
information Why buying Libra names is NOT a good idea....

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it's a mysteryTop Member
I might get burned for this, but this is my opinion and if you don't like it well just let me know

For anyone on the Libra is a constellation or old Roman weight bandwagon and it is all fine and dandy to register Libra names for resale because it's a generic word you have entirely missed the point.

You have registered these names to try and sell to companies who will be working in the same space as them, I mean way over 1000 plus registrations within a week AFTER the Facebook announcement.

Are people are going to plead ignorance to this and say I got this name for a sky mapping project or I am a big fan of Roman weights? Come on, you don't become a multi billion pound company by not aggressively defending your Brand.

Also Facebook have acquired trademarks which predate their announcement....... just in case you grabbed some names before then.....

The Korean Intellectual Property Office rejected Facebook's application on the 9th May for Libra as there were already 4 trademarks in use within South Korea.

"Industries which KIPO cited as being pre-registered include:
-management of investment portfolios
-online financial planning service, data tracking of cryptocurrency transactions for accounting surveillance and monitoring agency service
-online project development management service and support service for others’ startups."

On top of the above LG also had a trademark for Libra watch which was cited as well.

"The Libra trademark had also belonged to other companies in the United States, but Facebook acquired the rights to the trademark in the U.S. from those other companies."

So if Facebook can not Trademark it's own currency name in a country what do think the chances are that any other company working in this space will want to buy these names and face getting sued?

This does not even include all the Trademarks for Libra in other sectors.......There are 458 active "Libra" trademarks, 61 pending and 372 are inactive according to the WIPO global brand database.

I am personally glad not to be involved in this space, I did have a day or 2 of thinking about grabbing some names but decided it would not be worth the risks......

Right, that is my mini rant, lecture, release however you want to see it over.......could do with a beer now.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
ok so why could that not happen with libra? just saying

  • Magellan abandoned their trademark application as a result of the public outcry when the Bitcoin community found out about the trademark application
Practically speaking, that means that Magellan, if they had been successful, would have had the trademark on essentially any use of the Bitcoin network, since Bitcoin is essentially a virtual currency used by members of an online community via a global network. Thinking about the current cryptocurrency space, who provides this virtual currency? Wallets, exchanges, miners, and so on. You can see why this would be a big deal.
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ok so why could that not happen with libra? just saying

  • Magellan abandoned their trademark application as a result of the public outcry when the Bitcoin community found out about the trademark application

Well anything is possible. Look I would never want another domainer to not make money, so I hope Libra does surprise all of us skeptics.

But the truth is as it stands it is a huge risk.

Good luck(y)
Well anything is possible. Look I would never want another domainer to not make money, so I hope Libra does surprise all of us skeptics.

But the truth is as it stands it is a huge risk.

Good luck(y)
the truth as it stands in YOUR mind u should add btw.
Opinions will always differ. Investment involves some elements of risk.

In this case reg fee is not necessarily too much to for go if TM issue arises for some people.

I remember the Netsol promo. A lot was said to discourage people from taking advantage of it. Some stayed away, others looked the assumed risks in the face and jumped in. Today if you go through the completed sales thread, you will see over a 100 domains sold over $$$$ that was regged on that Netsol promo.

So let each person follow his/her level of risk tolerance, but don't try to pull down anyone that has a different opinion. However, sending out advice based on verifiable information should be welcomed.
Time will answer all our doubts.
Good title.


To be good in domains/ successful domainer, you wouldn't fall at such a rudimentary hurdle as spending time on that (i.e. registering Libra domains)
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dont reg LBR domains as its already a crypto symbol for Labor crypto
i registered
Hey...fraudbook mark zuckbucks,
please come after me
i am using ur tm
Personally, I am not concerned, the word is a very generic term.

My issue with Libra domains is not the trade mark as that, to me, is a no issue. My own concern is on salability of these names, which I think is going to be near impossible. Why?

Bitcoin is the Cryptocurrency that is capable of attracting reasonable sales on it's own. Others has to merge under the general name "Crypto". So I don't see any business in registering thousands of these names, not even hundreds.

Domainers are generally delusional and naive. That's what Registrars feed on.
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I might get burned for this....


but you are correct
who will be able to create a legal business with these names?
and benefit from the hype.

not an easy task
Registering Libra domains is such a pleb thing to do.
well ive taken worse bets in life. :ROFL:
i registered

Taking this $8.47 bet is not going to kill me

it’s just for fun...

It’s not always about re-selling the domain

you can always create a website on that domain and make lots of money
Libra is safe, no probs at all, Calibra is different story.
If Facebook want to protect his brand they need to acquire all 458 active "Libra" trademarks, 61 pending and 372 inactive TMs. That is not possible. Now, if someone who already have TM Libra want to fuck Facebook he can because he's TM is first.
Libra is safe, no probs at all, Calibra is different story.
If Facebook want to protect his brand they need to acquire all 458 active "Libra" trademarks, 61 pending and 372 inactive TMs. That is not possible. Now, if someone who already have TM Libra want to f*ck Facebook he can because he's TM is first.

due diligence, my friend
Not my sale. 👀
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Even I feel a little bit off now as Libra might not be the next big hit.

I registered TheLibraTalk (com/net/org) and now I am selling it for a reasonable price (not low ballers) as I feel unless someone grabs the early market only then can dominate afterwards.
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