
Any 'big ticket' affiliate program?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I have several small ticket affiliate programs going well.

What I would love to find is a big ticket affiliate program, something that pays $500 to $1000 or more commission. Perhaps a luxury item or business to business type thing. Fewer sales but a big payout.

Anyone know of any programs like this?


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I have good luck on a few products in the $1,000-$2,000 range with a minimum 7.5% commission rate (5% program min, 7.5% for direct clicks min). Amazon sells items all over the place.
I haven't had any success with amazon yet :(
To get the ball rolling, you can always try using adwords (googlecash)
You can try selling big ticket items from Amazon. But it's much harder to make a sale since people are less likely to buy on impulse on big ticket items. They can follow a link from your site to a $2000 GPS system pn Amazon one day and return to Amazon to buy it a few days later. Even though the link on your site was partly responsible for the sale, you make nothing! For a $20 DVD, on the other hand, they're much less likely to do comparison shopping and are more liklely to buy directly through the link from your site.
Although I have a small affiliate program, the dings, when they come are fairly substantial. I sell tarps, and specialise in oversized tarps, for field covers, etc. I sell baseball field covers, football field covers, RV covers, etc. Additionally, thanks to picking up recently, I am launching a second site for my program soon, which will include, obviously, canvas tarps, which are expensive.

My largest affiliate based sale last year was $3,500 for a baseball field cover I sold to a minor league baseball team. I'm right in the middle of baseball season, and am selling a lot of the 100x100 imported tarps for little league and high school fields.

If you are interested, go to , and look to join the program for there. Cookies are set to never expire, commission is 12%, I allow multiple purchases from the same customer, I track phone calls and emails back to affiliate sites, and I do not allow parasites into the program.

p.s. - One nice thing about joining my program, there is a real limit as to where people can go to pick up 100x100 tarps, in stock. We have dozens of them just sitting here, waiting to ship next day. So, once they find us, even if they look around at other stores, they often come back because our prices are great and we actually have the item ready to ship.
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Thank you RogueWriter, I will take a look at your program and may be in touch,


Same here Rogue, sounds like a nice setup :sold:

RogueWriter said:
Although I have a small affiliate program, the dings, when they come are fairly substantial. I sell tarps, and specialise in oversized tarps, for field covers, etc. I sell baseball field covers, football field covers, RV covers, etc. Additionally, thanks to picking up recently, I am launching a second site for my program soon, which will include, obviously, canvas tarps, which are expensive.

My largest affiliate based sale last year was $3,500 for a baseball field cover I sold to a minor league baseball team. I'm right in the middle of baseball season, and am selling a lot of the 100x100 imported tarps for little league and high school fields.

If you are interested, go to , and look to join the program for there. Cookies are set to never expire, commission is 12%, I allow multiple purchases from the same customer, I track phone calls and emails back to affiliate sites, and I do not allow parasites into the program.

p.s. - One nice thing about joining my program, there is a real limit as to where people can go to pick up 100x100 tarps, in stock. We have dozens of them just sitting here, waiting to ship next day. So, once they find us, even if they look around at other stores, they often come back because our prices are great and we actually have the item ready to ship.
Great, let me know if you need any help with keywords, etc.... fall is the biggest time for tarp sales, everyone starts covering things up, so there's lots of time to develop something.
Rogue, I sent you a PM....
Affiliate Programs

Thanks for the info. Any other programs out there? Newbie to this stuff but find it really interesting.
Answered your PM, let me know if I can help.........
But it's much harder to make a sale since people are less likely to buy on impulse on big ticket items.

Excellent point to consider.
Sold $1,720 worth of tarps today, an affiliate out there just made a 12% commission off of it...........
How do you get people to come to your site? What type of "devices" do you use? Thanks.
Hey Chris - Im not sure if you ever considered Gambling offers - but we have big ticket Gambling offers at $280 payouts in our network to standard affiliates, with room for more for high volume. We also have a life insurance offer with a payout pretty close to there.

The network is - let me know if you need anything.
Thanks a lot,
Hi Guys:

I will soon be in discussions with a local mortgage broker. I think he will be willing to pay 1% for referrals for mortgage/refi deals.
I live here in Silicon Valley, so 1% will often be at least $5K to me.
In other places, it will still be very attractive.

Just food for thought about trying to do the larger ticket sales.

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