodity.
Happy for you and also for me (for voting Toki). Toki in Japanese is 時 (time) which is a precious commodity.

That is just awesome.

The whole thesis of Toki is to be a productivity tool -- to get you the solution to your problem in a way that is personally relevant without betraying your trust or privacy.
That is just awesome.

The whole thesis of Toki is to be a productivity tool -- to get you the solution to your problem in a way that is personally relevant without betraying your trust or privacy.

I am sure it means many things in many languages.

E.g., in Russian, it means "currents"
Congratulations to Toki.com , @Rob Monster and Team at Epik. Its a wonderful name with high branding potential. You can pivot and develop the product and brand as you like. Yes a character based name adds a lot of personal connection too.

All The Best :)
Congratulations to Toki.com , @Rob Monster and Team at Epik. Its a wonderful name with high branding potential. You can pivot and develop the product and brand as you like. Yes a character based name adds a lot of personal connection too.

All The Best :)

Right. If we fail terribly, some vape or cannabis company will want it.... Seriously though, I like our odds. I will share as we go along. This feels like a winner.
I just typed the word 'Branding' in toki and then filtered the results to see the last 1 month updated data then exported it to csv format, opened it in ms-excel and alas! I now have latest top 26 unbiased resource to refer including some videos on the topic of 'Branding'. Thanks rob.
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