
Your information on NamePros

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Help GuidesEstablished Member
Accessing your information on NamePros

We provide you with direct access to a secure account area with multiple pages to view and manage your personal data that you have provided us for your account.

You also may contact us anytime to request access to your personal information that is attached to your account, which will not include your messages or posts on NamePros, because those can be composed of just about anything (e.g., images), and we do not know which ones contain personal information about you.

Controlling your information on NamePros

Information that you have provided on NamePros relating to your personal identity may be removed (emptied or changed to something else). However, restrictions may apply and certain types of information cannot be modified for security reasons and the reasons outlined in our privacy policy.

Solutions available:
  1. You may request to change your username (free) from your real name to any alias, which will update the username on all of your past posts to an alias.

  2. You may remove or update the information about you on the following pages:
  3. You may control which non-staff members (if any) can access information about you:
  4. You may control which non-staff members (if any) can start conversations with you NamePros:
  5. You may control which notifications you receive from NamePros:
  6. You may request to close your account at any time.

Everything else

We have a privacy policy to help you, which is concise (balanced with being specific for clarity and transparency), easy to understand, and easily accessible at the following public page:

Here are some related help articles:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
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