
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 7:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 988,502
United States: 207,540
Brazil: 139,883
South Africa: 16,283
United Kingdom: 41,902
Canada: 9,249
Mexico: 75,439
Russia: 20,056
India: 92,347
Bolivia: 7,765
Japan : 1,520
Indonesia: 10,218
Italy: 35,781
Spain: 31,118
Belgium: 9,965
France: 31,511
Netherlands: 6,312
Chile: 12,469
Philippines: 5,196

Significant new infections reported in the countries below in the last 24 hours.

Russia: 7,212
India: 6,957
Mexico: 5,408
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"One dog, an eight-year-old greyhound mix named Kossi, was taught to detect the scent in a mere seven minutes."

Yes, they can get a response rather quickly on virtually any scent (covid19, cancer, TNT, cocaine, fruit, etc.) but to get a dog certified for agency use takes anywhere from 2-3 months. Before training can begin, the training facility has to get certification and clearance to handle the substance that the dog(s) are being trained to detect.
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We're closing in on 1 million...

Not to diminish the impact this pandemic has had on the world and on certain countries in particular, but in terms of total numbers, it still pales in comparison to the Black Death (1347-51) when Earth population was only about 475 million, 75-200 million people died :dead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death
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The US just topped more than 7 million coronavirus cases as 23 states report rising numbers

(CNN)The United States reached another grim milestone on Friday, surpassing 7 million confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

It was January 22 when the first case of Covid-19 was recorded by Johns Hopkins. Now, eight months and more than 203,000 deaths later, the US has 7,005,746 cases.

Here's how long it took the country to reach this point:
• It took 98 days to hit 1 million cases on April 28.
• It took 44 days to reach 2 million cases on June 11.
• It was another 27 days before the US surpassed 3 million cases on July 8.
• It took just 15 more days for the US to hit 4 million cases on July 23.
• After another 17 days, the US hit 5 million cases on August 9.
• It took 22 days to hit 6 million cases on August 31.
• And it took 25 more days to hit 7 million cases on Friday, September 25.

Johnson and Johnson vaccine produced strong immune response, early results say

The study was posted on MedRxiv, but it has not been peer-reviewed or published in a medical journal yet.

The researchers found that 99% of the participants age 18 to 55 in both dose groups had developed antibodies against the virus 29 days after getting vaccinated. The analysis found that most of the side effects, like fever, headache, fatigue, body aches and injection-site pain, were mild and resolved after a couple of days.
We're closing in on 1 million...

Not to diminish the impact this pandemic has had on the world and on certain countries in particular, but in terms of total numbers, it still pales in comparison to the Black Death (1347-51) when Earth population was only about 475 million, 75-200 million people died :dead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death

Obviously the Black Death had a very high mortality rate and by your figures infected roughly 30% of the worlds population. That would equate to roughly 2-2.5 billion infections today, whereas we currently have had roughly 33 million infections. Using current projections, how long would it take to reach a similar global infection rate?

UPDATE: I found this article on Nature.com from 5th August 2020 that has some interesting predictions for the near future.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 994,383
United States: 208,483
Brazil: 140,709
South Africa: 16,312
United Kingdom: 41,936
Canada: 9,255
Mexico: 75,844
Russia: 20,225
India: 93,440
Bolivia: 7,800
Japan : 1,532
Indonesia: 10,308
Italy: 35,801
Spain: 31,232
Belgium: 9,969
France: 31,661
Netherlands: 6,366
Chile: 12,527
Philippines: 5,284

Significant new infections reported in the countries below in the last 24 hours.

Russia: 7,523
India: 7,177
Mexico: 5,401
Is there an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on male fertility? The ACE2 connection

The viral pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), generated by a novel mutated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), has become a serious worldwide public health emergency, evolving exponentially. While the main organ targeted in this disease is the lungs, other vital organs, such as the heart and kidney, may be implicated. The main host receptor of the SARS-CoV-2 is angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a major component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The ACE2 is also involved in testicular male regulation of steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. As the SARS-CoV-2 may have the potential to infect the testis via ACE2 and adversely affect male reproductive system, it is essential to commence with targeted studies to learn from the current pandemic, with the possibility of preemptive intervention, depending on the findings and time course of the continuing pandemic.

Is there an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on male fertility? The ACE2 connection

The viral pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), generated by a novel mutated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), has become a serious worldwide public health emergency, evolving exponentially. While the main organ targeted in this disease is the lungs, other vital organs, such as the heart and kidney, may be implicated. The main host receptor of the SARS-CoV-2 is angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a major component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The ACE2 is also involved in testicular male regulation of steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. As the SARS-CoV-2 may have the potential to infect the testis via ACE2 and adversely affect male reproductive system, it is essential to commence with targeted studies to learn from the current pandemic, with the possibility of preemptive intervention, depending on the findings and time course of the continuing pandemic.

This brings to mind the dystopian sf film Çhildren of Men (2006) where the world-wide birth rate mysteriously drops to zero for 18 years.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 999,415
United States: 209,177
Brazil: 141,441
South Africa: 16,376
United Kingdom: 41,971
Canada: 9,262
Mexico: 76,243
Russia: 20,324
India: 94,559
Bolivia: 7,828
Japan : 1,540
Indonesia: 10,386
Italy: 35,818
Spain: 31,232
Belgium: 9,974
France: 31,700
Netherlands: 6,366
Chile: 12,591
Philippines: 5,344

Significant new infections reported in the countries below in the last 24 hours.

Russia: 7,867
India: 6,242
Mexico: 5,573
Fewer than 10% in the US have antibodies to the novel coronavirus

"This research clearly confirms that despite high rates of COVID-19 in the United States, the number of people with antibodies is still low and we haven't come close to achieving herd immunity. Until an effective vaccine is approved, we need to make sure our more vulnerable populations are reached with prevention measures," study author Dr. Julie Parsonnet, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, said in a statement.
Many in the West lack the essential ingredient - germs. Germs from the soil in particular, that get transferred into the plants we eat and up the food chain. The closer we are to the land, and through biosequestration, would assist our bodies' natural immunity. Everything's too sanitized, that's a bunch of bull, not the BS that we actually need. A good flick just released on Netflix, "Kiss the Ground" explains how natural soil amendment can save the planet from Climate Change - and the farther we are disconnected from it, the less of the good biotics we receive in our diet to build natural immunity. I was looking at the data, it seems there may be truth to that if you look at which countries are most affected in the West (India is another story - high population density).

Vir = green, lover, virtuous (latin) vir + us? It's a full circle, c'mon NP's you get the picture :xf.wink:
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Many in the West lack the essential ingredient - germs. Germs from the soil in particular, that get transferred into the plants we eat and up the food chain. The closer we are to the land, and through biosequestration, would assist our bodies' natural immunity.
While I agree, that does not have anything to do with covid-19.
Germs doesn't necessary need to be in the food, to get a good immune system. The nature is very wise, and that's why little childs always touch everything they see and get it right to their mouth. That's how we build a strong immune system for the rest of our lifes, from our child "tasting" phase.
It's quite proven that if you move into a too much clean environment when you are a child, your chances to get a quite serious auto-immune disease in future will increase very much. And auto-immune diseases are the worst, because it's your own body, who attacks you.
But again, that does not have nothing to do with covid-19. This virus attacks elder people, and younger people with one or more additional health issues, like morbid obesity, diabetes, circulatory system issues, and many other additional issues.
If you have one or more of those additional issues, or you are over 70-75, you can get in a big trouble if covid-19 finds you.
While building a strong immune system from child phase is super important, saying that just with a strong immune system you will be safe from covid-19 is just not correct.
Any news on
Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc with Azithromycin or Doxycycline ?

Glad asked!!

ClinicalTrials: NCT04370782
Cant wait for apologies after proven right;
Never saw medicine politicized;
Thanks to all the crybabies;
FDA emergency clearance was revoked.
No matter. See you after Phase IV success :)
Keep these dates in mind;
Est. Primary Completion Date : Sept 30, 2020
Est. Study Completion Date : Dec 31, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc With Either Azithromycin or Doxycycline for Treatment of COVID-19.PNG
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Any news on
Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc with Azithromycin or Doxycycline ?

Glad asked!!

ClinicalTrials: NCT04370782
Cant wait for apologies after proven right;
Never saw medicine politicized;
Thanks to all the crybabies;
FDA emergency clearance was revoked.
No matter. See you after Phase IV success :)
Keep these dates in mind;
Est. Primary Completion Date : Sept 30, 2020
Est. Study Completion Date : Dec 31, 2020
Show attachment 168601

What exactly were you promoting back then, so it can be compared to the trial being done.

Fewer than 10% in the US have antibodies to the novel coronavirus

"This research clearly confirms that despite high rates of COVID-19 in the United States, the number of people with antibodies is still low and we haven't come close to achieving herd immunity. Until an effective vaccine is approved, we need to make sure our more vulnerable populations are reached with prevention measures," study author Dr. Julie Parsonnet, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, said in a statement.

I don't understand why they are still talking about herd immunity given that current studies have shown antibodies are only present for about 2-3 months. My understanding is that herd immunity is impossible under this scenario where people can be re-infected.
What exactly were you promoting back then, so it can be compared to the trial being done.


i just want Trump to be right;
Everyone mocked him for promoting cheap anti-malaria medication used for a long time.

And social media giants suspend any promote Promoting official trial. Also optimistic of results
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1,000,000+ dead...the loved ones and those that died can take comfort in the fact it is 'just the flu'.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,003,105
United States: 209,454
Brazil: 141,776
South Africa: 16,398
United Kingdom: 41,988
Canada: 9,268
Mexico: 76,430
Russia: 20,385
India: 95,606
Bolivia: 7,858
Japan : 1,545
Indonesia: 10,473
Italy: 35,835
Spain: 31,232
Belgium: 9,980
France: 31,727
Netherlands: 6,380
Chile: 12,641
Philippines: 5,381

Significant new infections reported in the countries below in the last 24 hours.

Russia: 8,135
India: 6,002
Iraq: 4,116
Australian firm says its nasal spray reduced coronavirus growth in animal study

A study on ferrets showed the product dubbed INNA-051, which could be used complementary to vaccines, lowered the levels of the virus that causes COVID-19 by up to 96%, the company said. The study was led by British government agency Public Health England.

Ena Respiratory said it would be ready to test INNA-051 in human trials in less than four months, subject to successful toxicity studies and regulatory approval.
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